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Thread: Hi! Any idea what type of relations these are?

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    Default Hi! Any idea what type of relations these are?

    Last edited by Pastel; 11-05-2017 at 06:32 AM.

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    He sounds like a pretty stereotypical Delta ST so activity or duality. Also he sounds self-pres first in instincts, and you sound self-pres last. Could still be a good instincts match if he's sp/so and you're so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
    He sounds like a pretty stereotypical Delta ST so activity or duality. Also he sounds self-pres first in instincts, and you sound self-pres last. Could still be a good instincts match if he's sp/so and you're so/sx

    Hi Economist!!

    Thanks for your input!

    But I actually wonder, like... what if my friend and I were actually of superego relations? Like what if I were actually an INFp, and not an INFj. Idk... A lot of such thoughts often plague me. Do you think that there is a way to tell for sure that a person is an INFj, and not an INFp?

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    I'm not able to tell from a superficial description; I'm certain that INFjs can peer much deeper. Also, I think that a mature INFj with no personal issues or bias can be "completely objective" but not being able to be so would cast doubt on any description that that person provided.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    Hi Economist!!

    Thanks for your input!

    But I actually wonder, like... what if my friend and I were actually of superego relations? Like what if I were actually an INFp, and not an INFj. Idk... A lot of such thoughts often plague me. Do you think that there is a way to tell for sure that a person is an INFj, and not an INFp?
    Superego relations aren't characterized by omnipresent strife. I have multiple close LSI/superego friends. What distinguishes superego from other friendships is that you occasionally hit each other's polr. Tension occasionally arises in all close friendships. In a superego one, it comes from polr hits, accidentally making each other feel bad about your respective polr's, subconsciously thinking your creative IE must be important for everyone and trying to nudge the friend into using it more, which makes them feel self-conscious, unskilled, annoyed.

    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    6) The good sides to our interactions would be when he displays his humor, and when he listens to me and makes me feel accepted for who I am. Also, he brings me out of my whining, and back to reality by reminding me of the facts. He grounds me a lot too. Plus, he is really comfortable to be around, we think a like on certain things, have similar beliefs, and he is brilliant at what I'm only sub-par at - he is able to see things objectively and understand things easily, while being very eloquent at expressing his views. I on the other hand, have trouble being completely objective, take a longer time to understand stuff, and am not that eloquent at relaying my thoughts.
    This doesn't sound like he's hitting Te polr, it sounds like you like his Te, which is INFj.

    I haven't seen any evidence for IEI in your posts or typing threads, so I think the burden of proof is on you. It's common for EIIs to self-mistype as IEIs and have a lot of superficial traits in common.

    Like Rebelondeck, I also wonder if you are biased in your descriptions. Your OP in this thread sounds like you're listing Delta ST stereotypes and saying what you don't like about them to try to look more IEI-like. But you're not saying the things that an IEI would dislike. The drink temperature and weather stuff could be Si-valuing, but could also be self-pres in instincts. I personally hate talking about that stuff despite being EII, because I'm self-pres last in instincts.

    I think Stratiyevskaya's EII and IEI descriptions provide a very clear picture of the differences between the two in overall vibe. If you can be honest about yourself to yourself, they would make it easy to tell which you are.

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    > I often expect things from him, which he wouldn't be able to fulfill, thus disappointing me a lot.

    bad relations
    in good ones your wishes get the needed answer

    until you are in "good" external conditions your relations may satisfy you, but if your life will become harder and you'll need more of support in a pair - your relations will annoy you both

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    Uhh... bad relations meaning?
    The relations where you have a small support are bad.
    "expect things from him, which he wouldn't be able to fulfill"

    > I expected silly things like him replying me quickly, to prioritize me, etc. Kind of unrealistic expectations

    That you perceive your relations as self-centered is bad trait too. It's more like you in the center where the other should to serve your needs. In good relations you lesser think by own needs, but more by the needs of both. If there is no quick reply, then it's not comfortable for him do so - you accept this with compassion. While to "prioritize" you should have closer and more sincere relations, while you seem to be pals, not friends which have serious soul's attraction.
    Your IR may be different, but your relations as they are - not good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The relations where you have a small support are bad.
    "expect things from him, which he wouldn't be able to fulfill"

