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Thread: IR test (by Sol)

  1. #81
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    Thank you so much for creating and sharing this work; I'm enjoying going through the groups and jotting down my 'gut impressions'. Its a great tool for people who need realistic examples of what types present like in every day life. Plus, it promotes the good youtubers channels (I've subscribed to a few of the video creators actually )

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlutteringShyxx View Post
    I'm enjoying going through the groups and jotting down my 'gut impressions'.
    It's expected from Ne valued types. The method uses this function mostly.

    > It's a great tool for people who need realistic examples of what types present like in every day life

    In case of good correlations of my initial typing with the sorting - yes. This would prove the quality of the list objectively.

    > Plus, it promotes the good youtubers channels

    Mostly it's popular channels, as they have higher chance to catch my attention. Some thousands of people like them, at least.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Seems this day is not LSI's one
    lol I wander how is @Myst doing?

  4. #84
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    @reverie I just saw your video. You are lovely

  5. #85
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    I would do this but by what method? seems like a LOT of work to organize the videos in order. I dont think I've got the motivation to go through with it. Show me how you want it done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    I would do this but by what method?
    magic method
    you do a video-interview, I type you (by looking to crystal ball monitor), you sort the examples and they may match to IR theory

    > seems like a LOT of work to organize the videos in order

    not much: ~7 hours in sum, 2-3 days of fun without significant efforts. what you may get: Truth and Faith (to IR theory, own type and Hare Krishna). generally this would take monthes of you without this test, while some don't understand it after years

    > Show me how you want it done.

    by following my recommendations

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "Like some people would be put off by the word "god" but they can replace that easily with what works for them."

    Not so easily, but possible. There is something, what our mind perceives such. And this is practically useful. How to call this is secondary, but its traits I've described are part of the method - they help to use it. Most people should accept this model.
    Other ones may understand the Source like "internal image" which represents something in their mind, kind of hallucination. But for unconsciousness the mythological perception is easier and hence more effective. First of all - it's model, by which we get some result.
    Yeah I go with the "internal image" approach, it can feel mystical, sure, and that's a fun feeling, but the god thing makes no sense to me. I'm interested in what brain/mind part that "mystical" emotional stuff is, but it's certainly not god.

    So, finally I read your spiritual method stuff. I can't imagine myself get this spiritual on my own lol. Some of the principles are good though, except this one I don't have imagination for... "For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both." Not wishing bad is easy, requires no imagination but imagining something that's so the opposite to reality (good relations) doesn't work for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > LSI - I can't get rid of the feeling that they all seem like bunch of stupid rednecks who smell like sweat and gasoline. Disgusting.

    you'll be our delta agent in beta, comprade
    I thought that kind of description fits delta ST more lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    down-to-earth N types. fascinating
    I find my EII-Fi sister down to earth too, in a Delta way I guess.

    > intellectual

    for intellectual contact for T types are more interesting other T types. F types for T ones are for soul, not for intellect
    I find intelligent Fs are good for discussing intellectual stuff too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    lol I wander how is @Myst doing?

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    he was saying it doesn't seems like it is an LSI's day since there were two who complained about LSIs videos
    so I just thought to ask an actual LSI if it really wasn't an LSI day?

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    but it's certainly not god
    It's classical and effective model for the technic. Is there God or not we can't be certain. It's just a model which we are using, like a formula which is useful/correct in some concrete conditions.
    Another scientific-lookalike variant: an image of all universe in all its times and presences in one dot of "Big Boom". Superdot of all existence, where is everything what was and will be in one place and time. The dot connecting by our mind with which and influencing on which you may change the processes in it and hence the consequences which lead to the reality near you.
    The problem is that unconsciousness is archaic and metaphorical ideas are more comfortable for it. Also the said Gods traits seem to be useful in this case, - you'll remove them and may reduce the efficiency. We don't know what is it and how real is it. So I doubt the technic be similarly effective if to change something in it, as did not experiment.
    Also I don't understand why "scienctific-lookalike" model some people would prefer more, then metaphorical language of religions. You may think about the process like you play in a theatre - you on a scene and you believe in reality of your character to play better. You don't need to think yourself as King Arthur in Camelot outside of the using the method. But what you risk to get - to get nothing instead of the needed effect or lesser if you'll change the described method somewhere.

