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Thread: EXTENDED HOTELAMBUSH QUESTIONNAIRE - Desperate to know my type - hopeless case - every kind of help is welcome

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    Default EXTENDED HOTELAMBUSH QUESTIONNAIRE - Desperate to know my type - hopeless case - every kind of help is welcome

    Feel free to ask any questions. I've been trying to determine my type for, like, years. I'd love any Socionics/Socionics with subtype/MBTI/Enneagram feedback. Especially the first one.

    tl;dr begins...

    Tell me about yourself.
    This question seems like an AA introduction, and I don’t even drink. I have no clue for how long this paragraph ought to be and the question itself is too vague to answer it properly – response would be either too long or too short. I could write an essay about myself, not only because I’m very egocentric and have plenty of free time right now, but also it’s difficult to specify the angle from which one should be described.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I took up classes of biology, chemistry and mathematics at high school, aiming to get to medschool. I didn’t make it, and now I’m beginning studying psychology, I’ll try to get involved in research and immerse myself in that field because I’m interested in it. Medicine is still a plan for me, and further I’d love to become a psychiatrist, but, all in all, I’d be satisfied being a doctor of other specialization. Long time ago, I dreamed of being of veterinarian – I wanted to help those who were left out by humankind, then a scientist – my love for knowledge, as a psychiatrist I would love to guide people and do my own research. It wasn’t a decision actually. I visited hospitals frequently – there I saw that people’s diseases are complex riddles yet to be solved. I thought – psychiatry is the best field; riddles of human brains and experiences. But then I thought: I’m too insensitive for that. I’m not organized. I’m not active. And… I’ve got no important qualities of a psychiatrist. I didn’t think about it for a few years – but now, when I talk about my future, I’m sure about my future career. It seems like my subconscious got tired of my insecurities and did a choice of itself. Now I see that I fit perfectly: I am analytical, philosophical and introspective, emotional, but to some extent, both scientific, rational and artistic, humanistic. Oh, and I love getting stories out of people. And talking without saying a word.

    What are your values, and why?
    Being true to yourself; that’s the key. Despite doing some social acting on my own, trying to give out the best, maybe not truest, version of myself, I rely on what I believe is the essence of my character, and expect the same from others. I loathe myself after long periods of time when I put on a mask to impress anyone. I try not to hide anything, and to give sincerest answers, managing not to hurt anybody at the same time. Sincerity – another value of mine. The harshest truth is better than a white lie of best intent. Being a kid, I couldn’t lie, even tell something only half-true. When I acknowledged that it ends up with people being upset or feeling insulted, I tried to “blur” the truth in order to convey the meritum in the message and make it more bearable. Now I’m kind of indirect and blurry myself because of that, this makes many social treaties and overall communication tricky.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I’m sluggish and disorganized, ending up doing irrelevant and unproductive stuff like social media. As for interests, there are many of them. I’m scattered. Lots of unrelated things, none of them perfected. It’s funny, when some geek sees that you know something about something, gets infatuated with perceived interest of both of you, then sees that’s only “something” and gets terribly disappointed with you (happened a few times; that’s a pattern). I love psychology (both reading about that, observing in action and making up own teories), philosophy (it feels like talking and debating and arguing with geniuses of one’s choice), science, poetry (abstract and ironic), art (mostly modern and/or/ conceptual) aaand… the list goes on! Part two: doing things. I like drawing from life (too unskilled to draw from imagination, but I’d love to!), I play the piano and the guitar, where I like fast, technically difficult and repetitive pieces (but I’ve taken some interest in improvisation lately), sometimes I write (stories never longer than a few pieces; I lack motivation; poems are quicker to write and are more accurate at expressing oneself’s ideas), I like sport, but I’m terrible at it. I love watching movies! Getting immersed in people’s stories and meanings of events, also the beauty of moving images. I… like? Reading books. I’ve got some serious problems with concentration, so it’s difficult for me to read, but when I actually read, I choose wisely. Something, which will help me grow as a person and understand something.
    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    Despite some passive–aggressive behaviour from her side and plainly aggressive behavior from my side and some quarrels, I find an unique and sincere connection with my mother; lots of understanding. She is a bit too spiritual and unrealistic and too emotional in a mushy, “watery eyes”, way, and I’m more “cold” and rational, but we quickly get the other person’s point. General misunderstanding with my father; never-ending conflict. He’s very domineering and uncompromising, I am very fragile and take everything to heart, his every word of disapproval is wounding me deeply. I highly appreciate the atmosphere, that calm, unintellectual, peaceful atmosphere of social gatherings; it’s always warm and welcoming. I’ve got a love/hate relationship with one of my friends. We say hurtful things to each other, then don’t say a word for a long time, and begin with a tabula rasa of some sort once again, but there’s always the room for being open and honest, we know each other thoroughly, with all the fears and passions. We are both very creative and quirky and our collaborations are always fruitful. Same sense of humour. The other friend of mine is complementary to me, emotionally. I’m very internally intensive, but don’t give off much of it, she’s very open and friendly; very expressive. We are usually talking about our impressions and experiences. I’ve also got a friend who is very introverted and reserved. We have long discussions about human behavior (especially of our observations about real-life cases). It always gets psychological and philosophical. We both get an essence of somebody, and analyse a lot groups dynamics. She’s good at noticing strange patterns and making conclusions; I help her broaden it a bit. I always rely on her advice. She’s more calculating and distant than a common impression of her. She’s also very cynical and sarcastic. I think I’m closest to understand her from all her friends. They are all veeery intelligent, curious and intellectual in their special way. I can’t connect deeply with anybody who can’t keep up with my thoughts. I’ve got also acquaintances who are either opposite to my character and they are interesting to learn from or observe, or we are centered around same interest. They are (the relationships, not people) rather shallow; and I don’t like “shallow”.
    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    A friend: someone who is intelligent, who can get me, with whom I can have fruitful conversations. Someone who won’t hurt me: who is able to dissect his own personality and emotions (and talk about it). Someone with whom I can be fully honest and who isn’t offended easily. Someone interested in arts and science. People who aren’t obnoxious and think a lot.
    I have a habit to fall for artistic creatures, who like to pose and emotionally manipulate, very charming. Again: intelligent people. Intelligence gets me going (sexually and romantically). An emotional, poetical pose – that’s very sexy. Emotions boiling and hitting you instantly. They are also artistically ACTIVE – some writing, some acting… you know. A bit of sense of humour is al For long-term relationship, I look for somebody, who is calm, negotiating, conciliatory BUT decisive – because I’m not. Someone who is empathetic, friendly and understanding but not oversensitive and ticklish, paradoxically, not manipulative emotionally in any way; mature, grounded. Who has imagination and can stimulate me intellectually;philosophical. Initiative,active. Well-read. Quiet and thoughtful.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I had a conflict with my friend; I told her my opinion about her crush (plainly objective and not negative nor positive); she got angry at me and told me that I keep giving people negative opinions without even knowing them. Then I said that I can guess somebody’s typical behavior without knowing them via little information if I have abilities to do so, then she said than nobody can have such abilities and… so on. She generally can’t stand generalisations and conclusions and gets very emotional and fierce about that. I tend to provoke conflicts myself – when I’m irritated with someone’s nonsensical behavior or not backing up opinions with facts. Then I quarrel fiercely. I’m quite arrogant, stand-offish and single-minded.

