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    Last edited by ooo; 09-07-2017 at 09:08 AM.

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    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    Do you realize that there's so much more examples of women than men? Do you also realize that 90% of men you've posted are either very very ugly or very very old? That makes the ranking pretty hard.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The main idea - you need nothing special to introject. Any child can this.

    > I'll be curious to see this.

    behold (below)

    > Yeah I just don't want to call it magic

    let's call it quantum physics

    Technology of unconscious adjustment for deeper love in pairs

    Main ideas and precautions:
    1) The border between the imagination and reality is not strict. When you believe in something and want this to be - it may to become real in some degree. This degree is unknown and may be checked by practical result. It's possible to train the skill to feel the link between imagination and reality.
    The reality (in all times) is in continuous creation by the God. People perceive him as almighty loving light, knowing everything, existing out of time, the expression of absolute harmony, which unconditionally loves everyone. When you believe in something you "ask" the God to do this and if you are sincere - he'll do this. When you get the "answer" with agreement - you feel it. The power of God is endless and he needs nothing in return.
    You may establish conscious link with God to ask psychic energy or other. Such link also rises your wisdom. There is no limit how strong you may unite your mind with God, with his love, power and knowledge.
    2) Never wish bad to someone. You may get tactical benefit, but you'll loose strategically. Think and learn how to get what you want by only good wishes, which you would wish to yourself too. For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both.
    3) All people are equal on the level of our eternal essences, which are beyond our personalities as humans. We may perceive these essences as lights or fires. These essences represent us as children of God, which have his main attributes (except power). Never think someone generally is below you or higher than you. So you may only collaborate with others, - if you take something, you need to give not lesser in return. You may make gifts to anyone, and then you'll receive the compensation from God in some of forms.
    4) To practice under alcohol or other narcotic is not good idea. Any psychotropic meds break natural brain's function, so keep >2 week gap between them and practice. I don't recommend to combine trance with such stuff.

    The method

    1) Stay on a floor. Imagine like you draw a protective circle on it. Stay in it and feel a protective field around you. This will prevent from external distractions.
    2) Invoke to God, which image imagine above your head, feel the link with him and how his loving light is filling you with power and pleasure. Do it to degree when you'll feel yourself satiated. You may get power from God in any time when you feel tired during the method.
    3) Imagine your woman with loving smiling to you. Imagine near your heart a loving light, transfer this energy to her heart, imagine like the energy spreads on her body, feel like she feels happier and stronger. Now get the same amount of energy from her heart to your one. Feel how this energy differs from yours, it represents her essence as a woman and a child of God. Feel and see the world like she feels and sees it, like from her eyes. Imagine like she sees and feels the world like you. Imagine like you both seeing and feeling the world in similar way, like One. Now you have established the link.
    4) The idea of unconditional love is in acceptance of everything without a deprecation, but with liking and good for you and both. The surface level of love has 3 qualities: passion (acceptance of body), friendship (acceptance of wishes), respect (acceptance of thoughts). You should accept and to like all her body traits (with passion), all sincere wishes (with friendship) and thoughts (with respect). Similarly she has to accept your qualities. As places of body between which to transfer the energy/information you may use whole body, solar plexus or specific ones: passion (stomach a little below navel), friendship (heart), respect (head). Do the steps 2-3, but instead of "loving energy" get info about her body traits to accept and like them with passion. Then transfer her info about own body traits and imagine as she similarly accepts and likes them with passion. Now make exchange by your passions: transfer her your passion and feel how this rises passion in her to you ; get (amount you've transferred) of her passion in yourself to rise your passion to her. Now imagine like you both feel unconditional passion to each other. Do same with wishes/friendship and thoughts/respect.
    5) People are not perfect and life with them has problems. You need agree to accept everything in your life with her, all her issues and diseases without deprecation, while trying to love always and keeping faithfulness (all her life). You should perceive each other as parts of One, where the life and needs of other are like your own. Do like in step 4, with the idea of unconditional acceptance the fate with her during the whole life, and imagining her accepting similarly you. The only thing is unacceptable - sexual unfaithfulness ; despite cases when your culture allows several wives/husbands (they may be added to family after the agreement of the existing ones) or your culture accepts sex outside of families with some conditions, but common adultery is not excusable anyway.
    As addition you may use also the idea like "With no one except me it will be so good for her, and for me with anyone else".

