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Thread: IR test (by Sol)

  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Thanks @Sol, what do you think is the best way to figure out which INxp type I am? I read the descriptions for INTp and INFp, leaning towards INTp but I might be wrong.
    Your behavior is closer to F types.
    You've asigned emotional groups in the test. Your avatar is "playful", not serious.

    To be highly assured in own type are used IR effects with people IRL. You may try to understand T or F types are more attractive and interesting for you. SLE or SEE is more comfortable to communicate IRL. etc

  2. #442
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    But I do know an ESTp and we mesh together very well, the problem is he loves to be in parties a lot and I don't think I'll be with someone like that.
    It's useful to have several examples of same type to understand your perception. Also it's possbily to change opinions about some peoples' types later.

    > For the emotional grouping, I did add that because to make it clear that there was a wide gap among the group (like SEI has +1 difference from SLI while SLI has greater than 1 difference from ESI.

    Those were not strong traits to be sure in your F type, just lesser common for T types.
    With a videointerview I may try to undersand your type by nonverbal.

    > I assume INFps aren't necessarily friendly and can be considered very cold as well.

    Theory describes an average case. Farther a behavior is from it - the lesser possibility of that type. IR effects with close people IRL is most weighty to decide about own type.

  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Video interview - will a video of me answering a questionnaire suffice? If yes I can provide that.
    The main info is nonverbal. You may tell about anything interesting for you during ~10 min.

  4. #444
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    @one by video was seen as T type. where INTP has good possibility

    A higher than average chance to find SEE is in palces, groups, events related to: art, sport, trading.
    To notice is possibly in general public places. 1/16 is not small where are hundreds of people.
    People of some type could be among known IRL during the life, with who you communicated and mb even significantly. It needs to think who.
    May be used sites where exists info to suppose types.

  5. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Thanks @Sol. I haven't been attending sports/trading events and I mostly stick to who I am with when going out so that's why I probably don't meet SEE.
    People mostly communicate with ones having similar skills and practical interests (hence similar types), more make relations of pals and colleagues for surface cooperations.
    Personal interest of soul attraction is higher in pairs relations between sexes. There a difference attracts more and duals have higher % than among pals (of your sex).

    SEE could be among random groups and meetings. Alike your relatives, neighbours, classmates (if it's general class and not specialized). Also, people of any types can be in interests&abbilities related places too - just some types are more rare there. When you'll be studing types and trying to understand types of people near mb you'll notice some. Where you notice a human of SF club - there could be SEE easily too.

    Long-time sellers in shops and markets - an example of SF region and you could communicate with them. A lot of public duties with significant manual part and communications with people.
    Last edited by Sol; 12-29-2020 at 11:52 AM.

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    do you mostly type by non-verbal?
    To understand the whole type by common behavior as main method needs special typing methods as questionnaires, interview and tests, or to know that people rather good. Also for typing by questionnaires, interview and tests, - typed ones should do not know typology theory, as in other case they may significantly distort the info (more mistakes than a lie).
    Types related nonverbal behavior is more stable to external distortions what makes VI as main approach in many cases. Words are useful as secondary data there. Also it's useful to see a behavior and what a human does outside of typing process.

    > I do think that humans can have the tendency to lie or give answers to questionnaires that don't reflect reality

    People have not perfect self-perception (including when they want to have some traits) and different factors may influence on a behavior.

    > so I am thinking maybe visual typing can give more accuracy

    Nonverbal is part of useful data. The more of useful data is used - the higher accuracy may be.
    Also VI is important as main approach in some situations.

    > But have you experienced typing by both expressions and actions (or questionnaire if you will) and get two different types?

    I may be assured by VI only too. In such cases it's hard to change my opinion or give doubts, as generally I may suppose nontypes factors which leaded to unusual behavior.
    When I'm not assured by VI only - then common behavior which does not fit good to my impressions arises doubts.

  7. #447
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    Note to @Sol: some of the YouTube links in your test no longer work.

  8. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    some of the YouTube links in your test no longer work.
    It's common problem that some clips are removed after a time.
    Generally, it's possibly to find that channel by its name and to watch other clips on it. Or when that channel was not found - to use other available clips from the list, the number of which may be useful for the testing still.