    > So, finally I read your spiritual method stuff

    In borders of "science" you may think about this as unconsciousness manipulation stuff, including self-hypnosis.

    > I don't have imagination for... "For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both."

    Just try. For example, you see a neighboring' dog barking on you. Imagine (for several days befor sleep) at home the situation in the future like this dog is happy to see you and how you happy to see it too, like you feed that dog, like you both feel pleasure and comfort. Such you'll begin the process to that side. Sometimes that dog may will like you.

    > imagining something that's so the opposite to reality (good relations) doesn't work for me

    This needs practice as anything. Take a look on your ceil. Shut the eyes. Imagine the ceil has red color with hummer/sickle signes on it. That's it.

    > I thought that kind of description fits delta ST more

    we smell better

    > I find my EII-Fi sister down to earth too, in a Delta way I guess.

    Recently I typed as EII one girl which later I typed to ESI. So if you'll place the video of your sister, we'll have a chance to check how close to Earth is she.

    > I find intelligent Fs are good for discussing intellectual stuff too.

    Feelings and relations stuff - may be. But where you need to "think" you'll often find them naive. I perceive F types mostly as cute kids which are pleasnt to see, to hear some bs about people, notice their cute emotions, etc. But I don't perceive them as source of "intellectual stuff". Maybe I was not lucky to find appropriate among them.

  10. #90

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's classical and effective model for the technic. Is there God or not we can't be certain. It's just a model which we are using, like a formula which is useful/correct in some concrete conditions.
    Interesting how you can switch from this very technical view into the mystical feely mode

    Another scientific-lookalike variant: an image of all universe in all its times and presences in one dot of "Big Boom". Superdot of all existence, where is everything what was and will be in one place and time.
    Yeah that's a nice abstract idea that doesn't require a concrete god concept for me for it to be inspiring in a way.

    The dot connecting by our mind with which and influencing on which you may change the processes in it and hence the consequences which lead to the reality near you.
    I didn't understand this sentence, mind rewriting it?

    The problem is that unconsciousness is archaic and metaphorical ideas are more comfortable for it.
    I just think my conscious filters some stuff so my unconscious side doesn't believe the god thing either. Or idk why it is that way for me but it always was this way. I'm a born realist I guess (I was already like this at age 5)

    Also the said Gods traits seem to be useful in this case, - you'll remove them and may reduce the efficiency.
    The traits of endless "love, power and knowledge"? I think the idea of endless love is a mystical feeling that one can have access to without having to connect it to any god concept. I don't think I get how the knowledge/power part is also relevant...?

    I find it somehow ironic that the description also said that we have all those attributes too except power

    We don't know what is it and how real is it. So I doubt the technic be similarly effective if to change something in it, as did not experiment.
    Also I don't understand why "scienctific-lookalike" model some people would prefer more, then metaphorical language of religions. You may think about the process like you play in a theatre - you on a scene and you believe in reality of your character to play better. You don't need to think yourself as King Arthur in Camelot outside of the using the method. But what you risk to get - to get nothing instead of the needed effect or lesser if you'll change the described method somewhere.
    I like the theatre analogy Though I could risk wasting time.

    > So, finally I read your spiritual method stuff

    In borders of "science" you may think about this as unconsciousness manipulation stuff, including self-hypnosis.
    Yes, I'm a bit familiar with self-induced trance. Though I didn't use it in the described way. I "used" it for other things (I say that in quot. marks because it was not like deliberate use - just getting inspired).

    I don't really understand how these parts of the mind/brain work but they do exist nonetheless Mystical enough, "quantum physics" or not

    > I don't have imagination for... "For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both."

    Just try. For example, you see a neighboring' dog barking on you. Imagine (for several days befor sleep) at home the situation in the future like this dog is happy to see you and how you happy to see it too, like you feed that dog, like you both feel pleasure and comfort. Such you'll begin the process to that side. Sometimes that dog may will like you.
    I imagine the way this would possibly work is by putting you in more positive and accepting moods, and that can rub off on others if you are lucky. Either directly or by you changing your actions towards them a bit. If not lucky then not gonna work, though.

