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Thread: IR test (by Sol)

  1. #281
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    the middle ones are slightly jumbled but i was careful with the top and bottom ones. @Sol
    i think in all these ones i've done, ESI has always been top 4.
    Last edited by maniac; 07-28-2018 at 07:59 AM.

  2. #282
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    @eko / maniac

    > the middle ones are slightly jumbled but i was careful with the top and bottom ones

    if you'd did the sorting for the 1st time it would be more useful. in other case you know which types are the groups

    in this time there are many Si/Ne ego types - 8/9 of up. the only trait with significant expression
    among Si valued the main version for you was SEI. it's possible for the sorting, only ESI at up does not fit

    > It was a no-contest win for my dual and activator.

    so SLE, LSI got two top places. in case this happened without your knowledge of types associated with the groups - it's meaningful

    > Both times, I was most repulsed by Si egos and Deltas

    let's assume them at bottom in your sorting. what supports Ni type of beta

    > y'all are not necessarily repulsive irl

    IR work similarly in IRL as nonverbal is same. You may pay lesser attention on "friendly" associations like in this test, so notice these sympathies lesser. Nontypes factors IRL should influence more. Mostly people cooperate IRL, but not seek for soul friendships where IR are important.

    > There's something about them that feels 'dirty.'

    activation of your Si region, in case it's weak nonvalued - inspires protections, fears. "bad" in Si you associate with dirt. such this may work. on practice Si types should to keep a body in the best look and state

    > My reaction to IEE: Oh THOSE girls. The cutesy dumb ones who get all the guys.

    this is more common for quasi-identity. they often give the surface impression of dumbs I perceive my ones as "bulls".
    also seems you have liked LSI examples more. you described them before SLE, told more about them and some better
    this supports my opinion that EIE fits you more than IEI. with video would be more clear

  3. #283
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    @Sol nah i dont like ILE

    SEIs are kind of hit or miss. going off of your actual list i like some of them and could see me being friends with them, some of them i see as verypretentious and annoying. so youve probably mistyped a chunk

    perhaps im LIE

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by eko View Post
    nah i dont like ILE
    Keira Knightley is ILE
    try to sort women

    among Si valued SEI fits you best

    > going off of your actual list i like some of them and could see me being friends with them, some of them i see as verypretentious and annoying. so youve probably mistyped a chunk

    nontypes factors may affect too. that's why to reduce their influence you sort by group impression, but not by individuals. you use a comparision, but not direct evaluations. also it's not IRL communication - here IR mb lesser clear

    > perhaps im LIE

    Si valued types in up is against this. also their superego are in top 4

  5. #285
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    @Sol i just looked up an interview and shes too loud and obnoxious. however id like to have her appearances.

  6. #286
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    My own personality and look on video is much more similar to IEI, but I know what you mean and I thought about it too -
    I was definitely more aroused by the LSIs, although with SLE it felt like I grew more into them, the longer I watched them. The LSIs were "this is the type of guy I would chase/marry." (History points to this too.)
    My adverse reaction to Si was strong to the point that it surprised me how consistent it was. I could understand how this might point to Si polr.
    I understand how this looks more EIE. I have thought of this before too because I know how I react to people irl. It doesn't sit right for many other reasons,but it's not an unreasonable suggestion. I'll keep y'all updated if I feel like one day that makes more sense. I do appreciate your input and loved this test muchly!
    I'll be posting some videos myself and when I make them public they will be accessible here. I can guarantee I look and sound more like IEI though, despite the very clear pattern you point out. Something to think about for sure.

    Also, I should point out that I know you instructed not to respond to "sexual attraction," but I can't help noticing that. I felt arguably more comfort and familiarity with SLE, but more sexual attraction to LSI, for what it's worth. LSI felt mysterious and intriguing but SLE felt real & present, like home. SLE felt the most honest.. very honest.. like I'd just be present with them and could talk or hang out forever. Whereas with LSI I felt like they were hiding something behind a veil and I could lure it out of them.
    Last edited by Volcana; 07-28-2018 at 05:00 PM.
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  7. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volcana View Post
    I was definitely more aroused by the LSIs
    you may also compare: LII vs SEE, ESI vs ILE

    > I'll be posting some videos myself and when I make them public they will be accessible here.

    if you'll do - you may mention my nick so I'd looked at

    > Also, I should point out that I know you instructed not to respond to "sexual attraction," but I can't help noticing that.