    > I expected silly things like him replying me quickly, to prioritize me, etc. Kind of unrealistic expectations

    That you perceive your relations as self-centered is bad trait too. It's more like you in the center where the other should to serve your needs. In good relations you lesser think by own needs, but more by the needs of both. If there is no quick reply, then it's not comfortable for him do so - you accept this with compassion. While to "prioritize" you should have closer and more sincere relations, while you seem to be pals, not friends which have serious soul's attraction.
    Your IR may be different, but your relations as they are - not good.

    I don't know..if this was a romantic interest this would strike my insecurities. However, being the age and stage I am now I wouldn't let it bother me that much, still something would be very *wrong* if I found a romantic interest not responding to me with a generally quick reply (within a couple hours). Compassion isn't free.

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    This isn't really a lot of information, but the main things that stand out are 1) weak Fi and Fe, lack of understanding of emotions and sensitivity 2) possibly ego Te due to the drink example, attentiveness to how to make the most of resources 3) being laidback and talking about the weather looks like attention to Si. So he does sound Delta ST. It is possible that you are IEI considering your relationship with him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    Hi! thank you for your response...

    May I know how an INFj would respond to the SLI in this case? Would she not be upset with the SLI at all?

    I actually like his laid-back quality most of the time, except for when I think he should not be acting that way, for eg, when facing my Mom for the first time... Or maybe my idea of an interested party is one who is more self-aware and considerate, and one who would strive to make a better impression on the person he is with... And because I had expected such things from him when he wasn't really that interested in me, I got disappointed...

    Plus, I had actually compared him to myself, and thought that what he did would not be what I would do, if I were in his shoes... As in... I don't think I would ask someone to sneak my drink in her handbag for me, or talk about something obvious like temperatures of drinks, or the weather. I had preferred for him to ask me more questions about myself, but he didn't, so I was upset. To sum it all up, he didn't seem as interested in me as I was in him, so I was annoyed. :/
    An EII could get annoyed because of excessive focus on Si, it's really hard to say.

    What is more unusual is the greeting situation, this is more of an Fe criticism since it has to do with etiquette and less to do with the specific relationship involved.

    But again I must stress that this is NOT sufficient information to type you by, so take it with a grain of salt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    An EII could get annoyed because of excessive focus on Si, it's really hard to say.

    What is more unusual is the greeting situation, this is more of an Fe criticism since it has to do with etiquette and less to do with the specific relationship involved.

    But again I must stress that this is NOT sufficient information to type you by, so take it with a grain of salt.
    Hello thehotelambush!

    What if i had actually seen an image of how he should be behaving in a situation, in my mind, and got disappointed because how he behaved in reality did not match up to the ideal image I saw?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    Hello thehotelambush!

    What if i had actually seen an image of how he should be behaving in a situation, in my mind, and got disappointed because how he behaved in reality did not match up to the ideal image I saw?
    That sounds like Ni, paired with some ethical element. Again, something that is probably common to both IEI and EII.

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    I mean, he knew it was your mom and didn't say hi? Or he saw a random older lady and didn't say hi? The way I see it: 1) The drink in purse scenario is a non-issue unless you carry like a very pricey designer purse, in which case you could have let him know your purse is expensive & if his drink spills he will be paying for it. 2) Talking about the weather = small talk and it's pretty regular to bring up - but if it's taking up a large amount of your convo, that would be an issue. You could easily be IEI but the behaviors that irritate you are not the same as ones that irritate me. Bothersome behavior in men to me, is when guys expect certain things from me immediately instead of making things flow more naturally. However... like you I want guys to have etiquette, not be rude and yeah I'd be pissed if a guy knew it was my mom and didn't greet her. You say you wanted him to ask you qs about yourself; did you ask him a lot about himself?
    Last edited by summerprincess; 09-15-2017 at 02:36 AM.