    How would your friends describe you?
    (some will occur more than once) People who’ve only recently got to know me: very cold and distant; quiet. Probably bookworm. Nerd. Very intelligent and organized tho. Nice and polite. Not very expressive (not at all). Won’t say a word: only listens. Colleagues and acquaintances: cheerful and very funny. Very creative, imaginative. Probably genius. Intelligent. Broad interests and weird knowledge. Organised. Probably bookworm. Very poetic and artistic. Also: very logical. Scientific. Strange and whimsical. Romantic. Competitive. Very friendly and warm; helpful. Sensitive. Very good conversationalist and speaker. Talkative, but good listener. Linguistically talented; great writer. Knows psychology well. Clever, quirky, intellectual. Friends: 1. Domineering, tough, arrogant. Know-it-all. Imaginative. Single-minded. Passive-aggressive. Controlling. Funny. A good student. Scattered. Unorganised. Inventive. Curious, courageous, social. Nice and empathetic with others; “too honest”. Not very sensitive. Quiet and mysterious. A scientific mind. Ambitious. 2. Internally very sensitive. Emotional. Empathetic. Ambitious. Good listener. Good taste, interest in arts. Very nice and friendly. Helpful, decisive, organized, bookworm, well-read. Probably genius. Opinionated and decisive. Good writer, linguistically gifted. Calm and very intuitive. Very analytical. Plans a lot, and have an idea for everything, have a back-up plan for everything. Thinks about everything. Grounded and rational. 3. Artistic, intellectual, warm and welcoming. Not oversensitive, head in the clouds, sluggish, unorganized. Intelligent, underachiever. Socially somehow extroverted, but introvert in real life. Loves a debate. Loves a discussion. Intellectual. Sarcastic. Dark humour. Talkative. Scattered. Deep thinker. Imaginative, fairy. Not a romantic, not sentimental. Likes groups and 1-1 conversations. Somehow rebellious.
    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People think I’m intelligent, creative and imaginative, that’s actually what I see as my strength. I like creating my own patterns and interconnections.
    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Others often say that I’ve got my head in the clouds and I’m quite unstable and disconnected from the real world; daydreamer. I have also problems with “adult chores”, like filling in papers, paying taxes, executing something. I fear offices and figures of power, especially having to interact with them, I feel inferior. I’m also very inactive, there is a long way from a thought to action, I’m an underachiever because of that. Making hasty decision is also burdensome.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    1. Organizing abstract things intellectually, planning mentally, inventing solutions, friendships
    2.Taking action, initiative, DOING things, bureaucracy, making decisions, socializing without fear, focus and concentrating

