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Thread: Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

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    Default Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

    In this thread you may describe how you've met random people of certain types (types are sure or assumed).


    On days, I was in mobile phones shop and one of sellers had clear LII type. He showed me some stuff, but could not answer is the weight on price notes with batteries or not.
    It's sad to see when people with high IQ and techical gifts spare their time to do such primitive work. He seemed 20-25 years old, reminded the actor Andrew Lee Potts.

    In other mobile's shop there was a girl LSI. Age: 20-25. In glasses as seems common for LSI women (like mustaches for LSI men). Explained things good. Had problems with teeth/gums according to bad odour from her mouth. Se types care lesser about health and Si comfort of people near.

    In 3rd shop there was SEI man. Young, with redundant 20-30 kg weight. He seems did not understood me as said a little of bs about phones, like all ~800 mAh models need to be recharged every day even when they stay in awaiting mode. Seems he tried to illegally sell additional stuff on $1.5 as obligate, as I did not see such conditions on price notes or showcase.

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    I don't get the Se having bad hygiene thing. Se people understand that bad hygiene = not getting laid.
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

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    In August I saw an LSI man with classical mustaches, severe static face, not emotional and with bad manners. I've made a small mistake which touched his interests, what made him to worry a little, so seems he thought not good about me (like me about him, anyway).

    Quote Originally Posted by Pole View Post
    I don't get the Se having bad hygiene thing. Se people understand that bad hygiene = not getting laid.
    Compared to Si valued types, Se valued care lesser about the comfort of people near. That's why the issue mentioned above you may meet at them more often.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    LSI has strong Si. They often want things to be neat and tidy.

    SEI can have worse hygiene than LSI because SEI has poor means of actually doing something about it.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    SEI can have worse hygiene than LSI
    The possibility of this is much lower, because it's the region of their base function.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The possibility of this is much lower, because it's the region of their base function.
    I understand. But there are some problems with this. SEI are bad at executing things. They can simply be too lazy. Even if Si is related to hygiene it is not related to the actual task of taking care of hygiene. (Washing clothes, cleaning, bathing etc). This is more Se Te.

    So thats why i think LSI is often better at hygiene.

    Another thing is that base Si doesnt really have any problem with dirtyness. It just becomes another experience.

    For example. EIE are often very clean because they dont want anything to disturb their vulnerable Si.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    SEI are bad at executing things.
    Ego functions fit to social norms best of all, have the strongest abbility and wish to care about people by them. That's why the situation with that LSI is much lesser possible with Si type. It's core theory - non-valued functions are lesser cared. Also I have an experience watching how SEI and Se types may look, how they behave and even what think about each other in Si region like cleanness, health, etc. One of the 1st words I heard from the familiar SEI girl when she saw one ESI was "sloven".

    > EIE are often very clean because they dont want anything to disturb their vulnerable Si.

    No one wants problems in any functions. But to become "lazy" in non-valued weak functions is most common.

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    Today accidentally I met a town famous - LII amateur-historian who've written several books about my city which I have at home.
    I saw him at a bus stop, going with his wife. He's rather old already, looked tired and weakening. To become old is not good. 10 years ago he looked much better.
    I've noticed that he and his wife are not synchronized, like woman wanted to go faster and kept the distance. I think their relations are not so good. To live the most of life in a pair with a human which is not good soul friend to you is sad.

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    Today I met myself. We said hi to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
    Today I met myself. We said hi to each other.
    it's nice when you met yourself, at least sometimes

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    SEI taxi driver. Some monthes ago.
    He was talky. Popularized the phylosophy that a result of a choice is better when it's done without significant preparation. Alike the life gives you good just because. Have given an example of his TV bought alike that which he thinks as very good, and also about bad experience when people read forums what to buy and then such things break soon and don't make them satisfied.
    Yep, for Fe-s the Te approach to gather max data and then choose the best is annoying and hard to be made good. So he being on relatively bad job rationalized about "Te is not needed". For his TV that have work, at least.

    Some sense there is in what he said. Esoterical. We have karma, unconscious work and so what life offers "as is" is not just "as is" - it's for us, as we deserve. And even when you'll do efforts for better results, you'll not overcome karma - you may get unexpected problems.

