Hello NdFeB08! (Are you a magnetic person? Because of your member name. Ok, I'm kidding.)

Quote Originally Posted by NdFeB08 View Post
Just looking at the pictures I'd guess INTj...you got that teacher look lol (glasses and semi-formal attire = LII; where my logicz prize at?)

Wild guess aside...I'm not sure what type you could be, but using your answers as guide I'd also say you're Se devaluing, so either alpha or delta then.

In your pictures you look friendly and approachable but a bit guarded/cautiously distant, or perhaps simply not skilled in charming the audience (the Fe shenanigans...the Fe bawsheit ...sorry...I just remembered how my behind got whooped by an EIE at work...anyway! Let's continue with your typing)
I could see you lighting up by an enthusiastic's ESE/EIE motivation for you to join the group; you seem like a shy person who's waiting for a friendly invitation. That doesn't necessarily make you an introvert though; you could still be ENTp even if you're shy...but I do think you're Fe valuing, so alpha NT.
Wow! Thank you! Your people reading skills are very good. I'm seriously impressed.
Indeed I was shy to the degree of having social anxiety. But grown out of it, mostly, I think.
I'm under the impression that an accelerated growth of my weaker functions happend in the last few years. So I'm getter better with and active use of , but I'm still not very mature in some aspects.
Yes, I like other people that are skilled in using , therefore I guess that is my dual-seeking function.

Your observation is correct , I'm the way you described me. An other proof of the capability of 4D

Quote Originally Posted by NdFeB08 View Post
Please upload a video if you have time and feel comfortable doing it!
Will do, but I guess I need to practice first. It feels so awkward talking to somebody who is not physical present.