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    Default Shapeless :)

    Ok. I’ve written replies at this questionnaire, more or less 10 lines for each question, excluding some of the last.

    It took me a lot of time, because I wanted to be sure to be objective. Please, when reply, say to me if you have read all the questionnaire (that is very long, sorry for that, I tried to be the most concise I could).

    I will remain open for other questions.

    1) Tell me about yourself.

    I’m female, 26, from Italy.

    I could be a little bit depressed. I will try to be the most objective possible, but I could see myself in a 'bad' way, (not necessarily wrong, but people say to me that I'm too harsh with myself, so maybe I can exaggerate some sides of me).

    Plus, usually I feel like a big paradox, so read it under this light.

    2) What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I'm a scientist, I study chemistry like main field, but I have interest in engineering, astronomy and a lot of scientific things. I study these subjects because I like going to fundamentals.

    Going to fundamentals allows you to be knowledgeable in a lot of fields, to connect things that are apparently not close, and to make comparisons and parallelisms with other stuffs.

    I arrived at doing this because chemistry gives to me a lot of possibilities in job field, so I can easily work to reach other goals in my life that are out of carrier. I want to be a 'well rounded' person, the job is important but not the only thing I need in my life. I'm really focused on become better like person and integrate what I'm not able naturally to do, so I think at 360°.

    What I like of my job is that I can create new stuffs that are useful too. What I dislike is that I have to sell myself in some way to have the possibility to translate what is in my mind into concrete stuffs. I'm bad at selling myself, and at convincing people at trust me, so this is a big effort for me.

    3) What are your values, and why?

    -Truth for sure. I think that if you know the truth your actions can't be wrong, you will not make steps that will lead you to a wrong goal.

    -Intention is another one. Of course you can act badly having good intentions too, but in some way this put in another light people actions... even if facts are facts, I'm less rigid if I can understand motivations that lead people to behave in a way, even if I can't share my values with them and so, practically, I can't justify them... but IDK, understanding the process makes me closer to the truth and so I can act consequentially in a better way to be just.

    -Hierarchy and 'group values'... these are a little bit relative for me. My actions are of someone that is a balance, 'in the group, but not in the group' and I act to help others to find equilibrium and to don't be too much unilateral, unless I need to unbalance the situation... but usually I tend to act for the good of me and others.

    4) What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I practice sports and mental challenges that allow me to be surer about myself.

    Everything for me is mental, I do all the things I do to be stimulated in my mind, and if my mind isn’t involved I don’t do almost nothing.
    When I do practice it’s because I need confirmations of my ideas, theories and skills, IDK why precisely, I'm trying to discover this. I don't do hobbies because sensations, etc (ok, maybe a little bit too) but the first reason is to understand how they work and to 'sail' the situation in a positive way.

    I have limitless interests, I pass through philosophy till cooking...

    5) Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    FAMILY: All of us get along quite well. Usually I don’t speak my mind with who I think will not understand my words, but sometimes I’m forced to, and we argue. I need logic consistency in my life, so we often fight, because they can't understand that I'm not judging them like human beings, but only discussing an argument rationally, trying to unify paradoxes.

    In my family I can discuss freely only with my father. He is calm, and patient and hears me and replies philosophically and criptically, I like that. Other poeple brother can be offensive, take the discussion on a personal level, and I will get angry because of that.

    FRIENDS: I have few friends, we are friends because we do things together (for example holidays) but I can’t open my mind with all of them, because they are happy with superficial explanation of all (people behavior, situations, etc) and I need to go deeper to understand well.

    When I want to do something with my group of friends, I purpose and if they don’t want to come, I go alone… but if my friends purpose I go with them, and I will plan time to do before or after what I want to do, by myself and alone.

    6) What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    FRIENDS: I search people that are decisive, enthusiastic, ready to explore new things, but also deep, willing to reason on things, to understand.

    I have not the same behavior with all friends. I let them see only sides of me, basing on what they can understand, so I don’t think there is someone that know me ‘wholly’.

    PARTNER: I’m highly selective with partners, for this reason I had only few. I search someone that is open to discuss with me ideas, and that helps me to implement the better ones. I need a mix of being gentle and being decisive and secure. I value most the ability to go out of bad situations, to adjust on what is happening to reach the goal. He has to be loyal, with some basilar principles, and I have to can trust his word… he should be a good man.

    I discovered that I like people that have structure, but that are not slave of it, in the sense that they can use to reach their goals. The focus is not on the structure, but on the vision they want to realize.

    7) What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    WHAT: Usually I argue with other people on the way to interpret things and to take infos from facts, and on other people behavior. Less often on theories and how facts are connected.

    WHY: The following is all on regular basis.

    When I judge a situation I need balance on the rational and emotional side. I’m colder with emotional people and warmer with rational, so it’s difficult that someone agrees with me.

    I like to argue with everyone about everything.

    I usually speak in a theoretical way, or with examples and metapheres, often meaning is hidden under images. I say things, but they don’t understand what I mean.

    They get annoyed because they take what I say personally. When this happen, I get annoyed and I start to become polemic and we will finish to argue.

    8) How would your friends describe you?

    Although she needs logic consistency in her life, she has a side that needs to be irrational, and to be free to the limit of the rationality too, creative, irreverent, and unstoppable.

    Not easy to change mind after her analysis and thinking on the subject.

    More willing to follow others if they know what they are doing and more prone to do this in practical stuffs.

    Head in the clouds, but feet on the ground. Usually direct like a bullet but also cryptic like a sphinx. Paradoxical, a Chimaera. Not easily to put into a category.

    9) What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    PEOPLE: They say that my strength is my attitude to commit to things, and to be tenacious.

    ME: I always try to go out of my comfort zone to integrate something that I'm not good at doing... I dislike to feel not competent, unsure.

    When I have to face a difficult period, the first thing I think is that is transitory, that it will pass and then I will gain something, in some way I think always later, and through things.

    I can do/fix anything, if necessary. I always had the attitude to find a way to solve things. I just need the time to understand what the problem is and to think about it. Try out my ideas, and implement them.
    Even in my dreams... one time I dreamed about my teeth, they were falling down quickly and without hope... I remember that in the dream I thought: 'Ok, I will go to the doctor to fix this'.

    I learn everything and always. I want to understand how things works to use them by myself and create stuffs, but I don't think I'm good in creating new stuffs... I like experimenting, but sometimes it's like I lose my inspiration and I'm totally a dumbass in what I'm doing.

    10) What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    WEAKNESS: I tend to expose to others the worse part of myself. My relatives say that it’s a way that I use to protect myself; on my side I would say that I tend to see my imperfections and I need to fix them.

    CRITICISM: People say that I'm aggressive, easily annoyed by people... I don't see myself in this way, because when I speak it’s after an analysis of the problem, so it seems that I ‘declare’ truths by the high of my competence, but I just want they take into consideration my analysis.

