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Thread: Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    For awhile I was thinking that the woman at work who started after me but quickly got promoted above me was eii, probably gender bias, but i've come to see her as lii. And 1w9 (I usually don't notice enneatype). There's a blend of timidity and rigidity in her demeanor that I find a little offputting, like i don't really know where my footing is? But i respect her because she's extremely competent and works her ass off.

    Yesterday somebody came up and teasingly asked her if she was avoiding them, and she was like, "no, i've been busy with this report" and the other person was like, "oh, I know, i'm just teasing." But she was like, "this report really has to go out, I wasn't avoiding you," and seemed distressed. Even if the teasing was passive aggressive (I don't think it was, at least not to any important degree) everybody knows she puts in longer hours than anyone, so she has no reason to be defensive. The eie boss jokes about this by way of telling her how lazy she is and expressing dismay at all she doesn't do, but i'm not really sure if she gets that that's a joke either :/ but it's hard to tell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    For awhile I was thinking that the woman at work who started after me but quickly got promoted above me was eii, probably gender bias, but i've come to see her as lii. And 1w9 (I usually don't notice enneatype). There's a blend of timidity and rigidity in her demeanor that I find a little offputting, like i don't really know where my footing is? But i respect her because she's extremely competent and works her ass off.

    Yesterday somebody came up and teasingly asked her if she was avoiding them, and she was like, "no, i've been busy with this report" and the other person was like, "oh, I know, i'm just teasing." But she was like, "this report really has to go out, I wasn't avoiding you," and seemed distressed. Even if the teasing was passive aggressive (I don't think it was, at least not to any important degree) everybody knows she puts in longer hours than anyone, so she has no reason to be defensive. The eie boss jokes about this by way of telling her how lazy she is and expressing dismay at all she doesn't do, but i'm not really sure if she gets that that's a joke either :/ but it's hard to tell.
    She should grow up. Keep making the joke until she "gets it" lol.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    A male IEI whom I know decided he would be more comfortable as a woman and started transitioning last year. It was interesting to see the reactions of the people around her as she changed. First, her nails, which became long and elegant, then she started dressing ambiguously, then the makeup, and then came the dresses. Some people were really, really uncomfortable with being around her and they refused to talk about her in any context, and others were like, No big deal. (I'm in the No big deal camp.)
    She is genetically male, so her voice tends to be a bit rough for a woman, but it's hard to tell for sure, maybe she smokes, and she compensates for this by dressing ultra-elegantly and by being very much at home in who she is. Your first impression of her is "Wow! Put this girl in the front office where she can impress the visitors", but she's actually a researcher. Honestly, she dresses now like a Vogue model. I wish more women had her taste in clothes.

    Yesterday she was talking to this grizzled old fart who looks like Willy Nelson from the Red States, and it was quite a contrast. The guy was looking at her with the funniest expression on his face. He was puzzled and uncertain and she was mildly amused. I wish I had had a camera.

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    I was standing for a few minutes outside a meeting room next to the exit of the building in which I work, mentally preparing myself for a presentation to our customers inside on how we are spending their money and why they should give us even more, when an ESI who works as a secretary for another organization in the building walked up to me.
    She was bundled up to go outside, with a new red hat on and a scarf wrapped around her face so only her eyes were visible.
    Despite working in the same building for a few years, we’ve spoken only a couple of times. About all I know of her is that she’s nice and is married to a decent-looking guy and they had a kid a couple years ago. The very few times we spoke were mostly me trying to joke with her and her giving me this ice-cold stare and saying nothing in return, so I was surprised when she stopped by the exit doors and asked me if I was working hard. She had this merry look in her eyes and I wondered what was going on.
    “I’m pretending to work”, I said.
    She looked at me. “I have so many things you could do for me.”
    I thought, is she kidding? My imagination immediately went to the least business-like interpretation of her statement.
    “Are these things something I want to do or things that you want to do?”
    She mumbled something behind her scarf and out the door she went.

    I thought, “Aggressor with low Ni.” I’m not even sure she was trying for a double meaning, or was even consciously aware that one existed.

