Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
So what if you're in a relationship with your dual and your dual leaves you? You are helpless? Why do you think you need other people to change your behaviour when the only real way to do it is to decide to do it yourself. A therapist can help, obviously. But therapy has never helped me. I've gone to about 7 maybe. I like to think I'm very self-aware (and aware overall) and they only say generic things during therapy, usually. The most insightful things about myself I have discovered myself.
I think most therapists don't work for a given person. It has to be good communication (not necessarily dual lol), and a good empathetic connection has to be established over time. These criteria aren't met sufficiently with many therapists since in therapy you do have to get deep in stuff, it's very personal and emotional and whatnot, not trivial at all. And then they have to be professional too and not just say generic things or try to control the direction where it's you who has to make decisions, etc. So it usually takes time to find a compatible therapist.

I guess that in your life there's probably some correlation between the instinct stackings (enneagram thing) of your relations, of which have been good and bad. And you have tried to fit these people into the socionics types. Which is what I mostly see people do; fitting people into stereotypes in how they "come off" (things unrelated to the functions) instead of actually seeing if they use this function or not. Intuition is definitely helpful in things as Enneagram but it seems irrelevant in socionics because there are a very limited amount of types and you're supposed to type people on whether they like cooking (Si) or like math (Ti). Which can be two extremely different people.
That's not really what Socionics is about

But I agree that intuition on its own isn't going to be enough for Socionics. What this theory goes by that other personality theories don't is a very technically oriented view. I'm not going to say it's very precise as well, its model lacks too much for that (could be made precise with other research but that's then no longer Socionics).

And yeah agreed on stackings.

Also there's a huge difference between chemistry and compatability (and attraction).
That's definitely a very good point, Socionics is only one factor in there, even with regard to compatibility...