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Thread: EXTENDED HOTELAMBUSH QUESTIONNAIRE - Desperate to know my type - hopeless case - every kind of help is welcome

  1. #121

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    OK, so I'll try to give some examples.
    1. masses when I think that all this fuss is very suerficial, I can see people checking something on the phone/wearing furs/ priests not being devoted to what they do, just"doing their job", when I get thoughts like"but I'm not even a catholic what do I do there I'm not even sure if I'm a believer I don't belong there shouldn't be here it's a blasphemy for all these believing people must run away"
    2. if I'm in some popular group of peple and they demand me sacrifices like doing something which sounds to me shallow, for example going for some next party instead of just talking. Or if I know I have toabandon some friend of mine/a person promising as a friend to keep up with popular ones and build up my social status ughh. Or when that group says something stupid about someone I admire.
    3. I wouldnt be able to abandon my country, because I would feel like an alien there no matter what because of cultural upbringing. and I am often secretly mad at friends having plans in other cities or countries because I try to keep up relationships and maintain them once they aremade and I treat something like that as a sabotage. I wouldn't abandon my place of living because of friends and family, though moving away would be certainly materially/intelectually more rewarding and wiser.
    4. when doing a part-time job which seems stuid I think of a long-term goal
    I can write a bit moreif something is not clear

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    what I got was a definition of Fi (that I was emotionally cold
    F types are not emotionally cold. Fi types have lesser expressed, quiet emotionality, but in their eyes you'll see emotions anyway

    > analysing everything rationally when facing a problem

    + to T type

    > hating shallow relationships

    hating? then introversion

    > but deeply valuing true connections


    > very loyal

    J types are loyal generally

    > devoted to my friends' problems and helping them

    it's what friends do - share life and help with each other

    > rather with a solution rather than accomodating emotionally

    ST types tend to help practically. not supporting emotionnaly + to T type

    > I'm not emotionally cold

    compared to F types - you are. emotions of T types are not well expressed as in high degree they are in their subconsciousness

    > I'm more probably a Fi leading on a Fi/Fe scale

    LSI/ISTJ you are most probably

  3. #123
    Arete GuavaDrunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    (...) I lurked through some of his/her posts lol, and it looks like something I would write/my type of humour. He/she is an E9 though as I could read or at least GuavaDrunk thinks about his/herself this way, so it's definitely atypical example of an EIE type, introverted one. (Sorry here if he/she ever happens to read that just had to spy a bit )And yes, here with humour/ in social situation I mostly try to loose the atmosphere, jokes are rather soft, pleasant, and for an effect. My own inside jokes are rather morbid, and people are rather surprised when they hear any examples of what makes me laugh

    in "anaysing rationally"I meant what I came off to others (to this person gifted at catching human behaviours). Rather not emotive nor expressive. Fun fact: close friends confirm that, but strangers/newly met people generally think that I'm super positive, cheerful and nice.
    Why this doesn't sound like ji lead?


    Just for contrast, irl my jokes in social situations are usually not so much 'soft, pleasant' as they are somewhat loud. They certainly are for effect though, regardless of whether it works or not.

    A lot (70+%) of my social actions are dictated by how excited I am about something. Like @hacim mentioned in a different thread, I very much act out a 'passionate expression of what [I] want'. And if I'm not excited/don't feel like talking much/feel shy/etc., then I will not express much, or will in that case express myself softly.

    However if I am very excited, I can *easily* be loud enough to 'take over' the conversational space in a group. As you might guess, being in the spotlight doesn't me bother too much, or at all, and I've been that way since I was a kid. And as I feel less and less shy as I age, directing the flow of socialising is something I don't mind doing in any way. For eg I do try to make sure everyone gets to speak and make their points etc., as well as watching myself so I don't get too carried away and just talk over everyone else with my fellow Loud People.

    Dark humour: sure.

    Reading your your post about being anchored: do you ever do that thing where you take your mental impressions of two things/people/events/etc. and push them together and see how you feel about that? Would that be a common way for you to decide what you think/feel about your environment? (Bit of a leading question, admittedly. Basing myself off Anndelise's blog, which I highly recommend.)

    This other person's description of you (Science, ya'll ) does sound like Fi valuing > Fe valuing.
    Reason is a whore.