    I'm thinking; Four Year Itch.
    One year to meet the guy, one year to have a baby, two years to raise the kid to the point where the Village can take care of them, and now she's ready to go again, maybe spin the dial and mix the genes up a bit.
    That is, if we were all living in tribes in the year 50,000 B.C. Which we are not, but our bodies don't know that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm thinking; Four Year Itch.
    it's correct when the main factor of the attraction is a passion and other ones are much weaker. as passion is directed on the birth of a child. deeper feeling as love has no limits, the same as friendship attraction. I had longer feelings, for example
    passion is egocentric. love is very different, though may include a passion component

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    Yesterday I observed my SLI mechanic to jump start a car (the battery was dead and we had no jumper cable) using two pliers like these and holding them both with his bare hands.

    After that, he asked for a drink and ate pizza with us while speaking with me and my IEE of all kind of random tech stuff, passing through conspiracy theories to another new business idea that didn't sound crazy. He also revealed to us that car agencies are the worst places to get your car to be fixed as he witnessed so many unbelievable accidents while working on one.

    He also forgot to say goodbye to us when he left. lol
    Last edited by Faith; 02-01-2019 at 02:56 AM.

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    I was on a mock jury today to let the lawyers sharpen their cases before presenting them at trial. The woman who recruited me is an SEI, and apparently, she does this for a living. She recruits random people she meets and then asks them to hear a case before the case actually goes to trial.

    What I found interesting was the makeup of the twelve jurers.

    1. LIE male, older (me), tended to lead the discussion when no one else spoke, and after eight hours of deliberation, was being looked to for opinions.
    2. ESI female, 41 yo, involved in health care. She basically related her own experiences to those in the case.
    3. LSE female, about mid-40's, didn't say much, seemed a bit nervous and looked to others to speak up first.
    4. SEE female, late 30's, also worked in health care, and was easily the smartest person there. I gave her the cookie from my box lunch and wished like hell she were ESI.
    5. IEI female, 40's, black, who did not like the IEE. She tended to ramble when talking and would not stick to a logical train of thought.
    6. ESI male, overweight, possibly early 40's, didn't talk unless prompted, but was fairly clear when he said something.
    7. LII female, Chinese, again didn't talk unless prompted but was smart and demonstrated clear reasoning.
    8. ILE black male, fairly talkative, wanted to see more and more evidence before making a final decision.
    9. EII female, late 60's early 70's, talked all the time and made little sense, was usually outraged at something she saw as unfair, and tended to wander in her speech. The defendant was LSI, and the EII just did not like her for no reason that was obvious. All the other jurors thought the LSI was both competent and likeable, but a bit cold.
    10. EIE male, mid 30's, incredibly ethical and sensible. Made many good arguments regarding personal responsibility and procedures.
    11. LII/ILI male, late 20's, spoke only twice to clarify his written opinion.
    12. LSE male, late 60's-early 70's, seemed anxious to award almost $1M to the plaintiff. Later reversed his guilty vote in the face of overwhelming opposition. Wore a grey mustache and a baseball cap.

    What struck me was the fairly uniform distribution of types, and how well each type conformed to their generally accepted type description.

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    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Was talking to a self-identified ENTP on a dating website and after he brought it up, I made some predictions on his interests / personality based on that. I particularly mentioned enjoying upbeat and intellectually stimulating conversation and he agreed and said: "Give me a discussion about brexit over sex any day of the week" lmfao
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Was talking to a self-identified ENTP on a dating website and after he brought it up, I made some predictions on his interests / personality based on that. I particularly mentioned enjoying upbeat and intellectually stimulating conversation and he agreed and said: "Give me a discussion about brexit over sex any day of the week" lmfao
    I feel bad for Theresa May. She's doing a shitty job but it's a shitty job that no one else wanted to do so it all fell on her shoulders. No one really wanted the brexit bomb to explode in their lap and it passed on to May.

    Hope she won't blow up with the rest of the Kingdom ;_;

    Everyone mentioning conspiracy theories is a try hard ENTP on dating sites too.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babooshka View Post
    I feel bad for Theresa May. She's doing a shitty job but it's a shitty job that no one else wanted to do so it all fell on her shoulders. No one really wanted the brexit bomb to explode in their lap and it passed on to May.

    Hope she won't blow up with the rest of the Kingdom ;_;

    Everyone mentioning conspiracy theories is a try hard ENTP on dating sites too.
    and you're choosing to move here!
    Yeah no one could do a good job with it, I think, and better May then any of the hard line brexiteers. Unfortunately for the ENTP I stopped paying attention to the details of it a while ago for the sake of my own emotional and mental stability lol
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    and you're choosing to move here!
    Yeah no one could do a good job with it, I think, and better May then any of the hard line brexiteers. Unfortunately for the ENTP I stopped paying attention to the details of it a while ago for the sake of my own emotional and mental stability lol

    I'm already known for bad decisions. What's one more on my resumé?
    Jk, I'm willing to stick with the bri'ish invasion through thick and thin. Unless I am to die of starvation there.