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Getting a life; job, adulthood, everything from official side. Organising… real stuff? Like my room. Cleaning up. DOING things. Negotiating/talking with authority figures, official contracts, making real-life organizing, transactions, business.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    A career where I’d fully immerse myself: be a positive form of workaholic, passionate about it. Earn enough money to buy a big flat and raise children and have some free time for my hobbies and myself. Keep up with friends and cherish them. Find an understanding and clever partner. These are standard, normal things I guess.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I would take up many extracurricular activities, engage fully in my education, end my studies and help people for free, maybe some non-profit organization activity. My own research…

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    1. It’s endearing when… somebody opens up with you instantly, being a complete stranger. Being emotionally vulnerable is the quickest way to get to know with someone. I also love ridiculously abstract debates, debating for the sake of debating. It’s sometimes flirtatious. I like bad jokes and puns, because I think making oneself dumb (making that kind of naïve jokes) helps to release the tension in group and cheer up everybody, and I highly appreciate people making these jokes.
    2. Being annoyingly positive. Trying to cheer you up for the sake of it. I think it is egoistical – someone is crying and that kind of person is all like “ugh, he’s crying and making me upset, stop!”, so he/she tries to cheer up said crying person, motivations are really tricky here. I hate any kind of coaching or “you can do it!”, I find it annoying because it’s fake and naïve.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I usually just try to make order. It is just enough. I’m not interested in decorating at all. I have some fancy figurines, but… As for my daily chores –I can’t put up with them, they are too much, I hate them… I hate routine…

    How do you behave around strangers?
    1 on 1, I try to get a grasp of who someone is. Lots of questions from my side. In groups, I only listen and try to react with others (for example, laugh). I’m very timid with strangers.. I’m either very cold, quiet, distant, polite, or try to win them over with my sense of humour and paranoid self-exposing. It’s difficult for me to be warm for strangers; but I do try really hard.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    Insults and attacks are very hurtful, after a few remarks I can start crying, I am very responsive to moods, aggression and negative attitude and can’t stand long conflicts. I usually start conflicts myself and try to get a “higher” position than my interlocutor, otherwise I tear down emotionally. I hate attacks and aggression from other people; it scares me.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Everything will be fine, if only you want it to be. I don’t believe in magical thinking, I believe that everything is coincidental, there is no fate, we can’t steer our life nor control it. There is also a common misconception that humans are superior to animals; I’m not vegan or anything (yet), but… humans are animals. And will die out, sooner or later. Nobody will help us as a species.

    What did you do last Friday?
    Nothing much. I watched some movie, then went online. In the evening I went to some gig. Having holidays, I don’t do much.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    Getting over my insecurities, oversensitivity, emotional ups and downs, social anxiety and probably some psychical disorders

    What is something you regret?
    I regret not maintaining brief relationships with people at parties/holidays etc., with whom I experienced really deep understanding. That’s a rare occasion and I think I missed it.
    I regret being not organized and missing out opportunities, being an Internet addict and so on.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    I admire creative and innovative artists, who transform the world and worldview and themselves – for example, David Bowie – that’s the way I want to live
    I admire people who are assertive and get things done – because I’m certnainly not
    I admire people, who are calm and stoic – again, because I’m not
    I admire people, who are intelligent – because I LIKE intelligent people. Of any sort.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    I’ve lately got some problems with organizing the plan of my studies and my studies overall – also I am worried that I won’t keep up with the responsibilities during the school year, will lack free time and freedom and will be very tired.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I like to believe in some cosmic, “God” power, and I think I am spiritual, philosophically religious, I like the feeling of fullness, of being guided, of being connected with the universe. Intellectually, I’m an agnostic; being ateist or being religious is being too sure of truth of someone’s beliefs.
    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I feel I’m strongly a feminist (unconsciously from a very young age) and a liberal. Economically, some views are leftist, and some are rightist, I think I know too little about economy to be sure and dwelve into it. I think some new economic system is to be invented: I think it is possible I needed. I really like Marx’s communism, but I know that it’s really utopian.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I’m planning to set up my own theraphy one-person business, if it counts. Anything more complicated would be a burden and I don’t suit that role.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    Quiet and solitary. Orderly. With some contact with people, but not too much. I look for intellectual growth and friendly atmosphere, innovation and variety.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    There were many of them… I am relatively easy to get interested. I like subjects which are taught by inspiring and passionate teachers, with lots of knowledge and facts, individual growth and intellectual stimulation. I didn’t like slow lessons which I got too quickly, too scheduled and stiff. The greatest difficulty I had last year was with chemistry, but it I think it was fault of my teacher. I think geography is boring. I hate memorizing facts. I hate informatics (not programming; boring stuff like excel with lots of details and no knowledge). I really hated DIY lessons.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    When I’m in charge – I put my whole heart in it. I get emotional and perfectionist about that. I always try to do what I’ve promised to do, no matter what. I think it’s very important to keep promises. I expect from others the same.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I went to Spain, and made some nature walks and excursions. I like exploring. And nature. And walks.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    As a child, I was sweet and innocent, really cheerful, optimistic, fun to be with, imaginative, believing in strange things, making my own theories without any connections to the outside world, very fragile, sensitive and internally good. I was at that time quite arrogant and opinionated. Now I am darker – more cynic, more moody. The arrogant side took over. But, the sweet child is still there – but you have to dig to it very deep. I think that’s what I really am – but the experiences made me bitter.