  9. #449
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    Allright @Sol I did your little test. I tried not to think about their types or if you've typed correctly or not and just went by vibes. Only females, many of the videos were gone but I found at least one for each type.
    The results from best to worst:

    1. IEI
    2. SEI
    3. EIE
    4. EII
    5. SLE
    6. LSI
    7. ILI
    8. SEE
    9. LII
    10. SLI
    11. LSE
    12. ESE
    13. ILE
    14. ESI
    15. IEE
    16. LIE

    Edit: In some cases physical attractiveness was pretty important. Like some of the EII chicks were cute, the SLE were too masculine but I felt like communication would be pretty perfect. Also some examples of a type I liked and others I didn't (ESI sorted by the one terrible woman, SEI sorted by dropping out the most annoying one because others were pretty good).
    Last edited by Northstar; 04-05-2021 at 08:38 AM. Reason: added note about looks

  10. #450
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    You like FN, among them Fe are prefered. Also you dislike Ne and Fi types.
    Among ST betas SLE has _some_ higher chance than LSI by the test.

    I stay with LSI, anyway. Taking all the known.

    > just went by vibes

    Not well known people as bloggers and famouses are typed close to "just". As you notice, there is sense in results and not something random.
    Nonverbal VI has objective proof to be working approach. The accuracy depends on skills by any method.

    > I found at least one for each type.

    Recommended is ">=3" per type and >=2 clips per a human. Where clips have disappeared should be possibly to find channels by names.
    The list should be updated later. It can be useful to recheck impressions from types after 12 monthes, mb with updated list.

  11. #451
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    I'm working my way through these videos but am having trouble deciding what to make of #5. They feel very "comfortable" and I don't know that I'd describe my reaction as "alienated," but also they aren't particularly interesting to me. While I feel they'd be easy to understand, I doubt I'd particularly be interested in talking with those people unless I had a certain, external reason for it. I guess they seem somewhat boring to me. Given this description would you recommend I rank them high, low, or toward the middle?

    Edit: also having similar problems for other types, like #8 -- feel less like I'd be bored with them, but there is a slight element of feeling "too" familiar. I think what's confusing me is the distinction between "comfort" and "friendly sympathy." I apologize if this is difficult to understand; it’s hard to describe the sort of intuitive impressions you ask for.

    Another edit: I'm having trouble sleeping so went ahead and ranked them all + gave a short blurb explaining my ranking, since I'm not sure if my ranking was as it was supposed to be. I tried to rank by a feeling of similarity/non-repulsion.

    1. ISFJ. Generally on the same page. I understand them and feel they'd understand me. As the instructions stated, I'm not taking sexual attraction into consideration (I didn't find them very attractive).
    2. INTP. They seemed likable to me. I was surprised when I saw the key; I thought these were F types.
    3. ESTJ. Give off good energy. Might be tiring after a while, but I can last a while on it. Had trouble disentangling sexual interest from this one; not entirely sure this shouldn't be lower.
    4. ENTP. Sense of relation + likability. As I said, a few mannerisms feel irritating because of familiarity, but the feeling quickly passes.
    5. INTJ. Cute. A little sweet. Often got a sense they were too self-absorbed, but it didn't irritate me that much. Felt fairly comfortable, though I had a sense we might not know what to do with each other after long.
    6. ISTJ. Sense of relation starts fading with this type. Mannerisms start to seem weirder beginning with them, but still I feel we'd be on good footing together; work together well.
    7. INFP. Slightly more strange. It seemed to me that many were shallow, and I'm not sure that's fair given that many of those impressions came from Russian videos. But I liked them/felt sympathy.
    8. ISFP. More relation than INFPs, but I had the sense it would be draining to talk with them after a while.
    9. ENFP. Didn't feel much relation, but liked them a lot. I don't feel they'd like me that much.
    10. ISTP. Had a decent sense of relation to them, but I liked some and disliked others. Here begins my dislikes.
    11. INFJ. As I wrote above. Again, I did relate quite a bit -- not sure this shouldn't be higher.
    12. ENFJ -- Don't really dislike them, but don't relate at all. Wasn't sure what to make of them. I was surprised again by the key, here. The videos I watched didn't seem very expressive.
    13. ENTJ. Slight dislike. Again, not sure what else to say about this type.
    14. ESTP. I didn't have a strong revulsion to this type, but something seemed off. I didn't have any sense I'd describe as "friendly" here. Maybe "guarded and distrustful" would be an appropriate description.
    15. ESFJ. I don't relate to/understand this mindset at all. Didn't like most of the women I saw. When I looked at the key, I was surprised I rated this type so low.
    16. ESFP. Some were a little better than others, but I did not really like this type at all. Which again surprised me because IRL I don't feel I mind the type that much.

