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Thread: Your own vulnerable or PoLR expression

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    Default Your own vulnerable or PoLR expression

    In this thread, i invite members to post anything about it, how it operates in you.

    • You can post why you think you have it ala theory
    • Or, why you think you have a lesser variant of it, because: (......)
    • Or, i don't have it, because i work around it with my Ti......(thrown in example)
    • How interrelations in intertype work through it

    *The sky's the limit*

    I'll start it off with Se PoLR:

    To LII or EII, how do you know you work around it?

    To Si PoLR: EIE and LIE, what is Si PoLR?

    Anything goes....

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

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    i don't notice practically any difference from my Role, as both are superego/weak non-valued, who are negligibly close in strength, willingness to do and thus in inadequacy seen in practice. i understood earlier during my interest in Socionics that Fe was problematic for me and that I didn't like it much, compared to Fi. it took a little more - ITR thinking mostly - to realise that Ni was superego for me too

    idea of specialised function roles in Model A is not clearly seen. and the idea that extraverts/introverts have stronger variants of the dominant function attitude also in other function pairs perhaps was from an observation that introverts/extraverts show behaviour more directly connected with their dominant attitude - so ILE shows more directly Se than LII. this can be from a misidentification of the general extraversion and irrationality in ILE, which is due to their dominant function, with specifically Se; same with LII and Fi. it can perhaps be inferred that Jung thoughr that no difference in inherent strength is between the attitudal variants, and thus both S would be the weakest in ILE, but i don't know if he wrote about the ''unvalued''/opposite attitude variants of the functions in types.
    Last edited by nifl; 05-13-2023 at 01:09 PM.

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    For weak functions. Hard to be assured in opinions and behavior there, hard to control the behavior there. Nonvalued - lesser of interest and pleasure to operate by info and activity there.
    By theory and practice.

    Ni - thoughts about outcomes. For me it's easy to do not think about, than to be assured. Helps to concentrate on what is near and current activity.
    I have positive experience of other dealing with Ni. But it's not common for me, anyway. I tryed that in times when needed more of resources for harder tasks, when tried to operate by wider info and skills.
    While with controlling, especially positive _intentional_ usage, for 4th (by Jung) - it's harder to remember positive cases, those were more rare. It's the region when I perceive myself as least controlling anything.

    There is nothing special in 3 by strenght (by Jung) weak and nonvalued function. Mainly Augustinavichiute fantasy which could be inspired by MBTI related texts.
    And compared to 4th nonvalued function - problems are better noticable in the consciousness, though the function is easier to be used than 4th. In weakest 4th (in both variants) people behavior the most associates with being childish, naive, inappropriate, unnatural.

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    I don't know whether it's purely due to Se polr (I think LIIs will have an easier time than I do), but one way it manifests for me is through my terrible, terrible sense of direction. And I'm not exaggerating . Place me basically anywhere that is unfamiliar to me, give me a map, and watch me still struggle to find my way for the next few hours. I was hanging out with a new student in school and she ended up having to lead the way (via a route new to me) to the destination on campus that we wanted to go to, when she had only been here for a few weeks, and me, over 3 years...

    It's also why I still haven't attempted to learn driving. I don't feel confident that I will not endanger my own and other people's lives when I try to navigate my way on the road while being in control of a dangerous machine, aka, a car.

    I still haven't found a solution to this problem, but I guess having Google Maps is somewhat of a help when I'm lost, especially the ones that guide you step-by-step, like a GPS.

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    I think these two threads are very good:

    Quote Originally Posted by ConcreteButterfly View Post
    Do people tend to be perfectionists in their POLR function?
    I know some Te POLRs who produce really high quality work, albeit slower than Te egos.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Basic idea: The work of the ego functions seems to be influenced by the PoLR.

    Gulenko talks about the PoLR as a function that estimates and gives feedback (among other things).

    I started noticing that ILEs thinking and ideas often have an Fi theme. Like they are moral philosophers basically.


    Observing these three types ILE, LII and LSE made me believe that this is how the PoLR works. It "supervises" the ego functions to do the work according to it. At the same time this makes direct, painful use of the PoLR unnecessary. (For example: If you have a "moral philosophy" on how to live and act, you might not need to use Fi at all on real situations)

    There are a total of about 200 replies in these threads and that's almost what I know about PoLR.

    Theoretical Understanding

    There are many people claiming that this function is the "blindspot". I disagree with this view. If we are not aware of this function to the extent that it becomes a blind spot and it is weak, then logically we are very susceptible to unconscious manipulation by foreign information where this function is involved. In that case, this function becomes Suggestive.

    My example:

    Se-PoLR: If you read Jung's letters, you will find that he always constantly emphasizes that he is empiricist rather than philosopher. i attribute this to his Se-PoLR.

    For my own part, I am fully aware of the necessity of reality, and I always try to use material gathered from reality as the basis of my analysis to avoid my analysis becoming nebulous.

