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Thread: Random people of certain types you met recently or earlier

  1. #41
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    Another ESI woman-seller at a shop, 35-40 yo. Not bad look, but seems as tired. A ring on the right hand means as married in Russia. I'd want to meet younger and EII, but I'm feeling a sorrow that she's married, anyway.

  2. #42
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    SLI-D house painter. Woman, 25-35 yo. Supervises the work, probably quite experienced. Has a slightly masculine persona. Lots of delta STs in construction.

    Si-base + D subtype always interesting, creates a soft but intense person at the same time.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  3. #43
    Haikus niffer's Avatar
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    I really like this idea of this thread. I've always felt that there should be a "random thought" thread like this in the General Socionics Discussion section, maybe it should be stickied.

    I wanted to say that my mom who is LSE has a much older and wrinklier looking face than my ILI dad, even though my mom is asian and a year younger than my dad who is white. My dad doesn't make any facial expressions ever though and just showers daily without any special care, whereas my mom uses all sorts of skincare bullshit. I think it's important to be careful if you have strong Fe role with a really expressive face. Eat collagen and vitamin c, and develop more stoicism.

  4. #44
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    In a shop have looked on 1 sec into the eyes of a pretty ~18 y.o. SEI girl. She've said "Hello" like knows me. Mb the revising effect.

  5. #45
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    A few days ago, I had a very nice interview with an IEE. She's an ecological activist for a movement called "Zero Waste", that revolves around the issue of natural resources, waste and pollution. I think that this planet needs a lot more people like her, because not too many of us realize what harm we actually do by using plastics for example.

    IEEs always seem so naturally kind, friendly and open. I usually get that instant "I wanna be your friend" vibe from them, but it was actually a little difficult to make her to open up about her opinions. I had to ask her a lot of questions until I actually got to the point of the movement and their solutions for more ecological lifestyle. But I always have this issue with IEEs. Even when they seem like open people, they tend to close up, it's like browsing through their surface all the time.

    I am not sure if it's me who's doing something wrong with the IEEs, or if it's their character. I always feel like I might have so much in common with them, but anytime when I try to actually get close to them, they close up and back up. I know so many of them who seem to be fun and sweet, but it's really hard to actually get to know them.

  6. #46
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    Have met IEI girl on the street. She was in all black, walked looking under her feet, was inside of herself.
    She was beautiful. Cute face with tender and soft features, very feminine. Excellent figure, which was not hiden under her leggings. She was ~16 y.o. and paid no attention to me.
    Men in my age should to look as old for such girls. I do not feel myself much other than when was young in 20s and do not see myself lesser attractive, though I notice lesser energy and appetences are lesser obsessive.
    It's funny, but I detect my conflictors more often than duals. EII should not be more rare in public places, seems they are harder to attract my attention and probably being typed. My strong feeling to IEI in the past could to tune my mind to notice them easier. If I'd was better boy, mb I'd was allowed to have the feelings to EII in that past, but in this case Socionics could to get one lesser faithful adept.
    Last edited by Sol; 04-14-2018 at 05:17 PM.

  7. #47
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    I feel like IEIs don't age well so don't sweat it, unless you wanted to pump + dump

  8. #48
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    ESI elevator technician
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  9. #49
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    SLE-Se event manager. Not sure if this can be explained in socionics terms, but he's the kind of person who changes his mind all the time and can't settle on anything. This makes projects he want to do very expensive and in the end they do not look and work good because of his bizarre ideas. Maybe that's because he smokes a lot of pot.

  10. #50
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    Hmmm.. My crush... I think he might be an ILI...not an IEI....

    Because his Fi is more obvious than his Fe.. He doesn't have Fe tbh..

    I'm not that sure.. 🤔

    Okay. He's IEI.. 😁

    Not because Fe is the 2nd function is that it's used by default..

    I think.. The use of 2nd functions are usually ignored... Leading to 3rd function loops and 4th function grips.

    Hmm. Okay..

    I just realized that, I'm not really good hanging out with IEI.. I mean, i think there's just these differences.. Like a huge difference i think.. I like em because of their difference because i can learn something from em that i don't know...