    The sorting should be done with the attention to friendly sympathy - it's some other. Sexual attraction is linked to this secondary (to some degree; if we like people as persons - we perceive them as potential partners and this inspires more of sexual interest, which becomes lesser blocked), but should not be used for the sorting _intentionally_ as depends strongly on the look too.

    > LSI felt mysterious and intriguing but SLE felt real & present, like home

    The lesser a type is similar to you - the more it looks as "mysterious and intriguing". The E/I difference is more noticable on the surface, than J/P. Also we like more the same J/P, not different. This makes duals to look as more different and attractive than activators.
    Even semiduals mb more attractive than activators. At least such was my experience. I never got significant feelings to IEE, while I had such attractive girls near. And when there was a situation I liked 2 girls IEE and ESI, - I've prefered ESI, the feelings developed further to her.

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you may also compare: LII vs SEE, ESI vs ILE

    > I'll be posting some videos myself and when I make them public they will be accessible here.

    if you'll do - you may mention my nick so I'd looked at

    > Also, I should point out that I know you instructed not to respond to "sexual attraction," but I can't help noticing that.

    The sorting should be done with the attention to friendly sympathy - it's some other. Sexual attraction is linked to this secondary (to some degree; if we like people as persons - we perceive them as potential partners and this inspires more of sexual interest, which becomes lesser blocked), but should not be used for the sorting _intentionally_ as depends strongly on the look too.

    > LSI felt mysterious and intriguing but SLE felt real & present, like home

    The lesser a type is similar to you - the more it looks as "mysterious and intriguing". The E/I difference is more noticable on the surface, than J/P. Also we like more the same J/P, not different. This makes duals to look as more different and attractive than activators.
    Even semiduals mb more attractive than activators. At least such was my experience. I never got significant feelings to IEE, while I had such attractive girls near. And when there was a situation I liked 2 girls IEE and ESI, - I've prefered ESI, the feelings developed further to her.
    If I were typing myself solely based on "who I'm most attracted to," it would definitely be LSI - and that would make me EIE.
    But, then there's the rest of the picture.
    I have dated - and been heavily attracted - to SEE men. More than once. My best friend for years was SEE also, and I liked her so much that I had a girl-crush on her. However I don't find LII men attractive in the slightest. Ive had LIIs try with me and they just don't strike me as dating material at all even if we're friends. I tend to find them rather boring and unstylish.
    Also, my father is SLE so the familiarity has grown over time. I used to find him the most fascinating mystery of all

    But yes, we could go back and forth forever on the intricacies of this. I will tag you when there's a good video up.
    My dating history shows best experiences with SEE, SLE and LSI, and possibly one ESI, but I have no dating history or attraction history with LII or ILE. The same showed in these videos: the LII struck me as dweebs and in the case of EII and LII, my response was the word "Meh" ... which I didn't use for anyone else. Response to SEE was mixed, but I find the Hodgetwins attractive and I have always enjoyed their videos. I'm attracted to Se egos in general, whereas Ti ego just isn't enough to get my attention if there isn't any Se. This applies to friends as well.
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  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volcana View Post
    The same showed in these videos: the LII struck me as dweebs and in the case of EII and LII, my response was the word "Meh" ... which I didn't use for anyone else.
    so you had more friendly sympathy to SEE than LII among my examples. well.. the full sorting would be good to look at
    sexual attraction should not be used as the sorting criterion intentionally

    > I'm attracted to Se egos in general, whereas Ti ego just isn't enough to get my attention if there isn't any Se.

    mirage are nice people. for IEI should be more pleasant ILE than ESI. in your case mb it's the opposite
    I recommend for IR to use my examples, as have more trust to their correctness.

  10. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    so you had more friendly sympathy to SEE than LII among my examples. well.. the full sorting would be good to look at
    sexual attraction should not be used as the sorting criterion intentionally

    > I'm attracted to Se egos in general, whereas Ti ego just isn't enough to get my attention if there isn't any Se.

    mirage are nice people. for IEI should be more pleasant ILE than ESI. in your case mb it's the opposite
    I recommend for IR to use my examples, as have more trust to their correctness.
    can't separate sexual attraction from sympathies. I'm not a people person with lots of different friends. Either someone turns me on or they don't. Even my female friends are hot and intriguing and arousing to me. I'm Sx dom 4.. life is art, art is life, poetry and sex and attraction are one. I don't understand this whole "just friends" thing. If your friends don't arouse and stimulate you in some way, why hang out with them?