    DISLIKE: I dislike the fact I doubt myself so many times... in the last period I totally loose the hope in myself, and I'm very harsh with me, more than others and more than with others. I'm my best, fierce and worse enemy.

    11) In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Silver in many things, gold in few. This statement describes me well.

    I haven’t a standard approach for all the problems. If I can approach something theoretically it’s better, otherwise I need time to understand how things are connected each other. For this reason, usually I try to pattern the situation and to understand outcomes, so I can derive the logic that there is under this pattern and follow it.

    If I have to act I try to look at the whole situation and make the best choice in that moment basing on the situation (and usually is the one that advantage me giving more open doors). This will lead me to my goal, or if not, to the best outcome.

    Things that are difficult to me is to develop a plan into real world. IDK why, in my mind is always simpler than actualizing it into reality. I need help to understand how to react in social contexts, with people and emotional sphere too.

    12) What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Everything is too much repetitive, is a chore. Making order in my room, or house, it’s a chore, or clean, everything you have to do before to start something new, it’s a chore.

    I enjoy think and discover new things and be right in understanding processes and outcomes in situations (because I’m unsure). I like to develop my skills, but usually I have little patient to do this in an orderly way. So there are periods when I learn a lot and fast and periods where I learn less and slow.

    I enjoy the climate of group and team that there is with my friends, but I need to maintain my ‘role’ to have ‘no role’ and to be in the group without being inside, with my independence and my breadth of action to do things.

    13) What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I came to have them because I always felt the need to be complete at 360°C, and to grow like person under different aspects. I will do it step by step…

    I would like to work in research and development (in industry) because it allows to me to join theoretical and practical sides, so I’m learning to become a specialist in my field.

    I would like to have a family, so I’m trying to round my angles, and to meet people that are similar to what I search in a person.

    I would like to discover, learn and understand the max I can.

    14) If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Travel, building new stuffs, thinking out new concepts, stories, arts, and putting them into reality so people can see it like I can see

    I think I would do something for people that are needy, too: usually I’m always willing to give an hand at someone that hasn’t the tools and the possibility to help him/herself alone, if obstacles are things that don’t depends by the person itself.

    15) What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    People that are too much helpless annoy me, instead of others that look at them and fall down at their feet. I would help this people, but my way to help is to teach them in making good things, not to solve their problems only by myself… they will not grow up if I do their job. I like that people say things clearly in the face and that explain if they have problem with others, or if they need something, etc.

    I like people that are decisive, with firm sweetness and sweet firmness. People usually dislike them because they ‘lead’ but I appreciate a good leader if he/she works to let the team arrive at a goal, in the best way possible.

    16)What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I dislike to put effort in daily chores… I try to keep clean and I have specific times to accomplish what is necessary to do, but it’s something that I must do, not something that I enjoy do.

    I put effort to make beautiful my surroundings only if I feel that they are my ‘stable’ ones. This means, if I’m for 6 months in a foreigner country, I will not do it extensively. Usually anyway I don’t put too much attention on these stuffs. I like pieces of art, paintings with beautiful images, more are particular and better it is (abstract, strange use of paint techniques, etc). Books and plants are my favorites things to make beauty around too, and organizing things in a proper way. I like to have all my tools in good places when I start to create and this order makes rooms nice at my eyes.

    17) How do you behave around strangers?

    It depends, I have no standard behavior for this.
    If I’m not at ease I can stay quiet for all the time. If I’m, I talk a lot of things that I do, theories, possibilities and probabilities (if others like them) and funny stories about my experiences.

    I have a funny side that acts on me like a mask, it needs me to go out of my comfort zone maintaining an appearance of security and ease, or I let it come out only if I’m really comfortable with people I have around in a more genuine way.

    I don’t approach others unless I need infos, or something… it’s rare that I do something without reason. I just stay there, and look at them, lost in my thoughts or trying to gain infos from them (how they behave, speak etc).

    18) How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    I’m not scared too much by conflict. I react badly only where too much pressure is on me, when others attention is focused on me and I feel not competent and where I can’t reply properly at the attacker.

    This means, that if someone insults me, I can decide to reply with sarcasm if is a ‘secure’ situation, or directly if I want to argue; but if the person in front of me starts to scream and to press me without let me to reply or to do anything I tend to run away or to broke things… I can’t hold raw force on me.

    If there is danger, I maintain a lower profile.

    19) What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    That things are like they see things are. Facts speak for themselves only if you think under them, at motivations and consequences. And, often, it’s not true that they can’t do anything to manipulate the situation and accomplish their goals… in many cases people just haven’t the will and tenacity to accomplish their goals.

    They are wrong because they aren’t consider the complexity of human being and world, and because they are too much surrendering to the minimum difficulty that they meet in their lives.

    20) What did you do last Friday?

    I don’t remember well what I did in the past days… like yesterday, it’s still something difficult to remember for me (unless something strange happened).

    Last Friday… I was windsurfing and eating with my windsurf friends.

    21) What is your biggest accomplishment?

    I tend to perceive me on the way to reach always something else… I don’t look at my back to see what I conquered. But, if I would say an accomplishment… it’s when I’m able to recognize how things are unfolding, or something that I’m bad at and I’m good at integrate it. When I face obstacles and I can surpass them.

    22) What is something you regret?

    I don’t regret too much, because when I sacrifice something I think at what I will gain by that situation, or at how the situation will change in better through that sacrifice… I try to do all the possible to live without regrets, so even if something fails I know that I put into it all my efforts to make it possible. I can be angry or sad, but without regrets for sure.

    23) Who do you admire, and why?

    I admire people that are smart and good, for me it’s something that can’t be divided in a person that I admire. I admire who can analyze situations and forecast events, and use this skill to help others. I admire someone that can go out from trouble, and moves the situation on, till the goal. I strive to be better in doing these things, too.

    Why I admire them… well, I suppose I’m uncomfortable for the biggest part of the time. I feel like trapped in something that I can’t change… to understand how things go, why are going in that way, it’s basilar to do the right steps and avoid mistake. I hate to feel not competent, wrong, unsure, because in some way I feel to be not ‘worth’ to be loved or liked by myself first and by others for second if I’m not in this way.

    Maybe I should just accept my limits, but to recognize them and to don’t do nothing it’s a pity for me.

    24) What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    I’m a little bit depressed in this period. I feel like I can’t see the proper perspective to follow to solve my daily problems, it’s difficult to think, to be focused, to understand my desires and priorities, to imagine goals to reach, everything is tied and mazy in my mind…

    I feel trapped and somewhat removed (in a wrong way) by the world… I lost my touch with my analytical attitude toward problems, it’s difficult to think, to try new things… I feel defenseless, helpless, stupid.