    But sometimes, for me, since we're opposites, it's like I'm always thinking of ways in which i could not offend him. 😂

    Because he usually perceives ya know. Ni..

    Sooo, I'm not really sure what's really going on through his mind.. I literally have no idea.

    I cannot really read him.. Because he's like showing off some vibe that: you should not read me..

    He's like holding back something from me.. Sort of like that... Like for me sounds innatural. I mean, i just want him to be comfortable with me.. That's the least thing i want him to feel.

    I always want everyone to feel comfortable with me around...

    But sometimes, probably there's just some people who i cannot make em feel that kind of way...

    It's just i wanna be friends that's all. But then, it's like they're not that willing to open up with you..

    I dunno.. 😐

    My crush and i.. I cannot see a romantic relationship future 🔮 lol 😂

    I don't know... But, i usually get attracted with people who are opposite of me..

    And just befriends people who are the same as me.. 🤔

    But liking someone opposite of me is a challenge tbh..

    Sometimes I'm just thinking, does he really likes me? Or he just likes me because i like him? Or he's just only entertaining me just not to be rude or impolite??

    There.. 😐

    I dunno.. It doesn't feel good either.

    Like... He's really really really really.. I don't think he likes my company.. That's all. 🙄

    It's soo sad. Maybe I'm right.. That's my instincts.. He doesn't like my company..

    Sad 😣

    Oh well, that is life! 😊

  11. #51
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    Pretty, below average height, seems not very intelligent young ESI girl on a street. The kind of ESI to think twice to deal with, even taking into account these people are mostly decent from moral point.

    EIE woman which I talked with today on different themes, including esoterics. It's interesting that she works as manual therapist. Has good income. Tried to convince me in "scienctific" state of numerology and astrology. I said her the type. She thought herself as smart in technical region as plays good in chess. I said her other opinion. I suspect she did not like that, though I've explained that skills in weaker regions can be developed good too, that is just harder. Argued with me that Jung's types are doubtful to be used today as Jung lived in other culture situation than today. Also she doubted about stable psychic traits - she claimed people are totally different when deal with different people and hence IR should not work, - that took some time to explain on the example of her extraversion that she behaves such almost with anyone.

  12. #52
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    This is how i read my special snowflake friends. But i still love them tbh, i just can read them 🤣🤣
    Regardless of how negative i described them, they're really good people.. But being able to read em is kind of immortal or bad i think? Jk. It's a gift. But it doesn't mean i don't like em. Because they're all humans. No one is perfect..

    Tapatalk shit up ^

    From thread, Fe leads, how is your people reading ability

    So now, let's go eIE reading:
    I'm so geek about people reading 😂😂 i think my people reading ability are further enhanced as i age and experience socialization as a whole.


    I think.. Eie, also have this inert Fi on em.. Yes, they're really good social butterflies and can just easily talk with anyone else smoothly.. But it's all in the surface level. What i mean with their inert Fi on em is that, they easily read people and build assumptions on em easily. That they became hard to trust people in general although they show they're good with em. Probably not inert Fi. 🤣🤣🤣
    It's ni. That stops em all the way.
    With ESFj, she's just easy to read and easier to accept people than EIE.

    Because EIE are somehow distrustful due to Ni..

    So there's this situation where my EIE friend finds a group to belong to.. We're new on one place.

    She suggested one place, and i thought she's already comfortable with that place and been going there for long time.. Because when people saw her, it's like they're very close to her and she reacts the same way.. But ofcourse it's all nothing but a social grace.. No deep connection on that, or whatsoever. Why? There's this message that time that says, " you cannot be easily friends with someone for only 15 minutes, you have to build connection with em..and always meet them, connect with em multiple times.." which i think make sense.. So i decided to pursue that group and make connections with em..

    But ofcourse i learned that being alone suck, so i also consider EIE decisions.. She seemingly fine with that group, as expected.. But i felt that she's not really definitely okay with the group. Probably because of Fi valuers there. More than Fe..