    ILE is more pleasant than ESI, actually. And the topics they bring up are more relevant than what ESI talks about. The intricacies of how I feel about each type are a lot different than you are presenting them, because I haven't actually gone into it deeply so you're filling in spaces with things I didn't say. I find conversation topics of ILE more interesting than ESI, but I like ESI as musicians because they play with more force. I spent most of my life in the music industry and I find music for Ne has a very different feel than Se, which is what I need - more force, more aggression, more willfulness. However for talking about topics I'd rather avoid Gamma SFs, whereas I enjoy doing this with Alpha NTs. Aside from sexual attraction, I don't have strong reactions for or against people because I don't care about being in 'good sympathies' or being comfortable. Being comfortable is a Si concern anyway. I want a challenge. I don't evaluate people on the same criteria.
    Last edited by Volcana; 07-30-2018 at 07:23 PM.
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    Also, don't get me wrong @Sol - I am strongly considering EIE on my own time and I'm taking in the information you've given. I do appreciate the suggestion. I am definitely looking into it; I just don't like it when the reasoning is basically a false premise. My pattern of attraction to LSI is not a false premise, but the relations with other types have different complexity than what I mentioned here. Also, my writing style, which you brought up in another thread -- it's a result of extremely hard work. Messy writing style was a characteristic thing, and I can't hide my rambling chaos style in videos-- which is why I said to wait until you see the videos. The vortex thinking style is good for me. But I am willing to be wrong on that. It's definitely between EIE or IEI for me - I've already been down the ILI road and it's a no go. All signs point to Beta. Anyway you don't have to persuade me to consider EIE, i am already doing so, but I'll be surprised if you see a video of me and you can't see the 'long stream of consciousness chaos' associated with IEI, which is a strong factor in my self-typing, among many others.
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  12. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volcana View Post
    I just don't like it when the reasoning is basically a false premise.
    It's not such from my side.
    According to the known the possibility of you to be IEI is smaller than EIE or mb other type. For example, the results of IR test point that you prefer LSI and perceive them closer to your duals than SLE. You significantly differ from people I typed to IEI.
    With better typology understanding mb you'll be able to accept my arguments and may will notice more your differences from IEI yourself.
    I'll wait for your video to clear more the situation with your type.

  13. #293
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    I felt like killing some time tonight, and so I gauged my responses to a few of these videos:

    James Cordan--Slightly off-color in a hard to define way. Neither hit nor miss.

    LifeAccordingtoJimmy--Possibly my favorite of the seven or so I've watched so far. He struck me as being pleasantly dynamic and outgoing, as well as attractive in spite of not being the first thing I picture when I think of the word.


    Dmitry Novoselov--No particular reaction from me.

    Helene Jeppesen--How--and why--did she spin so much talk out of the subject of bookshelves? Not very interesting at all.

    Matt Lieberman--Even though he was asked to give his relationship advise, his doing so came off as presumptuous to me. Other than that, he seemed all right.

    softlygaloshes--Struck me as being a little awkward and faintly annoying.

    Jenny Nicholson--Absolute genius. I've watched several of her videos.

    Okay, it's 9:30 PM. That's all I'm doing for now. I might do some more later. I probably won't.

    Also, I know that what I've done is not in line with the directions given in the OP. I don't have a million hours to spend watching all of these videos, nor do I have enough knowledge of Socionics to sort these people according to their types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    who is this? whats her type?

    edit you post, pls. do not say which people have which types, - this ruins the important blind factor of the test

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    realized how fucking incompatible me and enfjs are, when theyre of the egotistical ilk
    you seem as E-F type. mb ENFP

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    Yes, i recall you showing me another SLI (and a LII) who looked very similar in many facets to my own expression, both in body and face.