  4. #124

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    F types are not emotionally cold. Fi types have lesser expressed, quiet emotionality, but in their eyes you'll see emotions anyway

    > analysing everything rationally when facing a problem

    + to T type

    > hating shallow relationships

    hating? then introversion

    > but deeply valuing true connections


    > very loyal

    J types are loyal generally

    > devoted to my friends' problems and helping them

    it's what friends do - share life and help with each other

    > rather with a solution rather than accomodating emotionally

    ST types tend to help practically. not supporting emotionnaly + to T type

    > I'm not emotionally cold

    compared to F types - you are. emotions of T types are not well expressed as in high degree they are in their subconsciousness

    > I'm more probably a Fi leading on a Fi/Fe scale

    LSI/ISTJ you are most probably
    Well, I have to make here some things straight, because what I gave of an example what I come off like to strangers began to be more of my self-evaluation.
    I AM emotional, my emotions might be more of a subconscious hue, but I am always able to pin them down, understand why I feel this way and how I feel, I tend to monitor my emotional life. When I was younger, I was very emotionally volatile, recently I'm more stoic in my approach and that's what I try to cultivate. I feel "something" in every minute; the difference is my emotions are more like tides now, whereas they were storms some time ago. What I described here, I give off non-emotional vibe. That's what this person noted about me. And it was more about my self-expression or being "warm".
    "valuing deep connections" was not like "anyone" because it was a comarative analysis, my comparison was a person, definitely an introvert, and she was said not being bothered with shallow connections. It was more of "if having acquaintances bothers you or not and do you try to deepen those relations or keep it that way" kind of opinion.
    The bit with friends - I wouldn't say everyone has a friend then I saw most of people not having this person that they are devoted to. So here you make having a friend a special quality. BUT it might be cultural differences - I know you are from Russia, and Polish people are considered more loyal, devoted friends once you get to know them (because they are also considered reserved) compared to their western counterparts - but I think western culture coming from mass media made it less like that, whereas Russia is still the slavic castle of eastern tradition
    When I wrote about giving solution to a problem, I meant some advice or conceptual solution, rather than practical help - because I rarely do anything (no joking).
    The problems I encounter with being an ISTj, I will count them here, and I hope you will lighten it up for me a bit, because some of my ISTj views come probably from MBTI or something.
    1. I don't think I belong to XSTX group - I am not practical, don't make any moves, I am not initiative nor active. I think that I'm leaning more towards humanitarian causes, occasionally joining some voluntarily activities, trying to help random people out, accomodate groups, love ideas like communism, have strong political views in terms of moral issues etc.
    2. What would Se in the creative position look like? I admit that I'm lil bit domineering/aggressive, but not in that obvious, physical way. I procrastinate a lot (mainly action), I am not risky at all, shy away from taking initiative. I hate it when anyone attacks me and I'm scared - I rarely fight with that person.
    3. What would Ne PoLR look like? I pursue many random ideas, without deepening them, consider myself more conceptual than practical, explore many possibilities mentally, have many shallow interests.

  5. #125

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post


    Just for contrast, irl my jokes in social situations are usually not so much 'soft, pleasant' as they are somewhat loud. They certainly are for effect though, regardless of whether it works or not.

    A lot (70+%) of my social actions are dictated by how excited I am about something. Like @hacim mentioned in a different thread, I very much act out a 'passionate expression of what [I] want'. And if I'm not excited/don't feel like talking much/feel shy/etc., then I will not express much, or will in that case express myself softly.

    However if I am very excited, I can *easily* be loud enough to 'take over' the conversational space in a group. As you might guess, being in the spotlight doesn't me bother too much, or at all, and I've been that way since I was a kid. And as I feel less and less shy as I age, directing the flow of socialising is something I don't mind doing in any way. For eg I do try to make sure everyone gets to speak and make their points etc., as well as watching myself so I don't get too carried away and just talk over everyone else with my fellow Loud People.

    Dark humour: sure.

    Reading your your post about being anchored: do you ever do that thing where you take your mental impressions of two things/people/events/etc. and push them together and see how you feel about that? Would that be a common way for you to decide what you think/feel about your environment? (Bit of a leading question, admittedly. Basing myself off Anndelise's blog, which I highly recommend.)

