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Thread: IR test (by Sol)

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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    in top 3 Fi types + in bottom 3 Fe -> Te type, at least Te/Fi value. 4th types are Te at top and Ti at bottom, what supports the value too

    gamma-delta is rather possible
    mb excluded SEE/ILI, having suborderie and subrevisie at top
    It would look like this after deeper reflection. It's too hard to predict from 1 -16 which types I like best. So i did it like that. After that, I came to the conclusion that.

    1. EII and SEE
    2. LSE, IEE and LIE
    3. SLI, LSI and LII
    4. ILE and IEI
    5. ILI and ESI
    6. SLE and ESE
    7. SEI and EIE

    I think IEI and ILE are slightly better than ILI and ESI. Most ILI is be completely cold.... It is difficult to arouse sympathy for me. Although they look quite professional which is an advantage. Most ESI aretotally neuter again....
    But at least they don't annoy me as in the case of SLE or ESE or even more so EIE or SEI.
    Last edited by NuclearWar666; 07-04-2020 at 09:15 AM.

  2. #2
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    Full sorting is more interesting, anyway.
    You have good chance to be Fi valued.
    Also. At top you had 3 Fi and at bottom 3 Fe, 4th were T types of same valued F. Besides Fi value (which is good possible), this may point on Te type. After ILI exclusion, as most possible types stay: LSE, LIE, SLI

    "I think I can be SLI. In the dichotomies covered result first ISTp, the next ISFj comes out. And from test always SLI. I just want to be more certain." (link)

    By IR test SLI is among most possible. There were 3 deltas at top.
    Having this match of different methods is a basis to pay more attention on SLI. Then LSE and LIE.

    You may make a video and place it in a typing thread or pm. Maybe this will add something.
    The only good way to be assured in your type is by IR effects with people IRL and their behavior. Them you'll need to type yourself by different methods, including tests.

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    I've already recorded a video in a typing thread, but I was a little drunk then and I behaved somewhat differently than usually.

    Should I record another questionnaire? Or maybe just a short video?

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    Quote Originally Posted by NuclearWar666 View Post
    I've already recorded a video in a typing thread, but I was a little drunk then and I behaved somewhat differently than usually.
    Typing video should be without alcohol.

    > Should I record another questionnaire? Or maybe just a short video?

    Another questionnaire is redundant. Video is useful for nonverbal info.

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    I was little stressed out by recording. So I decided to relieve my stress symptoms with alcohol.... It wasn't a good idea because I didn't come out naturally anyway. I made another movies (being sober - not drunk) and some expert in microexpressionein Vultology (Not I don't know as far as this theory has sense and how compatible with socionics, but he has stated that I am Jungian Ni-Te. And less probably Si-Te. Generally He can see gestures and facial expressions typical mainly for Te and for IXXP temperament.... He also found a lot for Fi... But he's not sure my type. Because he found signals typical of Ni-Se (more signals) and some for Si-Ne. I have received the entire report on this. I hope you understood my words. My English is not very good...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by NuclearWar666 View Post
    some expert in microexpressionein Vultology (Not I don't know as far as this theory has sense and how compatible with socionics, but he has stated that I am Jungian Ni-Te
    Socionics uses Jung types too. Main problem is from practical side: how good a method is used.
    For example, that he associates with Fi, but both people are not such in my perception - it's Fe from Ti and from seems Fe type.

    So it's useful to see your video.

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