    Sorry though for my strong skepticism I do think the positivity is good in some cases though.

    > imagining something that's so the opposite to reality (good relations) doesn't work for me

    This needs practice as anything. Take a look on your ceil. Shut the eyes. Imagine the ceil has red color with hummer/sickle signes on it. That's it.
    That's a good point too about practice. As for the example here about the ceiling, yes I can imagine that fine, but it does not feel vivid or real. That's what it is like for me by default I guess without strong feelings I just remain realistic-objective like that.

    > I thought that kind of description fits delta ST more

    we smell better

    > I find my EII-Fi sister down to earth too, in a Delta way I guess.

    Recently I typed as EII one girl which later I typed to ESI. So if you'll place the video of your sister, we'll have a chance to check how close to Earth is she.
    I don't know if she'll want to have a video done lol

    She's definitely got an earthy quality though, but on the other hand has some very unusual views on people. And she's very harmless and nice. My mom is ESI and she has none of those traits, she's very traditional instead, she's down to earth herself but also way more tough and controlling in a way compared to my sister. Less harmless.

    > I find intelligent Fs are good for discussing intellectual stuff too.

    Feelings and relations stuff - may be. But where you need to "think" you'll often find them naive. I perceive F types mostly as cute kids which are pleasnt to see, to hear some bs about people, notice their cute emotions, etc. But I don't perceive them as source of "intellectual stuff". Maybe I was not lucky to find appropriate among them.
    I think just bad luck, yes. I don't need the F types to think for me but they can have ideas I didn't think of so that actually proves useful, and they can have intellectual interests that they have deeply explored/studied and then can definitely discuss with them about them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Yeah that's a nice abstract idea that doesn't require a concrete god concept for me for it to be inspiring in a way.
    As best compromise for the ones which have the religion which forbids to believe in God, I see just to don't use the term "God", but to do the same. You'll have "loving allmighty light" which creates the reality - as "useful image" for the working with your unconscious skills.
    It would be like to imagine yourself under hot sun in cold weather to activate your reflexes to expand your peripheral vessels and by such to make better heating of body, you'll feel warmer.

    "The dot connecting by our mind with which and influencing on which you may change the processes in it and hence the consequences which lead to the reality near you."
    > I didn't understand this sentence, mind rewriting it?

    The initial "dot" of "Big Boom". You connect by your mind to this dot. Make some effect on it. And this forms the reality near you closer to what you want.
    "Consequences" I've added as to change something in "now" you'll need to change something in past. In other variant is to allow additional dimensions to the Creation, - you'll use the possibility to shift your mind to alternative universe projection. Then the connection is like to return your mind to the dot and then move slightly by other way.
    You need take into account what I write is just another myth, - scientific-alike one. Without personification of what you deal with. But as that thing is perceived as "loving", for your mind would be easier to personify it by the terms "God", "Farther" or similar.

    > I just think my conscious filters some stuff so my unconscious side doesn't believe the god thing either.

    With practice you study to enter in trance and overcome conscious filters. You need to imagine, later you'll "feel" and to come to that feeling will be easier in next times. Your unconscious will understand the God conception better than scientif-alike, it's like a child who are easier to deal by fairytales.

    The dot connecting by our mind with which and influencing on which you may change the processes in it and hence the consequences which lead to the reality near you.

    > I'm a born realist I guess

    Consciousness of any realist has unconsciousness wich works by other way. To use unconsciousness skills you need the other "language".
    What I've described is just a model of images to do something. I have no idea how this works in reality. We know nothing about reality, our brain uses only model of it given by our perception organs and common reflexes of thinking. Imagine what "reality" is for worms, - they have other model enough for them to be alive and nothing more, while humas similarly have another model.
    So when you work with unconsciousness - you should use the model which is more comfortable for it. If it's religious one - this should be used. While your consciousness and its logics should be supressed by the trance when you deal with your unconsciousness to get better effect. It's like to be in dream and act there by its laws, but then to return in "real world". The main thing - what you have done in that "dream" may to have effect on "real world", no one cares how strange "dream world" is.

    As to be realist. The 1st time I argued with parrents was in ~1.5 years old. I expressed doubts they'll do what they say based on my past experience.