    I know the feel. I met a NICE friend on reddit but the next day I find out they're a marxist and I rolled up my Romanian sleeves to knock some sense into that idea and--
    It wasn't pretty.
    Idk, I can handle everything besides communism. I can't be civilized when it comes to communism >
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Had another yet talk with police patrol. It was cute, polite and talking softly SEI dude. He said that they were in a car and saw how I passed the street on a red light (a note: it was empty small street) so they have decided to stop me to talk. He has recommended to do not pass streets on red light when there is a patrol near. I've replied that did not see them. They has checked their database is there a "bad" in my past, found nothing and we said "good bye" to each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by Babooshka View Post
    I can't be civilized when it comes to communism
    you need to wash the liberal/antihumanistic propaganda out of your head to perceive it more reasonably. the lack of objective knowledge about socialism/communism and emotions from propagandistic bs prevent adequate thinking

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    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Was talking to a self-identified ENTP on a dating website and after he brought it up, I made some predictions on his interests / personality based on that. I particularly mentioned enjoying upbeat and intellectually stimulating conversation and he agreed and said: "Give me a discussion about brexit over sex any day of the week" lmfao
    Went on a date with this dude. He talked a lot but without being a good conversationalist. I mentioned another ILE I met a little while back and had a similar experience with him. I could see why some people might like that conversation style though I'm not planning on seeing him again.

    Went on a date with another guy today who is an aggressor otherwise unspecified (I'd assume LSI but don't trust my first impression typing skills enough to say for sure). Oh lord, such a difference. Erotic styles are real. He was so aggressor-like even down to how he was describing himself that I'm almost nervous to type this in case he is into socionics. He sounded like he was quoting an aggressor profile at times. He invaded my space quite quickly (sidenote: he's not British and I am so this might be my prudish cultural heritage coming into play here ); said he liked the fact that I was shy and submissive; said he liked a challenge and liked the fact that I forced him to slow down because he doesn't like things (read: girls) that are easy to get; gave me advice in the form of instructions ("Do X" not "maybe try X") and also kept setting me challenges to keep eye contact for at least five seconds because he pointed out that I tend to avert my eyes.
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Went on a date with this dude. He talked a lot but without being a good conversationalist. I mentioned another ILE I met a little while back and had a similar experience with him. I could see why some people might like that conversation style though I'm not planning on seeing him again.

    Went on a date with another guy today who is an aggressor otherwise unspecified (I'd assume LSI but don't trust my first impression typing skills enough to say for sure). Oh lord, such a difference. Erotic styles are real. He was so aggressor-like even down to how he was describing himself that I'm almost nervous to type this in case he is into socionics. He sounded like he was quoting an aggressor profile at times. He invaded my space quite quickly (sidenote: he's not British and I am so this might be my prudish cultural heritage coming into play here ); said he liked the fact that I was shy and submissive; said he liked a challenge and liked the fact that I forced him to slow down because he doesn't like things (read: girls) that are easy to get; gave me advice in the form of instructions ("Do X" not "maybe try X") and also kept setting me challenges to keep eye contact for at least five seconds because he pointed out that I tend to avert my eyes.
    I'd give this post two "likes" if I could. One "like" for good writing style and another for the confirmation of the workings of Socionics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    said he liked the fact that I was shy and submissive; said he liked a challenge and liked the fact that I forced him to slow down because he doesn't like things (read: girls) that are easy to get
    The probability of E type (SLE, for example) is higher. LSI on 1st meetings by role Fi express softness (in case there was no alcohol) and are not sincere to tell about own feelings so quickly. Base T types prefer to talk about feelings to closer people. Also extraverts like shyness, not introverts.

    > and also kept setting me challenges to keep eye contact for at least five seconds because he pointed out that I tend to avert my eyes

    also I types are shy, including LSIs. he'd expected to hide own eyes on 1st dates, instead of challenges

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The probability of E type (SLE, for example) is higher. LSI on 1st meetings by role Fi express softness (in case there was no alcohol) and are not sincere to tell about own feelings so quickly. Base T types prefer to talk about feelings to closer people. Also extraverts like shyness, not introverts.