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    Typing aside, I think any type would find it rude that he didn't even bother to greet your Mom. If I were in your shoes though, I'd be like "Dude, what's your problem? Why'd you ignore my Mom like that?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    Hello summerprincess!

    Yup he knew it was my Mom, but he didn't do anything to acknowledge her, but just continued in his laid-back position while staring at my Mom and I from inside the elevator :/

    And yup, I have always asked him a tonne of questions about himself, but he doesn't always return the questions. I didn't ask him any questions about himself when we were in the movie theater though. I was just pretty quiet then, as I was feeling a tad bit awkward. :/
    That is just rude then of him, no matter what type people are it's common manners to greet your date's mom. Also he doesn't sound like a great conversationalist; maybe try to just offer up the information about yourself. Like if you asked him "where did you eat lunch today?" He says "At chipotle" you just go right along and say "Cool, I ate lunch at _____." Even tho he did not ask you it works to help carry the convo

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    You could easily be IEI but the behaviors that irritate you are not the same as ones that irritate me.
    Your type is EII/INFJ, while her seems to be some P-F type.
    You'd could to look at my IR test to get a chance for a proof. In short you'd could to compare generalized impression of psychic comfort of LSI/SLE vs LSE/SLI. I don't know how to explain you better that your type is not INFP. Ah.. you can also look at EII and IEI examples there and understand which type is more pleasant for your soul.
    You are the only which I typed with assurance to my duals on this forum and you disagree with me. This makes me sad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Your type is EII/INFJ, while her seems to be some P-F type.
    You'd could to look at my IR test to get a chance for a proof. In short you'd could to compare generalized impression of psychic comfort of LSI/SLE vs LSE/SLI. I don't know how to explain you better that your type is not INFP. Ah.. you can also look at EII and IEI examples there and understand which type is more pleasant for your soul.
    You are the only which I typed with assurance to my duals on this forum and you disagree with me. This makes me sad.
    Hello Sol, are you referring to me, that I am indeed EII, INFj, and not INFp?

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    That is just rude then of him, no matter what type people are it's common manners to greet your date's mom. Also he doesn't sound like a great conversationalist; maybe try to just offer up the information about yourself. Like if you asked him "where did you eat lunch today?" He says "At chipotle" you just go right along and say "Cool, I ate lunch at _____." Even tho he did not ask you it works to help carry the convo

    Thanks @summerprincess for the suggestion! Will try that out next time (:

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    are you referring to me, that I am indeed EII, INFj, and not INFp?
    Your type I suspect to be F-P, what having video I'd could to check. EII is doubtful as you seem too chaotic to me.
    As EII I typed summerprincess a year ago, after she've made a video. She's in my perception is more constant and reasonable than any IEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Your type I suspect to be F-P, what having video I'd could to check. EII is doubtful as you seem too chaotic to me.
    As EII I typed summerprincess a year ago, after she've made a video. She's in my perception is more constant and reasonable than any IEI.
    Hello Sol, may I know, chaotic in what ways?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    may I know, chaotic in what ways?
    For example, the avatar. You've changed it, but on previous version there were parts of a deer, besides the deer itself in the center. This is not EII style.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    For example, the avatar. You've changed it, but on previous version there were parts of a deer, besides the deer itself in the center. This is not EII style.
    Ah, okie... To be honest, I wasn't keen in choosing a proper profile photo then... And I just chose whatever was small enough to be used as the profile photo. That one was actually a deer pattern I made in Photoshop, which can be multiplied into repeated images. I don't really know what profile photo I should be using to represent myself, even now. I see it as secondary to the answers I hope to get with regards to some questions concerning Socionics actually

    May I know if there are any other examples of me being chaotic that you've observed?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    I don't really know what profile photo I should be using to represent myself, even now.
    Anything you like But EII would prefer no avatar, than such one.
    They mostly use pretty, pleasant, sometimes funny and cute images - what other people would like too (Fi). You avatar did not send "pleasant emotions" or was aestheticly pleasant (Si). If to place on the backgroung some trees and forest - that would be closer to tastes of EII.