    I mentioned a few surprises, but I guessed the type correctly for ILEs, LIIs, and ESIs before looking at the key. I wasn't sure which type the EIIs were until I watched the ESI videos, then when going back over the EII videos to sort them I realized. Not knowing Russian makes it difficult to type.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 04-05-2021 at 02:40 PM.

  12. #452

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    1. ESI
    2. EII
    3. LIE
    4. SLI
    5. EIE
    6. LSE
    7. SEE
    8. IEE
    9. SEI
    10. ESE
    11. LII
    12. ILE
    13. SLE
    14. LSI
    15. ILI
    16. IEI

  13. #453

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    SEE (SEE not being on top because those videos don't have enough the creative energy level that I want (I like creative (high Se -Ne) subtype).)

    EIE (EIE much higher than expect)

    LIE (LIE and ESI are surprisingly low here)
    IEI (Don't know why IEI is too low here.)

    LSE (look dumb)
    ESE (Only ESE and SEI videos really make me feel dislike from the very beginning and I did not know their type yet. Especially ESE videos, feel like I'm being attacked. Conflict relationship is really a thing.)
    Last edited by Tarnished; 04-06-2021 at 04:49 PM.

  14. #454
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    You prefer T types, as it's 3/4 of top4 and 5/6 of top. It's expected for F type.
    You don't like base Se types which are in bottom4 to exclude ILI.
    Against LII is superego as best and dual as 2nd worst.

    You like some more Te, what points on Fi.
    EII has a dual in top4. Top4 has all quadras except betas, while bottom4 has all quadras except deltas.
    Among delta F, EII is more possible than IEE, which has subrevisie as best and dual below average.

    Based on your forum talking.
    I doubt in Fe, S, P.
    That you differ from lesser humans centered LII, I've mentioned before.
    With IR test result, the chance to have EII is higher than LII.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    They feel very "comfortable" and I don't know that I'd describe my reaction as "alienated," but also they aren't particularly interesting to me.
    The sorting criterion is about being comfortable and friendly. Other is secondary.
    Good IR as duals are perceived as comfortable. Also duals are more interesting than people with close to you functional strenghtes.

    > I guess they seem somewhat boring to me. Given this description would you recommend I rank them high, low, or toward the middle?

    high of middle. possible types with same ego functions

    > I think what's confusing me is the distinction between "comfort" and "friendly sympathy."

    It's about a state when you are among good friends. With a dual you are easier to feel as with a friend. Hence you are feeling the most good/comfortably with them and higher friendly sympathy to them among all types. More relates to people of other sex.

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    from the sorting you'd got Fi/Te value, but it's wrong


  16. #456
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    after spending much of the day, my results, loosely sorted:

    All Deltas except SEE instead of IEE > Rational SFs > Gamma NTs > Beta rationals > Fi Polrs > Te Polrs > IEEs and LIIs being the lowest

    Delta immediately followed by Gamma. But IEE and alpha at bottom

    Edit: but alphas arent really bottom if ESE is so high. im all fkd up. whats ur input @Sol ? just LSI regardless?
    Last edited by ashlesha; 05-10-2021 at 12:05 AM.

  17. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    after spending much of the day, my results, loosely sorted
    useful for an analysis are all sorted 16 types names. in case you may place the sorting's variant done before have opened the key

    anyway, your type is LSI
    the test is not absolute method and it's in early development state

  18. #458

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Groups with numbers are people of one type.
    When watching examples, evaluate your intuitive impressions from their nonverbal - how generalized image from people of one type corresponds with the criterion of your "psychic comfort and friendly sympathy", rather than personal alienation.
    Use examples only of other sex, >= 3 examples per type (if the quantity allows), for every example watch >= 2 clips, every clip for several minutes with good seen face. The more you'll watch, the more correct will be generalized impression from the type. Note: for types' sorting use only the criterion above, not sexual or romantic interest.
    Arrange all 16 types in order corresponding to the criterion from the most to the least. Don't select groups of types - full sorting of all types is needed.
    When comparing types don't think for long time, - make the choice by intuitive inspiration.
    Watching and sorting of types can be done in several days, but in the last day of the final sorting you need to slightly refresh the impressions of previously watched types.