    My EIe friend ofcourse go for Fe valuing group. So i was surprised that she invited me the other week on other new group to try out because I thought she's fine with the first.. Well, it is all just a social face.

    And ofcourse she makes new friend easily.. Because she has that special charm.. Well coming to think of it, she can actually be good at manipulating people and you won't, even i,i think can be fooled.

    That's how great EIE are good.. I've actually been victimized by one EIE dude.. He's so nice and he Always compliments me and he always say that i make him happy.. But inspite of that, i also feel he's just really all thinking about himself how he benefited me.. Because once that thing had gone, our communication has stopped.. And when i tried getting in touch with him, it's all different... Everything is changed in just one or two years..

    Unlike Fi valuers, i have Fi valuers high-school friends, these are gammas. Until now..we're still friends. I love these gamma friends a lot! They're really true and genuine friends. We're mostly like sisters.

    So there. and, with EiE, friend.. That current friend.. She always seek for Fe valuing group and she actually appreciates an healthy SLE(estp) Fe use.

    Note: SlE are not assholes. I saw one couple, SlE and IEI.. Oh geez they look perfect for each other..

    They're healthy types.

    And i just realized that well, i actually search more into activities rather than social bullshit 😂😂

    Like my EIE are always trying to look for some social setting to fit her and make her happy.. But for me, i actually asked her if we could join the activities there, but she preferred just socializing with new people.

    Like i saw how different we are..

    Like she's really not gonna survive in a setting called IT environment. Because people lack Fe there..more of thinking..

    Yes, i still survive IT.. 🤣 although i crave for Fe in the form of joining activities..

    I think, i have more Fe than Fi. Well they people here say I'm Ti polr, but i talk and make friends with SLI and LII easily.

    So can that even make you Ti polr when you can get along with em?, xD

    But explanation wise, LII explanations are really fucked up shit. Like too deep shit, i doubt someone else can understand them. Only themselves. But their theories look legit.. But with Te leads, how they explain a concept is more understandable.

    BTW, i just realized that i also get along pretty well with ENTj..

    Like they're actually cool people tbh. And i like them 🤣 especially the females.. Males comes off too arrogant for me..

    But with females i can easily build connection with em..

    But i know an EnTj who is also good at people, he's male and we also get along very well.

    Tbh, overall. I don't really like Fe.. Too much Fe exhaust me. 😂 like, you know i just wanna follow myself not social bullshit or not even think of people's concern that much..

    Like you know, I'm more of an activity person. Like i actually enjoyed participating on activities and meeting people of the same interests half way. that way i met genuine long term keeping friends..

    Rather than just by talking with several people for 5 minutes and then after that, it's gone. 🤣

    That's how EIe works. 🤣🤣 like i was surprised that i think inspite of their good social capabilities they're bad at keeping those short term acquaintance friendships..

    That's all for EIE psycho analysis

  13. #53
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    Recently I've met a LIE

  14. #54
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    I think I've met a SEE, we're like :}:} with each other, she's so cute and she calls me "amò" (luv) since today, 3rd time I met her. Today we were talking about her marriage, and I could already figure out her life and herself somehow, I interrupted her a few times to make her questions on her current relationship and every time I was spot on, such a sixth sense! She's a Leo btw, I guess that's why I already love her a bit :}

  15. #55
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    Near me lives (or visits her relatives) a very pretty IEE of 20-25 yo. She walks with a small child, so should be married. I regularly notice her at summers.
    Also I saw today a T type girl in shorts with fantastic legs. She went with a group of students or of near age. I changed my way slightly to follow after her a little and to admire by her longer.

  16. #56
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    LII boss. He's the CEO. He's actually kind of nerd. Ofcourse. Duh. I'm lazy to describe him because he's nice anyways. I might say something bad. I'm sensitive now

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    LII boss. He's the CEO. He's actually kind of nerd. Ofcourse. Duh. I'm lazy to describe him because he's nice anyways. I might say something bad. I'm sensitive now
    An LII is the CEO? That's kind of amazing. Are you sure he's not ILI? I don't see many ILI's who run companies, but I've never seen an LII running a company.