    @Sol has typed me SLI once, but i haven't heard from him since. Do you still think SLI, @Sol?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    Sol has typed me SLI once, but i haven't heard from him since. Do you still think SLI
    if I've said with assurance that your type is SLI - then I've typed you such. in other case that was an assumption
    I need your video to recall you and to check whether my opinion is same

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    if I've said with assurance that your type is SLI - then I've typed you such. in other case that was an assumption
    I need your video to recall you and to check whether my opinion is same
    You did state that it was your 'main impression', so i'll take that as an intuitive approach?

    Would you mind if i pm'ed you my video? (newer one, with better lighting and longer)

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    You did state that it was your 'main impression', so i'll take that as an intuitive approach?
    then it was an assumption. intuition is used with visual data, in common
    when the assurance is high (due to intuition and other) - then it's normal opinion and the type is said without adjustments like "main version", "mb", etc

    > Would you mind if i pm'ed you my video?

    I'll watch. but no guarantee this will add new to the opinion

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    haha, i dont recall showing you an SLI but do remember the quote-LII-unquote, some guy someone else claimed was LII from the alpha music thread

    anyhow, dont mind me here bud, just typing my thoughts out and hitting Submit as i watch the videos
    I don't mind at all. If i'm not here to observe, learn and discuss, then why am i here?

  21. #301
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    Finally did it properly. I got 7/16 right when guessing but I already knew 2 or 3 of those. IEI I initially confused with IEE but when I saw IEE it was obvious. I got SLE and SEE the wrong way around and same with LSE / LIE.

    In order to not spoil the order I'll talk about them in quadra order.

    Alpha- Found these the nicest. ESE was the most intense and sometimes I found them too much. SEIs are goofy and cute - sometimes a little too cute with the girls. ILEs are charming. I want to hug all the LIIS.

    Beta- I liked SLE way more than I thought. I mistook them for SEE because of all the smiling and laughing but I guess that's Fe valuing over Fi? They were surprisingly cute. EIE were fine - not as intense as ESE but take themselves a little too seriously? LSI are cool as well but not as cute as LII and a little serious again. IEI I liked.

    Gamma- Omg I hate gamma. SEE was the one I hated the most. The men in particular were unbearable. ILI were the most boring. LIE were boring but less so (I thought they were ILI). ESI were way more intense than I thought they'd be. I completely mistyped them. One of the ASMR vids was really creepy and when I watched an ESI speaking Russian I felt like they were telling me off. Like a school principal who was disappointed in me.

    Delta- my comment for EII was "nice and inoffensive". LSE I thought were too serious; I had low interest in them. SLI was less boring than I thought they'd be but still pretty boring. I quite liked them anyway. I mistyped IEI as IEE at first but as soon as I saw the IEEs for real I realised the mistake because I perked up more around them. They feel fresh, particularly coming off the back of ESI.
    Last edited by SaveYourself; 09-07-2018 at 07:51 AM.
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    remove pls the data which people have which types

    > EIE were fine
    > LSI are cool
    > SEE was the one I hated the most
    > LIE were boring
    > LSE ... I had low interest in them

    this is more for EIE than SEI as your type

    lesser basis for the opposite in your comment

  23. #303
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    that fits my experience of ITR well, except maybe for extinguisher. oppress is kind of a strong word, it might have to do with who is the extrovert and who is the introvert or other factors

  24. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    um... actually that fits 100% with SEI.

    SEI -
    EIE: Supervisor - "not ideal, have some critiques; can tolerate in small doses"
    LSI: Beneficiary - "they seem cool"
    SEE: Extinguish - "i feel like theyre oppressing me..." -- 1st/2nd worst IR
    LIE: Conflict - "nah theyre just wrong. moving on"
    LSE: Supervisee - "i feel they dont like me. i should just leave"
    haha sorry about the gamma hate but yeah - uuugggghhhh. ^ This post is helpful though.
    I really felt the Merry / Serious dichotomy in doing this and distinctly preferred the merry regardless of type and quadra. Other than that, what you just described seems right.
    @Sol I removed the link / names. I will keep an open mind for EIE (just for you!). Feel free to point out if you think I'm acting / saying something that is EIE around the forum and I will look into it more as well. So far I just do not see any Ni
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    I will keep an open mind for EIE (just for you!). Feel free to point out if you think I'm acting / saying something that is EIE around the forum and I will look into it more as well.
    I'm sure you'll understand later that EIE fits you better. You are a novice and this will take the time. With my examples among the most pleasant for you were subordere and subrevisie for SEI - the types among the least personally pleasant. It's significant contradiction which allows to reject SEI and think about other types.