    These should be done by both. Before sleeping. The effect may appear on the next day. The method should be used regularly. Everyday at the beginning. Later at least at new moon phase. Additionally may be done also in other time of a day, not only at evening.

    @Aylen may say what this may do and where to improve

    You gotta give me a minute to re orientate myself. This new version of sol, I am seeing, has weirded me out a little. Your methods are helpful for some people, I know, and I have seen them before written in different tems. I don't think you have to follow them exactly so you can customize it to help shift a mindset. Like some people would be put off by the word "god" but they can replace that easily with what works for them.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    This new version of sol, I am seeing, has weirded me out a little.
    It's more from my past. You just see more of me.
    Ni practice is exhaustive for me. But if I'll compensate the type by dual, then I'll reduce this limit.

    > I don't think you have to follow them exactly so you can customize it to help shift a mindset.

    Yep. There is "frame", which you may fill with different. Or try to modify.

    > Like some people would be put off by the word "god" but they can replace that easily with what works for them.

    Not so easily, but possible. There is something, what our mind perceives such. And this is practically useful. How to call this is secondary, but its traits I've described are part of the method - they help to use it. Most people should accept this model.
    Other ones may understand the Source like "internal image" which represents something in their mind, kind of hallucination. But for unconsciousness the mythological perception is easier and hence more effective. First of all - it's model, by which we get some result.

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    @reverie I agree with Adam, your expressions are way more EII than ESI in the video and you don't seem to have that much of a presence. Not terribly detached because you got a Ethics lead function after all (not Intuition lead), but still somewhat that.

    Edit: you deleted your post? Whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Sorry, Myst

    I deleted it before I knew you commented. Thank you for commenting. Now I feel horrible...

    I felt I got too personal in the beginning, which is why I deleted it. But I'll repost the end, which is what you commented on.:
    No worries and yeah I understand if it got too personal for you.

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    @reverie, you asked for responses to the question of whether or not you intimidate "us".

    I'd say No, but that's just me, because I happen to like EII's and appreciate their easy solidity and intelligent advice. If you wanted my impression, I'd say you might be intimidating to some people in your competence. It's clear that you have high standards which you won't compromise. That might be intimidating to some people, but I don't know if that's what everyone means, though.

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    *no order from now on, all are bad*:
    LII - feminine
    SLE - too feminine
    SEE - seems like you've just typed all fat people this type. unintelligent.
    IEE - please stop talking
    LIE - no
    IEI - goofy and feminine
    LSI - 0 sexual energy, unattractive, the young guy was more ok but too feminine
    Last edited by maniac; 09-08-2017 at 01:14 PM.

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    You prefer J, S types -> your J, N type

    > no order from now on, all are bad

    order is important. all recomendations are important or you may get a mess
    without video your type is unkown, IR test is secondary tool - mostly to prove version

    > SLE - too feminine

    the most stereotypically masculine type, meanwhile

    > LSI - 0 sexual energy, unattractive, the young guy was more ok but too feminine

    Seems this day is not LSI's one
    Last edited by Sol; 09-08-2017 at 04:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Seems this day is not LSI's one
    lol I wander how is @Myst doing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "Like some people would be put off by the word "god" but they can replace that easily with what works for them."

    Not so easily, but possible. There is something, what our mind perceives such. And this is practically useful. How to call this is secondary, but its traits I've described are part of the method - they help to use it. Most people should accept this model.
    Other ones may understand the Source like "internal image" which represents something in their mind, kind of hallucination. But for unconsciousness the mythological perception is easier and hence more effective. First of all - it's model, by which we get some result.
    Yeah I go with the "internal image" approach, it can feel mystical, sure, and that's a fun feeling, but the god thing makes no sense to me. I'm interested in what brain/mind part that "mystical" emotional stuff is, but it's certainly not god.

    So, finally I read your spiritual method stuff. I can't imagine myself get this spiritual on my own lol. Some of the principles are good though, except this one I don't have imagination for... "For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both." Not wishing bad is easy, requires no imagination but imagining something that's so the opposite to reality (good relations) doesn't work for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > LSI - I can't get rid of the feeling that they all seem like bunch of stupid rednecks who smell like sweat and gasoline. Disgusting.

    you'll be our delta agent in beta, comprade
    I thought that kind of description fits delta ST more lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    down-to-earth N types. fascinating
    I find my EII-Fi sister down to earth too, in a Delta way I guess.