  18. #58
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    EII woman ~30 y.o. Nice but... Is there is a sickness which creates the weird smell from the mouth, besides related to bad ill teeth and gum? It's all rather young people to have significant problems with it. Or they do not use a toothpaste? Mb due to bad meal and the lack of vitamins?
    She've come to me and asked the help. She could not take the shopping trolley - the process needed to insert a coin and to press it a little to disconnect the trolley from other ones. Seems she never met such approaches in shops. Also the example when N types are sometimes like kids in material things. Near was a "special" worker who've come and interupted by moving to help you.
    In relations with S type man her health issue would be fixed most probably.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    An LII is the CEO? That's kind of amazing. Are you sure he's not ILI? I don't see many ILI's who run companies, but I've never seen an LII running a company.
    Yes dude. He's definitely an LII. it's possible bro. I think it would actually fuck up if he will do it alone.

    Okay our company and workplace situation is actually damn hilarious or funny i think.

    My boss or our Ceo is an LII. Well with Ti leads, they have this kind of autistic aura sometimes that you think they're mad at you but they're just on their heads.. He's actually very nice and he always smile and his NE is obvious too. Ne has this sort of enthusiasm and passion in learning new things.

    Our company has new project, so we used new technologies which all of us developers are unfamiliar with. But these technologies are actually reviewed very well as it's the technologies that are used by Facebook, instagram, etc..

    I have these team composition :
    Female ILI 29yo. Well, my LII boss actually trusts this girl, she's our team lead, and she's already been in the company for 3 and a half years. (i actually stalked her on social media, to know her personal details better, tehe. Because she's not the talkative type..she will just speak when you ask her something and she doesn't have these initiative to things like telling us what should we do, like a team lead should be doing. She has this snob aura, like she's actually not the approachable type.. Yet she has this Fi smile and Fi charm that she always uses.. Her Fi smile looks like a cute innocent girl that will really captivate you and make us forgive her for being a bitch.. 🤣 i think her Fi smile doesn't work with some but if you're weak, she will entrap you with her Fi smile. So basically she mostly do the project structure, probably a Te valuer would do.. But the concept is there. But the project is not yet working and we're expecting for details in the project specification wise which she cannot give..

    She always tell me to ask the LII boss whenever i encounter technological errors. Because Ti leads are good at that..
    But LII has this Ne,🤣 he doesn't even have project structure and management so the LII entrusts every thing to ILI team lead. the LII ceo/cto is actually around 40's..

    Another team mate: Lie. This LiE is new as me...she's in her 40s as well. Same age with LII. But you'll see the differences.. LiI even if he's already on his 40s, still look and act like younger than his age that he seemingly prefer younger people than older ones.. But ofcourse he doesn't seem have any problems with socialization and he's a healthy normal type.
    Okay LIE female on her 40s.. Well, she actually was very kind of has this bossy vibes, but she's not... Like her Te is obvious you know.. But, we kind of get along well and we see how fucked up our project is, that we have these team lead who doesn't take Any initiative and our LII boss who have into his head sometimes 😂 like.. We talked yesterday how, we are actually planning for project structure.. I can actually understand her, and in favor of what her plans are.. Because Te doms and entj in particular are actually good at project planning and structuring.. I think she is a better team lead tbh.. 🤣 she's so frustrated with LII who is very passive and just talks only if asked. And when asked, she doesn't explain that much.. 😂😂
    And when asked with LIi, instead of saying the solution the LII would, say, we should implement these new technology, do you know this??? 🤣🤣🤣 like the LIE wants to solve a particular problem: project structure yet these LII, and ILI can not provide the solution.. And has different approach on solving things which makes us feel stucked.. Because we're expecting for every thing to be set..

    So we,LIe actually make a good team, like LIE SEES bigger picture of project structuring.. Where she told me how to build the project structure.. And while me, i comcentrated on making the project work.. Like the coding part and running the system.. Because the project provided by the ILI doesn't work.. And we need a running project.. And i was able to run it.