    I will study how to build a house from a theoretical point of view, but of course I don't want to do it myself. I will not make my fantasy nebulous, on the contrary everything is very realizable, I will consider many possibilities to ensure that the fantasy is workable, but I will not do it myself.

    In addition, Se-PoLR means that I also have Si-Activation, and one of my experiences is that I feel that it is very difficult for me to mobilize myself. I don't know what this has to do with Se-PoLR, but my understanding is that I have a hard time ignoring Si. This might be one way to explain it. I have a very limited sample, so I'm keeping it open in that regard.

    I am also very bad at my sense of force. For instance, I don't know how much force I need to operate a psychical object. Sometimes I will use too little force and sometimes too much force.

    Wikisocion Composite

    This is from the LII profile on WIkisocion, which is quite problematic IMO:

    Extraverted Sensing

    The LII hates being ordered what to do, and chafes especially under orders that don't make sense to him. In such cases the LII is likely to criticize the authority — but if he does he is not subtle about it, and usually ends up being marked as a "rebel" and feeling even more frustrated than he did to begin with. An LII works best alone, so that he doesn't have to subordinate (to) others — or constantly negotiate his priorities, which strains his patience and diverts his time and attention away from reworking his understanding; if he is forced to waste time defending what he already knows, he gives up the freedom to deepen his understanding further. He does not tolerate pushiness combined with close-mindedness.

    The LII does not like being simply told "get real" or "get off your duff", which he views as crude, intrusive, and insulting. He prefers to be left alone - or better, included in an atmosphere of open discussion that is receptive to his thoughts and thereby inspire him to develop them more.

    If the LII has a problem that cannot be solved intellectually, but requires direct personal confrontation, he may resort to total avoidance rather than approaching the person directly, which he tends to think will produce only frustration and contempt. The LII thinks that, in an ideal world, everyone would just listen to reason instead of insisting on having their own way.
    IMO most people will hate being ordered by others. It's not very type related here. Of course I don't want to have my PoLR criticized so I don't like to be told "get real". But I think I'm very pragmatic. I do hate personal confrontation though.

    Overall, this profile focus too much on how we ignore the Se instead of being influenced by it.

    Other examples:

    xLI Fe-PoLR: I find them to be very aware of the need to create atomsphere. I have found that they are able to notice the need to create ambiance in real life. But they can sometimes seem awkward.

    xSE Ni-PoLR: One ESE I know always likes to talk about time and the future, and he likes to ask me to predict the future. He always stressed the importance of time. But he can't seem to estimate very well how much time he needs to do something. His control over the process of doing something doesn't seem to be very good either.

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    (alleged) SLE here. Fi 4th function sucks . . . as much as i try to behave in a way that considers other people as well as myself, i end up comitting a faux pas and it blows up in my face . . . for this reason i'm scared of ExIs . messing up with Fi is an easy way to become a scapegoat, a victim, and a villain. i try to tend lightly and be polite, but sometimes it just doesnt make sense. I also find it strange that even when i try to be polite, people who do things i find really crass get off scot-free. i've gotten around it by reducing the amount of connections i have. as it says somewhere on wikisocion about SLE, "there's no problem if there's no relationship". honestly it has gotten so bad that i'm hoping i will find an IEI to protect me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CR400AF View Post
    Theoretical Understanding

    There are many people claiming that this function is the "blindspot". I disagree with this view. If we are not aware of this function to the extent that it becomes a blind spot and it is weak, then logically we are very susceptible to unconscious manipulation by foreign information where this function is involved. In that case, this function becomes Suggestive.

    My example:

    Se-PoLR: If you read Jung's letters, you will find that he always constantly emphasizes that he is empiricist rather than philosopher. i attribute this to his Se-PoLR.

    For my own part, I am fully aware of the necessity of reality, and I always try to use material gathered from reality as the basis of my analysis to avoid my analysis becoming nebulous.

    I will study how to build a house from a theoretical point of view, but of course I don't want to do it myself. I will not make my fantasy nebulous, on the contrary everything is very realizable, I will consider many possibilities to ensure that the fantasy is workable, but I will not do it myself.

    In addition, Se-PoLR means that I also have Si-Activation, and one of my experiences is that I feel that it is very difficult for me to mobilize myself. I don't know what this has to do with Se-PoLR, but my understanding is that I have a hard time ignoring Si. This might be one way to explain it. I have a very limited sample, so I'm keeping it open in that regard.

    I am also very bad at my sense of force. For instance, I don't know how much force I need to operate a psychical object. Sometimes I will use too little force and sometimes too much force.
    I haven't got to read the threads you linked yet but I'm gonna check them. But from the OP of the "How the PoLR Ego Functions":

    I started noticing that ILEs thinking and ideas often have an Fi theme. Like they are moral philosophers basically.