    There is a movie "Yes man" based on close ideas.

    Mb this was a sign for me too. To have higher trust to life about what it offers, instead of spending time and efforts for trying to get better. Even if it may not look as good on the moment of the offer.
    In my situation with women when I several times was attracted to IEIs mb this have been shown. Compared to 1st IEI those later seem as not much better, at least. Mb that 1st IEI would be even good enough, as Jung types is not all important. Also, after many years something could change in people to make additional improvements.

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    That one IEI friend of mine. He was a childhood friend of mine. We were friends from the age of 12 until we were both about 21 years old. I never quite understood him, but I liked him anyway. There was a time I loved him, but I’m not sure why I did. I was always taking care of him and giving him everything I had (I didn’t resent him for this, honestly), but he was never really able to offer me anything tangible in return. It was a relationship where I always gave and he always took, but I doubt he realized this. He gave me his presence, his funny ideas, and his cute quips, and that was always enough for me.

    I miss him sometimes. He was an eccentric sweetheart, until he tried to change into his male chauvinist father in his young adult years. I hope he hasn’t changed too much since I last stopped talking to him. He’s been able to make a life for himself with the help of his father (which is the least the father could’ve done for his son/my friend, after he ruined that whole family). I’m glad he’s at least doing okay. It seems he finally learned to take care of himself.

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    @Tallmo that's a pretty solid observation, to be honest

    my SLI brother rarely showers but he "showers like a king" (dad's words, not mine) whenever he does. whereas my SLI ex had impeccable hygiene. he was still lazy but it was more like calculated fluidity than trudging through imaginary quicksand. probably because I was usually in there with him

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    anyway I met a girl a few years ago in one of my art classes

    she claimed she was an indigo child and that back in the west she'd have regular dreams which revolved around her walking down a spiral staircase into a victorian style dungeon where stuff moved on the walls and she'd have epiphanies pertaining to her purpose and I just nodded my head like, "oh yeah, fascinating stuff" and then she went on to tell me that she adorns her hands with jewelry to dissuade herself from looking directly at her hands because she has chirophobia and then she mentioned auras, of course, before trying to convince me that she owned a popular anime-hosting website and I was just like "yeah haha" but I developed a crush on her anyway. it's funny because the first time I relayed this story to someone else I went on about it for half an hour - I was so enthusiastic about it too, really I took it all the way - before I stopped mid-sentence and went "oh she was fucking with me"

    still a damn good story though, I think she was probably IEI or a particularly whimsical ESI, or maybe just insane, who knows, in fact who cares

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    When I moved to a new apartment I met my new SEE landlady; 63 y.o retired kindergarten teacher, smoking weed in the basement dressed in leopard leggings and sporting some long ass blonde extensions...she took me to the seashore and showed me some cool spots in the area. I met other SEE but this person was exceptionally fitting of the stereotype.

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    Eii. New friend. At first, she seems unpleased with you. But she's actually nice. She's trying her best to make friends with you. But she's a little shy about it like there's something that's holding her back. But since i can read people, i know the right words to say. Or what she meant. She's really innocent and sometimes in a group, she will just suddenly lost in space. Like when someone suddenly called her, she will be surprised and she will suddenly drop her phone. Then again, drop her phone again. And then she's gonna smile. "Yes? "
    She's like a kid. And then after that she's gonna walk a way a bit. I'm actually observing her. Lol. then i will talk to her and make her comfortable. Because everyone else were talking about nonsense stuffs. And we will go to the enfp friend we had friends as well, and there. her safe space.
    She's actually very very nice. Then she'll ride us to her car and then sometimes she'll make this weird funny monologues. And she'll say sorry for it and she'll tell she always do that. Hehehhehehe.

    She's really eii right? then sometimes I'm talking and then suddenly she will just say things that's really wisdomful. And I'm gonna thank her.

    Then she will invite me somewhere place next month. Haha. yayyyy!

    That's all.

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    LSI woman on shop's cash desk.
    She was non-emotional to the degree when this looks as rude. It was seen she was tired and annoyed by people.
    When she was asked to look for a bag as it did not fit to keeping camera, she noticed honestly that do not promise safety of it (she has to do own work, anyway) and told that the bag may be taken inside. All was formally correct, but that looked not ok. Later when she was asked to give some info, what is not her duty, - she did it. LSI may be seen as indifferent or don't liking people, but often are responsible and so help where it's not hard.