    And there is no one that see this, because I dislike to appear in this way, and I open my mind only with someone that I trust really, and that I feel close to me. It’s hard to connect knowledge, and I blame myself for a lot of mistakes that I consider stupid that I make everyday…

    I feel unsure on new grounds, and I don’t trust myself anymore. My mind says to me something and I search proofs to this thing, so when I haven’t I think I’m wrong, but later my first guess was right… it’s like I lose my equilibrium and I haven’t chance to find it again.

    I want to come out from this situation alone, but IDK if I will…

    25) What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    I’m a Christian. Christian God is the closest in the world to human condition, He is an equilibrium through Just and Mercy, to Care and Lead, He accepts everyone and gives at everyone a special place and things to do, He is One and Several at the same time. I like these paradoxes, and I’m willing to understand deeper His seemingly paradoxical teachings, and to apply them because I really believe in the rationality and explanations that there are under the symbolic words in the Bible.

    It’s like new and old, mixed together, like every time I read I understand more, and I go always deeper, He teaches me always, and makes clarity in my mind…

    I like the relationship that this God wants with people, the way He establishes them with us, I feel not judged and understood, deeply, trusted till the end… and, finally, accepted fully.

    26) What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    I don’t care so much about politics unless I want to analyze things and understand what will be. I see the limit of all the sides, so I have my own idea of what should be and how, but it’s only a theory of mine, not ‘real’.

    The goal is to obtain a futuristic and technologic society that is focused in exploring mainly the nano-field and the astro-field. To do this I think it’s important to rewrite the base of the society itself, actually based on the single person, and start to think in terms of groups, specifically families.

    From this there are several steps to expand (skills individuation, implementation, polyhedron shaping, etc), but I think is enough to write here.

    27) Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    I would be interested in starting a business because I would have the opportunity to put my ideas into real world.

    My business would be an high tech store in which I sell innovative materials to build medical stuffs to help blind people to see again.

    This why I think that understand brain can help us to reply at several questions about philosophy, psychology and world; eyes are the way you absorb the external world, and your thoughts come out, so is representative of this.

    This store will be futuristic but with some elements of the present and past (new stuffs and old stuffs see in the perspective of what will be), and I will need several job figures from different fields (engineers, physicist, sellers) to accomplish my job in a good way.

    I will play the role of creator and seller.

    28) What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I prefer a non formal environment, where there is structure, but I prefer structure to operate not to rule me. I mean, I need structure to make a good job, not to be slave of the structure itself. It seems that for me all is an instrument, not the final goal.

    IDK why, I need to have open doors, but at the same I need closure, so I have these pattern that is going like an accordion LOL.

    In a job I look for expertise, interconnection with several field, possibility to grow, a good amount of free time, and flexibility.

    29) What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    I liked all, because I like to learn, but Earth Science, Astronomy, Math, Physics and Chemistry were my favorites subjects because they explain rationally the world.

    At their side, Art, Writing course, Painting, Architecture and Design were my favorites because I can apply my creativity in.

    30) How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    It’s my responsibility only if I say ‘I will do it’. If I say it, I will do it. I expect the same from others.

    31) Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    I was sailing toward an island. I’m always in a good state of mind when I travel, (boats, trains, airplanes… it’s important that they are moving) so I started to write on my book, to finish my story. I like to travel because it is representative of what happens in my mind: I’m never in a place, I’m always puzzling situations to understand consequences of them, and I imagine fantasy worlds in which I live through my alter ego. It helps me to understand my feelings too.

    In the vacation I visited the isle, museums, astronomy observatories, art galleries, panoramic points, restaurants. I did windsurf, and I went to the sea to swim, read books and stay with my two friends that were with me.

    I liked it because was a good mix of relax and knowledge.

    32) What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was closer when I was a kid, more introvert.

    While my growth I started to develop a vision of the world that involves changes, and I started to focus on reality aspects that are changing instead of the ones that are always the same. I started to focus on how situations are forming because in this way for me is easier to manipulate the status quo in a way that is profitable for me.

    At the same time I became more aggressive, because I start to perceive others like enemies… (I was the first joke target in all the type of schools I’ve attended). So, I started to become more detached, knowledgeable and fierce. This is my defense mechanism, and it comes out every time I feel uncomfortable.

    I never take other’s opinion into account in my decisions and generally in life, but later I started to understand that I’m part of a system, so I need to interface myself with others. I started to interact more.

    My feelings aren’t so much strong usually, only under stress, and when it happens I need to understand why I’m feeling in that way and what I can do to manage the feeling. Growing up I learned to integrate and now I’m trying to become less direct and less detached.

    I have sparkling of sweetness and playfulness (like a little kid) with 2 or 3 people, that know me well and with I feel comfortable, protected and not judged, even liked sometimes.

    Today I can say I have two sides: one analytical, ancient and full of passion fire, the other one playful like the wind on the waves.

    33) What was your high school experience like?

    I had difficulty to stay with my companions.

    I wasn’t able to fit in, because I didn’t want to act like them to be accepted, and because speaking frankly people weren’t my focus at that time.

    I didn’t like the routine of the school, but I was ok in studying because I liked to learn.

    34) Talk about a significant event from your life.

    I was walking on a path, on the side of a mountain, to arrive on the top, where there was a beautiful statue, very representative for me: I really wanted to see and take a picture of it.

    I remember that I was really unhappy on the path itself, I was tired and the path was really difficult to follow. While I was thinking at how arrive at the top in another way, the path came out from the trees and the biggest, restless and deep blue sea appeared.

    IDK why, in that moment I thought that the path was representative of spiritual life: often people are scared by what they are fighting, and they don’t think at the goal in the future, and at how the path itself helps them to be prepared for the other steps.

    So, they forget the reward, and lose the right perspective, and don’t follow the path anymore. I cannot explain it properly for some reason, but in my mind is so clear…

    35) Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    It depends by kids… I don’t like the ones are capricious and scream all the time.

    But I play with them if they aren’t too much timid, more often it’s me that they don’t like, not the reverse

    I like to stay with them because I like to answer their questions, and to imagine stories with them.

    36) If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I would like before understand how him/her works, and later I will teach what is needed in a way that is suitable specifically for him/her.

    My main concerns will be how to think on his/her own and morality. In some way I can’t see divided these aspects in someone, should be an equilibrium on them, rational and emotional part.

    To do this I will teach them to think in ‘consequences’ terms. I think that this approach can be valid for everyone, because it involves directly the ‘making decision process’ and that the person can integrate easily elements specific for that situation.

    In this way the child has something valid in every situation that could be modified basing on his/her needs.

    37) Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes, right now. IDK the cause specifically.

    My reaction is that I started to value what is known (my birth city, my family, etc) vs was I want to discover, present moment overrides my future desires, vision.

    This is a thing that makes me unhappy, IDK how to become focused again because I lost my sense to see the solution at problems, so I started a new project in chemistry field and I’m trying to take care of it and to develop it in a good way, but my mind is not focused and I do stupid errors and I blame myself for this!