    > intellectual

    for intellectual contact for T types are more interesting other T types. F types for T ones are for soul, not for intellect
    I find intelligent Fs are good for discussing intellectual stuff too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    lol I wander how is @Myst doing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    he was saying it doesn't seems like it is an LSI's day since there were two who complained about LSIs videos
    so I just thought to ask an actual LSI if it really wasn't an LSI day?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    but it's certainly not god
    It's classical and effective model for the technic. Is there God or not we can't be certain. It's just a model which we are using, like a formula which is useful/correct in some concrete conditions.
    Another scientific-lookalike variant: an image of all universe in all its times and presences in one dot of "Big Boom". Superdot of all existence, where is everything what was and will be in one place and time. The dot connecting by our mind with which and influencing on which you may change the processes in it and hence the consequences which lead to the reality near you.
    The problem is that unconsciousness is archaic and metaphorical ideas are more comfortable for it. Also the said Gods traits seem to be useful in this case, - you'll remove them and may reduce the efficiency. We don't know what is it and how real is it. So I doubt the technic be similarly effective if to change something in it, as did not experiment.
    Also I don't understand why "scienctific-lookalike" model some people would prefer more, then metaphorical language of religions. You may think about the process like you play in a theatre - you on a scene and you believe in reality of your character to play better. You don't need to think yourself as King Arthur in Camelot outside of the using the method. But what you risk to get - to get nothing instead of the needed effect or lesser if you'll change the described method somewhere.

    > So, finally I read your spiritual method stuff

    In borders of "science" you may think about this as unconsciousness manipulation stuff, including self-hypnosis.

    > I don't have imagination for... "For example, if someone makes problems to you - don't wish him bad, but imagine your good relations which are pleasant for both."

    Just try. For example, you see a neighboring' dog barking on you. Imagine (for several days befor sleep) at home the situation in the future like this dog is happy to see you and how you happy to see it too, like you feed that dog, like you both feel pleasure and comfort. Such you'll begin the process to that side. Sometimes that dog may will like you.

    > imagining something that's so the opposite to reality (good relations) doesn't work for me

    This needs practice as anything. Take a look on your ceil. Shut the eyes. Imagine the ceil has red color with hummer/sickle signes on it. That's it.

    > I thought that kind of description fits delta ST more

    we smell better

    > I find my EII-Fi sister down to earth too, in a Delta way I guess.

    Recently I typed as EII one girl which later I typed to ESI. So if you'll place the video of your sister, we'll have a chance to check how close to Earth is she.

    > I find intelligent Fs are good for discussing intellectual stuff too.

    Feelings and relations stuff - may be. But where you need to "think" you'll often find them naive. I perceive F types mostly as cute kids which are pleasnt to see, to hear some bs about people, notice their cute emotions, etc. But I don't perceive them as source of "intellectual stuff". Maybe I was not lucky to find appropriate among them.

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    Thank you so much for creating and sharing this work; I'm enjoying going through the groups and jotting down my 'gut impressions'. Its a great tool for people who need realistic examples of what types present like in every day life. Plus, it promotes the good youtubers channels (I've subscribed to a few of the video creators actually )

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlutteringShyxx View Post
    I'm enjoying going through the groups and jotting down my 'gut impressions'.
    It's expected from Ne valued types. The method uses this function mostly.

    > It's a great tool for people who need realistic examples of what types present like in every day life

    In case of good correlations of my initial typing with the sorting - yes. This would prove the quality of the list objectively.

    > Plus, it promotes the good youtubers channels

    Mostly it's popular channels, as they have higher chance to catch my attention. Some thousands of people like them, at least.

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    @reverie I just saw your video. You are lovely

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    I would do this but by what method? seems like a LOT of work to organize the videos in order. I dont think I've got the motivation to go through with it. Show me how you want it done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    I would do this but by what method?
    magic method
    you do a video-interview, I type you (by looking to crystal ball monitor), you sort the examples and they may match to IR theory

    > seems like a LOT of work to organize the videos in order

    not much: ~7 hours in sum, 2-3 days of fun without significant efforts. what you may get: Truth and Faith (to IR theory, own type and Hare Krishna). generally this would take monthes of you without this test, while some don't understand it after years

    > Show me how you want it done.

    by following my recommendations

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    01 - no clue what the 3rd guy is saying but he's hot so I watched a grand total of 3 minutes. I liked the 4th guy's vibes. they look borderline sociopathic. I tried to watch the female videos but it was all ASMR and I don't think you can get a good read on someone's vibes that way.