    > I think the idea of endless love is a mystical feeling that one can have access to without having to connect it to any god concept.

    It's also part of image which should be used in imagination during the method. And I think it's easier to use God personification for what is perceived as having feelings to you and those traits.

    > I don't think I get how the knowledge/power part is also relevant...?

    The traits which I decribed for God is what you feel when you get the "positive answer" and then get what you "asked" in reality. When you think those traits beforhand - it's easier to come to the state of "positive answer", as you'll pass consciousness' limits easier.

    > I find it somehow ironic that the description also said that we have all those attributes too except power

    It's like to be similar computer without power, while to get power is possible only from the Main computer. Hypothetically we may to produce own power in his universe. But compared to Creator we have nothing. Anyway, the main way do something here - is to "ask" him. This process also improves us, study us to grow (seems we either not complete copies, or should become such in some limits, or were corrupted in past). It's like students copy the teacher to study and get his abbilities. Maybe later we'll do the exam and then will be allowed/be able for more.

    Also about humans' future. I admit that the situation our unconsciousness has skills which are not available directly for consciousness is way of evolution. Like in past we have become more advanced "homo sapiens", then in the future we'll get wider consciousness with integrated of what stays unconscious still. Maybe it's correctly to think us as intermediate step in becoming more "homo sapiens". Socionics in such conception seems as part of the process - to rise weak functions in consciousness. While unconsciousness having the link to the God has as available all his skills already (in some sense) and hence part of the human evolution is integration of unconsciousness to consciousness.

    > I like the theatre analogy Though I could risk wasting time.

    Sure. What we do here is hypothesis and needs normal research - how and what can be done.
    But like the Socionics is primitive, the method I've described for deeper dualization is simple and does not need years of mediation in monastery and other stuff. It takes not much of time to try and if you'll notice the effect (after a week practice, for example) - you'll just continue to get more if it.
    You act by your will to change the work of your unconsciousness. And maybe make an effect on unconsciousness of others. It can be interesting even to try. It's recommended to have stable duality pair for this, as other types may add issues also.
    Taking into account possible telepathy, hypothetically you may connect with any dual woman, it's not obligate to have her in spouse or even to communicate with her. But this should be much harder, especially without a communation helpful for tuning on her soul. It does not seem amorally, as you and she just will feel better and wider perceive the world ("passion" step is doubtful in case she has a pair, but I'm not sure). While you have the right for connection with anyone as human.

    > Mystical enough, "quantum physics" or not

    As quantum physics allows uncertainty what breaks cause-and-effect laws, - it's kind of magic. Later "quantum physics" may appear in humanitarian sciences.

    > I imagine the way this would possibly work is by putting you in more positive and accepting moods, and that can rub off on others if you are lucky. Either directly or by you changing your actions towards them a bit.

    Only part of it. I saw too quick effects which can't be explained such simply. Seems there was an impact befor the meeting. Also I experimented with influences without meetings, including when the opponents did not knew I may try something - it worked there. Telepathy seems to exist - you may feel others and others may feel you more, than we think generally.

    > I can imagine that fine, but it does not feel vivid or real

    It needs deeper trance and training, the principle is similar. Also in the described method you get not only visual "feelings", it's wider. It's other state of mind.

    > I guess without strong feelings I just remain realistic-objective like that.

    Emotions, wish and concentration help. You may enter into a trance, force all this, get deeper trance and then may do some. We talk about women, they call more emotions than a ceil.

    > I don't know if she'll want to have a video done

    You may offer. She'll decide. You may say it's part of MBTI testing, she should to know about those heretics.

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    I shall post my initial impressions then share my order.