    Observing these three types ILE, LII and LSE made me believe that this is how the PoLR works. It "supervises" the ego functions to do the work according to it. At the same time this makes direct, painful use of the PoLR unnecessary. (For example: If you have a "moral philosophy" on how to live and act, you might not need to use Fi at all on real situations)

    I am not saying that this is always the general attitude of the person. Only that this mechanism seems to exist. And it manifests when a person is using ego functions "my own way".
    At this point there's no reason for me to keep doubting I'm ILE after so long trying to see if other types fit, so I guess I gotta start playing with it here. I've always been hinted to be in fact ILE/ENTP, but one of the things that most got me interested about Jungian typology in depth was the MBTI model that has the 7th function as the "Trickster". So for me the trickster/PoLR is Fi. I got intrigued by it and from the moment I found out about it I became kind of "obsessed" about Fi, trying to see in which ways it was a function that would consistently let me down and bring me trouble. I couldn't relate to the idea of it being my blindspot because in a sense I've always been very aware of it. If thinking of Fi as
    internal harmony, resonance or dissonance of personal sentiments, sympathy, pity, compassion, support, condemnation, judgement, positive and negative emotional space
    I'm in fact very moved by these things, internally, but I don't show my Fi to the outer world. I do make contact with the world mainly through Ne and Ti mainly, but the Fi is a constant aspect, always hidden in the shadows of my mind. It is to no surprise that the PoLR is, indeed, a conscious function in Socionics. If as an ILE I'm a person who seeks novelty, possibilities, and to understand how things work, it's quite clear to me how the novelty and the understanding I seek is tinted by my Fi. Shallow example, I love chemistry, and how learning about how toxic chemicals work (such as sarin, mustard gas) is SUPER interesting. But I'd never let myself work in the development of these things. Or even, my interests are driven by things I internally value, despite there not being a clear logic to it - my belief that seeking knowledge, producing art and improving oneself in a constant pacing are the ways of living a worth life.

    I'm also interested in getting close to people, getting to know them in a deeper level, figuring out their internal motivations, what they value, the aspects of their feelings and judgements, and using this to understand my own self. But I approach this through ILE ways. I won't disrupt any good emotional atmosphere for the sake of feeding my curiosity (valued Fe over Fi). Comparing myself to my IEE friend, a few days ago she said she was talking to a person we know but we're not close, and she wanted to find out more about them. She basically said she straight up started asking the person about how she feels, about her motivations, if she's confident etc, and she said the person just tried to avoid the topic. That was to no surprise for me, since I could notice there wasn't a set up before she addressed these topics. If it was me in her position, I'd first create a comfortable atmosphere, talking about sillier things, asking stuff such as "if someone was putting capybaras inside your house, how many capybaras would it take for you to notice what is going on?" Then, when I think the ambient is good enough, I'll ask things like "how is it like for you to be in love with someone?", but I'll discuss the topic mostly through logical Ti lens when talking about my perspective, and bounce back to replies I get with Ne speculation like "but what if this happened?" and elaborating on the hypothetical situation.

    About the Wikisocion Composites, I think they're too focused on how things look outwardly, without saying much about the internal implications. I like the xLI Fe-PoLR example you brought up because it aligns well with my experience with these types too. My father as an ILI, for example, will try to "create an atmosphere" but I can notice he does it through Te means, either talking about logical implications of the displayed feelings he is noticing, or creating the atmosphere through proven ways of setting up an appropriate ambient: if you bring a person to your house and you serve them well with food and keeping a conversation rolling, you're doing it right. I don't have any reasons to think he's not ILI, but there's "things" that make me notice how his actions have the underlying Fe "motivation".

    In addition, Se-PoLR means that I also have Si-Activation, and one of my experiences is that I feel that it is very difficult for me to mobilize myself. I don't know what this has to do with Se-PoLR, but my understanding is that I have a hard time ignoring Si. This might be one way to explain it. I have a very limited sample, so I'm keeping it open in that regard.
    In my case, I find it hard to disregard any Fe aspect for the sake of my Fi judgements. I rather be an agreeable person in ethical aspects than allow my personal beliefs come through. But it can happen that I'll "ignore" too much until I can't really take it anymore and end up just externalizing my frustrations from this aspect.

    I am also very bad at my sense of force. For instance, I don't know how much force I need to operate a psychical object. Sometimes I will use too little force and sometimes too much force.
    For me, I'm either too morally strict or too uncaring about it.

    I think seeing the PoLR through this perspective can have implications on ITR but this post is already verbose enough (my bad, I'm awful at being succint), and I don't have the time to elaborate now... I also think you can either be aware of how the PoLR acts on you, or you can just be entirely unaware of it, thus fitting quite perfectly the type descriptions that exist. A person's PoLR can either seem to work in their favor or against them depending on maturity or other factors, but it always has a kind of constant influence.

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    I have Si-polr.