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    Infp. Very nice nerd girl

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    I was buying a phone and this ILI came up. His breath was bad, but he explained things nicely.

    I drove off the gas station when I head the noise and when I looked, I realized I left the nozzle inside the car. It safely separated off as it was modular. The woman inside said "you must get one of our hotdogs now". These are one of these forever-rolling dogs. It was really tasty and the woman was ISE.

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    I have known two LSI's with bad breath issues. Perhaps there is a pattern... thanks for adding anecdotal evidence. Although I know one EIE past love interest who had very bad breath. She was very fond of eating ice-cream. When I smelled her breath by chance one day, my interest became purely platonic.

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    EII seller girl. Nice, calm and responsible. Not pretty in my taste, though not ugly. Too thin constitution.
    It's not clear would I feel significant interest to her like a woman, 60% for yes.
    Last edited by Sol; 01-16-2018 at 08:46 PM.

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    ILI friend.

    Sterotypes are lame. 🤔

    I'm actually thinking if he's more of SLI than ILI because this guy is the definition of living in the current moment.

    It's like what you see is what you get. He's very transparent.

    It's easy to befriend him because he's just nice to everyone

    He's actually telling me that he tried getting the numbers of three girls he like xD I'm actually proud of him..

    Then he's friends with those three girls, and yeah they're all pretty..

    This guy got taste but unfortunately, those girls aren't available lol xDD

    Or maybe the girls doesn't like him lol because still he's an ili afterall.

    Regular girls doesn't like NTS I THINK..

    He usually likes SF type of girls..

    Because i think SF girls usually looks better outside than NF since SF are more aware of what people think of them..

    So there..

    I love my ILI friend because I'll be lonely on my first days of vacation without him xDD

    Nopes not really lol xD

    Okay.. There.. Hehehehheheheheheheheh

    My ILi friend is teaching me how to be a nerd lol xD

    I actually don't know how. I'm not really that much of a nerd i think..

    Or maybe i am I'm just not aware..

    I'm more of weird than nerd i think.. 🤔

    Okay whatever

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    LSI woman conductor in a bus. She was given for a ticket a large note of money and said she has no change. Then she said in such case the passanger should to leave the bus. This is illegal demand and she should to know it, as the problem is only hers. Another passanger have helped by changing the note to smaller notes and so all ended ok. I wanted to interfere as the conductor did illegal claim, and waited to do this when the passanger will go to leave the bus. Sometimes people intentionally do large money note trick in buses (I knew ILI dude with such behavior), mb LSI suspected such case. Or that was just corrupted LSI which wanted everybody paid for a trip even when this needs to break laws.

    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Because i think SF girls usually looks better outside than NF since SF are more aware of what people think of them..
    If girls are young, pretty, smart, nice etc - men see it with casual look. Woman overestimate the need of good clothes, good makeup, etc. It becomes more useful with age after 25.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    LSI woman conductor in a bus. She was given for a ticket a large note of money and said she has no change. Then she said in such case the passanger should to leave the bus. This is illegal demand and she should to know it, as the problem is only hers. Another passanger have helped by changing the note to smaller notes and so all ended ok. I wanted to interfere as the conductor did illegal claim, and waited to do this when the passanger will go to leave the bus. Sometimes people intentionally do large money note trick in buses (I knew ILI dude with such behavior), mb LSI suspected such case. Or that was just corrupted LSI which wanted everybody paid for a trip even when this needs to break laws.

    If girls are young, pretty, smart, nice etc - men see it with casual look. Woman overestimate the need of good clothes, good makeup, etc. It becomes more useful with age after 25.
    That's true. Makeup and good clothes is a huge plus in looking good

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    Was in Target with my mom yesterday (haha I'm such a loser) and there was a clear ILI that was the greeter. Why they would give a Fe polr the job of a door greeter I don't know... maybe to ward off shoplifters. Anyway she clashed with my ESE mom so much, like my mom has a tendency to over-share and talk to people too much because she's extroverts and gives 0 shits- and the ILI wasn't having it. She was like 'go away' and my mom just kept talking. I felt embarrassed but didn't say anything. It was stupid to say anything and supervise my mom again for the 1507th time, besides the ILI was being too much of a bitch and I didn't really want to be on her side either.

