Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

Yeah, LII is not to be excluded. She can say more on how she relates to Ti, I guess.

I won't be asking more questions for now though, lol.
One important thing, I forgot; tho I use Ti quite often, I can't imagine being a Ti lead. My reasoning is nearly always subjective first. That's quite natural for me. Having a "Ti" brain sounds really cold. And I rather don't see an ILE in myself, the same way I don't see an IEE.
How I relate to Ti
That's funny because I have a problem with writing about that, though I write about feeling functions rather instantly and effortlessly. Maybe I've got little understanding about Ti.
I love/ like systems. That's how I treat learning about functioning of human body; I like to map all the important "stages" or "places" of a process (for example: immune system - very Ti system; the system topics are my fav ones - among with functioning of human brains and hormone system). And I try to apply this sort of reasoning to other theories - understanding them like that is rather easy. I also try to categorise things, make sense of them giving them order and interconnections, logical implications, correlations and stuff. I try to understand general, occuring rule behing things. I am gramatically inclined - I often make for a grammar nazi. Like rules and principles of things. Getting deep into them and trying to get logical order inside them.
OK, I've always thought I'm rather good at Ti, but now I see that it's not possible in any way