This is how i read my special snowflake friends. But i still love them tbh, i just can read them 🤣🤣
Regardless of how negative i described them, they're really good people.. But being able to read em is kind of immortal or bad i think? Jk. It's a gift. But it doesn't mean i don't like em. Because they're all humans. No one is perfect..

Tapatalk shit up ^

From thread, Fe leads, how is your people reading ability

So now, let's go eIE reading:
I'm so geek about people reading 😂😂 i think my people reading ability are further enhanced as i age and experience socialization as a whole.


I think.. Eie, also have this inert Fi on em.. Yes, they're really good social butterflies and can just easily talk with anyone else smoothly.. But it's all in the surface level. What i mean with their inert Fi on em is that, they easily read people and build assumptions on em easily. That they became hard to trust people in general although they show they're good with em. Probably not inert Fi. 🤣🤣🤣
It's ni. That stops em all the way.
With ESFj, she's just easy to read and easier to accept people than EIE.

Because EIE are somehow distrustful due to Ni..

So there's this situation where my EIE friend finds a group to belong to.. We're new on one place.

She suggested one place, and i thought she's already comfortable with that place and been going there for long time.. Because when people saw her, it's like they're very close to her and she reacts the same way.. But ofcourse it's all nothing but a social grace.. No deep connection on that, or whatsoever. Why? There's this message that time that says, " you cannot be easily friends with someone for only 15 minutes, you have to build connection with em..and always meet them, connect with em multiple times.." which i think make sense.. So i decided to pursue that group and make connections with em..

But ofcourse i learned that being alone suck, so i also consider EIE decisions.. She seemingly fine with that group, as expected.. But i felt that she's not really definitely okay with the group. Probably because of Fi valuers there. More than Fe..

My EIe friend ofcourse go for Fe valuing group. So i was surprised that she invited me the other week on other new group to try out because I thought she's fine with the first.. Well, it is all just a social face.

And ofcourse she makes new friend easily.. Because she has that special charm.. Well coming to think of it, she can actually be good at manipulating people and you won't, even i,i think can be fooled.

That's how great EIE are good.. I've actually been victimized by one EIE dude.. He's so nice and he Always compliments me and he always say that i make him happy.. But inspite of that, i also feel he's just really all thinking about himself how he benefited me.. Because once that thing had gone, our communication has stopped.. And when i tried getting in touch with him, it's all different... Everything is changed in just one or two years..

Unlike Fi valuers, i have Fi valuers high-school friends, these are gammas. Until now..we're still friends. I love these gamma friends a lot! They're really true and genuine friends. We're mostly like sisters.

So there. and, with EiE, friend.. That current friend.. She always seek for Fe valuing group and she actually appreciates an healthy SLE(estp) Fe use.

Note: SlE are not assholes. I saw one couple, SlE and IEI.. Oh geez they look perfect for each other..

They're healthy types.

And i just realized that well, i actually search more into activities rather than social bullshit 😂😂

Like my EIE are always trying to look for some social setting to fit her and make her happy.. But for me, i actually asked her if we could join the activities there, but she preferred just socializing with new people.

Like i saw how different we are..

Like she's really not gonna survive in a setting called IT environment. Because people lack Fe there..more of thinking..

Yes, i still survive IT.. 🤣 although i crave for Fe in the form of joining activities..

I think, i have more Fe than Fi. Well they people here say I'm Ti polr, but i talk and make friends with SLI and LII easily.

So can that even make you Ti polr when you can get along with em?, xD

But explanation wise, LII explanations are really fucked up shit. Like too deep shit, i doubt someone else can understand them. Only themselves. But their theories look legit.. But with Te leads, how they explain a concept is more understandable.

BTW, i just realized that i also get along pretty well with ENTj..

Like they're actually cool people tbh. And i like them 🤣 especially the females.. Males comes off too arrogant for me..

But with females i can easily build connection with em..

But i know an EnTj who is also good at people, he's male and we also get along very well.

Tbh, overall. I don't really like Fe.. Too much Fe exhaust me. 😂 like, you know i just wanna follow myself not social bullshit or not even think of people's concern that much..

Like you know, I'm more of an activity person. Like i actually enjoyed participating on activities and meeting people of the same interests half way. that way i met genuine long term keeping friends..

Rather than just by talking with several people for 5 minutes and then after that, it's gone. 🤣

That's how EIe works. 🤣🤣 like i was surprised that i think inspite of their good social capabilities they're bad at keeping those short term acquaintance friendships..

That's all for EIE psycho analysis