    > and also kept setting me challenges to keep eye contact for at least five seconds because he pointed out that I tend to avert my eyes

    also I types are shy, including LSIs. he'd expected to hide own eyes on 1st dates, instead of challenges
    Yes I figured either LSI or SLE. He seemed less expansive than SLEs I've known / seen videos of, which is why I went for LSI. He also seemed sort of controlled but that might just be S-type / being more comfortable in his body than I'm used to since I'm sort of awkward in mine. He had a lot of stillness. I took it for IJ.

    But you are right about the shyness thing - he seemed to thrive more and get more excited the shier I was, which led him to take control of the conversation whereas it was fairly equal at the beginning. The more I stepped back, the harder he pushed forward (and, consequently, the harder he pushed the more I recoiled, which then excited him further).
    @Adam Strange, thank you!!
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Yes I figured either LSI or SLE. He seemed less expansive than SLEs I've known / seen videos of, which is why I went for LSI. He also seemed sort of controlled but that might just be S-type / being more comfortable in his body than I'm used to since I'm sort of awkward in mine. He had a lot of stillness. I took it for IJ.

    But you are right about the shyness thing - he seemed to thrive more and get more excited the shier I was, which led him to take control of the conversation whereas it was fairly equal at the beginning. The more I stepped back, the harder he pushed forward (and, consequently, the harder he pushed the more I recoiled, which then excited him further).
    @Adam Strange, thank you!!
    @mrrrmaid, you are very welcome.

    SLE's seem to have a reputation on socionics sites for being pushy, overbearing jerks with tattoos on their faces who don't know when to stop getting into your space. In my experience, I only know one SLE like that (and he doesn't have any tattoos). All the rest are normal, fun, thinking guys who care a lot about the people close to them and who are often found standing at the edge of a crowd, observing and drinking in the energy and not making a fuss. They actively try to act like heroic gentlemen, because they respect those values.

    It is only when you observe them for a while that you realize they are making small pushes for personal space when the opportunities arise.

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    I met a woman at a party. She’s on my MIL’s side and I hadn’t talked to her very much previously. She always acts like we know each other semi-well and tbh I have a hard time remembering names and I forgot her name. Despite her over familiarity, which I didn’t mind, but since I’m not like this, it’s strange to me, it was also comforting, as I have a hard time getting passed formalities with people.

    I started noticing she was very take charge in a place that I thought it was somewhat inappropriate to take charge of. However I also didn’t mind, because it’s nice when people are sitting around twiddling their thumbs and someone has the inclination to move forward. I thought, however, that it might make my mother upset, as she was the one throwing the party and was interested in what my mom would think when the party was over.

    Someone asked me if I was interested in having more kids, and she spat out, ‘Another!’ Really loud, like it was unthinkable. And I began to think she was kind of rude. I said nothing and ignored her. My mom quickly started defending me in her understanding way.
    the woman also kept telling me not to do certain things and I didn’t like it. She also offered to take some stuff to goodwill for me that I brought up I needed to take, which I thought was nice, but also kind of strange since I didn’t think we knew each other well enough for her to be taking things to goodwill for me, but then she started getting pushy about it and it made me feel really awkward. I had to make up a ton of excuses to get her to back off.

    When it was time to clean up, the woman took serious charge and put a box together of things my mother had bought that she didn’t want my mother getting her hands on since the things would go to waste, ‘since she is trying to throw everything away.’ She said. Well, yes, I know my mom likes throwing things away because she thinks it sat out too long and was contaminated, but she did buy the food. It seemed kind of rude and intrusive to me. And she said this in front of my mother! I was worried she was going to hurt my moms feelings, so I took the box, looked over at my mom, and winked at her. To kind of smooth things over and as a sign for her not to worry that I was not going to eat the contaminated stuff and die of food poisoning.