    What was your high school experience like?
    Rather positive – I encountered more social problems in former schools. There, I found real friends with same interests and mental landscapes, learned to be social. I had a few really close friends, engaged in groups. I was the opposite of popular person, but rather liked and cherished. I did OK in school in terms of marks, but it was definitely with no effort and greatly below expectations. Lots of exploring – personality and hobbies. Many extracurricular activities. Didn’t learn or work much – at all. Very ambitious plans not realized.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    Being at hospital. It was transcendental – I got a bit stoic about lots of things, decided about my future, calmed down, rested… it was a turning point in my life. Lots of time to think about life; no rush.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I love kids – but I don’t think they are any better than adults… they are actually more cruel and brutal, because they hasn’t been educated not to. But I enjoy their ability to have fun, freedom of imagination, sincerity.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Make them safe! It’s surprising that children are told not to do many things and they actually don’t do it, isn’t it a forbidden fruit? I want them to be mature and wise, creative and curious and I don’t want school to spoil it (that’s what happened to me). They ought to be nice and good at heart, but it’s probably easier to do. I will spend a lot of time to raise them up and educate them – I need plenty of time to do that. I will talk with them a lot, discuss important issues, take them to museums, etc….

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I feel stuck in a rut when I don’t have a clear direction or goal or feel worthless, like I don’t have much to give to the world. Or I’m overwhelmed with things to do, when there are too much of them and I don’t know where to start. I get veeeery unproductive and depressive. Strange thoughts come to mind, it feels like some Raskolnikov state of mind. When I have many responsibilities due to be done soon, I get out of this lethargic state.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    Chaotic, living wholeness. Wholeness needing some help and direction. Social problem? Financial inequality. Lack of purpose in life. Negative feeling. Loosing connections with other people.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I cry? Or cry and try to make an alternative resolution. Solve a problem. Get that thing with some other path taken.
    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I like coordinating tasks. “You- do this, and you – do that”. I like perfecting details in projects. I like telling people exactly what to do next. I’m quite domineering and uncompromising. I love having control – everything that I engage at have to have a quality label on it, I’m a perfectionist. I fail at micromanaging, public relations, documents and formal side of things.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    Irresponsibility makes me irritated, and then – angry. Making chaos – makes me angry. Being insensitive – makes me angry. I hate stupidity. When I am angry, I feel a great wave of anger inside me, which I try to control, but it sometimes goes out in a form of irony or hateful remarks. I get angry/irritated quickly and easily and frequently.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    informal graduates’ meeting
    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    a quarrel with a friend.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    Despite my frequent existential crisis, I try to believe that our purpose is to embrace our abilities and utilize them to make the society run smoothly and/or survive (hence the dream of psychiatry; being psychiatrist, I wouldn’t feel useless and improve people’s lives and existential crisis wouldn’t bother me in the spiral of obligations and plans). For more poetical form of this check: Karl Marx.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    “the most interesting, the best, the worst” – I’ve got a problem with these. I’ve been to Figueres lately. Quite a dreamy, psychodelic experience. I love art; not a big fan of Dali tho. I loved the museum, I can’t stand his painting technique and aesthetic. But I liked his diaries – I sense that his theatratical nonsense is very logical and lineary in a way, I like his sense of humour.
    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    My style depends on my mood. That is: somehow I feel beautiful, then I put on my best clothes, flirt and laugh. I accent favourite features of my body. There are times, when I feel just… comfortable in my body. Then I put on random, basic clothes. Sometimes I rather dress up than just dress – my fantasy makes me wear some strange backpack in the shape of an animal, or I wear way too high, colourful socks, or make an obvious mismatch, putting together shirt in dots and checked trousers. I love experimenting and making fun of my appearance, some fancy accessories come in handy like ties. But mostly, basic clothes.
    Do you like surprises?
    Difficult one. I like surprises which I somehow expect. Or: I like to anticipate things. Or: if you want to make me a surprise – pleeeaase let me know or I’ll be stressed.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    1. English isn’t my native language, hence the “I this, I that, I, I, I” and probably many mistakes. 2. Throughout filling the questionnaire, I felt either like: “Oh, well, now, that’s not me… I will delete it! Or maybe not…” or “it’s too long, it isn’t supposed to be that long” 3. Love for cats; psychological fact 4. Sex: female. 5. I am varying between two types: one seems fine looking at functions order, the other one is more of a gut feeling basing on stereotypes, but I’ll probably get something incredibly different here.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    IEI-Fe. Enneagram's likely 4w3, self-pres last. Tritype 46x?

    If this is a good guess @MaviTilki might really relate, she has a similar typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    IEI-Fe. Enneagram's likely 4w3, self-pres last. Tritype 46x?