    So far, the past few weeks we're stucked on the problem of uncertainty and lack of project plans. And specifications and details of what actually we should do.. Because we tries to depend it on these two team mates which is also, trying to depend on us.. 🤣

    But, good thing.. We are left together, LIE because we have made a clear and working plan about the.project..

  20. #60
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    LII-Ti can be CEOs because they are nerds, especially in Japanese culture.

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    Seems I met pretty EII today. Some southern ethnicity. I did not saw her before, though she lives in my house entrance (mb rents a flat or her family could bought it or is someone's guest). She's rather young < 30 yo. I should be old in her perception. And the damn money I needed more *sigh*
    She said me "hello". I'm with a pleasure said her the same. It took me several seconds to assume EII in her. Not enough time to be sure in the type, but ~60% I'm right.
    Southern ethnicity girls often strictly follow to what men of their family decide. So the lack of money mb the hard obstacle to get such girls. And there is traditional requirement to pay significant money for the marriage - the other possible problem.
    She looked so nice, polite and cute. Thinner figure than I generally prefer. She had closed dress to understand how pretty her figure is. But I liked her, anyway. I was attracted to ESI in the last times. EII are softer and wiser in the same time. They are better and easier for me. Mb the destiny reminds me about alternatives which mb better than some ESI girls in my mind now.
    Semi-duals are definetely excellent partners and wifes, - they give emotions similar to duals. But they need more efforts to adopt and lack of some wisdom, some lack of understanding which they compensate by stubbornness, they more care about nonvalued functions. I miss about strong Ne in them and Se some irritates me, gives me the impression of surfaceness in them.

    Much of our choices relates on the destiny, accidental. It would be good to get semidual girl. Dual one would be just better, in some questions significantly.
    I need to think about this sign. Probably I've moved to some way and came the time to point me where I go. It was not the 1st precaution about my intentions.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    An LII is the CEO? That's kind of amazing. Are you sure he's not ILI? I don't see many ILI's who run companies, but I've never seen an LII running a company.
    Actually I've seen myself many, both women and men. And of course this fits them. They are very ambitious and want to direct others. All LIIs I know want to be directors. LII CEO is nothing unusual really, same goes for ILE. You wanted ESEs or SEIs? :-) Well they are CEOs sometimes as well but in small companies usually.

    It depends in what kind of companies you are hanging and how much experience you have. In most companies I was in the CEOs were LIIs and ILEs.

    I know one SEI who is CEO of software development company. He is also the owner, he founded it himself and hired a friend to do the dirty job at start. He helps the team with graphic design and PR. Previously he was hired as graphic designer and has degree in art. He doesn't do much, mainly manages people and stays off from the technical aspects, he hires people do to do that job. So the main project manager is apparently EIE and it's a demonic woman hehehe.

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    another ESI woman seller in a shop. now of clothes one
    ~35 yo. looks nice. sexy. not fatty, but has a slighly increased fat on the abdomen - probably after the borning of children
    smiled me good. checked whether did I mistaken in the chosen products by the size (I bought in different sizes)
    most probably is married
    I'd wished to see EII there or at least a younger one
    I had an idea to ask her about marriage status. ESI are good women

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    another ESI woman seller in a shop. now of clothes one
    ~35 yo. looks nice. sexy. not fatty, but has a slighly increased fat on the abdomen - probably after the borning of children
    smiled me good. checked whether did I mistaken in the chosen products by the size (I bought in different sizes)
    most probably is married
    I'd wished to see EII there or at least a younger one
    I had an idea to ask her about marriage status. ESI are good women
    Don't married women in Russia wear rings on a particular finger? It's what I look for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Don't married women in Russia wear rings on a particular finger? It's what I look for.
    Married ones here (and in Eastern Christian tradition) may to wear on the right hand, nameless finger - a ring. Muslims, catholics, etc - on the left hand. Many ones do not wear rings. This one seems was without it.

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    Today I've seen the women of types: LSE, IEI, ILE, LIE
    IEI was with a nice figure, good face and of some southern ethnic look with black long hairs, a little larger nosy. ~20 y.o. Dressed in a simple black dress and blue jeans jacket, but this did not hide that the woman is beautiful. Though the height ~1.60 m, I'd prefer it higher. I hope she'll make happy some SLE man.