    1; would get on though not sure there'd be a lot to say. I'm not a big talker and they seem less so. 2; compelling to listen to/watch, though can imagine confusing them and making their furrowed brows raise in annoyance. Did find their mannerisms attractive.
    3; smiley, expressive, sweet. Find them 'cool', would like as friends and would hope they'd like me.
    4; very good natured and seem reliable. Think I'd be bored by their conversation (I feel so bad about this cause they're genuinely lovely fellas!) they just go into too much detail and seem health conscious to the point where it dominates their lives. I think they'd get me out of my shell though and encourage me.
    5; I'd feel awkward; not quite sure how to take them. Think I misunderstood their jokes.
    6; find refreshingly honest and good natured. Feel like I could trust them and they'd get me out my shell.
    7; seem quite serious yet naive at the same time. likeable but not sure we'd have a lot to talk about; they're a bit too technical.
    8; seem genuine and good hearted though don't take selves seriously; would get me out of my shell and I think we'd have a laugh.
    9; seem like they don't really 'give a care' what others think, seem like intellectual trolls. Would get on with them and find them amusing but at times I can imagine being annoyed by them going over board.
    10; seem very sure of theirselves yet and talk in a harsh tone (the men); a little intimidating and wordy.
    11; seem so cool and casual, I admire how calm yet sure of theirselves they seem.
    12, very bubbly and loud though thoughtful and insightful; think we'd have a bit to talk about, easy company.
    13; so sweet! Very bubbly and exciteable. Get me out of my shell and their amusement is infectious. I think they can go over the top and maybe be 'a headache'.
    14; genuine and emotive. Would make me feel accepted
    15; very dry. Not sure we'd have a lot to talk about, interest wise but also cause they seem less talkative than even I am!
    16; silly, very open., compelling to watch, would have a laugh with them

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    In order of popularity/ones I think I'd vibe best with to least...


    (I checked the key, sorry if I wasn't supposed to!)
    Last edited by justalitnerdxx; 09-11-2017 at 05:55 PM.

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    you prefer P types, -> for your type as P. F-S ones which are close to your type (SEI). Also you've disliked T types of your quadra and semi-dual. Your sorting is against my version SEI, while I still think this type fits you best.
    The sorting points to IEI as more possibile than SEI, so you have basis to think about that variant too.

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    @Sol thank you for analysing my answers. Ok, I'll admit that Ip is the way to go (Fe creative). I'm still exploring the whole typology system and know that'll take time and experience, though for now I'm content to at least pinpoint my inclinations. ��

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    01 - no clue what the 3rd guy is saying but he's hot so I watched a grand total of 3 minutes. I liked the 4th guy's vibes. they look borderline sociopathic. I tried to watch the female videos but it was all ASMR and I don't think you can get a good read on someone's vibes that way.

    02 - fdfdfdfsdg g fgf. no thanks. they talk a lot.

    03 - good stuff. I liked the few I did skim through.

    04 - first impression isn't great. I keep getting "I don't think we'd get along" vibes. they seem... rough? robust? too much energy.

    05 - the first girl talks so much. I can't tell if it's her enunciating that hurts my ears or if that's just how Russian be. they all talk a lot.

    06 - 2nd guy seems so happy. 6th guy is alright. jimmy kimmel is awesome (SLE?!??!). I like the 2nd girl.

    07 - first few dudes were ok. the first girl sounds like she's running a marathon with her mouth. I think she just tripped over her tongue.

    - first dude was dope. da fuq are the hodge twins doing here? not bad but the ASMR stuff is still weird.

    09 - good vibes. w2s is cute. hey it's the crazy girlfriend. best ones so far I think.

    10 - 2nd guy needs to breathe. ENOUGH WITH THE ASMR. there's a lot of talking.

    11 - first few dudes were ok. the rest were whatever.

    12 - fdf I don't know. there were too many videos. I love jennamarbles but I seriously doubt she's SEI.

    13 - I like the blonde with the accent and the last one. no bad vibes to speak of.

    14 - I like the "sorry" girl. A. S. M. R. not bad but the ASMR HAS GOTTA GO.

    15 - the first girl is nice.

    16 - eldar dzhhzhz is cool.

    very good: ILE, IEI, IEE
    very ok: EII, SLE, SEE, ESE, SLI
    umm: LII, ESI, SEI, LSE
    no thanks: LSI, LIE, ILI, EIE

    from these observations I was able to deduce that Sol likes ASMR videos. And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

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    super mbti user
    For analysis it needs the line sorting of the 16 types - with types names, without grouping, without bloggers' names

    and for typing video is needed, anyway

    > Sol likes ASMR videos.

    some of them. for example. also some have pretty women with pleasant sexy voices
    When you look one video, then youtube offers other clips with similar theme. That's why there are a lot of asmr ones, cosmetics stuff, etc. - they are popular genres with a lot of offers. My interest is limited for typing only, almost always.