    This other person's description of you (Science, ya'll ) does sound like Fi valuing > Fe valuing.
    Thank you, that built up my impression about Fe a bit. I often do something in groups out of excitement and cheerful atmosphere, but other times keep quietly to myself; I'm rather not well-equipped to steer emotional atmosphere when it is dull or cold, but I can engage in that fully when there is certain atmosphere. So, for first paragraph of yours, yes. For the second - you seem very confident in affecting environment, I rather occupy backstage and watch what happens I like the spotlight, but not too much of it, not constant attention. So for the second paragraph, rather not.
    As for you question - I don't think I fully understand it and I can't find Anndelise's entry about that, so I will improvise here.
    I love making my friends know one another, when I do that thing you mentioned and those people "click" in my mind and then click IRL too, that's a wonderful feeling. I don't think I do this for things very often. For events... I remember how I felt when certain action occured and now I can say that I don't want this thing again to happen, something like that? Or I remember one person saying/doing something, and then being contradictory, when I sense hypocrisy. I didn't get your question, that's what comes to my mind. I rather asses new information readily, rather don't compare it to other example, but to overall vision of something, and yes, then I asses how I feel about something.
    I'll try to make it less abstract... I tend to try different apple pies at different places lol. I bear in mind one wonderful apple pie I encountered once. If anything is better then it is my "anchor idea" of a best apple pie. And then it begins assesing idea for other apple pies What I think you meant was gathering all the apple pies together at once and picking up the best of them? Nope; I'm rather the first kind of method.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    I AM emotional
    Being T type you are lesser emotional in consciousness compared to people of F types. It's seen in your nonverbal. In other case I'd type you as F type.
    If you'll communicate close with your dual/semi-dual/activator - you'll notice they are significantly more emotional and rise your emotionality higher than you have now.

    > my emotions might be more of a subconscious hue, but I am always able to pin them down, understand why I feel this way and how I feel, I tend to monitor my emotional life.

    If there are Fe people near you - they may help you to be in better contact with own emotions. But your emotionality generally stays supressed (in consciousness) compared to F types anyway. In Fe types you'll notice the difference easier.

    > BUT it might be cultural differences - I know you are from Russia, and Polish people are considered more loyal, devoted friends once you get to know them

    I have no basis to think we have significant difference between our nations in this. Our cultures as industrial are close and people are same anywhere. You may think other way because how your TV show Russians, - too negatively because you are in NATO - the organisation made by USA for war against USSR and is kept to hold and control Eastern Europe, 1st of all - Russia which still has serious army power and nuclear forces able to erase USA from the map.

    > 1. I don't think I belong to XSTX group - I am not practical, don't make any moves, I am not initiative nor active.

    I mistake sometimes in types, but LSI is the most possible from how I've felt you.

    Lesser active may relate to introversion and non-types factors as higher anxiety.

    > I think that I'm leaning more towards humanitarian causes, occasionally joining some voluntarily activities, trying to help random people out, accomodate groups, love ideas like communism, have strong political views in terms of moral issues etc.

    All types may to be socially active and share collective humanistic ideas. Some more often.
    If you'll study Russian language, one of serious "alive" communism-like organisations in Russia is "Суть времени" (Essence of time) by Sergey Kurginyan. I read a little of them and watched youtube channel (auto-translator may help in some degree).

    > 2. What would Se in the creative position look like? I admit that I'm lil bit domineering/aggressive, but not in that obvious, physical way.

    mainly S to understand nuances needs of your own thinking, reading of theory, watching examples of types and intuitive feeling them. ESTJ types are Si but you may also find as "domineering" in some sense. Se rarely shows in rude physical way among adults (it would be illegal)

    > I procrastinate a lot (mainly action), I am not risky at all, shy away from taking initiative.

    JS types are not risky. shy, overcoming redundant confrontaion - much from introversion

    > 3. What would Ne PoLR look like? I pursue many random ideas, without deepening them, consider myself more conceptual than practical, explore many possibilities mentally, have many shallow interests.

    Just weak N. Novices to understand clearly nuances in you or other people need higher level of knowledge.
    S types have N and may produce ideas, but they base their behavior on such insights in lesser degree compared to N types

    Types are balance. It's not like T types have no emotions or S types have no insights, - they have them lesser them thinking and more attention on material world. This balance may be higher or lesser in different people and sometimes to understand what is more in you is not easy. For example, I could not to decide am I extravert or introvert and needed to use IR with close people to understand this.