    I’m trying to go out my comfort zone too, again, but in my mind there is always a voice that discourages me and that put the finger on my errors, in real time.

    Usually writing fantasy stories or sailing helps me a lot.

    38) How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I have an hate-love relationship with people.

    As whole, I think that they could be a great potential, but 99% of us throw it into the trash. Too many are concerned to their little issues, and can’t thing big. Others are too much selfish and can’t see the opportunity to grow through others too. The biggest social problems are these previously reported.

    39) What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    Analyze the problem find its core. How can I fix it? I start to think globally at this point. Can I use it for my advantage? Can I transform it in something different? Can I join stuffs to create something new that helps me to go through the situation in a good way? This process requires a lot of time.

    If I’m in dangerous all this process is bypassed, and I act to avoid the direct consequences of the problem, and later I will think properly.

    40) Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    It depends. Usually I don’t think too much in hierarchical roles, if I see danger I act despite my role, so I take leadership roles. I dislike when people are not decisive, or illogic, so I take situation in my hands in these cases too.

    Sometimes I’m so shocked and the situation is so fast that I can be paralyzed by fear, and I’m not able to do anything. In critical situations I can act fastly, almost without thinking in the proper sense of the word, because I’m following my head that is spotting critical issues and I’m fixing them.

    There are situations where whatever I act the consequences are bad, so I need time to choose. So usually I take leadership roles when others aren’t capable.

    In what areas I take charge… mmm I can’t think at a proper one, it depends by how much I feel sure on that field. I take charge because I see a path that should be followed to reach the goal and to go out of dangerous situation. I don’t take charge when there is to organize systematically, I’m not so good at it, so I let others make their job.

    I perceive others better than me. I think this is my only problem that block my entrepreneur addiction, this one and the fear to be seen I’m wrong: I dislike to be see like not competent. However, I need confirmation in real world of what happen in my head, so I have to risk to be seen in a bad light, but I’m so shameful when I’m wrong about something…

    41) How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?


    When people don’t understand what I’m saying, when they are happy with a simplistic explanation, when others micromanage me or say to me too much specifically what I have to do, when others are illogic, when they change their mind/plans too often and haven’t a direction.

    Usually asking too many details (precise words that a person used in a discussion, or how that person was dressed) for me it’s a good way to get mad. People that change their mind too quickly, and that can’t commit themselves in anything.

    42) What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I was able to learn something new and at the same time to overcome a problem alone, so I was happy

    43) What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Fail in social stuffs and being seen like weird, unsure. In some way I’m always out-of-place in social stuffs, too much quiet, too much talkative, too much exaggerated, too much simplistic… when I try to be myself is always a strange experience for others.

    44) What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    Personally I think that the purpose of life is God, we come from Him and we will return to Him.

    If I have to speak philosophically, every explanation (and I have few) leads to God for me, so maybe you can learn through that…

    The purpose of life is to become better, to gain knowledge and to use it to transform the world in a way that is better than before. Is to gain wisdom at the same time, because knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous (and the reverse).

    What is meaningful is to have Vision, a Path to follow, to try to understand the Truth by what is an Illusion (especially in my own mind I would say…) and to Live fully. Integration, Growth, True Self.

    45) What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    The 99% of the places I visited, is through books. So, best places for me are in my mind, what I’ve read and what can imagine: Asimov, Einstein, Focault (philosopher). Just to say some…

    If I have to speak about a real place, it was a skyscraper. There was a museum of Art and Technology inside, a big Library, and on the top there was a bar and a restaurant with a beautiful view on the city beyond… I could imagine what would be over the horizon!

    In same way I like cities. I like that all around me is changing even if I sleep, and that everything is implementing even if I rest. WOW!

    46) How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I dress ok. I don’t dress to have attention on me, but I wear something particular (usually it’s fly related: feathers, birds, sails, etc) that is representative of me.

    Usually I wear long dresses or jeans and t shirt. I don’t put too much make up on my face, only a little bit of eyeliner and nothing else.

    47) Do you like surprises?

    Well, I never know how to behave when people try to surprise me… usually I’m calm and I try to understand why they are doing that.

    Because I’m curious I can enjoy surprise, but if these aren’t in my interests, I will try to escape them.

    48) Is there anything else important about you that we should know?

    My father is probably an IEI (INFJ in MBTI). He says to me that he has past experiences in mind and he trie to follow them not literally but only like a general guide and he remains opened at different outcomes too, and then he tries to predict what is most likely to happen.
    Me, on the other side, always tend to perceive every situation like new, so I don’t trust the past patterns completely, and I try to make a guess without too many practical details too, I try only to imagine how the situation can evolve and what is the most likely outcome. I look into reality only later to see confirmation or not of my thoughts.
    If I’m in a new situation my first action is to understand firstly the situation globally and later how pieces are fitting together. In this last period I need to follow the situation till the end to be sure of my guess on the future outcome. The latter fact make me sad, like I’m the first that don’t trust myself, because usually I’m right…

    I tend to have a set of rules to follow, but instead to follow it precisely, I adapt these rules in different cases, so it's like I'm interpreting them in my personal way and applying them differently basing on the situation. Sometimes I fight myself in doing this, because there is a side of me that wants me to apply them strictly, and another one that needs to be more merciful. Usually I confuse myself, because I can see too many ways of application of the same rule, and I can't decide what to do in that single case. When this happens, I need a logical way to justify the application, that is coherent with all the meanings of the rule, even the literal ones.

    When I have to choose something, I don’t choose because I like that situation/person/etc but because I don’t dislike it/him-her/etc. I tend to see the negative part in things, and I value pros/cons and decide if this is acceptable or not. Often but less than what I said before, I really like something that strikes me for something really particular, strange or specific. IDK if this is important but I noticed that I do this.

    I see too many side of a situation all in one, so when I ‘puzzle’ them I need consistency for all of them, or a logical explanation on the why I decide to put aside some sides, or on the why I interpret them differently.

    When I have impressions about a person, I don’t consciously know that I have those impressions till someone asks me specifically about the person I met.

    When I act badly, it's always to defend me never to attack. If someone is blocking my way to reach my goal, I tend to put him/her aside where he/she can't make troubles instead of pass on them.

    I go through situations following processes of all the things, understand why and how they change, how they develop. I like so much this thing, that I’m totally absorbed in process of everything when I read, or study, or analyze something that I get annoyed when others interrupt me. I need time to think, in new situations I’m not so fast in actions, unless I’m in a rush… at that point I act instinctively. So sometimes I’m good in actions, sometimes totally wrong.

    When I have fear my first reaction is to observe better the phenomenon that is causing me fear and usually I haven’t fear anymore at this point, I’m only curious and I need to explain it.

    I actually dislike who use feelings or charm etc to gain an advantage on others, IDK why. I consider better to deal at an unemotional plan.

