Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
Thank you and no it's all right I'm just a bit sensitive lately (: It's good to hear another one's (/LII's) perspective. I thought with Fe-seeking LIIs would be more open to group projects but that seems to be a misconception on my side.
If the LII is a 5, I’d say not at all, just ime they often are singleton and used to doing things their own way, and even if they can be gracious about other people’s views and approaches, that graciousness may evaporate if it impinges on their own intellectual freedom.

As semidual, the counterbalance I’ve provided to LII has been more on the social and physical sides of things. Yes they apparently can be drawn into some kind of community, yes they can work on certain kinds of teams I believe, over time, if they are convinced it furthers their interests. In fact that NYT article I linked above is something I happened to provide to an LII friend who was applying for a job with a very prominent organization but had real questions about her ability to handle the team aspect and to speak to the team issue in her interviews. Now she has the job it seems she’s doing okay with it.

I’d found the article because I have struggled with the issue of why some teams do great and others flop, and the feeling of having no control over the outcome.

Fe does not precisely = teams.