    I'm bad at resting or chilling. I can physically bring myself to do it, and it's easier when there's some sort of work involved that I'm taking a break from, but it's never just "chilling" and "living in the moment". There always has to be a goal of some kind. Discovery, achievment, adventure! This has made me bad at vacationing together with my mother since she has Si-ego and likes to sit down, read about different things to do, visit the local bakery, take her time, smell the flowers, blablabla... I just wanna get in the car and drive up a mountain in Norway or see how quickly we can drive through Germany!

    I'm a hypochondriac.

    I obsess over my looks by some days thinking I have some of the ugliest features a man can have and other days expecting women to ogle at me.

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    Nah I don't want to. I am tired to death talking about my own weak points. I'd much rather talk about other people's. I realize this might make me sound like an asshole, but I never got that far self-effacing myself from a PolR either. I'm okay, you're not okay. halfway j/k.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Warm Soapy Water View Post
    Nah I don't want to. I am tired to death talking about my own weak points. I'd much rather talk about other people's. I realize this might make me sound like an asshole, but I never got that far self-effacing myself from a PolR either. I'm okay, you're not okay. halfway j/k.
    Go ahead and point others' out.

    We could start a " guess the poster's Socion" thread, and with that you could enter in give a wallop IEI character smash. You could say your PoLR is so bad, Si here, that they took Silicon off the periodic table just because of you.

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

    Taking thing at face value is good only for a spell

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    In terms of other people's polrs, I get really irritated when it comes to manifestations of Te and Ne polr. I'm not too sure about Fi polr, I haven't been very close/aka haven't lived together with an EXTP before.

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    I already did, but I mean I don't like doing it in a sense of putting a pretty label on it - it's like giving people an ultimate excuse for shitty behavior that they can't change anyway because it's just their PoLR they can't help it aww poor widdle them. If you mean in a funny/jokey/silly way like me and DEAD play-insulting each other than yeah- that's fine.

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    I can't really pay attention to reality for a prolonged period of time. Usually my focus is very short, and most of the time my thoughts are completely unrelated to what is happening around me. I don't pursue goals, and just do what I feel like. It takes considerable effort for me to pay attention to how people dress or how they carry themselves. I never pay attention to existing hierachies in specific environments, and trust my own intuition to decide who is the smartest person in the room. External signs of success mean nothing to me, you cannot impress me with your possessions or influence. I guess this is the conflict dynamic with SEE. People often see me as physically appealing and want to involve me into something concrete, but I almost always decline.

    I quicky lose my temper and flare up easily. A couple of people have told me that they would want to punch me in the face, but it never escalated into real violence. I can spend most of the day in my apartment doing mental activities. I notice that many structures have people in power that aren't suited for their job, but I can't be bothered to change anything about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    for Fi polr I have the tendency to ignore peoples feelings when making decisions or saying things, ruining relationships sometimes even without my awareness.
    I also tend to be uncomfortable with my own feelings, as I tend to make decisions based on logic and merit, so it can be a blindspot for me in dealing with people. I often cant know how they truly feel about me and it makes me paranoid. It's also related to trauma and attachment style but I think its also type related as it says SLE can be paranoid and afraid of betrayal in general.

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    Who cares about feelings, I just want a hot big dick up my nose.

    Sorry I shouldn't really encourage this but duality <3


    Te polr is like weak against a certain kind of government bureaucracy. I always hated those assholes and they hated me. I always clashed with ppl who wanted to trap me in group homes and mental isntitutions because I'm too weird and not normal enough and I troll Karens who just want the world to be normal and to kill all magical IEI fairies. This LSE who really didn't like me once said that I belonged in prison for the rest of my life. She was really republican and conservative- I mean CUNTservative and was really big on rules and laws and morality. You know, all the stuff I pervert and snort up my nose as a Beta.

    I really like the person on here who ACCURATELY described what Te polr is once. Was it Park? I forget. Because it isn't 'hating facts and logic' and shit like that, that's retarded.

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    I don't really live up to the stereotypes of Se PoLR being bad at physical activities like sports dancing or whatever, since I like both. The things I do with my own body are not a problem for me, it's everything outside my body that's a problem, putting pressure on other people, getting lost while driving because I just can never remember my surroundings, I hate when people tell me directions that aren't the literal names of the roads because they never work for me, I even see optical illusions in the road all the time that make me freak out and swerve sometimes while driving. I barely notice things in my surroundings often, but I have pretty good reflexes and there are rare moments where I will catch something in the corner of my eye that someone else didn't notice.