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    2 ILI women. a seller in clothes shop and a tailor. seems after 40 y.o. zero flirting
    both were charmingly rude, but did constructive discussions relating to their duties

    LIE young girl in delivery office. the nice top supporting some tits + tasteless jeans, where black slacks would be more appropriate. it's always sad to see NT types on the work for SF types, - they could to use the intellect with higher use. I hope she'll leave that place soon or will make the career gain in that or similar company to managment work

    ~30 yo ESI woman walking on a street. clothed to pastel long dress. We went towards each other. I have looked to her face with a hope to meet her sight, but she watched sideways. I think she noticed my attention and her actions partly could to be the demonstration that she's engaged or has no interest by other reasons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    2 ILI women. a seller in clothes shop and a tailor. seems after 40 y.o. zero flirting
    both were charmingly rude, but did constructive discussions relating to their duties

    LIE young girl in delivery office. the nice top supporting some tits + tasteless jeans, where black slacks would be more appropriate. it's always sad to see NT types on the work for SF types, - they could to use the intellect with higher use. I hope she'll leave that place soon or will make the career gain in that or similar company to managment work

    ~30 yo ESI woman walking on a street. clothed to pastel long dress. We went towards each other. I have looked to her face with a hope to meet her sight, but she watched sideways. I think she noticed my attention and her actions partly could to be the demonstration that she's engaged or has no interest by other reasons.
    @Sol, LIE’s have difficulty going from low positions to high. The skills required for middle managers are not our strong points. We are better leaders than managers, so it is best that we learn a business from the ground floor, then quit and restart at the top. Hence, entrepreneurs.

    Please do the LIE woman a favor and give her a printout of Stratiyevskaya’s description of ENTj’s. Also write down the address of this forum. If she doesn’t believe that you know what you are talking about, tell her that the theory predicts the kind of man she will like, then show her the pictures of some male ESI’s.

    In return, maybe she will introduce you to her EII best friend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Please do the LIE woman a favor and give her a printout of Stratiyevskaya’s description of ENTj’s. Also write down the address of this forum.
    Adam, you are charming idealist with the trying to help to random Russian LIE girl. Having strong Te she should to understand her career possibilities not bad. Mb she works during summer vacation, student on practical training, have gotten a temporal appointment to understand the work in whole, etc.
    I'm not sure Socionics will help someone without years of practice in the typing. In other case the good chance to mistype and to choose worse partners than could without Socionics usage. By the appropriate way goes the minority, and even them may mistake in significant % as low typing matches exist among experienced ones too. ~50% of forum's members may mistake even in own types, not just of other people. It's mb not "safe" to share Socionics widely, to anyone in its current speculative state. Mb I even mistyped her and she's ILE or other, as saw her several minutes only.
    Also it would be better to recommended some Russian books than this forum with lame translations and full of Gulenko's adepts.

    > If she doesn’t believe that you know what you are talking about, tell her that the theory predicts the kind of man she will like, then show her the pictures of some male ESI’s.

    I tried to show duals to people. They do not accept them from the start. It's not IRL informal significant communication - what IR theory is made for. Pictures are much worse than videos. While videos need some time to watch, to tune and to compare. My IR test does this to some degree and it lasts 8 hours, - just to be able to understand that types exist and some are better for you. How many ones tryed to did my test? While it's the minimum to understand IR theory on practice. To understand aproximately, as not anyone placed own duals at top 4 types - some people do not understand good what is needed, some tire and do mistakes or not enough efforts, etc. It may take monthes to understand clearly that Jung's types exist, IR are real and duals are better than other types.

    > In return, maybe she will introduce you to her EII best friend.

    she's too young and hence her familiar girls even if such mirracle could to happen

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    There's no link between type and intelligence; and becoming successful from nothing is related more to motivation and dogged determination. Intelligence is linked to the core machine - how many operations per time period and in parallel; type has more to do with the operating system where some configurations are better suited to run certain apps. I've seen so many highly intelligent and educated staff who couldn't do the job for which they were trained, and countless highly competent employees with lower intelligence who wouldn't be able to pass the exam but could easily do the educated people's jobs.