    Sure enough, when I got home, my mom was calling me, on me about throwing away the sour cream because it sat out too long. Nobody in our house likes sour cream anyway, so I threw it away. I told her ‘that lady was something else, wasn’t she?’ Kind of fishing to see what my mom thought of her. But she didn’t say a whole lot because my mom isn’t one to shit talk. I’m sure if it was my SEE sister, she’d have a lot to say. I don’t think my sister would have liked her at all. Probably would have even gotten in a fight with her. It’s probably a good thing my sister wasn’t there, now that I think about it. I think the lady might have been SLE. I’m beginning to think my mom might be IEE instead of ESE. I honestly don’t think I know very many SLE women, so this was an experience.
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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    At ~22:00, straight after I've went out from a home I've seen a young and attractive woman of 20-25 yo, with long blond hairs, in short skirt. Probably she was EII. I stayed to look where she goes, as was curious where she may live. She came to a car on parking and set on a passanger sit. I suppose she visited someone near and was with her man, which waited in the car.
    Probably I did not see her previously.

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    I was eating lunch alone on a little four-person wrought iron table in an open-air food court, watching the people go by. The place was crowded, so I could fade into the background. As much as that was possible while wearing a suit and a white shirt on a warm spring day. I had positioned myself so I could watch the face of a young woman at the next table, who seemed to be an Fi-dom. She was talking earnestly to her companions, and after I looked away from her to watch some people doing something silly with their young child, I caught her looking away quickly with a smile on her face.

    A man in a slightly rumpled medium blue trench coat was buying his lunch from a vendor. He appeared to be about forty-five and was above average height and heavyset, like a middleweight who had gone to fat. He had his hands in his coat pockets and held his arms stiffly by his sides as he ordered, as if he were holding in the heat.

    When he got his food, he turned around and surveyed the tables. All of them were full but mine. He met my eyes, I smiled at him and waved him over. This should be fun, I thought.

    He sat down and introduced himself. He was wearing a plain, dark grey metal wedding band and seemed introverted but uncomplicated. I told him my name and we both admired the food we had purchased. He told me that he came there every week and always had the same sandwich, a chicken with Ceasar dressing.

    I asked him what he did for a living, and he said he was an undertaker. That surprised me, and I said so. He explained that his father was an undertaker, but when he had graduated from college, he had left home and had traveled around and had had some jobs doing work in construction, which he really enjoyed. But the recession of 2008 had spooked him. He had been out of work for months, and during that time he decided that he never wanted to be without a job again. So, he returned home and went into the family business. He said he was now thirty-three and wanted to save up enough so he wouldn’t have to work forever.

    He was thirty-three but his hair was graying and he looked like he was pushing fifty pretty hard.

    “Undertaking is like roofing”, I said. “When your roof leaks or you have a dead body in the house, you aren’t going to put off that purchase.”

    He said, “Roofing is a dangerous job. You can’t do it when you’re old.”

    “Still, it’s outdoor work,” I said, and we both smiled. His face got enthusiastic and he agreed.

    “So, do you like your job?”

    His face went blank and he looked at me. “That’s a pretty unusual question to ask someone you’ve just met,” he said carefully.

    “I’m a fairly rude guy”, I said. He accepted this evenly, as if he expected this from everyone.

    So, being sure now, I went for it.

    “You strike me as a guy who likes to work outdoors with his hands. Who likes to travel and who doesn’t want to be tied down. But also as a guy who wants security. Wants some basic stability in his life. I think you are really loyal to your friends, but you divide people into two categories.” I brought the edge of my palm down on the table. “The Good. And the Bad. But you’ll never tell the Bad that they are bad.”

    He was watching me. Then he said, “You got me pretty good. That’s exactly how I am. How did you know all that stuff?”

    “Here. First”, I said, getting out my phone and calling up a picture of my female LIE friend. The dark one where her face is clouded with anger and she’s on the phone looking like a serious business bitch, no compromises, no excuses accepted, and why the fuck are you wasting my time with this stupid shit? I showed it to him and asked, “What do you think of this woman?”

    “She’s pretty”, he said.

    I said, “Write this down. Stratiyevskaya. ESI.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Who likes to travel and who doesn’t want to be tied down. But also as a guy who wants security.
    to do not want be tied down and to want a security is in a controvertion
    J types, especially IS*J, seek for stability - the best where to "be tied down". The best place, job, wife, etc. They choose something and hold for this. If they do not like - they seriously and for long try to improve what they have. In younger age nontypes reasons make people lesser stable, easier switching. But among types J types prefer to be tied down, alike they create plans and then "tie down" themselves to follow them.

    spread the name of Filatova. she's better. and my dual

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    There are only about four people whom I've met in my life that I really, really do not like or respect.