    02 - fdfdfdfsdg g fgf. no thanks. they talk a lot.

    03 - good stuff. I liked the few I did skim through.

    04 - first impression isn't great. I keep getting "I don't think we'd get along" vibes. they seem... rough? robust? too much energy.

    05 - the first girl talks so much. I can't tell if it's her enunciating that hurts my ears or if that's just how Russian be. they all talk a lot.

    06 - 2nd guy seems so happy. 6th guy is alright. jimmy kimmel is awesome (SLE?!??!). I like the 2nd girl.

    07 - first few dudes were ok. the first girl sounds like she's running a marathon with her mouth. I think she just tripped over her tongue.

    - first dude was dope. da fuq are the hodge twins doing here? not bad but the ASMR stuff is still weird.

    09 - good vibes. w2s is cute. hey it's the crazy girlfriend. best ones so far I think.

    10 - 2nd guy needs to breathe. ENOUGH WITH THE ASMR. there's a lot of talking.

    11 - first few dudes were ok. the rest were whatever.

    12 - fdf I don't know. there were too many videos. I love jennamarbles but I seriously doubt she's SEI.

    13 - I like the blonde with the accent and the last one. no bad vibes to speak of.

    14 - I like the "sorry" girl. A. S. M. R. not bad but the ASMR HAS GOTTA GO.

    15 - the first girl is nice.

    16 - eldar dzhhzhz is cool.

    very good: ILE, IEI, IEE
    very ok: EII, SLE, SEE, ESE, SLI
    umm: LII, ESI, SEI, LSE
    no thanks: LSI, LIE, ILI, EIE

    from these observations I was able to deduce that Sol likes ASMR videos. And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

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    super mbti user
    For analysis it needs the line sorting of the 16 types - with types names, without grouping, without bloggers' names

    and for typing video is needed, anyway

    > Sol likes ASMR videos.

    some of them. for example. also some have pretty women with pleasant sexy voices
    When you look one video, then youtube offers other clips with similar theme. That's why there are a lot of asmr ones, cosmetics stuff, etc. - they are popular genres with a lot of offers. My interest is limited for typing only, almost always.

    > And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

    this will take some time, comprade
    while for using the method you need nonverbal behavior only
    Last edited by Sol; 09-12-2017 at 01:35 PM.

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    Thing is I was doing the test from a purely 'platonic' aka who I can imagine being friends with. I wasn't thinking of any of the examples if that has an impact or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlutteringShyxx View Post
    Thing is I was doing the test from a purely 'platonic' aka who I can imagine being friends with.
    Such was conceived.

    > I wasn't thinking of any of the examples if that has an impact or not.

    Long and good romantic relations/feelings with low friendship or bad IR are doubtful.
    So generally it has a link - you'll romantically like with more probability people with good IR, as they are more generally pleasant. But as on romantic feelings significantly affect body's traits, this was not supposed to be used.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    super mbti user
    For analysis it needs the line sorting of the 16 types - with types names, without grouping, without bloggers' names

    and for typing video is needed, anyway

    > Sol likes ASMR videos.

    some of them. for example. also some have pretty women with pleasant sexy voices
    When you look one video, then youtube offers other clips with similar theme. That's why there are a lot of asmr ones, cosmetics stuff, etc. - they are popular genres with a lot of offers. My interest is limited for typing only, almost always.

    > And I still don't know how to speak Russian.

    this will take some time, comprade
    while for using the method you need nonverbal behavior only

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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    you may to make IR analysis by yourself. it's not hard
    but without correct own type your analysis will not be correct too. while the main way for you to know correct own type is to give your video

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you may to make IR analysis by yourself. it's not hard
    but without correct own type your analysis will not be correct too. while the main way for you to know correct own type is to give your video
    you made me watch 100 russian asmr videos for nothing Sol you're dead to me
    Last edited by wasp; 09-13-2017 at 05:03 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    you made me watch 100 russian asmr videos for nothing
    You did not do what was said.
    As your correct type stays unknown without video, there is no basis to think about bad result.
    You even have not said your result in the format appropriate for analysis. Also if you did not follow all my recommendations, then you have no basis even to complain.
    You may: 1) stay with bad thoughts without reasons like now, 2) make your video-interview and give results in adequate format, so all this could be analysed as was said in the beginning of the theme.
    Anyway, you've gotten the possibility to better understand the types by using their quality examples. It's side effect of the method.
    Last edited by Sol; 09-13-2017 at 09:59 PM.