    > So far I just do not see any Ni

    I doubt you notice better Si than Ni in you during the life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I'm sure you'll understand later that EIE fits you better. You are a novice and this will take the time. With my examples among the most pleasant for you were subordere and subrevisie for SEI - the types among the least personally pleasant. It's significant contradiction which allows to reject SEI and think about other types.

    > So far I just do not see any Ni

    I doubt you notice better Si than Ni in you during the life.
    maybe you are right
    I will keep trying to recognise Ni and see if I can judge for myself if I use it. This test was really good, though! I enjoyed doing it and was surprised by how much variation there was in my reactions
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    ILI and ILE were my favourite, it seems. I felt a sort of familiarity, calmness about them.

    I also to an extent liked ESE, LII and EIE videos.

    SLE and SEE videos were my least favourite. Seemed loud, intense and unpleasant viewing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    I will keep trying to recognise Ni and see if I can judge for myself if I use it.
    Ni is when you _feel_ what and when to do. When you feel it's better to choose this way but not other one.
    When you have no issues to wait for something as you are sure in the success and all will go as you feel it.

    It's hard for Si types to be sure in the future result, as they do not feel good the connection with the events flow. They calm themselves by concentration on the current deals, by stoping to think about future and think alike "just do what you need and lets happen what will happen". They may to use Ni, but it's unusual, hard, not pleasant and is perceived as alien for them - it's not their trained and good conscious region and they have the lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings.
    Si types like to care about pleasant sensations - the most quality food, clothes, - and it should to fit to their taste. Where N types get pleasure from fantasing, Si type will buy a cake.

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    youre a monster if you don't like cake, but I found that post really insightful, thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    ILI and ILE were my favourite, it seems. I felt a sort of familiarity, calmness about them.
    I also to an extent liked ESE, LII and EIE videos. SLE and SEE videos were my least favourite. Seemed loud, intense and unpleasant viewing.
    Would be more useful if you'd followed the recommendations to the test and did the blind sorting of all types.
    In case of base T type you'd prefer to follow the rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    youre a monster if you don't like cake
    someones may prefer cookies

  31. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Ni is when you _feel_ what and when to do. When you feel it's better to choose this way but not other one.
    When you have no issues to wait for something as you are sure in the success and all will go as you feel it.

    It's hard for Si types to be sure in the future result, as they do not feel good the connection with the events flow. They calm themselves by concentration on the current deals, by stoping to think about future and think alike "just do what you need and lets happen what will happen". They may to use Ni, but it's unusual, hard, not pleasant and is perceived as alien for them - it's not their trained and good conscious region and they have the lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings.
    Si types like to care about pleasant sensations - the most quality food, clothes, - and it should to fit to their taste. Where N types get pleasure from fantasing, Si type will buy a cake.
    so something I do a lot of is acting on impulse / following my feelings. I generally know what I want and have no issues in chasing it. For example, I've moved cities at least once a year every year for the past 3-4 years to chase a job / university course / I liked the look of the city / believed I'd be happier elsewhere. And usually people try to talk me out of it and list practical reasons not to, which I ignore

    I interpreted this as bad Ni because it makes the flow of events really chaotic and generally I don't know what I'm going to be doing more than one month in advance. And the people warning me are using good Ni to perceive danger I can't see. But in your description above, using my feelings to know what to do next / when I've exhausted on option / when something new will benefit me more is an example of me using good Ni? Particularly this bit about sensors: "lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings" is the opposite to me because I usually trust that I know what will be best for me more than anyone else and usually run contraflow to general opinion and take risks. And fwiw, I'm usually right and now am very over-confident and optimistic (the confidence of a young person who hasn't failed enough yet, probably haha).

    everyone describes IEs slightly differently and it's really confusing
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Would be more useful if you'd followed the recommendations to the test and did the blind sorting of all types.
    In case of base T type you'd prefer to follow the rules.

    someones may prefer cookies

    What do you mean by 'blind sorting'?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    I interpreted this as bad Ni because it makes the flow of events really chaotic and generally I don't know what I'm going to be doing more than one month in advance.
    It's not common for J types behavior. But something besides types may produce it too.
    Against SEI is they are lazy and more cautious for such activity. It's N types who jump into unknown waters with the more wish.