    If this is a good guess @MaviTilki might really relate, she has a similar typing.
    Will read through it soon, since I am busy atm. Will let you know how far I can relate, hehe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaviTilki View Post
    Will read through it soon, since I am busy atm. Will let you know how far I can relate, hehe.
    Cool! Thanks a lot for your time

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    Oh, so I seem THAT extroverted? Is this subtype a gut feeling, or something special in my elaboration made you think that? I've never considered having a "E6" fix in my tritype. Thank you for your effort reading it all here!

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    Oh, so I seem THAT extroverted? Is this subtype a gut feeling, or something special in my elaboration made you think that? I've never considered having a "E6" fix in my tritype. Thank you for your effort reading it all here!
    IEI is still a classic introtim, the subtype only makes smaller changes on what you emphasize. I noticed as a HA wasn't too present and wasn't as noticeable either, more weight on extro elements but that doesn't change the base function and your reserved integrative nature as you indicated. What was your preferred tritype so far? No problem

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    I relied on 5w4 and 4w5 in my tritype; I've become more social and expressive lately and I see that 4w3 would also fit me (can one be "just" an E4?); as for "third" and last gut type, most probable is 1w2. 8w9 is also an option; it's a strange hybrid silently aggressive person. I guess that you thought about E6 because of anxiety? That's true, but I identify more with 5w4 descriptions. That being said, I'm not very into enneagram and my knowledge about that is scarce. It would make an 5-4-1 so far. Or, as you suggest, 4-6-1. It's funny for me that you emphasised fe, because I commonly give off a polr fe vibe online, now that I think about it, rather fe in text messages, so I'm probably more expressive than I thought...
    Last edited by hullothere; 08-30-2017 at 08:16 PM.

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    as EII as it seems -)

    except for the fact that I recognized myself in your description a lot, most of your values are well fitting in the Delta quadra more than Beta. Hard working with a cause, a sense of humanity for everyone, a spiritualness tied to it all... seems kind of Fi, especially for the shyness and social related problems. Speaking the truth is my goddamn problem too lol.. uhm and Ne, I see lots of Ne in you too, and a value for Te.

    I might be biased though -P
    Last edited by ooo; 08-30-2017 at 05:00 PM.

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    Oh, well, so that's apparently one vote for each of the types I was confused about

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    it gets more confusing every day more, don't u worry

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    Thank you for your explanation! The thing is, I see a lot of fi in myself, the thing I didn't like in socionics' description is social, stiff etiquette and sense of feeling a martyr or a victim, I relate to its interest in creating and understanding human bonding, trying to find one's purpose. Emotionally, I think I am a bit tied to fe, my emotions are not static, they are changing rapidly and I am very responsive to circumstances - but it is all internal. I sometimes am very inclined to join fe gatherings, but am quickly tired, If I were to choose, I would always pick calm and peaceful conversation over boisterous meeting of many people. I also relate more to cognitive empathy, whereas emotional empathy is a blindspot for me (the first I would associate with fi, second with fe, but I'm not very knowledgeable at socionics). Mentioned friend 1 and 2 are fe 4D and I get them and I am able to communicate easily with them, the third friend is ILI and I'm pretty sure I utilise lots of fi talking with her, it doesn't bore me nor tire me, on the contrary. As for ne and ni, I see both of them inside me and sometimes I'm not even able to differentiate between them - they seem to complement each other quite smoothly. Te valuing might be a thing, cause I like to think of myself as objective and orderly, though I hate technology and can't use it properly. I am instinctively of heavy te people, and se people bore me. Speaking of se - I see it's importance easily and like to impose my views or presence, I like watching brutality from a distance, but couldn't engage in it, and I know I'm not physically aggressive (couldn't hit anybody; I'm rather verbally dangerous). Recognising the weakest and still valued function is, as I somewhere read, the easiest way to recognise someone's type between semi-identicals, but even that method gets muddled here
    Last edited by hullothere; 08-30-2017 at 08:06 PM.

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    ...You're probably EII Ne, that means you have enhanced Ni, or you could be IEI NI too, which is basically the same thing. The difference is made but what you value, and that comprehends your duality too, I think. I'm very similar to you in many aspects, if I read the descriptions of IEI I think "ok, this is me!", so I guess you have to pick basing it on a quadra preference (smth I don't really like about socionics, but ok)...
    The thing you said about your interests, about how scattered you are and interested in all that revolves around "the mind", and how you approach them, are pretty much Ne though, more than Fe, so since you're an introvert, I'd consider them as Fi/Ne, more than Ni/Fe..
    To me Se people are very attracting for how different they are, but I realize don't really value such aspects and it can really annoy me too. I guess I try to compensate that need of Te with reading lol, I'm not the best reader in the world but I'm damn curious about it all... when things interest me, I can really get lost in pure Te, and set my Ni/Ne + Fi free...