    > And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

    this will take some time, comprade
    while for using the method you need nonverbal behavior only
    Last edited by Sol; 09-12-2017 at 01:35 PM.

  18. #98
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    Thing is I was doing the test from a purely 'platonic' aka who I can imagine being friends with. I wasn't thinking of any of the examples if that has an impact or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlutteringShyxx View Post
    Thing is I was doing the test from a purely 'platonic' aka who I can imagine being friends with.
    Such was conceived.

    > I wasn't thinking of any of the examples if that has an impact or not.

    Long and good romantic relations/feelings with low friendship or bad IR are doubtful.
    So generally it has a link - you'll romantically like with more probability people with good IR, as they are more generally pleasant. But as on romantic feelings significantly affect body's traits, this was not supposed to be used.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    super mbti user
    For analysis it needs the line sorting of the 16 types - with types names, without grouping, without bloggers' names

    and for typing video is needed, anyway

    > Sol likes ASMR videos.

    some of them. for example. also some have pretty women with pleasant sexy voices
    When you look one video, then youtube offers other clips with similar theme. That's why there are a lot of asmr ones, cosmetics stuff, etc. - they are popular genres with a lot of offers. My interest is limited for typing only, almost always.

    > And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

    this will take some time, comprade
    while for using the method you need nonverbal behavior only

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    you may to make IR analysis by yourself. it's not hard
    but without correct own type your analysis will not be correct too. while the main way for you to know correct own type is to give your video

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you may to make IR analysis by yourself. it's not hard
    but without correct own type your analysis will not be correct too. while the main way for you to know correct own type is to give your video
    you made me watch 100 russian asmr videos for nothing Sol you're dead to me
    Last edited by wasp; 09-13-2017 at 05:03 PM.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    you made me watch 100 russian asmr videos for nothing
    You did not do what was said.
    As your correct type stays unknown without video, there is no basis to think about bad result.
    You even have not said your result in the format appropriate for analysis. Also if you did not follow all my recommendations, then you have no basis even to complain.
    You may: 1) stay with bad thoughts without reasons like now, 2) make your video-interview and give results in adequate format, so all this could be analysed as was said in the beginning of the theme.
    Anyway, you've gotten the possibility to better understand the types by using their quality examples. It's side effect of the method.
    Last edited by Sol; 09-13-2017 at 09:59 PM.

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    I'm still waiting for Myst's list!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    I'm still waiting for Myst's list!
    If Myst's type is LSI indeed, it's hell annoying for her to use Ne-Fi based method. The good thing is - people of his type when do something they try to do it ok, what may make the results closer to the theory.

    I suspect the criterion of good IR should be changed, as seems some people analyse the possibility of others to understand and express feelings as "friendly potential" - hence they set on top F types, despite they may to have F type themselves. I'm sure the examples are mostly correct. But how to use them - experimental part.

    If those who made the test and were typed by video will offer the criterion by which they'd sorted my examples closer to IR theory (duals, semi-duals at top, super-ego, quasi-identity at bottom) - I'll think about the changes. At now I'm using as "model" my own psyche, - my duals EII are good in Fi - they give easily psychic comfort and friendly sympathy.

    EII which made this test have placed at top all 4 F-N types, while own duals/semi-duals and S-Ts have placed close to bottom. In the discussion he said that F-N types he understands as better possible friends and thats why "friendly feelings" were higher to them. I don't understand at now how to make the criterion more universal for people of different types. I'm stuck in perception limits of own type.
    Last edited by Sol; 09-13-2017 at 10:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    If Myst's type is LSI indeed, it's hell annoying for him to use Ne-Fi based method. The good thing is - people of his type when do something they try to do it ok, what may make the results closer to the theory.

    I suspect the criterion of good IR should be changed, as seems some people analyse the possibility of others to understand and express feelings as "friendly potential" - hence they set on top F types, despite they may to have F type themselves. I'm sure the examples are mostly correct. But how to use them - experimental part.