    I usually just get around Se, especially confrontations, by simply just ignoring it. Like once there was a drunk guy peeing outside of his car and saw me getting into my car, before I get into my car he's yelling "YOU LOOKIN'?! YOU LOOKIN'!" like he assumed I was staring at him take a piss and that made him mad, or he wanted me to watch, i got no clue but it was weird and he was drunk. Instead of egging him on I literally made no eye contact and I guess he didn't expect that because he immediately stopped when he saw I was paying no attention to him. Another moment kinda like that happened recently at the library, I saw this attractive girl walk by me, I kinda watched as she walked by and then she stands near this guy, who I guess was her boyfriend, and the guy stares at me and then gives me a head nod like he was telling me not to try anything, I didn't even respond and he went on his way. Once things get that tense I literally just act like whatever is happening is not happening and usually it sorts itself out. Like if someone decided to yell at me on the road because of some nonsense I wouldn't even yell back I'd just roll up my window and act like nothing happened, and usually that kills the tension, because people want a reason to fight but when they don't get it their fire usually goes out. When reality reaches a certain intensity I just have to turn off.

    The only time I feel the need to get confrontational is when someone does something I see as completely unethical and usually it's not from a tough guy stance but more of a reaction of indignation, and the only reason I feel bold enough to assert myself is because I feel like I'm 100% in the right.

    The other kinda Se I try to get around is if I'm like in charge of people for whatever reason I have a hard time telling people what to do, feels like I'm imposing my will on them and that feels bad, even if it's my job to do it, so I try to find a compromise that will get them to do what I need them to do instead of barking orders, if I ever bark orders it's cring e and over the top, even then I have a hard time saying "Do this" and I usually say "Could you do this". Typing all this out makes me feel like a huge pussy but it is what it is, fuck being a guy with Se PoLR, but I still wouldn't trade having Ne creative for anything.

    The Ni-PoLR I see pop up in my LSE friend all the time is, whenever he books a trip to another state, he plans on doing WAAAAY too much, like "I'm gonna go here and then there and visit so and so and go to the beach with so and so on Thursday and maybe we can pick up so and so.....". Like one time he wanted to fly into one state, then when he touched down he was gonna pick up a friend in another state to go to a BBQ in ANOTHER state, STATES away. I'm like...bruh how do you have TIME to do all that, going all across states and back, the answer is he doesn't have the time, and alot of it ends up getting canceled lol, but he believed, he definitely believed. All things may be possible, but they ain't probable.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 05-19-2023 at 02:39 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    In terms of other people's polrs, I get really irritated when it comes to manifestations of Te and Ne polr. I'm not too sure about Fi polr, I haven't been very close/aka haven't lived together with an EXTP before.
    Your best friend's momma died yesterday? *insert joke about splitting her life insurance* Welcome to Fi PoLR. *laughs in your face*

    At least that's what it has looked like to me in the past.
    To me, because of lead Fi, it looks like an intentional attempt to be insanely cruel and insensitive, which is why it drives me up the wall. But I guess it's an attempt to be insanely funny without knowing they are being insanely insensitive, which to me is insanely confusing. Like my ILE roommate one day told me "It's like you think I'm the devil or something." and I was like "Cuz you are! tf?!"

    This is the best example of Fi PoLR I saw the other day
    starts at 5:02
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 05-18-2023 at 01:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    I don't know whether it's purely due to Se polr (I think LIIs will have an easier time than I do), but one way it manifests for me is through my terrible, terrible sense of direction. And I'm not exaggerating . Place me basically anywhere that is unfamiliar to me, give me a map, and watch me still struggle to find my way for the next few hours. I was hanging out with a new student in school and she ended up having to lead the way (via a route new to me) to the destination on campus that we wanted to go to, when she had only been here for a few weeks, and me, over 3 years...

    It's also why I still haven't attempted to learn driving. I don't feel confident that I will not endanger my own and other people's lives when I try to navigate my way on the road while being in control of a dangerous machine, aka, a car.

    I still haven't found a solution to this problem, but I guess having Google Maps is somewhat of a help when I'm lost, especially the ones that guide you step-by-step, like a GPS.
    I promise I did not read this before I wrote my post lol. And that is just how I felt when I first drove a car by myself with no one else in it, a big fat death machine. My first U-Turn I ended up on the concrete island and almost ran into oncoming traffic. A living nightmare. I was even paranoid pumping gas for the first time, I felt like the whole world was watching me do it wrong lol.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 05-18-2023 at 01:57 AM.

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    i make enemies instantly, often without even talking to them

    and uhhhh idk i have literally no energy ever lmao

    those are my polr

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I promise I did not read this before I wrote my post. And that is just how I felt when I first drove a car by myself with no one else it it, a big fat death machine. My first U-Turn I ended up on the concrete island and almost ran into oncoming traffic. A living nightmare. I was even paranoid pumping gas for the first time, I felt like the whole world was watching me do it wrong lol.
    Glad to hear you've gotten somewhat used to it now tho

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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    Glad to hear you've gotten somewhat used to it now tho
    The first time I got out the car my hands were visibly shaking and I never wanted to get back in that car again, but if I wanted to keep my job I had to. It gets easier, just like riding a bike. Having friends help you while you are on the road is especially useful if you wanna get some practice away from the parking lot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post

    i make enemies instantly, often without even talking to them

    and uhhhh idk i have literally no energy ever lmao

    those are my polr

    Maybe if you were not a furry, you'd actually have friends.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Maybe if you were not a furry, you'd actually have friends.
    I doubt that's the problem. People being a furry (or scaly) is slightly odd to me, but I doubt the people who made the stuff that inspired the furry fandom (Zootopia, Disney's Robin Hood) were into actual bestiality so I don't tend to be that suspicious of it. I think it's probably more his rudeness and self-deprecation that are the problems. And well, that's kind of what people wrongfully do to "nerds" imo. The term "nerd" itself tends to be pretty awful, since it trivializes the human mind entirely and the human mind is what makes us not a bunch of cavemen.