    ( just pick the type you like more -P)

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    Going with "special talents and abilities", type indeed isn't that important if you set your mind on quasi-identical types, but opposite quadras make some things (see: duals) tricky, and intertype relations theory seems really practical and helpful. Description of eii seems a bit off because of... coldness? Accent put on being some kind of society's empathetic hero with no individual "flavour" at all, iei also isn't perfect, depicts wandering romantics with no ability to slow down and enjoy world surrounding them - it looks like a huge exaggeration. Eii-ne description fits me better, but so do iei-ni. In both the use of intuition is emphasised, and they are deprived of anything else, so that doesn't make the choice specific in any way.
    Last edited by hullothere; 08-30-2017 at 08:34 PM.

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    Yeahhhh honestly I don't recognize myself in the cold picture of EIIs either, but you know, such coldness is a given for all introverts! It's how the world sees us, because we're not projected on it, we focus inside. Now the main difference between Fi and Ni is that one is rational, the other is not. Rational types will use their inner mind to evaluate things, constantly (and this is why EIIs are in the Delta quadra), while irrational rather use their mind to experience things, so IEIs fit better in the more dynamic Beta group. They both look cold I guess, but it even depends on your level of attunement for those 2 types to experience that as too cold or not (talking for some extrovert types here).
    EIIs are somehow cold but more passionate, because with Fi you really value your inner world, where Ne gives a vast scope to all this brain work, this will make you quite stubborn in the end of the day about your things ; IEIs are instead more cold and detached about their things, because Ni doesn't imply a inner valuing, but rather a visionary stimuli that is then supported by Fe, more about social interests and standards, so that IEIs should come out as more accommodating overall.
    eAlthough Beta is the quadra of "rebels", if you get out of the labels implied in socionics about cooler and lamer types, you see that such beta rebels are as well following other trends, maybe just cooler and more in line with what the mass wants, because Fe and Se are more about the real outcomes, things as they are. Here things complicate aha

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    I don't think this is a fault of "lame" quadra or being an introverted type - because both iee's and iei's descriptions look more... accomodating, as you put just look at the eii-fi description - a bit "harsh" for a type with enhanced feeling function, isn't it? I found this being fi opposed to fe, that's why I can imagine being both of these types. Not using fe or ne would easily rule out one type.

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    My guess is Beta NF.

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    Quote Originally Posted by daisyshadow View Post
    My guess is Beta NF.
    EIE even?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    EIE even?

    That's the most likely one! Even more than IEI.
    I reread your post and you are just like an EIE I know.

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    EII-Ne, 4w5. Slightly Rational > Irrational, Se PoLR > Te PoLR. You can't be a Fe Creative, IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    EII-Ne, 4w5. Slightly Rational > Irrational, Se PoLR > Te PoLR. You can't be a Fe Creative, IMO.
    As I can guess, the first part of your typing is based on your impressions, but is there any argument behind me not being a fe creative or just a vibe? Here it seems like some people detect there a lot of strong fe while others apparent lack of fe usage and thus I think this aspect might be crucial for my typing

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    In EIE what you notice after getting to know them is that they always think their generalized opinions are right like you described! And they force them at you.
    it's true they seem arrogant externally.
    They hold their head above.
    Also your ideal person, i can easily notice it's LSI. Ixxj tempermant, and Fi ego are the ones who are easily offended.. So it leaves us with LXI, and my guess would be LSI (decisive feature and other things you lack.)
    EIEs look cold and arrogant. But it's often not that. Like just an illusion.
    And I think you're enneagram 4.
    EIEs also can be quite harsh in their words and critisize with confidence. It makes people repel them. But their intentions are often good.
    Those are my observations. I hope they're accurate.
    And sorry for any grammar mistakes.
    Last edited by Kernel; 09-01-2017 at 04:03 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    As I can guess, the first part of your typing is based on your impressions, but is there any argument behind me not being a fe creative or just a vibe? Here it seems like some people detect there a lot of strong fe while others apparent lack of fe usage and thus I think this aspect might be crucial for my typing
    Being annoyingly positive. Trying to cheer you up for the sake of it. I think it is egoistical – someone is crying and that kind of person is all like “ugh, he’s crying and making me upset, stop!”, so he/she tries to cheer up said crying person, motivations are really tricky here. I hate any kind of coaching or “you can do it!”, I find it annoying because it’s fake and naïve.
    This is pretty much Fe Ignoring. You don't like people who want to cheer you up as you find this action egoistical. It's your Fi that internally hates Fe. I mean, you're more than able to use Fe (it's 3D, so it's strong), but you prefer to use Fi, your Leading Function.

    The reason why I don't think that you're a Beta NF is that you don't seem to like Se too much. EIIs need LSEs, have you tried to read some of their descriptions?

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    That argument (with fe ignoring) seems fair. I don't tend to cheer anyone up; rather listen carefully and try to give constructive advice; would it be fi-te behaviour?
    I do thought about duals but neither LSE nor SLE sound attractive I've got some sort of getting along and pretty well conversationally with te-ego types, I think, but great conflicts arise (for example with my father, probably a LIE)

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    That argument (with fe ignoring) seems fair. I don't tend to cheer anyone up; rather listen carefully and try to give constructive advice; would it be fi-te behaviour?
    Yes. In fact EIIs are constructivist types. Fi/Te is more evident than Fe/Ti. If you need any other kind of help I'm here.