    > May I know if there are any other examples of me being chaotic that you've observed?

    For lesser than a month you've created 14 new themes. Certainly, newcomer have no such many important themes for discussion in so short time, - as may find almost anything in the existing themes. It was partly impulsive - what is P trait.

    You've created theme "SLIs are awesome!!" and written "I honestly think that SLIs are the best people out there." While having in profile EII, would be sequentially to create and say such about LSE . You probably prefer P types.

    To begin themes like "Hey guys! It's me again..." is not J style. They think beforhand what text to place (yes, we are boring) and hence, there is no style like "Aw. I've forgotten to ask...". It's P style to begin themes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Your type is EII/INFJ, while her seems to be some P-F type.
    You'd could to look at my IR test to get a chance for a proof. In short you'd could to compare generalized impression of psychic comfort of LSI/SLE vs LSE/SLI. I don't know how to explain you better that your type is not INFP. Ah.. you can also look at EII and IEI examples there and understand which type is more pleasant for your soul.
    You are the only which I typed with assurance to my duals on this forum and you disagree with me. This makes me sad.
    Imo I'm obviously a Beta type, I'm highly status conscious, aristocratic and my taste for the macabre is evident

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Anything you like But EII would prefer no avatar, than such one.
    They mostly use pretty, pleasant, sometimes funny and cute images - what other people would like too (Fi). You avatar did not send "pleasant emotions" or was aestheticly pleasant (Si). If to place on the backgroung some trees and forest - that would be closer to tastes of EII.

    > May I know if there are any other examples of me being chaotic that you've observed?

    For lesser than a month you've created 14 new themes. Certainly, newcomer have no such many important themes for discussion in so short time, - as may find almost anything in the existing themes. It was partly impulsive - what is P trait.

    You've created theme "SLIs are awesome!!" and written "I honestly think that SLIs are the best people out there." While having in profile EII, would be sequentially to create and say such about LSE . You probably prefer P types.

    To begin themes like "Hey guys! It's me again..." is not J style. They think beforhand what text to place (yes, we are boring) and hence, there is no style like "Aw. I've forgotten to ask...". It's P style to begin themes.
    Hello, thank you for your reasons as to why you believe I'm INFp (:
    There IS a possibility there, but...
    I have tried watching both LSI/SLE and SLI/LSE videos, and so far I definitely like SLIs and LSEs over LSIs and SLEs in terms of their lifestyles, behaviors, ways of thinking, etc...

    I find that beta values are a little too much for me, they are too loud, and too daring. I remember watching a video of a supposed SLE filming a documentary, and in it, he was SERIOUSLY CLOSE to lions in proximity. I thought that was silly and nuts. And I didn't see the point of his behavior. Too risky for me.

    Another was a video of an LSI from a rock band, and I too found him too loud for my tastes.

    I definitely prefer the quiet muted styles of Deltas over the over-the-top lifestyles of Betas I think. (No offense there, I like some Betas too, they're nice people, but I just don't favor Beta values as much as Delta ones :/)


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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    Imo I'm obviously a Beta type, I'm highly status conscious, aristocratic and my taste for the macabre is evident
    You may mistake in the degree this could not be at EII type. I'm also not a standard LSE in some senses and that's why I needed to use IR to understand own type in the past. Many people don't fit excellent to types descriptions, but they fit ok anyway - they understand this better later, when come to own real types.
    Your talking style is not like P types speak. And your nonverbal gives me impression closer EII than anything else.

    You may try to use my types examples to check am I right about your type. If to use men of few types (like was described above), this will not take long. Such also you may get more arguments for beta type, if it's such. Intuitive impressions from nonverbal of men - this is not hard for your N type.

    P.S. you look very cute on your avatar. very Fi like

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    you believe I'm INFp
    I suspect one of F-P types and see ENFP as not lesser possible. I'm more sure the type is not EII.
    Without video it's hard to understand the type with assurance.