    Don't open(!) the key until you'll finish the sorting of the types. Only then it's acceptable to see what types correspond to the numbers. After opening the key and until the end of the analysis, you should not rearrange the types.


    Dmitrij Ivanov (kamikadzedead)

    Dmitry Novoselov (HardwareCanucks)

    Jean Bookishthoughts (BookishThoughts)

    Mia ASMR

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    Dasha Tsenter



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    Alisa Feoktistova

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    Jenny Bingham (thatjennybee)


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    Olga Kay (olgakay)


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    Kawaii Kunicorn
    This test was pretty accurate for myself with EII being the top spot. Might have to look into VI again.

  19. #459

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    Im considering Beta NF as my type but who knows, i also considser lii but not likely? Considering results, what are the options?

    Btw im male if it matters
    Last edited by fofenq111; 05-17-2022 at 11:55 AM.

  20. #460
    WARNING : DANGER ZONE !!! Biscuit's Avatar
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    I guess I'm LxE based on this

    The " best " section was full of FiTe and TeFi types , there were three exceptions : EIE and xLE ( though I felt a slight threat from SLE )

    So what made me think LxE > xLI :
    1- I wanted to be friend with both xEEs ( similar to activity relationship )
    2- xEI was in the " worst " section ( supervision+conflicting )

    What I can't understand is : why is EIE above?

    right now I'm laughing at myself because I thought I'm Te polr while Te stuff are my daily life
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  21. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowgirl View Post
    I guess I'm LxE based on this

    The " best " section was full of FiTe and TeFi types , there were three exceptions : EIE and xLE ( though I felt a slight threat from SLE )

    So what made me think LxE > xLI :
    1- I wanted to be friend with both xEEs ( similar to activity relationship )
    2- xEI was in the " worst " section ( supervision+conflicting )

    What I can't understand is : why is EIE above?

    right now I'm laughing at myself because I thought I'm Te polr while Te stuff are my daily life
    It's just one way of trying to find your type, there's no need to take it entirely at face-value.

    And there's always the possibility Sol was just flat-out wrong about some of the types, it was just based on his understanding of Socionics after all.

  22. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    It's just one way of trying to find your type, there's no need to take it entirely at face-value.

    And there's always the possibility Sol was just flat-out wrong about some of the types, it was just based on his understanding of Socionics after all.
    Sure I'm not considering it as an absolute truth , that's why I said " based on this "
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  23. #463
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    Checking this thread, it seems I already took this test (I didn't remember). I'm going to take it again though since I suspect my preference may have shifted. Although I still think that like/dislike is a particular case thing, and mostly independent from IR. No other explanation otherwise for the fact that many times conflictors end up in relationships and even married.

    Edit: There might be some correlations. I'll take it again and post my conclusions later.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

  24. #464
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    Results (ranking and some impressions):