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    ###Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I like coordinating tasks. “You- do this, and you – do that”. I like perfecting details in projects. I like telling people exactly what to do next. I’m quite domineering and uncompromising. I love having control – everything that I engage at have to have a quality label on it, I’m a perfectionist. I fail at micromanaging, public relations, documents and formal side of things.###

    This also indicates that you are in the EXXj tempermant!
    The more I reread your post the more I see many EIEs traits!

    And from your post, the most obvious function for me is Ni!

    Edit: OMG also you mentioned Raskolnikov!
    I think he's EIE! He is pretty much the description of a depressed EIE I think.
    Last edited by Kernel; 09-01-2017 at 04:16 PM.

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    LSI for a partner? I would never imagine that myself, but that sounds interesting. But aren't LSIs aggressive? So you argue that my manifestations of domination and criticising is a wild form of expressing fe? oh, might be. like you mentioned, fi is easily offended and i've always been like that, esp. in the childhood, but it might be just overall sensitivity. Thanks for your ellaboration, food for thought! (PS I've always seen Raskolnikov as a portrait of IEI disintegration, with Sonya being his contrasting quasi-identical)

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    I really don't know if all LSIs are aggressive, but it can be that the logical subtype is less aggressive because Ti is Rational function, maybe? But I always imagined them somewhat similar to INTjs. So my guess is that they would be more grounded, calmer and don't show aggressive behavior. I have met an ESI Fi and she is not at all aggressive.
    Your manifestation of domination and critisizing I think it can be due to Fe+Se.

    Maybe being offended is not an Fi thing.. anyone do. But maybe it's more like that Fi ego show that they have been hurt unlike Fe ego??

    About Raskolnikov, hmm I really wonder if he's IEI or EIE.
    Idk why but I have always had the idea that IEIs are more optimistic. While EIEs are pessimists.
    For Sonia I agree that she's an EII.

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    I ADORE LII's both as friends and as.... ahem. maybe it's time to find some LSI! (edit: as a response for daisyshadow; my mistake)

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    Quote Originally Posted by daisyshadow View Post
    I really don't know if all LSIs are aggressive, but it can be that the logical subtype is less aggressive because Ti is Rational function, maybe? But I always imagined them somewhat similar to INTjs. So my guess is that they would be more grounded, calmer and don't show aggressive behavior. I have met an ESI Fi and she is not at all aggressive.
    ESI-Fi is stereotypically the least aggressive Se ego, sure. The most aggressive xSI would be LSI-Se. Again stereotypically

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    ESI-Fi is stereotypically the least aggressive Se ego, sure. The most aggressive xSI would be LSI-Se. Again stereotypically
    That has been my experience, too. LSI-Se > ESI-Se > LSI-Ti > ESI-Fi. Just from interacting with them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    2. Being annoyingly positive. Trying to cheer you up for the sake of it. I think it is egoistical – someone is crying and that kind of person is all like “ugh, he’s crying and making me upset, stop!”, so he/she tries to cheer up said crying person, motivations are really tricky here. I hate any kind of coaching or “you can do it!”, I find it annoying because it’s fake and naïve.
    This bit is interesting, I don't see it as “ugh, he’s crying and making me upset, stop!”, for me it's just about being focused on the other person's well-being (in terms of their mood, I guess).

    Apart from this, reading bits of your questionnaire more closely, you could actually be NF type.

    Sorry for not clearing up the confusion any more

    Mind elaborating on this bit? "The other friend of mine is complementary to me, emotionally. I’m very internally intensive, but don’t give off much of it, she’s very open and friendly; very expressive."

    Why is this complementary to you emotionally?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This bit is interesting, I don't see it as “ugh, he’s crying and making me upset, stop!”, for me it's just about being focused on the other person's well-being (in terms of their mood, I guess).

    Apart from this, reading bits of your questionnaire more closely, you could actually be NF type.

    Sorry for not clearing up the confusion any more

    Mind elaborating on this bit? "The other friend of mine is complementary to me, emotionally. I’m very internally intensive, but don’t give off much of it, she’s very open and friendly; very expressive."

    Why is this complementary to you emotionally?
    You probably happened to see my post in the other thread - don't worry, I was joking Every answer brings me intuitively closer to "THE ANSWER" - I can feel it!

    Every time I encounter this type of behaviour, I feel like my problems are being belittled in favour of group "fun". I think it is effective only shortterm; after such interaction, you have to brood a lot in the silence of your room instead That's why we are taught this type of managing emotions of others' - it gets instant results and promotes physical well-being for a moment, but brings damage in long term. I find "only" listening to someone's problem attentively a harder work, you have to put a lot of effort and dedication into it, try to understand other person's perspective, shut down your own emotions for some time, longer time in this case - that's why I prefer this type of help. It is all about motivations. And it also helps to fix things deeply - when you know the other person is there for you, you can start your quest with beating the problem.