    > But in your description above, using my feelings to know what to do next / when I've exhausted on option / when something new will benefit me more is an example of me using good Ni?

    Ne - seeking better possibilities and Ni - in trusting that all will be ok there.

    For J types is more effective to find something good and to hold there - to develop on that place/region slowly. The initial stage is important - pay more time and resources for this, to find what you want - such it should be good enough from the start so you did not found easily what looks as better.

    > Particularly this bit about sensors: "lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings" is the opposite to me because I usually trust that I know what will be best for me more than anyone else

    yep. S types prefer to trust to practice and concretely seen, while N types to use feelings about "what is good" and to follow them

    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    What do you mean by 'blind sorting'?
    The sorting of the groups without knowledge of the key which says what types those groups represent. When you know which types are there - you may mix your IR impressions with your expectations by the theory.

  34. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    It's not common for J types behavior. But something besides types may produce it too.
    Against SEI is they are lazy and more cautious for such activity. It's N types who jump into unknown waters with the more wish.

    > But in your description above, using my feelings to know what to do next / when I've exhausted on option / when something new will benefit me more is an example of me using good Ni?

    Ne - seeking better possibilities and Ni - in trusting that all will be ok there.

    For J types is more effective to find something good and to hold there - to develop on that place/region slowly. The initial stage is important - pay more time and resources for this, to find what you want - such it should be good enough from the start so you did not found easily what looks as better.

    > Particularly this bit about sensors: "lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings" is the opposite to me because I usually trust that I know what will be best for me more than anyone else

    yep. S types prefer to trust to practice and concretely seen, while N types to use feelings about "what is good" and to follow them
    Awesome. Thanks for all your help and patience with me
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    so something I do a lot of is acting on impulse / following my feelings. I generally know what I want and have no issues in chasing it. For example, I've moved cities at least once a year every year for the past 3-4 years to chase a job / university course / I liked the look of the city / believed I'd be happier elsewhere. And usually people try to talk me out of it and list practical reasons not to, which I ignore

    I interpreted this as bad Ni because it makes the flow of events really chaotic and generally I don't know what I'm going to be doing more than one month in advance. And the people warning me are using good Ni to perceive danger I can't see. But in your description above, using my feelings to know what to do next / when I've exhausted on option / when something new will benefit me more is an example of me using good Ni? Particularly this bit about sensors: "lack of positive practice to trust to own feelings" is the opposite to me because I usually trust that I know what will be best for me more than anyone else and usually run contraflow to general opinion and take risks. And fwiw, I'm usually right and now am very over-confident and optimistic (the confidence of a young person who hasn't failed enough yet, probably haha).

    everyone describes IEs slightly differently and it's really confusing
    Ehhh for what this is worth, I relate to all of this to a 'T'. I don't think of this as strong Ni. Ni is when you have a gut feeling about how something will turn out in the future. Following impulse has more to do with Si ('I do what I want right now, and I don't listen to the warnings of the future because who really knows what might really happen'). Usually following my Si impulses turns out well for me, also. There are only a few times I really regret not having used Ni beforehand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The sorting of the groups without knowledge of the key which says what types those groups represent. When you know which types are there - you may mix your IR impressions with your expectations by the theory.
    I did do this. I watched the videos, ranked them as well as i could (i had a hard time determining clearly what group i liked better than others, though some were clearly better or worse), and then i looked at key and saw the corresponding types. ILI and ILE were clear favourites, while SEE and SLE put me off most. Why do you think i did the thing you thought i did? Is it because SLE and SEE are both Se doms? AFAIK ILI and ILE are not types traditionally seen as grouped together.

  37. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Ehhh for what this is worth, I relate to all of this to a 'T'. I don't think of this as strong Ni. Ni is when you have a gut feeling about how something will turn out in the future. Following impulse has more to do with Si ('I do what I want right now, and I don't listen to the warnings of the future because who really knows what might really happen'). Usually following my Si impulses turns out well for me, also. There are only a few times I really regret not having used Ni beforehand.

    I think I generally "know" what's best for me but idk if that's iNtuition or just me trying to rationalise dumb impulses. I'd say it's less about "I need to try this new thing" and more "this thing will be better for me" so mb that's Ni>Ne?