    I'm not convinced that duality is ideal for all stages of life or personal situations so I would never advise someone to look for it. I have had some success convincing others to use Socionics to better understand the relationships that they have already established.

    a.k.a. I/O

  31. #71
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    A lady came on the tram yesterday, it was crowded she was quite aggressive/odd saying she was a "spastic" so she was going to stand in the "spastic section" (there is a place for prams with a wheelchair printed on the floor) and of course everyone moved out of her way because her energy was so hostile, she looked at me and I didn't look away I was next to her and she insisted it was true and as I didn't judge her she cooled a little.

    Then she saw my son and said he was cute and bent down to say hello to her. My son ( SEE -C )looked at her then spat at her. I was of course horrified and tried to apologise but she was delighted saying he's got sass and continued to be fascinated with him and have a conversation. She basically melted with his aggression, which I find interesting because I find all the power games so tedious and tiring and shocking. She had a kind of masculine appearance and energy and is a type I am not 100 per cent sure about. I could guess EIE as I have seen them being enchanted by SEE's before, and she was a victim type I suppose. They had a grand old joke until we got off the tram.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    An LII is the CEO? That's kind of amazing. Are you sure he's not ILI? I don't see many ILI's who run companies, but I've never seen an LII running a company.
    Tim Cook and Ray Dalio, for starters.

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    Yesterday I accidentally met the familiar ESE, mb also E-9 what should be the rare match. We had the serious quarrel ~10 years ago related to the common job. So we have noticed each other but did not greet. The last time I saw her in 2010.
    She was with a child of ~3 y.o. in a baby carriage and some old woman - mb the mother of the husband or her own. Looked rather tired, what is common for mothers of so young children. As her age is ~45, she borned him at ~42, what is relatively late. It should be not the 1st her child.
    Ethnically she's close to turks and seems why has the name rare for Russians. Has very nice 8-shape figure and one of the most pleasant and feminine voices I ever heard. Was dressed rather simply in a T-shirt and long pants. Seems she has an allergy, what would explain the lack of make up at her. I suspect she has a cholecystitis or other chronic inflammation what may predispose to the allergy and other.
    She's one of the most irrationally attractive women I ever met. Probably due to high women hormones and pheromones levels. It was hard to concentrate on the working when she was close like <1 m. And when she also talked with me... Sometimes we sat near by the work needs and this inspired emotional state not matching good with the duties. Seems she noticed my attraction and that irritated her, including because she was in "serious" relations, what sometimes expressed in a rude manner. She had not the best logical thinking and the qualification for her duties, was not very honest, was hypocritical and manipulative in my perception. Seems her woman charm helped to her career to some degree.

    About our conflict. The work was organised badly and had no adequate planning. Part of the issues were her inappropriate skills for her formal duties. I saw the evident problems and said about them openly, as they strongly related to what should be done by me, besides my leading qualification there. She being F type, have shifted the representing of it to chiefs, our conflict which was in the essence about her duties and how she follows them, to the ethical region. At the end she sabotaged the work, made unreasonable critique of what I did, instigated other workes to open sabotage and to insult me and then she claimed about my rude behavior in the return. Some of those workers had the personal sympathy with one of significant middle bosses, and he have supported them against me without justice and even asking me about what happens. Before her evident sabotage have started, also one of the workers on higher post was rude and unreasonable with me, and I answered to him in his own style. Seems she got the permission and the support of her sabotage from the high, besides the mentioned middle chief (which blind decision against me was later said as the main for the conflict, as he was informal curator). I did nothing wrong or worse than others. It all looked funny and I hoped then to explain to my direct boss what happens. While that boss only have seen the relations with several important workers were harmed, that this creates problems and such did not cared about the justice and was lazy to mess with that as my skills were not so unique - to change me he thought is easier, he even have rejected to hear my opinion about all that, to protect myself. This stupid and lazy approach to the firm's management probably promoted its closing after some years.