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    As much as I know people have different ways to behave themselves, on a personal level I always piss whenever people attempt to Fe me, trying to make me feel what they feel, or what they wan me to feel.

    For exp, some people wan me to go with them to do some charity work…

    Fe: “come on, you don’t see how poor and helpless those people are. You’re a good guy, I know you would feel for them too. Let’s do this” Stare at me with Fe warm eyes.

    Me: “how about no? I’m busy” (I don’t feel a damn thing)

    Fi: “Hey, go with us, it could be fun. You never do this before didn’t you? it could be a new interesting experience and get to see different type of people you’ve never see!”

    Me: “I would consider it”

    The Fi people pay more attention to my personality and said it in a way that feel like I could gain something with what they want me to do with them, even if it’s not true.

    Some Fi are even more personal: “I want you to go with me” and no other bullshit reason, and it’s also acceptable.
    Last edited by Renna; 05-18-2023 at 04:16 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renna View Post
    As much as I know people have different way to behave themselves, on a personal I always piss whenever people attempt to Fe me, trying to make me feel what they feel, or what they wan me to feel.

    For exp, some people wan me to go with them to do some charity work…

    Fe: “come on, you don’t see how poor and helpless those people are. You’re a good guy, I know you would feel for them too. Let’s do this” Stare at me with Fe warm eyes.

    Me: “how about no? I’m busy” (I don’t feel a damn thing)

    Fi: “Hey, go with us, it could be fun. You never do this before did you? it could be a new interesting experience and get to see different type of people you’ve never see!”

    Me: “I would consider it”

    The Fi people pay more attention to my personality and said it in a way that feel like I could gain something they want me to do with them, even if it’s not true.

    Some Fi are even more personal: “I want you to go with me” and no other bullshit reason, and it’s also acceptable.
    Are you ILI, Renna?

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    Are you ILI, Renna?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renna View Post
    I knew it before, from interacting with you. I saw the Fi and Gamma. 90 percent sure. I have a little attraction to the type- the Ni Te Fi Se is a draw. IRL ENTPs and INTJs get along in the idea sphere. MBTI speak for ILI.

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    I doubt that's the problem. People being a furry (or scaly) is slightly odd to me, but I doubt the people who made the stuff that inspired the furry fandom (Zootopia, Disney's Robin Hood) were into actual bestiality so I don't tend to be that suspicious of it. I think it's probably more his rudeness and self-deprecation that are the problems. And well, that's kind of what people wrongfully do to "nerds" imo. The term "nerd" itself tends to be pretty awful, since it trivializes the human mind entirely and the human mind is what makes us not a bunch of cavemen.

    Rudeness and self depreciation, so he does deserve it. He better change if he wants to get a life, just like the rest of us at some point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    I knew it before, from interacting with you. I saw the Fi and Gamma. 90 percent sure. I have a little attraction to the type- the Ni Te Fi Se is a draw. IRL ENTPs and INTJs get along in the idea sphere. MBTI speak for ILI.
    Yeah, NTs usually get along well as long as things stay at NT’s domain and not leaning to their weak functions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Renna View Post
    As much as I know people have different ways to behave themselves, on a personal level I always piss whenever people attempt to Fe me, trying to make me feel what they feel, or what they wan me to feel.

    For exp, some people wan me to go with them to do some charity work…

    Fe: “come on, you don’t see how poor and helpless those people are. You’re a good guy, I know you would feel for them too. Let’s do this” Stare at me with Fe warm eyes.

    Me: “how about no? I’m busy” (I don’t feel a damn thing)

    Fi: “Hey, go with us, it could be fun. You never do this before didn’t you? it could be a new interesting experience and get to see different type of people you’ve never see!”

    Me: “I would consider it”

    The Fi people pay more attention to my personality and said it in a way that feel like I could gain something with what they want me to do with them, even if it’s not true.

    Some Fi are even more personal: “I want you to go with me” and no other bullshit reason, and it’s also acceptable.

    Fi mobilizing, But Fe isn't just being fucking charitable or being a decent person, its more about expressing yourself and being more authentic.

    Like Fe base, they feel one thing, express it, they move on, and repeat. And it can leave me or you confused, like wtf? Do they have BPD?

    They may cry like a bitch, but it doesn't last long. They just cry for like 5 minutes, and then they act like nothing has ever happened.