    1. EII / INFJ ( They seem very unassuming, good natured people. Note: I also generally get along with EII's very well IRL)
    2. IEI / INFP (Cool people. Seem good natured like EII's, although a bit more animated)
    3. SEE / ESFP (I like most of them)
    4. SLI / ISTP (Mistypes. Regardless, the SLI-Te first blonde girl seems nice)
    5. ESI / ISFJ (Seem a bit boring, or flat. The guys seem like they would make good friends.
    6. LIE / ENTJ (Seem a bit cold, except the blonde LIE-Ni girl. Don't particularly like them but don't dislike them either)
    7. ESE / ESFJ (Seem cool people. The women are beautiful)
    8. LII / INTJ (I think they're all Ti subtype. Seem ok)
    9. IEE / ENFP (Seem decent, but also too "airy" or something (like they don't take things seriously) and sort that they live in their own world. I'm inclined not to trust them, but this might be due to experience)
    10. LSI / ISTJ (They're somewhat cool, as if they are good at stuff I'm not (while being similar). Regardless, I'm inclined to keep a bit my distance from them)
    11. ILE / ENTP (Seem narcissistic or something)
    12. ILI / INTP (Te subtype are cold and seem heartless to me. Not a single Ni subtype in the examples, so it gets a low spot in the rank. If there had been some Ni subtypes, it would have gotten top 5)
    13. LSE / ESTJ (Don't like them much. All seem Te subtype. I don't very much get along with LSE-Te's IRL either. Regardless, they're not terrible people either)
    14. SLE / ESTP (They seem like they would want to try to screw me over. Impression I usually get from SLE's)
    15. SEI / ISFP (I can spot from a mile away that they're SEI, due to experience. As such, I cannot give them a good score. Take note that my first romantic exprience was with a SEI, so probably, coming here new, I would have given them a higher score)
    16. EIE / ENFJ (Seem aggresive, or a bit mad, or something. Most seem Ni subtype. "Trouble" is what registers in my sensors with these people)

    Most likely the fact that I don't like ASMR might have influenced the result a bit. Take note that I "cheat" the test. The test dynamic presumes that you are *not* able to VI yourself the people you're watching.

    Another conclusion I have is that I suspect (or believe) that the people you "like" also depends on what your current path (call it destiny or whatever) intends you to experience or wants you to gather as life experience. Likes and dislikes might change over time.

    The other time I took the test I believe I didn't do it concentrated enough, and also, I was preoccupied with other matters that made me not take it too seriously. I've changed a bit since then I believe (I'm dumber now but I'm also less stupid).

    I also wanted to thank Sol for taking the time to compound these, and for the idea, that although a bit misguided, is pretty nice.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

  25. #465
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    @Sol , what about updating videos? many of them are either private or the deleted
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnPocoLoco View Post
    what about updating videos?

  27. #467
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    At the end I got this order:

    What was cool about this test is that even though sometimes I was interested in what certain people had to say, I just didn't really feel comfortable about them. Whereas some of the alpha types would be talking about stuff I give zero care about but I'd just keep watching. I did watch the russian videos to focus just on body language too.

  28. #468
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    Interesting thread. So I watched at least a couple of the videos for several minutes each, and from most relatable (Or people I find comforting, interesting, funny, attractive, would hang out/date, etc), with the first type being the one that feels like looking into a mirror and seeing myself:


  29. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by noor View Post
    Interesting thread.
    The examples are from years ago and it's useful to update them. Some clips are not available (channels can exist and be tried to be found by the name). Some types could be wrong. The examples quantity can be enlarged. With better examples the sorting should fit to theory better and hence to be more helpful to understand the type.

    It's anyway a secondary tool, more to choose between types thought as most possible.

  30. #470
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The examples are from years ago and it's useful to update them. Some clips are not available (channels can exist and be tried to be found by the name). Some types could be wrong. The examples quantity can be enlarged. With better examples the sorting should fit to theory better and hence to be more helpful to understand the type.

    It's anyway a secondary tool, more to choose between types thought as most possible.
    I did tried to look at the Russian videos, but at the risk of sounding ignorant, it was a bit of a challenge to feel a connection with the person when there's that language barrier. Still, the body language and facial expressions were interesting and something I tried to take note of when arranging my list, so all was not lost. Regardless, it was a nice mental exercise!

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    Quote Originally Posted by noor View Post
    I did tried to look at the Russian videos, but at the risk of sounding ignorant, it was a bit of a challenge to feel a connection with the person when there's that language barrier.
    The main is impressions from noverbal. "Language barrier" adds a sweeping to adopt, but also helps to keep the attention on nonverbal and to reduce other influences, which may have small link with the type and so to distort impressions from the type. Nonverbal in the part related to Jung types is rather more stable behavior than what people may say, especially in public videos.

    > it was a nice mental exercise!

    This loads N and F.