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    Maybe LII
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Hello Shapeless
    I suggest alpha quadra NT type for you. Based on your description, I say Extroverted Intuition () + Introverted Thinking () in your ego block, like myself.

    is looking for similar patterns in different topics. The interest of many abstract topics hint also to .
    Formulating fundamental thesis is eiher based on Introverted Intuition () or , but scientific grounded thesis are usally more based.
    Extroverted Thinking usally cares more for "what works", not what is correct in a inherently logical way.

    I narrow it down to LII or ILE... and I can relate to a lot of things you wrote.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 10-01-2017 at 09:09 PM.

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    Oh cool! ~<3 Will check it out in-depth later

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    Hello everyone, thank you for replies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Maybe LII
    Can you explain to me why 'maybe'? What makes you unsure?

    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Hello Shapeless
    I suggest alpha quadra NT type for you. Based on you description, I say Extroverted Intuition () + Introverted Thinking () in your ego block, like myself.

    is lookling for similar patterns in different topics. The interest of many abstract topics hint also to .
    Formulating fundamental thesis is eiher based on Introverted Intuition () or , but scientific grounded thesis are usally more based.
    Extroverted Thinking usally cares more for "what works", not what is correct in a inherently logical way.

    I narrow it down to LII or ILE... and I can relate to a lot of things you wrote.
    Can you explain to me if is looking for similar patterns in different topics, what kind of pattern is looking for?

    I have some difficulty to divide these two IMEs inside me when I try to understand rationally how my mind works.

    Thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    Can you explain to me why 'maybe'? What makes you unsure?
    I'm not in your head and can't share your perception.
    You are looking for certainty, I can see this. Your Introverted Thinking damands for clarity.

    I doubt that you can divide a cognitive perception and a judging function because they can only work together. Perception without judging is procrastination to the max. and judging based a a single perception is single mindedness to the max.

    I can't really tell what is looking for because only people that have in their ego block are aware of it.

    You can read the description of the cognitive functions in Wikipedia and decide to which you relate to most.

    Sorry I forgot to post something I had I my mind, but ran out of fuel coffee, or at least the hot fluid that is called coffee outside of Italy.

    There is only one world but as many different perceptions of the world as there are living creatures with mental awareness.

    I say things, but they don’t understand what I mean.
    Seeing myself trying to explain the concept of complex numbers to my parents.
    Last edited by WinnieW; 10-01-2017 at 10:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    You can read the description of the cognitive functions in Wikipedia and decide to which you relate to most.
    I did this, and what can I say is that I relate most with 'N' processes, but for some reason I can't decide on which one I relate most. This leads to me to think, I'm having problems with my Judging function, and I can't see the right perspective actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    There is only one world but as many different perceptions of the world as there are living creatures with mental awareness.
    Have you the need to unify all of them in a coherent way? Does your L (Ti) push you to do this? I mean, a way that is coherent for all the meanings that a subject can have...

    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Seeing myself trying to explain the concept of complex numbers to my parents.
    Last edited by Shapeless; 10-01-2017 at 11:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I did this, and what can I say is that I relate most with 'N' processes, but for some reason I can't decide on which one I relate most. This leads to me to think, I'm having problems with my Judging function, and I can't see the right perspective actually.
    I still say Extroverted Intuition + Introverted Thinking. You want to narrow down the options to form one conclusion. That is Introverted Thinking.
    The only other option besides Intuition would be Introverted Thinking combinded with Extroverted Sensing, but your interest in a bunch of abstract topics screams Intuition to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    Are you replying to me about Time (Ni)?
    No, it's just an addition to the first sentence in my previous post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    Have you the need to unify all of them in a coherent way? Does your L (Ti) push you to do this? I mean, a way that is coherent for all the meanings that a subject can have...
    The awareness that what you perceive is a construction of each individuell conscious mind. How do I arrive to that conclusion? I had to explain how my own intuition works. I doubt that I can do that. Intuition does not operate at will.

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    Some parts would indicate LII on the surface, but there are somehow too many themes, emphasis on willpower etc.:

    "They say that my strength is my attitude to commit to things, and to be tenacious. "
    "I dislike when people are not decisive, or illogic, so I take situation in my hands in these cases too. "

    This sounds like even too much for an ILE - their strength in committing is usually inconsistent. I would suggest LIE or EIE, since there is a lot of awareness of as well. You seem like an enterprising and open-minded kind of person who nevertheless can be assertive and take charge.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Some parts would indicate LII on the surface, but there are somehow too many themes, emphasis on willpower etc.:

    "They say that my strength is my attitude to commit to things, and to be tenacious. "
    "I dislike when people are not decisive, or illogic, so I take situation in my hands in these cases too. "

    This sounds like even too much for an ILE - their strength in committing is usually inconsistent. I would suggest LIE or EIE, since there is a lot of awareness of as well. You seem like an enterprising and open-minded kind of person who nevertheless can be assertive and take charge.
    I took into conisderation LIE but do you see T (Ni) into my words? Plus, it seems my feelings are not repressed so much like in LIE... :/

    Maybe EIE with strong P (Te)? But how this explain my attitude at reasoning like L (Ti)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I took into conisderation LIE but do you see T (Ni) into my words?
    "The 99% of the places I visited, is through books. So, best places for me are in my mind, what I’ve read and what can imagine"

    "What is meaningful is to have Vision, a Path to follow, to try to understand the Truth by what is an Illusion (especially in my own mind I would say…)"

    "knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous (and the reverse)"

    [what makes you angry] "People that change their mind too quickly, and that can’t commit themselves in anything." "when they change their mind/plans too often and haven’t a direction"

    ^This is prototypical Ne behavior, I have never seen an Ne valuer objecting so strongly to this.

    "I tend to see the negative part in things"

    There is other evidence that shows Se, like getting angry a lot (generally high Se). This feeling of being "out of place" is common among Beta NFs. My feeling is EIE probably works best, you mention 1) having difficulty verbalizing your mental images clearly, 2) finding clarity through religion, and 3) "feeling like a big paradox".

    "Usually asking too many details (precise words that a person used in a discussion, or how that person was dressed) for me it’s a good way to get mad."

    This shows sensitivity in Ti+Si, like it's an area of life you'd rather just avoid completely, and when you are expected to deal with it produces extreme distress and irritation.

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    Ok, i have to admit my conclusion was based on selective statements.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    "The 99% of the places I visited, is through books. So, best places for me are in my mind, what I’ve read and what can imagine"

    "What is meaningful is to have Vision, a Path to follow, to try to understand the Truth by what is an Illusion (especially in my own mind I would say…)"

    "knowledge without wisdom can be dangerous (and the reverse)"

    [what makes you angry] "People that change their mind too quickly, and that can’t commit themselves in anything." "when they change their mind/plans too often and haven’t a direction"

    ^This is prototypical Ne behavior, I have never seen an Ne valuer objecting so strongly to this.

