The Performer and the Observer... if you do it right, that fits together.

Fives are mine.(*) It's no secret I desire only the introverts of all introverts They are interesting and sexy through and through. And totally expose my bullshit which is really necessary Something I noticed is how removed they are from current social ideals about sexuality. As if culture and life went past them. They're so inside their own shell/world, extraordinarily exciting. They'd rather explain and think about sex than have it, that's so unusual. You'd think that detachment is detrimental but imo sex has so many physical, emotional, societal, psychological implications, it's important to muse about it first so you can be responsible. Obviously a 5 won't act on their understanding since they are caught in it but guess whose e-type is most action-oriented

It's an intimacy challenge to have them slowly discover their lusty 8 side. I think it mobilizes all of my perversions to get past the cerebral wall. To speak in 3's terms: It's a medal if you manage to get a 5 into your bed, and a trophy to discover what is in their head. Secrets and privacy turn me on so you can sign me up. My own sapiosexuality got the best of me Plus we have the competency bonus, there's no way we won't figure out what's best going past errors which I think is really important.

With 5s it's safety first if they wing at 6, I am in deep need of that, even if it's a grim reminder.

I have this weird fantasy of Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes. Classic 5 -3 dynamic. "The Virgin and the Dominatrix". Agh

(*)Exception: I'll share with @Jailbait who likes the 4-wings