    Not like Fi users, who just usually sit there sad, usually not expressing, but can be summed up to be emo.

    Fe users are good at manipulating the emotional atmosphere, they react, and pull people into the situation, not necessarily manipulating them.

    Fe mobilizing for example is very bold, more bold in SLE, it's like the weeping cry baby that seeks attention because of their lack of ego.

    It's a all a shitty joke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Fi mobilizing, But Fe isn't just being fucking charitable or being a decent person, its more about expressing yourself and being more authentic.

    Like Fe base, they feel one thing, express it, they move on, and repeat. And it can leave me or you confused, like wtf? Do they have BPD?

    They may cry like a bitch, but it doesn't last long. They just cry for like 5 minutes, and then they act like nothing has ever happened.

    Not like Fi users, who just usually sit there sad, usually not expressing, but can be summed up to be emo.

    Fe users are good at manipulating the emotional atmosphere, they react, and pull people into the situation, not necessarily manipulating them.

    Fe mobilizing for example is very bold, more bold in SLE, it's like the weeping cry baby that seeks attention because of their lack of ego.

    It's a all a shitty joke
    adding on to what was said. Fe is more like Fi in MBTI jung. and MBTI Fi is more like Fe in socionics.

    Fi = emotional/social restraint
    Fe =emotional/social freedom

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Rudeness and self depreciation, so he does deserve it. He better change if he wants to get a life, just like the rest of us at some point.
    Honestly, the last time someone IRL showed proactive interest in trying to get to know me, and I tried to introduce myself, they got visibly confused and revolted within only a minute of my talking to them, dismissed me by saying they "couldn't wait to talk more," and then never approached me again. I figured I shouldn't try to reinitiate contact with them after that because it'd appear too threatening of me if I did.

    To this day, I never found out what it was I had done wrong, so no idea what on earth I could've done differently. I just walked away assuming it was my stammering due to insomnia that day that had put them off, though. Like they ran up to me with a demeanor suggesting "Oooh, this person seems so interesting!" and left the whole thing probably thinking "Oh no, it's r#tarded."

    I don't think I can fully charge my speech patten though. There's so much conscious avoidance of accidentally talking out of turn that I can do, but I am truly convinced at this point there's something wrong with my speech flow that I can't completely detect, that people are clocking and thinking "Oh god, this is a dangerous non-human, avoid this thing."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Honestly, the last time someone IRL showed proactive interest in trying to get to know me, and I tried to introduce myself, they got visibly confused and revolted within only a minute of my talking to them, dismissed me by saying they "couldn't wait to talk more," and then never approached me again. I figured I shouldn't try to reinitiate contact with them after that because it'd appear too threatening of me if I did.

    To this day, I never found out what it was I had done wrong, so no idea what on earth I could've done differently. I just walked away assuming it was my stammering due to insomnia that day that had put them off, though. Like they ran up to me with a demeanor suggesting "Oooh, this person seems so interesting!" and left the whole thing probably thinking "Oh no, it's r#tarded."

    I don't think I can fully charge my speech patten though. There's so much conscious avoidance of accidentally talking out of turn that I can do, but I am truly convinced at this point there's something wrong with my speech flow that I can't completely detect, that people are clocking and thinking "Oh god, this is a dangerous non-human, avoid this thing."
    Can you try jestermaxxing? Also not being a furry.

    I feel you though. I'd give about anything for an IRL friend.

    Re. the thread: I don't think I have the issues the EIIs were talking about with direction. I actually like driving, and would say I'm pretty comfortable doing it. I speed a lot; never gotten a ticket. Ne I think is more similar to Se than it's given credit for, in the sense it provides an "immediate" "sense" of the external world and how to manipulate it.

    I do intensely dislike confrontation. It puts me on edge, and if I feel backed into a corner I become needlessly aggressive and vicious out of a perceived need of self-defense. I also don't like telling people what to do. Commanding doesn't come naturally to me. I'll sometimes give advice in the form of a command ("do this") if I'm irritated at someone and don't trust them to seriously consider something, but it's only my irritation that allows me to do this. I similarly hate being compelled or forced to do something and will resent anyone who does this to me until the day I die.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 05-18-2023 at 09:36 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Can you try jestermaxxing? Also not being a furry.

    I feel you though. I'd give about anything for an IRL friend.
    *runs at freelancepoliceman and grendal at full force.*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Honestly, the last time someone IRL showed proactive interest in trying to get to know me, and I tried to introduce myself, they got visibly confused and revolted within only a minute of my talking to them, dismissed me by saying they "couldn't wait to talk more," and then never approached me again. I figured I shouldn't try to reinitiate contact with them after that because it'd appear too threatening of me if I did.

    To this day, I never found out what it was I had done wrong, so no idea what on earth I could've done differently. I just walked away assuming it was my stammering due to insomnia that day that had put them off, though. Like they ran up to me with a demeanor suggesting "Oooh, this person seems so interesting!" and left the whole thing probably thinking "Oh no, it's r#tarded."