    I'm trying to just study & understand socionics basics so I'm not over saturating the forum with my n00bness and identity issues but it's not going well.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    I think I generally "know" what's best for me but idk if that's iNtuition or just me trying to rationalise dumb impulses. I'd say it's less about "I need to try this new thing" and more "this thing will be better for me" so mb that's Ni>Ne?

    I'm trying to just study & understand socionics basics so I'm not over saturating the forum with my n00bness and identity issues but it's not going well.
    I generally 'know' what's best for me too...but as for the second part, that could suggest Ni > Ne. But SEIs generally don't take the initiative in Ne matters anyways, they let the Ne-egos bring them along for new, novel activities. This doesn't really change my opinion of you likely being Ne-valuing over Ni-valuing...

    Ehhh, well I could always be wrong, and I'm also trying not to saturate the forum with my n00bness, lol xD it's good that you're getting more points of view. Studying is good

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    Quote Originally Posted by BFGDoomer View Post
    I did do this.
    Good. But you did not do full types sorting list as was recommended. That would said about your type more, in case you seriously did the procedure and followed the minimums to watch.

    From your message follows: 2 top (ILI, ILE), 2 bottom (SLE, SEE) types. In those top you are not totally sure ("it seems"). The place of all other types is not clear too, except ESE, LII, EIE are not near the bottom.
    There are signes that you are attracted to base N types, while have no interest to base S - this points to possible S type, more for base S. The more types among you've mentioned as liked are Ne/Si valued ones. While all reported as disliked are Ni/Se valued - and this is their leading function, the most noticed trait. You may to have Si type. Your choice to top and bottom only of P types points on your P type, as they are more important for you. Among Si types, according to the chaos in your room, only P types fit too.
    Based on this, there is the possibility that your type is SLI or SEI. More for SLI, as personal sympathy to SEI's superego (ILI) and subrevisie (EIE) is lesser possible than disliking for SLI's his mirages (SEE) and the sympathy to revisor (ESE), orderer (LII), conflictor (EIE). Revisors are perceived more as interesting people and orderers as charming ones. Conflictors may be perceived positively at the distance easily, - cute girls in my perception, for example.

    > Why do you think i did the thing you thought i did?

    There was no the assertion that you've rejected the blind sorting. I've mentioned what should was being done, where I was sure only in that you did not list all the types as was recommended. Though, I supposed the higher possibility that with the rejecting of one important recommendation you could to reject other ones too.

    > ILI and ILE are not types traditionally seen as grouped together.

    Types with neutral and good IR mb close in your sympathies. It's so for SLI.
    The situation with those types at top is more doubtful for LII as your type.

    Your results show significant possibility for my main opinion about your type as SLI.
    To distinguish which one is more possible between LII and SLI try to understand which types are more psychically comfortable for you: ESE or IEE, ESE+EIE or IEE+ILE. I think you are close to the understanding.

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    Thank you for taking the time, i appreciate your willingness to help and educate me very much.

    I notice that i am 'activated' by Fe base types - ESE and EIE make me 'come alive' and have the ability to ignite me. Ne dom types, ILE and IEE i more feel familiar with their way of seeing patterns, i can easily follow the threads and i understand the viewpoint, though i can in specific occasions find it needlessly erratic.
    I feel independent in inspiration, creative thinking and following many abstract ideas to various tangents, while i feel at the mercy of people who express good atmosphere and know how to dwell in comfort and good emotions. I do not seek close personal contact or people who ignite inspiration and novel experience very much. I am always to preoccupied with constant interest and thinking hobbies that i never seem to be in a state of equilibrium in mind or body. (not in a bad way, i'm just always in motion thought-wise, circulating interests and synthesizing knowledge from various fields of importance and connecting them to serve my main mental sight in a given moment)

    Thank you for the analysis in any case, i will study IR with others even more to spot if SLI is the main possibility, though i feel most learned around Si and Fe Ego from what i have analysed so far. (though i also seem to value when Te does practical things for me, as i am not interested in learning such and i am bad with things regarding hand work, something Socionics relates normally to delta ST, AFAIK)

    Is there any significant possibility of me being EII, SEI or ILI?

    PS. when watching videos, LII girl 3 seemed to resemble my own way of speech when i am immersed, per my own observation. I get shy around cameras and videos, but this might be my own self-deception.

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