    You don't need a discussions about your type. You need own researching of the typology texts and thinking about it yourself, about your impressions from people of different types. Like I did in past. I've gathered by photos and communication from several experienced in typology people opinions about my type, tried tests, gave tests to people to easer understand their types, read typology books and after ~1 year have stoped on LSE version, which I hold for many years without doubts. You as ST type should do similar - consecutive studding of the subject (books are better, for example by Filatova on amazon) to get systemic understanding of Socionics and use this on yourself and people near you.

    So I think we'll close this subject for a while. May others will add something useful too.

  7. #127

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Being T type you are lesser emotional in consciousness compared to people of F types. It's seen in your nonverbal. In other case I'd type you as F type.
    If you'll communicate close with your dual/semi-dual/activator - you'll notice they are significantly more emotional and rise your emotionality higher than you have now.

    > my emotions might be more of a subconscious hue, but I am always able to pin them down, understand why I feel this way and how I feel, I tend to monitor my emotional life.

    If there are Fe people near you - they may help you to be in better contact with own emotions. But your emotionality generally stays supressed (in consciousness) compared to F types anyway. In Fe types you'll notice the difference easier.

    > BUT it might be cultural differences - I know you are from Russia, and Polish people are considered more loyal, devoted friends once you get to know them

    I have no basis to think we have significant difference between our nations in this. Our cultures as industrial are close and people are same anywhere. You may think other way because how your TV show Russians, - too negatively because you are in NATO - the organisation made by USA for war against USSR and is kept to hold and control Eastern Europe, 1st of all - Russia which still has serious army power and nuclear forces able to erase USA from the map.

    > 1. I don't think I belong to XSTX group - I am not practical, don't make any moves, I am not initiative nor active.

    I mistake sometimes in types, but LSI is the most possible from how I've felt you.

    Lesser active may relate to introversion and non-types factors as higher anxiety.

    > I think that I'm leaning more towards humanitarian causes, occasionally joining some voluntarily activities, trying to help random people out, accomodate groups, love ideas like communism, have strong political views in terms of moral issues etc.

    All types may to be socially active and share collective humanistic ideas. Some more often.
    If you'll study Russian language, one of serious "alive" communism-like organisations in Russia is "Суть времени" (Essence of time) by Sergey Kurginyan. I read a little of them and watched youtube channel (auto-translator may help in some degree).

    > 2. What would Se in the creative position look like? I admit that I'm lil bit domineering/aggressive, but not in that obvious, physical way.

    mainly S to understand nuances needs of your own thinking, reading of theory, watching examples of types and intuitive feeling them. ESTJ types are Si but you may also find as "domineering" in some sense. Se rarely shows in rude physical way among adults (it would be illegal)

    > I procrastinate a lot (mainly action), I am not risky at all, shy away from taking initiative.

    JS types are not risky. shy, overcoming redundant confrontaion - much from introversion

    > 3. What would Ne PoLR look like? I pursue many random ideas, without deepening them, consider myself more conceptual than practical, explore many possibilities mentally, have many shallow interests.

    Just weak N. Novices to understand clearly nuances in you or other people need higher level of knowledge.
    S types have N and may produce ideas, but they base their behavior on such insights in lesser degree compared to N types

    Types are balance. It's not like T types have no emotions or S types have no insights, - they have them lesser them thinking and more attention on material world. This balance may be higher or lesser in different people and sometimes to understand what is more in you is not easy. For example, I could not to decide am I extravert or introvert and needed to use IR with close people to understand this.

    You don't need a discussions about your type. You need own researching of the typology texts and thinking about it yourself, about your impressions from people of different types. Like I did in past. I've gathered by photos and communication from several experienced in typology people opinions about my type, tried tests, gave tests to people to easer understand their types, read typology books and after ~1 year have stoped on LSE version, which I hold for many years without doubts. You as ST type should do similar - consecutive studding of the subject (books are better, for example by Filatova on amazon) to get systemic understanding of Socionics and use this on yourself and people near you.

    So I think we'll close this subject for a while. May others will add something useful too.
    You missed my point about Russian people - what I meant was that the more Slavic people are, the deeper bonds they make, and the Russian are more "Slavic" than the Polish, and the Polish than USA, sorry if I ofended you. And, for the communism - just the pure, marxist idea. Thank you for your input here! I'll keep this option in mind.