    I don't think I can fully charge my speech patten though. There's so much conscious avoidance of accidentally talking out of turn that I can do, but I am truly convinced at this point there's something wrong with my speech flow that I can't completely detect, that people are clocking and thinking "Oh god, this is a dangerous non-human, avoid this thing."

    Learn to talk like a normal person, in take more normal content, that's why you talk like a weeb. Watch some Breaking Bad or something, listen to maybe how Joe Rogan speaks, etc. It isn't hard to shift your body language or speech pattern.

    If you want a persona, try to act chill and laid back, less energy put into looking like someone who didn't escape a mental asylum. Be careful of the wording of your words, if you aren't sure it isn't worth hearing, or it would likely get a bad reaction, then keep quiet. A smart man keeps quiet when he has nothing worthy of hearing.

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    Funny, I relate to the EIE, except for the bodily distortion sentiment.

    2 PoLRs for B.

    Someone asks me: "so what's your PoLR?" I'll say, which one?

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    I think Grendel needs to do the opposite, be more chilled and laid back. Don't worry about being confident like Trump if empathy is really your strong suit but then society conditions men that things like empathy and being soft are weaknesses. The right woman and pppl will understand that and uplift and support you anyway- but I think sometimes he's unecessarily harsh to others due to his own insecurity and it pushes people away. It's not completely Grendel's fault ime I like him. He's just too smart and artistic for this Karen shitty society. I don't think Grendel has become an incel about it or hateful either, I think he's trying which is admirable. I just want to roundhouse kick a Karen in her face. It doesn't mean I hate women, but it does mean I hate Karens.

    I won't 'at' him because he said not to, but I sometimes want to anyway because I wonder sometimes if it's not like some test to see who is really confident or not? lol j/k i'm overthinking it.

    "Chads" ime are the sexiest as they say aggressive things but in playful and boyish ways. That's what a Chad like to me, to some other ppl being a 'Chad' is being a pretentious douchebag and talking down to ppl like jordan peterson and trying to manipulate them while scapegoating their manipulation on vulnerable targets that are easy for women ((and everybody else)) to bully because they aren't Stacy Karens like them.

    'I feel like a weak loser as a woman so instead of fighting the ppl who are really responsible for making me feel that way I'm gonna punch down and be a Karen and hate the wrong kinds of ppl who are in the same boat as I am.'

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    Quote Originally Posted by To B or to B View Post
    Funny, I relate to the EIE, except for the bodily distortion sentiment.

    2 PoLRs for B.

    Someone asks me: "so what's your PoLR?" I'll say, which one?
    Wait, what are your two PoLRs? Si and what?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Virgin Pure View Post
    Learn to talk like a normal person, in take more normal content, that's why you talk like a weeb. Watch some Breaking Bad or something, listen to maybe how Joe Rogan speaks, etc. It isn't hard to shift your body language or speech pattern.

    If you want a persona, try to act chill and laid back, less energy put into looking like someone who didn't escape a mental asylum. Be careful of the wording of your words, if you aren't sure it isn't worth hearing, or it would likely get a bad reaction, then keep quiet. A smart man keeps quiet when he has nothing worthy of hearing.
    Yea but how long is he gonna be able to keep all this up before he says fuck it and goes back to what's normal for him because ppl shouldn't have to put on an act just to exist.

    I think he just needs to find ppl that are like him or people that like him, which usually would be people that are like him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Yea but how long is he gonna be able to keep all this up before he says fuck it and goes back to what's normal for him because ppl shouldn't have to put on an act just to exist.

    I think he just needs to find ppl that are like him or people that like him, which usually would be people that are like him.
    That is a better idea, but he should learn to adapt to everyday interactions for the sake of getting rid of the possibilities of him coming off as weird. Social skills are still a type of skill set that needs to be constantly used to be maintained.

    Likely if he doesn't learn boundaries and appropriate language, he would likely be rejected more often due to people finding him weird or disliking him. He would likely only have to maintain this persona until his relationship with his potential friend would progress into something more personal, thus he can eventually allow himself to reveal his true nature while also having a good sense of how his interactions are going.

    We all have some level of inauthentic behavior in us when we meet strangers or people we are not friends with. It's natural to build friendships, and only reveal one's quirkiness later on, even when both parties have weird personality traits.

    People are just overwhelmed by quirky strangers, but not by familiar quirky people they have already gotten used too.

    I believe this is the best course of action for him to take in order to avoid a multitude of rejection that could be easily avoided from people he would actually be interested in befriending.

    Even when you meet someone else who is severely strange, they still have their own boundaries, and it's best to read between the fine lines and ask direct questions if needed.

    Though I prefer to be direct, being direct can only work with so many people, while being newer to actively trying to improve one's social life is not as skilled in such.

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