  32. #472
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    Ordering of types from most liked to least liked:

  33. #473
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    This is a Fi based typing approach I guess?
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  34. #474
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    My ranking of @Sol's collection of females (binders of women)

    (I'll make some notes gradually):


    "LSI": these 3 people seemed like the sort of person I could have a comfortable conversation with, who seemed quite stable and well-composed, and not boring.
    "LSE": these 4 people didn't seem different from the "LSIs". One of them seems to type herself as INTJ in MBTI. They seemed knowledgable and open-minded, made insightful remarks, and seemed well-composed and practical (a trait I lack).
    "IEE": these people seemed warm, lively, sympathetic, and by extension practical. I probably would have typed many of these people ESE.
    "EII": this collection was one I correctly identified as EII, even if I didn't necessarily agree with the typings. In contrast to the people typed as IEI, they broadly seem plausible. These people seemed to me as warm and open-minded, and quietly competent. On the whole, possibly somewhat "boring" and "safe", but people I could comfortably have a conversation with on a wide range of subjects. I think it doesn't quite capture the full-range of EIIs.
    "LII": softlygaloshes is a Psychology major who makes ASMR videos - I doubt she's LII. IEI seems more plausible. Even ILI and IEE probably seem more plausible to me than LII. It'd probably be easy for me to have a conversation with her on a range of subjects we find interesting, but I think people like her are too "low energy" to be mutually compatible with me (in the sense of making up for each other's weaknesses). The choice of Alina Charova as a LII seems perplexing to me, or at least this video which seems to be do with appearance (fashion). Otherwise I can see similarities with softlygaloshes. There are only two out of four of the female "LIIs" available, so that's probably not enough to make an impression even if they're typed correctly.
    "IEI": This is one category I correctly identified, although some of the videos did have "INFP" in the title. Generally, they seemed to be plausible IEIs to me. I found them fascinating, and find such people interesting to talk to, we generally have similar interests and a similar personality.
    "SEI": The woman on the houseboat (simonegiertz) didn't seem SEI to me, she wore a NASA jacket, lived on a houseboat, and seem very practical with mechanical stuff etc. From vibes, I was assuming based on her that the collection was of LSEs, although that's probably not how I'd type her now I know more about her (ILE seems more likely). I admire practical people very much, and gain a lot from them. If I had to maintain a conversation on the practical details of the houseboat, I'd probably grow bored: I'd feel like we lived in two completely different worlds (i.e. a very practical one vs. a more in-your-head one). Some of the other people in this category seemed warm and sympathetic, with a can-do vibe, which I liked. Many seemed rather boring or superficial to me, but it's an one-sided conversation.
    "ILI": These people seemed like a mix of IEEs and IEIs and maybe ESIs and other types. Some of them scared me with a somewhat wild vibe, others had quite a dry, amused demeanour, which I quite liked. I think on the whole, they'd probably drain my energy, and would be "too much work".
    "SEE": These people seemed rather bland and boring but inoffensive. I would have guessed this might have been an ESE one despite there being two or three other such categories I thought the same. I think there's worse things to be than bland and boring but inoffensive, they seemed fairly well composed.
    "LIE": This test is supposed to go on vibes, rather than content and what they're saying, but I can't help judging the content. These people seemed rather boring, which I don't expect from LIEs. I assumed the woman with the bandana and skull (JBGreenASMR) might like well, be an EIE, and AliciaAtoutOfficial seemed -leading maybe SEE.
    "ESI": I thought the people here were either IEE or IEI generally. Their focus generally seemed quite scattered and I didn't find them especially captivating for the most part. I guess I can be quite scattered in conversation sometimes too.
    "ILE": This had Ellen DeGeneres in it so I assumed it was going to be IEE. I'm not American so I'm not especially familiar with her. I find her a little bit phony in terms of vibe, I can't tell if I should take her seriously. KateLi0n and DontBeASadPanda seem like emotional wrecks in their videos, whether legitimately or not, but if I'm judging them, they feel like they drain me (be too much energy). amandasteele has an inoffensive personality to me, I just don't find her engaging. OlgaKay2 seems like she's rather fun, but she'd probably drain my energy too (too chaotic maybe).
    "SLI": There's only two videos for me to judge, there'd didn't seem to be a lot for me to go on. The topics seemed superficial to me, which is rich considering many of things I often talk about.
    "ESE": A few of the people in this collection seemed IEE, some seemed IEE, half didn't seem to fit either of those types. I thought the most part, if the 12 videos are supposed to represent ESE, they show a very superficial side for the most part. Some of them seemed warm which I liked, some were rather loud and obnoxious which I didn't like, at least when I'm not involved in the conversation.
    "EIE": I assumed this was going to be ESI or LSI, despite there being a couple of videos on spirituality (a concept I didn't believe in, and was covered here in a way I find annoying, which negatively affected my opinion of the category. One person was talking about identity politics in a mean way essentially (whether or not I agree with her is another matter), which I didn't like. I feel like with these people I'd feel very guarded about what I say and do, even how I'd dress and so on, which thus gave me a vibe that I'd find them exhausting. I generally didn't agree with their sense of style.
    "SLE": I assumed this one was going to be the EIE category. These people seemed really, really scary to me, very loud or intense, garish. I'd find them exhausting in a similar way to what I said for "EIE". ASMRrequests & LesbonheursdeCatherine didn't seem so bad.