  8. #128

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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    What I mean, was Ne creation of a role/absurdity/humour context/perceiving what needs to be done to achieve conceptual wholeness, and then using just the Fe functions (superficial ones) to make it happen(because Fi is useless there), eg trying to make statement convincing or adding some acting to a joke. I lurked through some of his/her posts lol, and it looks like something I would write/my type of humour. He/she is an E9 though as I could read or at least GuavaDrink thinks about his/herself this way, so it's definitely atypical example of an EIE type, introverted one. (Sorry here if he/she ever happens to read that just had to spy a bit )And yes, here with humour/ in social situation I mostly try to loose the atmosphere, jokes are rather soft, pleasant, and for an effect. My own inside jokes are rather morbid, and people are rather surprised when they hear any examples of what makes me laugh
    in "anaysing rationally"I meant what I came off to others (to this person gifted at catching human behaviours). Rather not emotive nor expressive. Fun fact: close friends confirm that, but strangers/newly met people generally think that I'm super positive, cheerful and nice.
    Why this doesn't sound like ji lead?
    Sorry for the delay.

    So I said it doesn't seem Ji lead, it's because of how you said it's not actually in foreground for you. It may very well be Ji, but not Ji in ego.

    You also said earlier that "I easily regret not having enough focus on my anchor because I'm afraid I will drift off and never find myself again in the enormous and unknown sea (or find that anchor)". It could actually be your Ti dual seeking, to think of it. What do you think about that possibility? EIEs do tend to view their default cognition as not being very grounded but easily drifting-moving instead without a very stable anchor.

    And lol yeah I'm not surprised you related to GuavaDrunk's style. What are your morbid jokes like? Curious : p

    Umm, you are not seen as expressive, yet you are seen as super cheerful? Does it depend on who you ask, lol. For me there are some core traits that everyone mentions about me, and other traits are way more contradictory in terms of it depends who you ask.

    As for the idea on Ne/Fe, got an example of what you call "conceptual wholeness" that's to be achieved going by Fe tactics?

    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    OK, so I'll try to give some examples.
    1. masses when I think that all this fuss is very suerficial, I can see people checking something on the phone/wearing furs/ priests not being devoted to what they do, just"doing their job", when I get thoughts like"but I'm not even a catholic what do I do there I'm not even sure if I'm a believer I don't belong there shouldn't be here it's a blasphemy for all these believing people must run away"
    Lol. Familiar thoughts. Minus the last part, that seems kinda Fe instead lol

    2. if I'm in some popular group of peple and they demand me sacrifices like doing something which sounds to me shallow, for example going for some next party instead of just talking. Or if I know I have toabandon some friend of mine/a person promising as a friend to keep up with popular ones and build up my social status ughh. Or when that group says something stupid about someone I admire.
    Hm who said you *have to* abandon that friend.

    4. when doing a part-time job which seems stuid I think of a long-term goal
    OK, how is this one related to the anchor thing?
    Last edited by Myst; 10-04-2017 at 09:06 AM.

  9. #129

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    Reading your your post about being anchored: do you ever do that thing where you take your mental impressions of two things/people/events/etc. and push them together and see how you feel about that? Would that be a common way for you to decide what you think/feel about your environment? (Bit of a leading question, admittedly. Basing myself off Anndelise's blog, which I highly recommend.)
    What's this, Ni or Fi or?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > very loyal

    J types are loyal generally
    This trait doesn't seem to depend on j/p much.

    > I'm not emotionally cold

    compared to F types - you are. emotions of T types are not well expressed as in high degree they are in their subconsciousness
    She actually doesn't seem cold in this thread to me. She may be subtle with feelings and we as T types are bad at noticing such subtlety right away (I only notice it over time unless I pay special attention), but she's definitely Feeling a lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > 1. I don't think I belong to XSTX group - I am not practical, don't make any moves, I am not initiative nor active.

    I mistake sometimes in types, but LSI is the most possible from how I've felt you.

    Lesser active may relate to introversion and non-types factors as higher anxiety.
    You ignored the "I am not practical" part.

    > 3. What would Ne PoLR look like? I pursue many random ideas, without deepening them, consider myself more conceptual than practical, explore many possibilities mentally, have many shallow interests.