    Later on the ILI female greeter looked at me hatefully when my mom had to use the bathroom and I had to wait for her like 'you better not be doing anything funny young man' idk. My Fe just bothered her.

    Then at Kroger there was this really beautiful probably SEE woman who I felt an instant attraction with. She was so nice and pretty. <3 She was either EIE or SEE. She kind of psychologically wanted to hear what I had to say and let my words fell naturally where they wanted to go instead of feeling annoyed or attacked by them. There was a funny ILI guy bagging groceries. I think he was an excellent example of how you can still be Fe polr but create a lighthearted 'joke-y' atmosphere with others. He was a much cooler person than the ILI at Target. He still made me uncomfortable though, something about those gamma NTs.

    haha this thread is weird. It feels kind of strange to analyze situations like this but whatever.

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    This is going to be a goldmine thread. The subject is vague enough that any noteworthy experience with someone applies, you just have to know their type.

    Story thread, essentially. Lets get it crackin'.

    First three people to quote me and pick a sociotype, ill tell a story relating to that type.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Tell me about a run-in with you and a LSE. Of both genders.

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    Quote Originally Posted by starrangel View Post

    Tell me about a run-in with you and a LSE. Of both genders.
    Damn, that's the one I have nothing for.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    how about SLI then. and/or LSI.

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    I got a pretty good SLI story and a couple LSI encounters. I'll edit this post tonight.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    I got a pretty good SLI story and a couple LSI encounters. I'll edit this post tonight.

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    In my previous job I identified EIE, IEI, LII and likely IXE (Maybe ILE? ) but am a bit short on time to relate any anecdotes

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    Eie. I think this guy is an eie.

    I actually can read him very well. I don't know why i can easily read eie.
    He's got this Fe. And Ni. Obviously. 🤔 分からない。(^^)

    It's actually hard to type people lol xD I'm thinking he's also got Ne on him. Ne + Fe lol xD

    Because his joke is like Ne actually (jk i don't know.. But actually i don't find some Ne jokes funny lol. But theres this ILE who's just finding all Ne jokes funny) - now that makes me question myself if I'm really an Ne-dom lol xD

    So there.. His Fe is very apparent like he likes making friends and he's the type to get upset easily when he's got a problem with his friends.

    🤔 okay.. Did i say i can read him easily? Lol i think i can read judgment types dom easily..

    So uhmmmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    I just see Fe lols. He's still young. so basically hmmmmm... 🤔

    Fe is very obvious. Plus intuition is very obvious

    Intuitive people can be easily depressed.

    Especially when you're Fe.. Because his major cause of depression is loneliness. And he likes helping people and talks about his friends more than himself.. And he's more inclined to group conversation rather than one on one. But he's good on one on one too... But i see he's enjoying group conversations more.

    There eie.

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    Another EII girl near 25-30 y.o. She set in front of me and did not catch my attention for some time, what is strange as I like to watch at girls. Suddenly, I've decided to look who is there and in the same time she looked in my eyes, so I could to understand her type. She was not emotional as we were in a hall of medical organisation - not a place for good emotions. Pretty face, dressed all black, but too thin figure for my taste - I prefer more athletic and thick ones. She was like a shadow, I got no significant interest, even dispite I've typed her to my dual. When I was leaving that place I even did not remembered about her and did not look where she set. It's rather strange.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    SEI girl working in local supermarket. Always alert and lively. Good attention to detail. Funny person but a little scattered mind.

    Dominant subtype.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Man sei... Or mbti:isfj

    Mann... mannnnnn xDD

    I really thought my crush was an enfj...but it turned out to be an isfj or sei!!

    Because enfjs are so hard on themselves and others...