    I believe (and she read the descriptions - she might be an IEE tho) that she's an ESE. She's all about Fe (but she is also a well-developed ESE - so you don't get mentioned behaviour). When I keep my thoughts to myself - she is often able to get them out of me, try to break into my inner turmoil which is what I often need, because I don't see a point in opening up to everyone around without a point in general, which is what every human being needs. She knows she can rant me every time she need - I will help her tone down, listen carefully, asses everythig she says and generally lend a patient ear. She always initiates contact (also physical), is very "here and now" in her emotions and showing care, whereas I'm more of a distant long-term planner. While she is motherly, I'm more of a dad sitting in the armchair, reading a newspaper, but observing kids carefully from a distance. She's more of a cheerful person, I tend to brood. She's generally enjoying life, I'm trying to prepare for life. I value higher close relationships and aim to deepen them, she also values that, but I think she's more comfortable managing group. She's agreable (to a fault, as she thinks, and agreeing on others' opinions), loves peace, whereas I am very stubborn and uncompromising, readily start quarrels, have strong opinions (and because of her calm nature we get none of them). I'm also sure she'll read that without a permission and comment readily on every part of that (which is some hardcore sort of care and I adore that ), whereas I would in that situation stalk it silently from afar and collect important hues about her, asking additional questions about parts, without a comment

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    You probably happened to see my post in the other thread - don't worry, I was joking Every answer brings me intuitively closer to "THE ANSWER" - I can feel it!
    Lol yeah I saw it. Anyway reading your answer here - EIE seems right for you. The difference in handling that situation of the person's well-being, it's a Si vs Ni difference. In general you seem to have a focus on the long term with a direction/purpose (Ni), too.

    Let me know if you need any more clarification of this, also if anything major doesn't seem to match the EIE typing for you.

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    If you "ADORE" us, the probability of you being an EIE is not that low.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    If you "ADORE" us, the probability of you being an EIE is not that low.
    No, as a poll indicates, it is like 33,(3)% or 1/3 if you wish

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    The EIE I know is also like that when it comes to cheering up others. He just gives advice and hate when people complain While he knows they know the solution.

    You should read Gulenko description of EIE if you haven't yet.
    Edit: or Stratiyevskaya description.
    Last edited by Kernel; 09-01-2017 at 06:16 PM.

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    typing only by questionnaires is lame. make also a video

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    typing only by questionnaires is lame. make also a video
    I've seriously considered that, but I'm very cautious on the Internet, not really enjoying the idea of revealing my face, and a bit scared to hang there my face the public eternally Apart from probably having no abilities to do so. Is deleting a video after some time possible?

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    I've seriously considered that, but I'm very cautious on the Internet, not really enjoying the idea of revealing my face
    We don't need secret info for typing. You show your face to people on streets without issues, same is here.
    After typing you may then change your nick so everything you'll write later will not be linked to your face.
    As variant, you may send the link to video by pm, if public hosting you somehow find not comfortable.

    > Is deleting a video after some time possible?

    Yes, if you'll place it on youtube, yandex, vimeo. Depends on a hosting.
    After typing video is not needed. Generally to keep it for a week, so any typer could to look it, is ok. You may later send same video to other typers on other sites.

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    While quadra-wise delta values seem to fit better, I am VjERY surprised at accurateness of Stratiyevskaya's fe in EIE description. For example: "The EIE often refers to the object of his jokes with an affectionate irony and an aire of lenient superiority, as if he is now positioned above him, in some other world, where the entire absurdity and awkwardness of the behavior of his subject of his attention is particularly evident to him.- EIE's jokes usually have mystifying and mystic black humor undernotes. ("Daniel, here's what I have done for you ... – are you scared?! - I've left you some food. If you don't eat it up, I will then... – scared?! – I will eat it myself! And only try to not drink the milk. I will feed it to the dogs!! – scared now?! No, not you - the milk of course!..")

    Creating an oppressive, tense situation comes naturally to the EIE. He can accomplish this in almost any state – good mood, poor mood, from boredom, from having little to do. A minor occasion will suffice. And suddenly metallic notes, strict intonations, and hammered articulation appear in EIE's voice, and a heavily fixated gaze, and timed pauses (during which the EIE deliberates on the continuation of his "monologue")." -some other parts also felt very accurate and I overall exhibit very fe-ish behaviour, but not in such a grand scale, I don't cconsider myself such a skilled charmer and all of this is rather low key. As for Se in description - not at all. Not adaptable, not prone to taking action quickly, not assesing new typeof situation instantly, hate authority figures. How would te look like in EIIs? How to detect fe vs fi opposing in behaviour? (apart from this writing of mine about fake positive attitude, which is a clear indication of being adverse towards fe, but interferes with probable fe usage), how would ni (which is, as I suppose basing on commemts, the only certain thing) look like in position of leading, creative and demonstrative? how would valued si and polr si look like?

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