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Thread: ILEs/ENTps, do you really feel supervised by EII/INFj?

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  1. #15
    falsehope's Avatar
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    My EII wife doesn't supervise me but at the same time is resilient to logic. It takes her long time to understand logic and very often makes decisions regardless my opposition and later on regrets them. She does it all the time. On average, it takes her 2 months to understand something I can tell straight away, and it's good if some serious decision wasn't already made as she's very apt to make decisions quickly before she understands problem fully. I view her as overly emotional and unreasonable and I have feeling she needs my help a lot especially when it comes to important decisions.

    Similarly it's with LSE, I think they need my help in everything which is difficult, LSE usually tries to use proven and reliable methods but it's unable to find them because she or he lacks proper understanding of the issue is trying to address in first place. So I need to find out what the problem is first, which is often difficult because LSE lacks the idea, and then make a model out of it, and based on proper understanding devise a method LSE would accept. It usually takes long time for LSE to understand the problem and it's usually 2 weeks. LSE is also not happy when the problems are even remotely complex, prefers simple problems and simple solutions and that's where difficulty in solving complex problems with them is.

    Regarding supervision, it's quote shallow thing. EII is mainly concerned when I am not eating or when I am laying in bed during the day. So it's closely watching what I am doing. And also when I am going out and not coming back within 2h. But that's not really deep supervision nor really anything like that. When it comes to serious affairs, EII weak logic is what is the problem and supervision doesn't work because I don't find EII in such scenario any meaningful or revealing.
    Last edited by falsehope; 03-23-2018 at 07:11 PM.

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