    > I have tried watching both LSI/SLE and SLI/LSE videos, and so far I definitely like SLIs and LSEs over LSIs and SLEs in terms of their lifestyles, behaviors, ways of thinking, etc...

    Your psychic comfort matters. During watching duals you feel better, like at home. Opposite quadra may be interesting, but gives worse psychic state. If such, then among F-P higher possibility for IEE, SEI.

    > Another was a video of an LSI from a rock band, and I too found him too loud for my tastes.

    Loud "LSI" may to be some extravert.

    > I definitely prefer the quiet muted styles of Deltas over the over-the-top lifestyles of Betas I think.

    Probably you prefer Fi value.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I suspect one of F-P types and see ENFP as not lesser possible. I'm more sure the type is not EII.
    Without video it's hard to understand the type with assurance.

    > I have tried watching both LSI/SLE and SLI/LSE videos, and so far I definitely like SLIs and LSEs over LSIs and SLEs in terms of their lifestyles, behaviors, ways of thinking, etc...

    > Another was a video of an LSI from a rock band, and I too found him too loud for my tastes.

    Loud "LSI" may to be some extravert.

    > I definitely prefer the quiet muted styles of Deltas over the over-the-top lifestyles of Betas I think.

    Probably you prefer Fi value.

    Hello, hmm, perhaps you could give me some examples of people you think are LSI/SLE and SLI/LSE?
    I've tried going to your IR test page, but so far I don't really understand it.

    And btw, may I know what psychic comfort means?

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    perhaps you could give me some examples of people you think are LSI/SLE and SLI/LSE?I've tried going to your IR test page, but so far I don't really understand it.
    Bloggers are good examples. You just watch people and check your impressions from their nonverbal.

    > what psychic comfort means?

    eh... when you feel emotionally good. no negative feelings. duals balance your psyche so you feel lesser anxiety, uncertainty but more pleasure, self-esteem and inspiration.
    in good IR you feel like with "your people", which seem easy and pleasant to deal with. such is in my LSE perception. I plan to check what several EII feel to duals compared to opposite quadra T types, but at now I have only my perception and assume other people feel something close.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Bloggers are good examples. You just watch people and check your impressions from their nonverbal.

    > what psychic comfort means?

    eh... when you feel emotionally good. no negative feelings. duals balance your psyche so you feel lesser anxiety, uncertainty but more pleasure, self-esteem and inspiration.
    in good IR you feel like with "your people", which seem easy and pleasant to deal with. such is in my LSE perception. I plan to check what several EII feel to duals compared to opposite quadra T types, but at now I have only my perception and assume other people feel something close.
    Hmm, is it okay if I ask for some examples of SLI/LSE and LSI/SLE bloggers? I have no clue where to find them ><

    Thanks for your explanation btw

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Bloggers are good examples. You just watch people and check your impressions from their nonverbal.

    > what psychic comfort means?

    eh... when you feel emotionally good. no negative feelings. duals balance your psyche so you feel lesser anxiety, uncertainty but more pleasure, self-esteem and inspiration.
    in good IR you feel like with "your people", which seem easy and pleasant to deal with. such is in my LSE perception. I plan to check what several EII feel to duals compared to opposite quadra T types, but at now I have only my perception and assume other people feel something close.
    What if you find arguments and drama to be exciting?

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    What if you find arguments and drama to be exciting?
    I want to help people understand own types. As exciting I find to know the truth and when others get the truth.
    While you (by following the recommended check) may get the higher chance for relations with dual, instead of conflictor. I saw relations of conflictors - they easily get depressive state and quarrels.

    On socioforum there is girl Leah, which I typed as EII. She said her nick means the name of princess from Star Wars (I know it should be "Leia", but she said such). I call her just "princess" on that forum. She also resists to my opinion. I spent a lot of time for conversation with her, - to better study people of her type, to get fun, to understand her better as a person, to give some advices, etc. The result is partly negative - she does not accept wrong types, not accepts any type still. You have a similarity in strange insisting on what I think as wrong. By tests she got generally LII type, while I'm sure she's F-N type.