    I ran into one of them today, after not seeing him since 2007. At that time, we were working together (separate companies, same project) and we parted on pretty bad terms.
    Since I discovered Socionics, I've been typing people from my past but I could not type him. But today, as he and I were briefly talking, I got the impression that he is my dual. If so, he is the first dual I've ever encountered whom I did not like.

    New experience. Assuming I've typed him correctly.

    Incidentally, my criticism of him doesn't relate to how nice a guy he is. He's actually a fairly nice guy. My criticism all revolves around his incompetence (as I see it) at business, which was seriously affecting me at the time. He runs a company that he bought but did not build and which has gone nowhere since he took control. He's cheap in stupid ways and, I think, has his head so far up his ass that he hasn't seen daylight for years. But beyond that, he's actually a decent guy.

    I need to think about this some more.

    *EDIT* He's super public and super cheap. Probably So/Sp.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-30-2019 at 05:12 PM.

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    Have seen E9 girl 20-25 yo in a shop. I've noticed a cute one and impressions from her have reminded me other E9 girl about wich I miss still. I should not, taking into account what she did, what was and how long we did not talked, but I miss her.
    This today E9 was dressed like a teenager, while having age a little more. She reminded a kid. Cute kid about which you wish to care and share the state of inner quiteness with her. Being E1 I catch myself that I'm attracted to such people, I'd want to relax my mind with them, to feel their inner quite peace to rest from the life for some time. To fight, to be always in tonus - this exhausts and needs a rest. Also she was interesting as a woman for me, - like most of women. She've noticed my attention and did grooming gests with her long hairs - that could mean she has a return interest for a flirt. Mb in other situation that could to have a continuation. I could not to assume her type - mb ESI as she reminded me such one, or other type. She was just cute and I did not wanted to think about Jung types. She came to a cashbox and I've stood near her, being attracted and wanting to be closer to her. I miss about that other E9.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    But today, as he and I were briefly talking, I got the impression that he is my dual.
    duals should not inspire irrational antipathy. good chance of other close type, in case your own is correct too. superego, as an example. I mistyped sometimes them to duals.
    The last case was in 2017. She was partly strange for EII and had personal problems (in my perception), but I thought EII as most possibly until more data have shifted the opinion to EIE.

    > My criticism all revolves around his incompetence (as I see it) at business, which was seriously affecting me at the time.

    anyway strange for duals. they have similar approach to life. serious where you like them so. they look as loyal and reliable. ESI try hard to be "good workers". responsible people
    he can be incompetent due to objective reasons, but should try to be good and where he's bad to hire someone to do that better. the opposite rather doubtful for ESI. except they are abnormal - low IQ, drugs, psyche disorders, etc

    > I need to think about this some more.

    offer him to record a typing interview

    > *EDIT* He's super public and super cheap. Probably So/Sp

    mb alpha

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There are only about four people whom I've met in my life that I really, really do not like or respect.

    I ran into one of them today, after not seeing him since 2007. At that time, we were working together (separate companies, same project) and we parted on pretty bad terms.
    Since I discovered Socionics, I've been typing people from my past but I could not type him. But today, as he and I were briefly talking, I got the impression that he is my dual. If so, he is the first dual I've ever encountered whom I did not like.

    New experience. Assuming I've typed him correctly.

    Incidentally, my criticism of him doesn't relate to how nice a guy he is. He's actually a fairly nice guy. My criticism all revolves around his incompetence (as I see it) at business, which was seriously affecting me at the time. He runs a company that he bought but did not build and which has gone nowhere since he took control. He's cheap in stupid ways and, I think, has his head so far up his ass that he hasn't seen daylight for years. But beyond that, he's actually a decent guy.

    I need to think about this some more.

    *EDIT* He's super public and super cheap. Probably So/Sp.
    But isnt everyone your dual tho

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    Hanged out with my ILE friend. Great guy. We met a year ago studying history together. We always seem to have such good conversations about pretty much anything. He is very respectful, wholesome and kind. He moved away to another town unfortunately but this weekend he visited.