    "I tend to see the negative part in things"

    There is other evidence that shows Se, like getting angry a lot (generally high Se). This feeling of being "out of place" is common among Beta NFs. My feeling is EIE probably works best, you mention 1) having difficulty verbalizing your mental images clearly, 2) finding clarity through religion, and 3) "feeling like a big paradox".

    "Usually asking too many details (precise words that a person used in a discussion, or how that person was dressed) for me it’s a good way to get mad."

    This shows sensitivity in Ti+Si, like it's an area of life you'd rather just avoid completely, and when you are expected to deal with it produces extreme distress and irritation.
    I suppose what is bold is related to Ni... Ok, I had this strange relationship with my mind, I need to unify stuffs. I don't like to be in this state of unsureness, it's like I've said something that is happening now, under stress. Could be Ni that pushes me to closure? And, if yes, how it is coherent with EIE pattern?

    Can you send to me some good description of Ni processes (if it exists?).

    I think that if I can explain this point I can be on the good way to understand myself.

    On Se side, it's true that I enjoy a little bit of competition, but it's not to affirm myself on others, like more to affirm myself with myself. I don't look at others like reference, I look at me and at my standards (that are high) to be happy and ok with myself. I don't want to push others, unless I need to defend me... for this reason IDK how to look at this side of me, because in some way isn't the 'classical' F (Se) that I read on the net.

    Take into account that I'm not studying socionics by long time, so my infos could be not completed.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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    I had an other idea in my mind.
    It is about the way you solve puzzles, Shapeless?

    Do you see patterns emerging in your mind or do you practice a try and error princple?

    I provide an example here:

    Rearrange three coins, let the arrow point to the opposite direction. Ok, this test does only provide a answer if you don't know it already.

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    English is not my native language, what do you mean like patterns?

    What I intend, and I do by myself, is relationship cause-effect, ordered in the timeline that I have in my mind, that could be not strictly the objective timeline that we use in the world, I mean I can see what happens if patterns occur together, or how the situation changes in relation at specific times...

    Cause-effect makes me to build a 'map', and so I know that when A occurs at the time X occurs B, at the time Y C etc...

    I need to do this process again for every new situation, and I trust partially the previous schemes because I tend to perceive every situation like new. So, when I'm in a new one, I look at scheme, and if it is similar at one previously seen, I expect a specific outcome, but I need to monitor the evolution of the scheme, to be sure that everything is going effectively in the direction I guessed.

    I'm not sure what you mean about pattern on the little puzzle. I simply try to rearrange money in my mind, thinking on before to move them.

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    What I met was: You have to try moving a coin and check if it is right, if not you have to try another move. That is what try and error means.
    When you get an hunch and you see the correct solution in your mind without much thinking that would imply your intuition is stronger than your thinking.

    English is not my native language, either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    What I met was: You have to try moving a coin and check if it is right, if not you have to try another move. That is what try and error means.
    When you get an hunch and you see the correct solution in your mind without much thinking that would mean your intuition is stronger than your thinking.

    English is not my native language, either.
    No, I need to see it in my mind before to do anything. I start to think at possible ways to move coins, but I don't act... maybe I trial and error in my mind LOL but I need to think in schemes and moving coins all together... I can't move in my mind one coin at step, I need to move them 3 all in a step, and if it isn't a good move, I need to do it again in my mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I suppose what is bold is related to Ni...
    All the quotes up till "negative part" have to do with Ni. The imaginal world, vision, sensing danger, commitment.

    Ok, I had this strange relationship with my mind, I need to unify stuffs. I don't like to be in this state of unsureness, it's like I've said something that is happening now, under stress. Could be Ni that pushes me to closure? And, if yes, how it is coherent with EIE pattern?
    Yes, needing closure can be reasonably be attributed to Ni and probably also Ti. It is definitely consistent with EIE.

    Can you send to me some good description of Ni processes (if it exists?).

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    I don't have Ni in my ego block but from my limited understanding, a Ni user would overlay the pictures of the two states (beginning + final state) in the mind together and find the differences.

    No movent of real coins that would be sensing, not intuition.

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    typing without video has much higher risk of a mistake

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    typing without video has much higher risk of a mistake
    I will try to do a video of 10 minutes, but usually I don't use webcams etc so it's not something immediately accesible to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I will try to do a video of 10 minutes, but usually I don't use webcams etc so it's not something immediately accesible to me.
    The best image give photocameras and high end smartphones. Not all webcameras are good, so if you have a photocam - use it.

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    I'm only halfway or less through reading the questionnaire so this may change, but I saw you as being on a line between LII and LSI, but I favor LSI overall. You describe an appreciation for Ni many times, and never mention Si, but casually suggest you have no problems with Si, it's just not something you seem to focus on or care about. Lots of Ti, and places where some might suggest Ne but it really looks more like Openness to experience to me ie. curiosity, interest etc are not Ne, but are openness A few things do point towards LII instead, but not enough imo to outweigh those things suggesting LSI. When I finish reading it my viewpoint might change if there seems to be a lot of things pointing in a different direction. And there very well may be, so this is a tentative suggestion at best.

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    From what I'm reading, into the forum, the last functions I use are Si and Fe.

    Si, because I'm not at all focused on my body, myself, etc.

    Fe because I'm not focused to expressing emotions, but concepts.

    If this can help...
    Last edited by Shapeless; 10-02-2017 at 03:09 PM.

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    @Shapeless Okay love, fought my way through the entire questionnaire.

    Am pretty hellbent on... LIE!

    Correct me if I'm wrong:

    base: An industrious, accuracy-seeking, implementing, factual, logical, constructing/building, scientific, technophile, reasoning, process- and work-oriented character. A human doing.
    creative: cryptic but purposeful play with the world. The "Sphinx" with obscure riddles. Futuristic vision is highly valued and orchestrated. Patience is appreciated.

    demonstrative: novelty, ideas, open child-like mindset, adventure & wandering, innovation galore, though it has to meet premise of being useful --> see base
    ignoring: coherency and making sense is important sometimes, but not enabling goals, can annoy

    mobilizing: Pressure is appreciated and needed, but not the full dose. Asking for help here. Struggle and fight awareness. Likes beauty & strong spirit. Low-key provokes a challenge.
    suggestive: morals, kindness, religion, proper conduct, compassion, getting along, conflict (!) mediation - a void that needs to be filled, glad acceptance of these things en masse.

    PoLR: absent sense of making oneself comfortable in the moment. Imaginative inner world + high work activity blocks out one's bodily feel. HATES maintenance, chores.
    role: low & hidden emotionality, an occasional "WOW" but subliminal help is also needed here, to alleviate depression. No dramatics - dry + pragmatic communication is favored.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    @Shapeless Okay love, fought my way through the entire questionnaire.

    Am pretty hellbent on... LIE!