    The other your partial similarity is that she reported about having low compassion to people (she said that does not like this in herself). You reported about low empathy in a test. While you both should be F types.
    Last edited by Sol; 05-15-2018 at 02:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pasteldandelions View Post
    is it okay if I ask for some examples of SLI/LSE and LSI/SLE bloggers? I have no clue where to find them
    In my IR test theme are numbered groups under spoilers - these are bloggers. To know which type is the number - you need to look to "Key" below those groups. Then you click on a picture above blogger's name and teleport to Youtube, on a clip of that blogger. Then you may watch that clip or click at blogger's name under video on Youtube, then to press "Videos" and find other clips.
    If you don't see pictures under spoilers (in case you are using crazy software which thinks image hosting as something bad), you may "quote" my messages to find direct links to clips on Youtube.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I want to help people understand own types. As exciting I find to know the truth and when others get the truth.
    While you (by following the recommended check) may get the higher chance for relations with dual, instead of conflictor. I saw relations of conflictors - they easily get depressive state and quarrels.

    On socioforum there is girl Leah, which I typed as EII. She said her nick means the name of princess from Star Wars (I know it should be "Leia", but she said such). I call her just "princess" on that forum. She also resists to my opinion. I spent a lot of time for conversation with her, - to better study people of her type, to get fun, to understand her better as a person, to give some advices, etc. The result is partly negative - she does not accept wrong types, not accepts any type still. You have a similarity in strange insisting on what I think as wrong. By tests she got generally LII type, while I'm sure she's F-N type.
    You didn't answer the question!

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    Quote Originally Posted by summerprincess View Post
    You didn't answer the question!
    I did. Indirectly but completely. In what I'm interested in forum's conversations.

    Remember to check you are not IEI, but EII. Somehow, sometimes, as the arguments you've said for IEI are not good at all. You need IR to understand own type.
    Macabre... I know one EII dude who loves crazy brutal music, - the dude is young, not married, and such his natural aggression is shown. I'm sure your mood is also not very high and this affects on your interests. It's not only from type. While your cute smily avatar and summer nick say that not so bad with your thirst to macabre. You are good and kind girl.
    Aristocratism - so wide term. Well... I'm LSE and prefer to be picky with whom to communicate. In other cases my contacts are rather short and shallow. I'm open, but all this "democracy" is rather limited. In bs Reinin's dichotomies beta and delta are named aristocratic quadras.
    Status - not-only-types factor as higher egocentrism and you'll look for profitable relations. The 2nd "princess" also likes richy boys and seeks for "beautful life". And she seems to have psyche issues - said that thrown an album to head of lecturer when he criticized what she've done. I hope you are lesser impulsive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    For example, the avatar. You've changed it, but on previous version there were parts of a deer, besides the deer itself in the center. This is not EII style.
    That is a stag. You can't see LSE as a stag?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Your type is EII/INFJ, while her seems to be some P-F type.
    You'd could to look at my IR test to get a chance for a proof. In short you'd could to compare generalized impression of psychic comfort of LSI/SLE vs LSE/SLI. I don't know how to explain you better that your type is not INFP. Ah.. you can also look at EII and IEI examples there and understand which type is more pleasant for your soul.
    You are the only which I typed with assurance to my duals on this forum and you disagree with me. This makes me sad.
    Now you can understand how you made Maritsa feel. The rejection has been returned to you through another.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Now you can understand how you made Maritsa feel.
    At 1st I was right - I have typing skills to be sure in types. Maritsa's type was ENFJ most probably and definitely not INFJ.
    At 2nd it's exaggeration as my feelings are far from what base F have. Also I get more fun, than bad emotions from the situations on forums, including this one.
    At 3rd I may understand what and how people may like or not. Even without own experience.

    > You can't see LSE as a stag?

    I don't use the needed drugs.
    Also she seems to like SLI more, so they are more probable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pastel View Post
    I don't understand your last sentence either
    this needs time and practice to understand me

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