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    1) This test is made as supportive data. Alike you doubt between 2-4 types and then check what by IR fits better. Or what valued function is more possible when you doubt. It's express variant, as much better for IR is to use good known irl people.
    2) The list was not updated for years (3 at now). Some bloggers changed or removed channels, while for some types the number of clips is not big. My skills develop. I do more efforts to understand correct type when recheck examples. So sometimes for examples I get doubts or change types. As it's not good known for me people, but I could to see just videos for short time - the accuracy has objective limits. Some examples may to have higher distortions and so I may prefer to remove them later. New examples should be added, what is critical for types having small number of them. Hard to say how the quality of next list variant is changed, but years is long enough for noticable changes by the said reasons.

    Use people known irl for IR. Except when you want to try an approach by videos and to use some of existing lists of public/famouse types examples, even the current list variant should be more accurate than common.

  36. #476
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    It's a bit hard to participate in this thread when so many of the videos are Russian. I refuse to listen to what sounds to my ears like gibberish.

    Anyway, behind the spoiler tag below are some of my thoughts:

    I watched videos of the following personality types: SLI, EIE, ESE, LII, SLE, LSE, EII, and IEI. I had few strong reactions to what I saw. My favorite was probably the one of Jenny Nicholson. I have watched a number of her videos and find her both humorous and endlessly entertaining. Other than that, the ESE who was aspiring to become an actress seemed like a rather pleasant individual, the one LII guy was boring, the EII pretending to be a nurse seemed very sweet and likeable, the LSI male was highly attractive although the subject matter (reenacting someone's apology) was a bit cringe-inducing, and Alisha Marie's video (SLI) clashed with me far more than any of the rest.

  37. #477
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    @Sol, I came here from another thread of yours in search of a very particular video you’ve posted in the past few months. You had labelled it as something like 'SEE + ILI, duals interacting' — I had wanted to send this video to someone else to get her impressions.

    In this video, the pair walked outdoors whilst conversing in Russian, of which I understand almost nothing. Subdued conversation, also there were winds and crowds so the sound quality wasn’t excellent; the few words I managed to understand were sort of irrelevancies so idk the crux of it really. They walked awhile in a very large and open public space, great lengths of pavement, patches of lawn, and maybe gardens and commemorative plaques, all appearing to lead towards a public attraction… I had skipped around a bit to try and look at the faces to see if I’d feel any reaction, and in consequence did not watch till the end, but it seemed like it would be a war memorial, state monument, or similar. Female SEE had maybe a streak of pink(or purple?) hair or similar alternative style, and camera mostly focused on her, very pretty face, punk-rocker vibe. Male ILI had surprisingly tough looks, like a soldier in bearing and slightly military grooming habits, and held and manipulated the camera. Possibly he was not well-suited to this task.

    I can’t locate the precise video in your post history, or might have missed it — would you mind replying with a link if you know what I’m talking about?

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    Quote Originally Posted by exsomnis View Post
    pair walked outdoors whilst conversing in Russian
    Teamless (INTP), Schellme (ESFP)

    She thinks her type as SEE. Twitch was her main site. Was unusual in my perception for this type and took a time to agree.
    He behaves on streams unusually emotionally for T. Mb partly plays to be watched. ILI seems as best.

    > very large and open public space

    VDNH "park"

  39. #479
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    As I was here I thought I’d self-test for a lark. This sort of test, should it prove effective, is a very good idea.