    But sei, man... I like what sei are treating me xDD

    Like whatever i do.. He likes me lol xD

    And he likes me for being crazy hahahahhaha

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    Today I saw ESI cashier in a shop. Seems she was ~30 yo, very smily, pleasant face, acceptable body (though the height could be more) and eastern look. I suspect she's more light-minded than I'd prefer, not very smart but most people should be close. I'd prefer EII for relations. Pretty girls of that age often are in marriage (sometimes unofficial). I liked her, stayed for some time near her cash desk and looked sometimes on her, she catched several of my looks. I'm not sure did she had interest to me. I undersand how easily I may fall in feelings and obligations with such nice girls. I'm affraid to make the wrong decisions because of non-types factors in unknown people and other problems, including by own obstacles for serious relations. I'd also did not want to try and be rejected because of her relations with other or by other reason, especially after getting significant feelings. Such doubts and fears prevent me from trying meeting with good girls having good IR. I'd need to improve on own side some things to become more sure for relations, but this may take too much of time.
    Last edited by Sol; 01-18-2018 at 01:32 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Today I saw ESI (lesser possibly EII) cashier in a shop. Seems she was ~30 yo, very smily, pleasant face, not bad body (though the height could be more) and eastern look. I suspect she's more light-minded than I'd prefer, not very smart but most people should be close. I'd prefer EII for relations. Pretty girls of that age often are in marriage (sometimes unofficial). I liked her, stayed for some time near her cash desk and looked sometimes on her, she catched several of my looks. I'm not sure did she had interest to me. I undersand how easily I may fall in feelings and obligations with such nice girls. I'm affraid to make the wrong decisions because of non-types factors in unknown people and other problems, including by own obstacles for serious relations. I'd also did not want to try and be rejected because of her relations with other or by other reason, especially after getting significant feelings. Such doubts and fears prevent me from trying meeting with good girls having good IR. I'd need to improve on own side some things to become more sure for relations, but this may take too much of time.
    ESI don't smile, she was a SEI. Also, you're a SLE so this relationship is never gonna work, sorry.

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    SLE woman. Looks good for her age. I was invited to type her. The type was assumed during a couple of minutes and then confirmed with questions. Later she said that had a nick in the school as Joan of Arc. She was good in math, has engineer degree, good income and long troubles in relations.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    ESI don't smile, she was a SEI. Also, you're a SLE so this relationship is never gonna work, sorry.
    F types smile more than T types, at least.
    Mirrage IR would be not bad, a little better than neutral as having complementary 2nd functions. I had a pal LII.
    I see some progress. Previously you thought me as ESI, now as SLE. You are closing to the truth.
    While good relations need more than only good IR.

  40. #40
    idontgiveaf's Avatar
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    21yo cute and hot SEI online friend

    So i have this online cute guy 21yo lol. He’s hot, cute and nice. I think he's sei. He's very nice. His looks can be a SLe asshole womanizer.. But then he's sei, thank God xDD

    He's very cute ya know lol. I'm just wondering why the fuck he likes me. Like obviously he's out of my league that's why I'm not hitting on him or anything.. I'm just being friends with him, besides he's too young for me..

    Then, lol xD man this kid is making me feel like I'm younger lol he's just sending me his abs, i once asked for butt then he sent me butt but ofcourse it's not lewd.. His pics were legit.. Just sexy not lewd.

    Then, he once sent me a video of him working his broad shoulders.. Like wtf dude.. It's so hott seriously.. He's only 21 yet omgggggggggg i feel like I'm a cougar being attracted to him.
    Because he's really attractive for me like 10/10.. Plus he's so humble about it and he's sweet because he's sei hahaha xD

    I don't know whenever we're talking we're like, he's amused by my thoughts and me being crazy lol xD

    Then well i asked him to send me a video of him playing the cielo.. Because he told me he's playing the cielo... Man he sent me two... Like wtf dude, he's so.hooooot and cute hahahahah he's rubbing his eyes like a cute dog lol omg i wanna adopt him af lol xD

    He's really cute i wanna have a brother like him.. And we have this endearment terms lol he's calling me yozora chan (his favorite character lol) then i call him ochinchin kun hahahahhahahahahahhahaha xDD

    Man, seriously i was really stupid talking with him yet he just doesn't mind it.. Whatever i say it's okay with him.. Like seriously.. I actually think he might be a catfish because he's just too good to be true.. But nopes. He's sending me videos lol xD and it's hot man hahahhahaha xDDD

    That's all just sharing my pleasures lol xD

    Damn fucking Internet.. It's temptation lol xD

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