    If those who made the test and were typed by video will offer the criterion by which they'd sorted my examples closer to IR theory (duals, semi-duals at top, super-ego, quasi-identity at bottom) - I'll think about the changes. At now I'm using as "model" my own psyche, - my duals EII are good in Fi - they give easily psychic comfort and friendly sympathy.

    EII which made this test have placed at top all 4 F-N types, while own duals/semi-duals and S-Ts have placed close to bottom. In the discussion he said that F-N types he understands as better possible friends and thats why "friendly feelings" were higher to them. I don't understand at now how to make the criterion more universal for people of different types. I'm stuck in perception limits of own type.
    I thought Myst is a woman? :/

    Sol, I don't think this test will ultimately tell someone who they are, just because of how they liked someone from the videos you sorted.
    The videos of SEE for instance were too stereotypical, as soon as I saw them I thought " this is SEE right?!" and it was... I actually never met such SEEs though if not in internet meme lol. I think you picked all sort of people that YOU anyway found somewhat characteristic in how they are, but not all people from types are like that. They look different to other people... I even wonder if some of the people you stored in some groups actually belong there, like the second EII looked like a fish. I don't look like that. Choosing mostly girls who whisper is just as difficult to interpret, because you'll never meet someone talking like that really...

    It is good to see how people are on a video, but even if I like someone I can't tell how good I'd do with them if I were there to talk to them. Would the person be a prick? Anser to my questions? Make fun of me etc? I can't know from these videos... so the typing stays as shallow as it seems. If you tour around the forum you'll see there are usually at least 4 different opinions on what type a person is. We do perceive people differently, and sometimes we defy models too.

    I didn't place F N anywhere and I'm pretty sure to be EII. What makes you so sure to be LSE instead? Can you post a video so I can judge? ^^
    Last edited by ooo; 09-13-2017 at 10:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    I thought Myst is a woman?
    seems so

    > I don't think this test will ultimately tell someone who they are, just because of how they liked someone from the videos you sorted.

    There are good IR and how people feel them. This effect is felt from nonverbal. The main problem is to find the criterion - how to describe in one phrase what all types like in duals, what is general for all types. Also that thing should be clearly and easily felt in people. I made the test as I perceive good IR, but this may to be not universally enough for the test. Psychic comfort, friendly sympathy, personal trust, inspiration in irl communication - I get this. But when EII have chosen F-N types at top the situation have become lesser clear.

    > The videos of SEE for instance were too stereotypical, as soon as I saw them I thought " this is SEE right?!" and it was...

    As these are correct examples, so it's easier to understand to what type they relate. I saw up to 50% of correct guesses of my types groups.

    > Choosing mostly girls who whisper is just as difficoult to interpret

    there is enough of nonverbal info even for typing. not just for reading one parameter of good IR

    > even if I like someone I can't tell how good I'd do with them if I were there to talk to them.

    you don't need to think such difficult. just read the feelings from nonverbal by the said criterion. your intuition should to work only

    > I didn't place F N anywhere and I'm pretty sure to be EII

    I'd look at your video with pleasure. People on forums assign to themselves incorrect types in ~50% of cases. I saw this a lot. Many ones change opinions after monthes or years. Without IR checking with people irl it's easy to make a mistake.

    > What makes you so sure to be LSE instead? Can you post a video so I can judge?

    for the last year I was asked this by 3 girls, at least plus one wanted photos
    I think LSE as own type because other types fit to theory (including IR) a lot worse. I typed myself during the 1st year of studing the typology a long ago and never doubt in it then.
    Anyway, video with significant chance would lead you to wrong version, as offline typing needs good qualification. I'm often suspected as LSI by communication on forums, while other wrong versions I meet lesser.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You did not do what was said.
    As your correct type stays unknown without video, there is no basis to think about bad result.
    You even have not said your result in the format appropriate for analysis. Also if you did not follow all my recommendations, then you have no basis even to complain.
    You may: 1) stay with bad thoughts without reasons like now, 2) make your video-interview and give results in adequate format, so all this could be analysed as was said in the beginning of the theme.
    Anyway, you've gotten the possibility to better understand the types by using their quality examples. It's side effect of the method.
    this is a farce, I tell you! A FARCE!