    Just weak N. Novices to understand clearly nuances in you or other people need higher level of knowledge.
    S types have N and may produce ideas, but they base their behavior on such insights in lesser degree compared to N types
    What she wrote there is the antithesis of Ne PoLR.

    Types are balance. It's not like T types have no emotions or S types have no insights, - they have them lesser them thinking and more attention on material world. This balance may be higher or lesser in different people and sometimes to understand what is more in you is not easy. For example, I could not to decide am I extravert or introvert and needed to use IR with close people to understand this.
    Good summary, otoh, I think IR is not to be used to type, only as confirmation.

    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    Well, I have to make here some things straight, because what I gave of an example what I come off like to strangers began to be more of my self-evaluation.
    I AM emotional, my emotions might be more of a subconscious hue, but I am always able to pin them down, understand why I feel this way and how I feel, I tend to monitor my emotional life. When I was younger, I was very emotionally volatile, recently I'm more stoic in my approach and that's what I try to cultivate. I feel "something" in every minute; the difference is my emotions are more like tides now, whereas they were storms some time ago. What I described here, I give off non-emotional vibe. That's what this person noted about me. And it was more about my self-expression or being "warm".
    Interesting and very perceptive description of sophisticated feelings from a Feeling ego. Thanks, like it.

    The problems I encounter with being an ISTj, I will count them here, and I hope you will lighten it up for me a bit, because some of my ISTj views come probably from MBTI or something.
    ISTJ in MBTI? Yeah it's very similar to the Socionics ISTj. Same way of thinking described for both and same core behaviour patterns.

    2. What would Se in the creative position look like? I admit that I'm lil bit domineering/aggressive, but not in that obvious, physical way. I procrastinate a lot (mainly action), I am not risky at all, shy away from taking initiative. I hate it when anyone attacks me and I'm scared - I rarely fight with that person.
    Se creative: taking physical initiative naturally in given moments (when there is a point to intervene/time seems right/it sometimes can still be impulsive too). Practical orientation with focus and ability to keep prodding things or people to get a goal manifested in actual reality. Se creatives usually handle aggression from someone else fine.

    Procrastination and cautiousness don't exclude Se creative btw. Just mentioning this for the sake of completeness, though. You are definitely not xSI.

    3. What would Ne PoLR look like? I pursue many random ideas, without deepening them, consider myself more conceptual than practical, explore many possibilities mentally, have many shallow interests.
    The complete opposite of what you said.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullothere View Post
    That is NOT AT ALL me, sincerity is NEVER flexible. It is not fluent - it is stable. Putting emotion into something never makes it true because your motives were not true in the beginning.
    I have only been skimming and have not read your thread, but this caught my eye, and I agree wholeheartedly. So, now I'm curious enough to read the rest - if anything jumps out at me I'll let you know.

    Edit: You're very interesting - a lot of seemingly contradictory traits. I don't have a box for you, perhaps ILI, perhaps EII, idk.
    Last edited by squark; 10-04-2017 at 03:11 PM.

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    this is the boldest title I've ever seen

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What's this, Ni or Fi or?
    Fishing for Fi.
    Reason is a whore.

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  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This trait doesn't seem to depend on j/p much.
    it depends. to act by rules and laws J types like more

    > You ignored the "I am not practical" part.

    I have no basis to believe in this. I saw nonverbal and trust more to it, than to words.
    Also we don't know what she means as "not practical". I'm not practical too in some sense as spend a lot of time talking about near-astrology thing as Socionics.

    > I think IR is not to be used to type, only as confirmation

    IR is a factor. You may use it by different ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    it depends. to act by rules and laws J types like more

    > You ignored the "I am not practical" part.

    I have no basis to believe in this. I saw nonverbal and trust more to it, than to words.
    OK I didn't realize you were typing her mainly based on video.

    Also we don't know what she means as "not practical". I'm not practical too in some sense as spend a lot of time talking about near-astrology thing as Socionics.
    Lol true that.

    > I think IR is not to be used to type, only as confirmation

    IR is a factor. You may use it by different ways.
    Yeah but the idea is that the quality of a relationship depends on more than just type.

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    I would consider IEI for you... even if, as discussed before, you are similar to self-typed EIE on here.

    With reasoning similar to my post in here

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