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    I'm still waiting for Myst's list!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    You did not do what was said.
    As your correct type stays unknown without video, there is no basis to think about bad result.
    You even have not said your result in the format appropriate for analysis. Also if you did not follow all my recommendations, then you have no basis even to complain.
    You may: 1) stay with bad thoughts without reasons like now, 2) make your video-interview and give results in adequate format, so all this could be analysed as was said in the beginning of the theme.
    Anyway, you've gotten the possibility to better understand the types by using their quality examples. It's side effect of the method.
    this is a farce, I tell you! A FARCE!

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    Sol is an ESI, won't change my mind until video

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    uuuuuuh I'm in luv

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    IR test, so this test is only for IEEs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by muhtempus View Post
    IR test, so this test is only for IEEs?
    IR is meant to stand for Intertype Relationships in this case rather than NeFi. Also, all types were chosen by Sol and this is his experiment, so it depends on how much you trust his typings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    it depends on how much you trust his typings
    Also I need video-interview. As in other case the results will be useless, - I'll can't to understand did the test worked good or not.

    > IR is meant to stand for Intertype Relationships in this case rather than NeFi.

    This may be also thought as a play of words, as the test mostly uses Ne and Fi functions.
    Last edited by Sol; 09-22-2017 at 05:45 PM.

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    (Just note. Didn't forget this. I really want to get back to this asap.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Just note. Didn't forget this. I really want to get back to this asap.
    I think your video would be good to see. As you find Si as important thing in your life.
    For example, Se for me is just "be there", I'm not a fan of such stuff - I may dream something in that region, but it's not what I'd want to deal with in reality - like to play computer games VS kill real people at war.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I think your video would be good to see. As you find Si as important thing in your life.
    For example, Se for me is just "be there", I'm not a fan of such stuff - I may dream something in that region, but it's not what I'd want to deal with in reality - like to play computer games VS kill real people at war.
    If this wasn't clear in my post before, let me say I find the Se approach important too. I prefer to focus on Se in a conscious way while Si is in the background more as some extra grounding and to take care of dual's PoLR in an unobtrusive way . Without discussing it too much. The original point was that it's quite a strong function and it will still have some output without focusing on it too much directly (again, especially useful for Si PoLR).

    Btw Se isn't just war, that's an extreme form of it lol, I don't want war in my country either, don't want that kind of chaos here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    If this wasn't clear in my post before, let me say I find the Se approach important too.
    The situation is I don't find my Se so meaningful in my interests or even better than Si, - what you report about 8th function. What I have fits to theory, while you have something strange and rises chance for other types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The situation is I don't find my Se so meaningful in my interests or even better than Si, - what you report about 8th function. What I have fits to theory, while you have something strange and rises chance for other types.
    What I described actually fits the basic Socionics model.

    EDIT: to clarify, I never said Si was better than Se for me. Si is a stronger function than Se but not "better" for me in the sense of how much it's meaningful.
    Last edited by Myst; 10-05-2017 at 05:35 PM.

  39. #39
    Melodies from Mars~
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    LSI > ILI > SEI > LII in order of attractiveness

  40. #40
    Muddy's Avatar
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    My general impressions towards these:

    01- Good, most of the people seemed sweet and likable.

    02- Potentially negative, put me on edge and felt guarded towards them

    03 Neutral, seemed ok-ish and that's about it

    04 Good, seem like that people would make great buddies to hang out and work together on stuff with

    05 Ok I suppose, wouldn't mind them as aquaintances

    06 Neutral, people I'd just have casual relationships with and amusingly watch from a distance

    07 Again Neutral, not much opinion either way towards them.

    08 Fun if a bit potentially obnoxious, mostly good though

    09 A bit too flightly and annoying for my taste but good though mostly

    10 Ok put aren't really people I think I'd connect with very much

    11 Somewhat guarded, not really people I see myself interacting with much but could get along if needed

    12 Good/very good, seemed like fun and pleasant people

    13 Good/ok, a bit talkative but still seemed pleasant

    14 Good, fun if a bit too "Wild and crazy"

    15 Neutral

    16 Guarded, seemed a bit overbearing
    Last edited by Muddy; 10-07-2017 at 01:07 AM.

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