    The ILI and SEE were disqualified because I had already looked through those two hidden sections in the other thread, searching for the video mentioned above. The results surprised me because there does appear to be something of a pattern, though it isn’t a definitive one, nor does it point to a specific type.

    Top 3, in this order (there isn't a fourth that has evoked a positive reaction, although gamma irrationals have been disqualified) :
    ESI > IEE > SLE.
    cogstyles are supposed to be heresies though.
    Mixed reaction:
    Neutral/no reaction:
    Negative reaction:
    SLI, SEI


    1— idk; few videos here. Bookishthoughts looks like a friend who is sort of edgy around me. We have a natural sympathy, yet she acts embarrassed. No strong reaction to the others --LSE
    2—again, don’t know. Some seem a little disreputable, but unfamiliar. Could be duals --SLE
    3—not horrible but a bit annoying --ESE
    4—oh, I recognise the blonde woman with the drawing. Doesn’t count — unfortunately I know these to be the ones typed as ILI --ILI
    5—alluring but maybe bad for itr. something like benefit or supervision ring --EII
    6—respect. but maybe our interests will diverge at some point --LIE
    7—don’t know. penultimate looked annoying. haven’t watched any videos -- 'hate marvel films' video unavailable; 'the chieftain' --normally I love an Irish accent but he was sort of irritating, slurring words together. First negative reaction, as the combination of his voice and cheeky background music contrived to give me a headache... --SLI
    8—I can tolerate these people. I’ve watched pewdiepie’s gaming videos many years ago, though seldom endured till the end. He tires me a bit with his enthusiasm but is generally ok. --ILE
    9—idk. A few look slightly like my beloved ex. Saysasha looks slightly annoying but many women after her had some appeal. Ericaontoast also looks irritating. Laurensouthern is the only video I watched, because it was one of the few in English and had a libertarian-sounding title, so I reckoned the content might be palatable. Very emphatic speech common to youtube videos grated a bit but I liked her message and found her humour acceptable. The people she’d narked also seemed like brainless types. I haven’t been trying to picture getting along with this person at close quarters though — mostly I am evaluating other data. She could be restrictive --EIE
    10—unfortunately I already know these to be SEE. In the other thread I had noticed one looks like my ex, not the girl I fell so hard for that I never dated again, but the one before, whom I had dated for about five years (my longest relationship by far; the one I loved most lasted barely more than a year, though she was very beautiful). Am I imagining the resemblance? Video unavailable... --SEE
    11—AndreyNTG reminds me of a coworker whom I respect for being the only one to match me in competence. Not sure about closer relationships. Neither like nor dislike. Tried to watch 'Biirched' but... video private... --LII
    12—LADYLENAtur and alinaindep strongly resemble someone with whom I had a very tooth-grinding, mutually frustrating relationship in sixth form which ended, quickly, in polite/wary friendliness masking dislike. Maybe I won’t get along with these people. But there’s Jenna Marbles, the only youtuber whose videos I’ve ever watched in their entireties. Probably not duals. maybe adjacent quadrant, supervision or benefit ring again --SEI
    13 — a little scary perhaps, but at least they’re not annoying. Videos I attempted to watch were unfortunately 'private' --LSI
    14 — No immediate dislike but a strong impression our topics of conversation will be limited. Not duality; even possible for conflict but maybe not that either --IEI
    15 — just like. Sweet vibe --ESI
    16 — had some interest in one of the titles, but not enough to click. Lina Lichman is sort of pretty.
    OliviaKissperASMR also like vibe, calm. Not too interesting. closed video soon enough --IEE
    Last edited by theum nathair; 12-15-2023 at 06:04 PM.

  40. #480
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    To use years ago lists has a risk.
    The approach to choose examples among bloggers ("famouses", in general) have shown lesser accuracy than I hoped. This may be different for different types, for example depending on how many of people with some type I knew irl, IR with me, how many people of supposed type were found and other reasons.
    It's among reasons I've delayed the updating. I do a rechecking and find doubtful examples in more quantity than would be good. It also reduces the number of list's examples and so the usefulness to gather more of them.
    I'd prefer to have higher accuracy of next versions, not only to arise the number of examples.

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