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    Sol is an ESI, won't change my mind until video

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    this is a farce
    In such case there would be only random results, but not with a system. Like when F-N types are chosen at top, or when a whole beta quadra there, or when identity/mirror types are often at 1st place. The test works, but needs improvement in the criterion.

    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    Sol is an ESI, won't change my mind until video
    Thank you for the version. It's rare when people think me as F type. Another for my collection.
    If you want to change your mind - just look at my EII examples, - these are woman I feel the most pleasure to deal with. If you'll type them as ENTJ, then you may think me ESI further.

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    no problem Sol, check this out it's full of TeSi people I fell in love with instantly :]

    (ESI are the best)

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    it's full of TeSi people
    Colbert - N type
    Watson - ENTP
    Tolkien - mb SLI
    Barrymore - SEI
    Adkins - SEI, IEI
    Fey - IEE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    If Myst's type is LSI indeed, it's hell annoying for her to use Ne-Fi based method.

    I didn't have time last weekend after all, this weekend looks better so far unless something comes up again

    I'll respond to the rest too in a bit.

    So generally it has a link - you'll romantically like with more probability people with good IR, as they are more generally pleasant. But as on romantic feelings significantly affect body's traits, this was not supposed to be used.
    One more thing... as far as I understood, the original instructions say to look in terms of potential for romantic feelings, what does this last quoted sentence mean? I assume you were referring to the alternative method (friendly feelings) there with how it's not to be used at all? And btw what do you mean by the first part of the sentence?

    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    I thought Myst is a woman? :/
    I am

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    as far as I understood, the original instructions say to look in terms of potential for romantic feelings
    As criterion is said: "friendly sympathy and psychic comfort". It's about friends relations, not romantic ones which additionally have sexual interest. Romantic feelings are mentioned only for what sex to use for sorting.

    > I assume you were referring to the alternative method (friendly feelings) there

    it's part of main and only method in my recommendations

    > And btw what do you mean by the first part of the sentence?

    If this about "But as on romantic feelings significantly affect body's traits, this was not supposed to be used."
    I meant that body's traits have significant influence on romantic feelings. And as we need only impressions from psyche, hence romantic criterion can't be used for the sorting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As criterion is said: "friendly sympathy and psychic comfort". It's about friends relations, not romantic ones which additionally have sexual interest. Romantic feelings are mentioned only for what sex to use for sorting.
    OK that was confusing the way you put it in OP: "Use examples only of other sex (which causes romantic passion)".

    I suggest you remove that part, "which causes romantic passion" and only emphasize the "friendly sympathy and psychic comfort" in place of it.

    > And btw what do you mean by the first part of the sentence?

    If this about "But as on romantic feelings significantly affect body's traits, this was not supposed to be used."
    I meant that body's traits have significant influence on romantic feelings. And as we need only impressions from psyche, hence romantic criterion can't be used for the sorting.
    OK great now I see what you meant and what was making it so ambiguous.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    OK that was confusing the way you put it in OP: "Use examples only of other sex (which causes romantic passion)"
    What to use as the _sorting_ criterion is said there clearly and unambiguously.
    Romantic feelings are mentioned _only_ about which _examples_ to use.

    > I suggest you remove that part, "which causes romantic passion" and only emphasize the "friendly sympathy and psychic comfort" in place of it.

    To take into account sexual orientation is important. I may make additional note to don't use romantic feelings for sorting, as seems some people got confused.
    Fay mentioned physical attractiveness, probably she initially made similar mistake and maybe corrected later. Also a girl on socioforum seems did same.

    > OK great now I see what you meant and what was making it so ambiguous.

    The most ambiguous thing seems is how F-N types understand what is needed in the test. I need to ask several EII about which criterion they'd sorted T types of own quadra vs T types of opposite quadra. Yep, I plan to hang on a neck of several people in Internet with this question to check is the current criterion acceptable for them too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Colbert - N type
    Watson - ENTP
    Tolkien - mb SLI
    Barrymore - SEI
    Adkins - SEI, IEI
    Fey - IEE
    : (
    : ((

    :- ((

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    :- ((
    that's life. be strong
    INFP seems better for you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    INFP seems better for you
    could be, could be

    : (


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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    could be, could be
    LSE are terrible, upset you 2nd day. get SLE until there are some

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