Eie. I think this guy is an eie.

I actually can read him very well. I don't know why i can easily read eie.
He's got this Fe. And Ni. Obviously. 🤔 分からない。(^^)

It's actually hard to type people lol xD I'm thinking he's also got Ne on him. Ne + Fe lol xD

Because his joke is like Ne actually (jk i don't know.. But actually i don't find some Ne jokes funny lol. But theres this ILE who's just finding all Ne jokes funny) - now that makes me question myself if I'm really an Ne-dom lol xD

So there.. His Fe is very apparent like he likes making friends and he's the type to get upset easily when he's got a problem with his friends.

🤔 okay.. Did i say i can read him easily? Lol i think i can read judgment types dom easily..

So uhmmmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I just see Fe lols. He's still young. so basically hmmmmm... 🤔

Fe is very obvious. Plus intuition is very obvious

Intuitive people can be easily depressed.

Especially when you're Fe.. Because his major cause of depression is loneliness. And he likes helping people and talks about his friends more than himself.. And he's more inclined to group conversation rather than one on one. But he's good on one on one too... But i see he's enjoying group conversations more.

There eie.