    I kept the anger to her for rather long time. At now after dealing with other E-9, more with emotional people, more with emotions - I perceive her more calmly. I feel some sorrow how related to her, besides the understanding that was also not smartly to oppose openly and so soon. After some time she'd and others understood the similar to what I said to them, anyway. I only thought that I act according to my duties, and ignored her feelings. She said that had tears because of my criticism, while the only I saw - I say the truth related to my duties and did that in the polite way. She like me just reacted in her natural for F types form - by personal intrigues, she protected by her means. She demanded I excused at her for being rude, while I perceived that only mirrored her own rudeness and insulting style there. I was not right with the lack of attention to her feelings. Also had too high opinion about the reason, responsibility and decency of chiefs, also underestimating the degree their emotions and personal relations influence on this. My mistakes in F region made the both to feel worse and the situation to result worse than could. And being a woman she deserved softer relation to her feelings.

    Probably I'd asked her to excuse me, to do not feel the offence on me. I do not want to feel the anger to her too. As I see wider what happened and my guilt. As we are having nothing to conflict now. As she's just nice woman, with own shortcomings as anyone and it's the situation what pushed her to show herself from the bad side.
    That was interesting experience and the lesson how to deal better with people to make own duties better, to act better for their own interests and for my interests too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    There's no link between type and intelligence
    There is the evident link between strong functions and abbilities related to them.
    In today common IQ tests T-N types will have average higher results.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There is the evident link between strong functions and abbilities related to them.
    In today common IQ tests T-N types will have average higher results.
    Are you referring to an actual scientific study that was conducted across significantly wide populations in different countries? Post the reference please......

    a.k.a. I/O

  35. #75
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    my new boss is E(L?)SE and i feel weird and restricted around her because shes so professional and good at small talking and a functioning person and her mind seems to go so fast in conversation bleh i prefer male bosses at least then i can charm them somewhat with my femininity lol

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    Saw ESI girl 20-30 y.o. walking on a street with her friend girl. Attractive one. She's alone and seems walks to meet a good guy. In her talking she said that plans to walk there regularly (that place is popular for romance pairs). When she noticed me looking at her - she made a grooming gest with her hairs unconsciously showing she has an interest.
    She loudly discussed with her friend girl that to be attractive is important to be open and friendly with people, that it's not easy for her to be so open. She like does not know that has very attractive personal traits and figure for many men - in the form like she is now, - she wanted to be like some extraverted girl she compared herself with.
    Probably there is inside of her a barrier what prevented her to get the tender feelings and relations previously. Most probably it was the redundant fear to get bad relations, mistrusting to people. It's the problem Se types have on the surface - they afraid to be misleaded by other people, to mistake in them. That could to make her some pushy and emotionally restrained with men.
    Seems good and nice woman and has strange problems with finding a good pair.

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    @Sol I imagine you like this:

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    Quote Originally Posted by eko View Post
    @Sol I imagine you like this
    The are differences: I meet people during the walking or visiting public places, but not campering somewhere. Binocular is not needed to type. And I have no grey hairs still.

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    I was in a bus with a SEE soldier siting in front of me. He talked loudly in a cell phone like he's one there. Talked about dating girls.
    The cutest moment was when he got the connection issues and then blown in the phone's mic in a try to improve the sound like it's ancient phone of 1930s-... when people did such trick as seems a dust could become the obstacle for the sound. The time changes, but the reflexes stay. Most probably he only saw like his parrents did such, but I doubt this ever in his life helped him with any phone he could to use.

    Have met today a blond colored cute and pretty girl of ~20 y.o. She lives in the last entrance of my home. She seemed as possible EII for me. The darker day time is and the prettier girl is - seems the more possibility to assume a dual in her.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko View Post
    my new boss is E(L?)SE and i feel weird and restricted around her because shes so professional and good at small talking and a functioning person and her mind seems to go so fast in conversation bleh i prefer male bosses at least then i can charm them somewhat with my femininity lol
    Those people are so intimidating and scary to me, way more than any Se dom. Mostly because of their verbal communication being 1000x more detailed than I ever feel comfortable with

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