    Correct me if I'm wrong:

    base: An industrious, accuracy-seeking, implementing, factual, logical, constructing/building, scientific, technophile, reasoning, process- and work-oriented character. A human doing.
    creative: cryptic but purposeful play with the world. The "Sphinx" with obscure riddles. Futuristic vision is highly valued and orchestrated. Patience is appreciated.

    demonstrative: novelty, ideas, open child-like mindset, adventure & wandering, innovation galore, though it has to meet premise of being useful --> see base
    ignoring: coherency and making sense is important sometimes, but not enabling goals, can annoy

    mobilizing: Pressure is appreciated and needed, but not the full dose. Asking for help here. Struggle and fight awareness. Likes beauty & strong spirit. Low-key provokes a challenge.
    suggestive: morals, kindness, religion, proper conduct, compassion, getting along, conflict (!) mediation - a void that needs to be filled, glad acceptance of these things en masse.

    PoLR: absent sense of making oneself comfortable in the moment. Imaginative inner world + high work activity blocks out one's bodily feel. HATES maintenance, chores.
    role: low & hidden emotionality, an occasional "WOW" but subliminal help is also needed here, to alleviate depression. No dramatics - dry + pragmatic communication is favored.
    Yes, I can see truth inside this! LIE, EIE and LSI are the closest ones for me...

    The bold ones are what I can see strongly true.

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    To finish reading I started from the bottom up, and I see why LIE was suggested. There were a couple things that suggested introversion - the needing time to think over something for example. But as I read more things collected that do point towards TeNi.

    Some of them:

    While my growth I started to develop a vision of the world that involves changes, and I started to focus on reality aspects that are changing instead of the ones that are always the same. I started to focus on how situations are forming because in this way for me is easier to manipulate the status quo in a way that is profitable for me.

    Analyze the problem find its core. How can I fix it? I start to think globally at this point. Can I use it for my advantage? Can I transform it in something different? Can I join stuffs to create something new that helps me to go through the situation in a good way?

    In what areas I take charge… mmm I can’t think at a proper one, it depends by how much I feel sure on that field. I take charge because I see a path that should be followed to reach the goal and to go out of dangerous situation. I don’t take charge when there is to organize systematically, I’m not so good at it, so I let others make their job.

    I perceive others better than me. I think this is my only problem that block my entrepreneur addiction, this one and the fear to be seen I’m wrong: I dislike to be see like not competent. However, I need confirmation in real world of what happen in my head, so I have to risk to be seen in a bad light,

    I was sailing toward an island. I’m always in a good state of mind when I travel, (boats, trains, airplanes… it’s important that they are moving) so I started to write on my book, to finish my story. I like to travel because it is representative of what happens in my mind: I’m never in a place, I’m always puzzling situations to understand consequences of them, and I imagine fantasy worlds in which I live through my alter ego. It helps me to understand my feelings too.

    I would be interested in starting a business because I would have the opportunity to put my ideas into real world.

    My business would be an high tech store in which I sell innovative materials to build medical stuffs to help blind people to see again.

    This why I think that understand brain can help us to reply at several questions about philosophy, psychology and world; eyes are the way you absorb the external world, and your thoughts come out, so is representative of this.

    This store will be futuristic but with some elements of the present and past (new stuffs and old stuffs see in the perspective of what will be), and I will need several job figures from different fields (engineers, physicist, sellers) to accomplish my job in a good way.

    I will play the role of creator and seller.

    . I admire who can analyze situations and forecast events, and use this skill to help others. I admire someone that can go out from trouble, and moves the situation on, till the goal. I strive to be better in doing these things, too.

    Why I admire them… well, I suppose I’m uncomfortable for the biggest part of the time. I feel like trapped in something that I can’t change… to understand how things go, why are going in that way, it’s basilar to do the right steps and avoid mistake. I hate to feel not competent, wrong, unsure, because in some way I feel to be not ‘worth’ to be loved or liked by myself first and by others for second if I’m not in this way.

    I tend to perceive me on the way to reach always something else… I don’t look at my back to see what I conquered. But, if I would say an accomplishment… it’s when I’m able to recognize how things are unfolding, or something that I’m bad at and I’m good at integrate it. When I face obstacles and I can surpass them.

    I bolded the primarily Ni parts, but in every case it was Ni with Te, not with Fe. I found the section on how traveling represents the way your mind works very interesting. It showed dynamic thinking, particularly Ni. I still think there is Ti use also, but that wouldn't be surprising for gamma NT - and those things that pointed away from LSI and towards LII in the beginning also apply to the gamma NTs, as they were intuitive>sensing aspects. The things that pointed towards LSI and away from LII can also be applied to Se/Ni valuing in general. You have both introverted and extroverted traits, but as a whole LIE fits better than ILI imo.

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    Here are my conclusions. Credit to @squark whose analysis arrived at the same result by a different method.

    I will try to be the most objective possible,...but usually I feel like a big paradox.
    [I value] a lot of possibilities in job field, so I can easily work to reach other goals in my life that are out of career.
    I'm really focused on becoming a better person and integrating what I'm not able naturally to do,

    Your Values:

    Ideal friends: I search people that are decisive, enthusiastic, ready to explore new things, but who are also deep, willing to reason on things, to understand.
    Ideal partner: I’m highly selective with partners, for this reason I had only few. I search someone that is open to discuss with me ideas, and that helps me to implement the better ones. I need a mix of being gentle and being decisive and secure. I value most the ability to go out of bad situations, to adjust on what is happening to reach the goal. He has to be loyal, with some basilar principles, and I have to can trust his word… he should be a good man.

    I discovered that I like people that have structure, but that are not slave of it, in the sense that they can use to reach their goals. The focus is not on the structure, but on the vision they want to realize. (This is almost identical to what I would say.)


    We need go no further, you are an LIE. Welcome to the club.

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    Ni: "I go through situations following processes of all the things, understand why and how they change, how they develop."

    "While my growth I started to develop a vision of the world that involves changes, and I started to focus on reality aspects that are changing instead of the ones that are always the same. I started to focus on how situations are forming because in this way for me is easier to manipulate the status quo in a way that is profitable for me."

    "I take charge because I see a path that should be followed to reach the goal and to go out of dangerous situation."

    Ne: "Going to fundamentals allows you to be knowledgeable in a lot of fields, to connect things that are apparently not close, and to make comparisons and parallelisms with other stuffs."

    I don't know what to make of this, whether you are confident in it or not, but this isn't Te but Ti for sure:

    "I tend to have a set of rules to follow, but instead to follow it precisely, I adapt these rules in different cases, so it's like I'm interpreting them in my personal way and applying them differently basing on the situation. Sometimes I fight myself in doing this, because there is a side of me that wants me to apply them strictly, and another one that needs to be more merciful. Usually I confuse myself, because I can see too many ways of application of the same rule, and I can't decide what to do in that single case. When this happens, I need a logical way to justify the application, that is coherent with all the meanings of the rule, even the literal ones."