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    I remember this woman I met through friends almost ten years ago, she was a breeze, a salty ocean breeze and I was fascinated by her. She told me I was like her for some reason.
    I "made it" into her facebook friend list, only 100 persons she deemed worthy of being her friend, you know, to keep some competition thing up, she added me like it was a privilege. We got close then grew apart but only after she tried sleeping with me. I'd say she is a witch with how she could breeze through people. I just wanted to stay afar and watch the despair left in her trail.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stefilias View Post
    I remember this woman I met through friends almost ten years ago, she was a breeze, a salty ocean breeze and I was fascinated by her. She told me I was like her for some reason.
    I "made it" into her facebook friend list, only 100 persons she deemed worthy of being her friend, you know, to keep some competition thing up, she added me like it was a privilege. We got close then grew apart but only after she tried sleeping with me. I'd say she is a witch with how she could breeze through people. I just wanted to stay afar and watch the despair left in her trail.
    Are u gay

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Are u gay
    I don't bother with such definitions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stefilias View Post
    I don't bother with such definitions.
    Hes gay

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Hes gay
    Sure, if that makes you happy, lol.

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    To be interested in Socionics is to be infested with the sickly desire for definition.

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    I met an ESE working at the Humane Society a few days ago. I’ve been trying to notice ESEs more lately since people say duality is amazing and all that. I liked her — she was a friendly person. But I didn’t feel anything particularly different about/with her in my entire minute of interacting with her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I met an ESE working at the Humane Society a few days ago. I’ve been trying to notice ESEs more lately since people say duality is amazing and all that. I liked her — she was a friendly person. But I didn’t feel anything particularly different about/with her in my entire minute of interacting with her.
    The first few times I interacted with a dual, it took me an hour or two or three of ongoing conversation to notice anything. When I looked back on the conversation, I realized that there was no discernible conflict, and I was feeling kind of happy.

    The same thing was true when I first smoked weed. I was so used to my life as it was, that I didn’t know what to look for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I met an ESE working at the Humane Society a few days ago. I’ve been trying to notice ESEs more lately since people say duality is amazing and all that. I liked her — she was a friendly person. But I didn’t feel anything particularly different about/with her in my entire minute of interacting with her.
    Entire minute lol. ☺ well you usually dont feel anything particular with duals. that's the thing You only notice it little by little. As you spend more time together. And your not gonna be compatible with all duals. But I promise duality is amazing with the right dual.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I met a SEI nurse. She was pretty excited and laughed all the time. Seems like she is not like that around everyone.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Misconception, Sol. Overripe bananas are actually healthy for humans and not hazardous for birds.
    But you've to distinguish between rotten and overripe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Overripe bananas are actually healthy for humans and not hazardous for birds.
    "let the birds decide for themselves what they consider to be disgusting or not"

    I was against this approach as general rule.
    The main idea was that animals which do not deal with some food in their common nature may to have no correct instinctual reactions and such to eat food which is harmful for them. As those "correct instinctual reactions" develop in natural selection where the ones who ate bad died more often. Unlike people, primitive animals do not study good from experience of others and do not share good info how to live.

    There is an example of dogs. They are not adopted like humans to sugar food, - it may harm them. But they'll eat it with a pleasure.

    > But you've to distinguish between rotten and overripe

    it's unpredictable what was called as "rotten" and how animals will react on unusual food in any its state. they may eat it when it's bad for them

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "let the birds decide for themselves what they consider to be disgusting or not"

    I was against this approach as general rule.
    Most animals instinctively know which food is good for them and which isn't. Also a lot of animals are able to digest food humans are consider to be rotten.
    Maybe for some kind of pets a preselection of food by a human is needed especially in case the animal can't select from a variety of food on their own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The main idea was that animals which do not deal with some food in their common nature may to have no correct instinctual reactions and such to eat food which is harmful for them.
    My idea was that most animals are born with the instinct what kind of food ist good for them.

    How do you know what food is eatable and what is digusting? Own experience? Being taught by other people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There is an example of dogs. They are not adopted like humans to sugar food, - it may harm them. But they'll eat it with a pleasure.
    I've never seen dogs that eat fruits or go for sweets in general.
    But I know that a dog from a family in my neighborhood snapped and munched a big sausage... and needed a treatment from a veterinarian afterwards, mainly because of the salt and the spices in it.
    But that was processed food for humans, not dog food, and the main ingredient was indeed meat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > But you've to distinguish between rotten and overripe

    it's unpredictable what was called as "rotten" and how animals will react on unusual food in any its state. they may eat it when it's bad for them
    The question was about bananas... and the probability that the're overripe is way higher than rotten.
    Brownish peel is a sign for overripeness... but I guess there are a lot of people would call them rotten.

    Otherwise I speak from my own experience and while there are animals who don't know what food is good for them, a lot of animals do know it.

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    everytime I hang out with my esfp friend something stupid happens

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