    If you are Ti ego then it's just that you care a lot about being logically consistent, I suppose.

    Also dunno about: "I don’t take charge when there is to organize systematically, I’m not so good at it, so I let others make their job." The low S perhaps?

    These bits were NT (first quote rather alpha NT): "If I can approach something theoretically it’s better, otherwise I need time to understand how things are connected each other. For this reason, usually I try to pattern the situation and to understand outcomes, so I can derive the logic that there is under this pattern and follow it."

    "I need help to understand how to react in social contexts, with people and emotional sphere too."

    (Sounds Fe seeking)

    All in all. If you want to go for an introverted type, try LII, if extraverted then not sure, ILE would be problematic because of the load of Ni, lol but then you seem to be Ti/Fe valuing NT overall so it's harder to see Ni ego, tho' not excluded.

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    Thank you for all your replies!

    In these days I've read a lot about socionics... Uhm I need time to digest infos. I will try to make a video in next days so maybe it's better for you to see me. I think I'm not capable alone to type myself... :/ with others is simplier.

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    I cannot divide myself properly and in a good way between Ti-Fe system and Te-Fi system.

    Although I see myself more Ti than Te, I can see a strong Te side in me that needs to be fulfilled.

    On the relationship side, I can say that I doen't need to define well the relationships with people, unless I'm committed in with them. I dislike every type of lie, even the white ones, because it makes me feel like I'm not taking the good pieces of informations in, and I'm acting on lies. This strikes me off the good path for the process and I need to think again on the situation/person to understand deeper.

    On the forum there is a discussion that I can't find anymore. It's about Ti-Fe and Te-Fi dynamic on ILI and LII. There were statements bolded and coloured in red/purple, and was a really good source on I was thinking, if someone knows what I'm talking about please add the URL here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    If you are Ti ego then it's just that you care a lot about being logically consistent, I suppose.
    This is something I need that I always claim. With others is more evident: I had an argument with my brother because during a holiday, he wanted to meet a friend. Our restaurant was on the oppiste side of his friend house, and he didn't tell me this. So, I walked for 20 minutes to go at his friend house, and I came back to go to the restaurant. This thing make me upset, not for the thing itself, but because he did it without thinking and completely unlogically, we started to eat really late in the evening and all our programs shifted later, so we couldn't enjoy the holiday like we wanted.
    Last edited by Shapeless; 10-06-2017 at 08:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    base: An industrious, accuracy-seeking, implementing, factual, logical, constructing/building, scientific, technophile, reasoning, process- and work-oriented character. A human doing.
    industrious - just reasonable, if you need to do - you do
    accuracy-seeking - no, it's more Ti. Te - practical things, no hyper-value of accuracy
    implementing - general T-S stuff. to implement to increase efficiency - yes
    factual - sure
    logical - general T
    constructing/building - constructing = general T-N, building = general T-S
    scientific - in the sense of objective - yes
    technophile - general T
    reasoning - general T
    process- and work-oriented character - algorithm oriented, what to do to get some result

    in sum - aspect's description could be better

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    Although I see myself more Ti than Te, I can see a strong Te side in me that needs to be fulfilled.
    Can you translate this "strong Te side to be fulfilled" into everyday non-socionics words?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    If you are Ti ego then it's just that you care a lot about being logically consistent, I suppose.
    This is something I need that I always claim. With others is more evident: I had an argument with my brother because during a holiday, he wanted to meet a friend. Our restaurant was on the oppiste side of his friend house, and he didn't tell me this. So, I walked for 20 minutes to go at his friend house, and I came back to go to the restaurant. This thing make me upset, not for the thing itself, but because he did it without thinking and completely unlogically, we started to eat really late in the evening and all our programs shifted later, so we couldn't enjoy the holiday like we wanted.
    Oh, I dunno, such forgetfulness would annoy most people I imagine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Can you translate this "strong Te side to be fulfilled" into everyday non-socionics words?
    I want to obtain the max of all my experiences, or processes or things that I think and that I do. I'm not saying that this comes always easy to me, but I need to search the most efficient way to let something work. I search reliable sources to make this happen, for example specific books, or people, or whatever (specialists).

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Oh, I dunno, such forgetfulness would annoy most people I imagine.
    These are simple facts to understand. I do this in relationships too, I need to explain rational motivations about why people behave in the way they do. Typology helps me a lot with that, because it gives names to what I observe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I want to obtain the max of all my experiences, or processes or things that I think and that I do. I'm not saying that this comes always easy to me, but I need to search the most efficient way to let something work. I search reliable sources to make this happen, for example specific books, or people, or whatever (specialists).
    Bolded isn't Te.

    The efficiency part is, but you say it isn't always easy for you, hmm. And you definitely seem a Ti/Fe valuer anyway with that statement on logical consistency etc.

    These are simple facts to understand. I do this in relationships too, I need to explain rational motivations about why people behave in the way they do. Typology helps me a lot with that, because it gives names to what I observe.
    I really would just assume forgetfulness or lack of practicality.

    I highly doubt that typology is gonna explain all that much, sorry. It won't give you a way to know the motivation out of thin air.

    Still it's useful to see some general trends about people and for improving self-knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shapeless View Post
    I took into conisderation LIE but do you see T (Ni) into my words? Plus, it seems my feelings are not repressed so much like in LIE... :/

    Maybe EIE with strong P (Te)? But how this explain my attitude at reasoning like L (Ti)?
    Just noticed this bit. I'm not clear on how you relate to feelings. You say they aren't really repressed, how much are you in touch with them?

    Why do you need "help to understand how to react in social contexts, with people and emotional sphere too"? What aspects are difficult for you there?

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    A couple more questions

    "I actually dislike who use feelings or charm etc to gain an advantage on others, IDK why. I consider better to deal at an unemotional plan."

    Can you rephrase the last part, I couldn't follow it, sorry. And, do you ever "manipulate" with feelings yourself, even if perhaps not for gaining an advantage in an egotistical way?

    "I was sailing toward an island. I’m always in a good state of mind when I travel, (boats, trains, airplanes… it’s important that they are moving) so I started to write on my book, to finish my story. I like to travel because it is representative of what happens in my mind: I’m never in a place, I’m always puzzling situations to understand consequences of them, and I imagine fantasy worlds in which I live through my alter ego. It helps me to understand my feelings too."

    Can you say more on the last sentence?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Bolded isn't Te.
    Yes, experience is related to a perception function, not an aspect of a judgement function.
    Seeking experience in the real world is sensation (or sensing), not thinking.
    The statement "my experiences" is Introverted Sensation.

    Gathering information in the real world is sensing,
    gathering information in a abstract, imaginitive world is intuition.

    I think LII is a fitting type for you, Shapeless.

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