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Thread: For The Last Time (I promise), What's My Type?

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    Default For The Last Time (I promise), What's My Type?

    It's been over a year since I made a thread like this. This is the last one, I promise. Any suggestions, opinions etc. are welcome. If you think you know my type say it.

    Tell me about yourself.
    I'm a 24 years old female, a postgraduate student.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I study creative writing. I've been writing my own stories and poetry ever since I was a child. The momemt I learnt how to hold a pen I just started to write. My teachers and my family kept on motivating me, I've always been the best one in the class when it came to writing creative pieces and so I I thought...okay maybe this is the thing for me.
    I like to come up with new ideas and to express myself in a creative way. I'm good with words, languages and creating a specific setting, atmosphere. I like to look up different information about the topic of my story, I like to do some sort of a research and that connection between an actual academic work and a creative power in all that is just ver enjoyable.
    I don't like the fact that it's all up to me. I have to push myself into doing my writing and I often lack the discipline. Also my attention spam is quite short, I can't do one thing for very long and writing requars a lot of focused time and energy, which I often don't have.

    What are your values, and why?
    Ambition - I think that people need to use their potential, they need to build their skills to become better and better and to truly explore the possibilities of their talent and gifts. I try to become the best version of myself possible and to achieve something worthy to fully realize my abbilities. It really hurts me when I see people wasting their talent in meaningless jobs or simply doing nothing at all. I think everyone should try to get the best out of their lives.
    Originality - Their is nothing worse than wasting your own self for comformity. I believe that the best way to make everything better is to be open to new and unusual ideas, things and people. Otherwise world woul stay the same and we would still live in the wild.
    Innovation - We should still try to make things better, even those that seem to work, experiment and explore new ways.
    Freedom - Everyone should be able to define their own sense of self, the world and their own path and values. None should be limited by society or other obligations when it comes to their own individuality. Everyone should be free to explore all the possibilities.
    Equality - Their should be no differences between people and everyone should be able to prove themsevles and their worth in society no matter their backround.
    Individualism - None should be forced to submit to the needs, expectations and opinions of others if it's not right for them. Defining your own sense of who you are is crucial imo. Be weird, be expressive, be scary, be whatever you wanna be. The stranger the better.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I think I'm easy to get along with but sort of hard to get to know. I don't find it natural to just go to people and be friends with everyone. Even though I'm usually nice and polite to others, I stay a bit detached from them. It's not like I'd fear something from them, I just value my own space and respect privacy of others as well. I also just don't feel the need to be "out there" for everyone. I live more for myself and my own world than for others even though friends and family do matter to me.
    I usually find people who share my hobbies and interest and meet with them to discuss things we have in common. It's nice to feel like I belong somewhere and there are people similar to me. I have quite a wide circle of close friends and I like it, we are one big group of nice people getting drunk together and talking about life... just the usual stuff.
    My family is ok... But we're very different so sometimes it's a source of our trouble. I'm more nice and kind to people I don't know that well, but once I get comfortable with someone I show my more argumenatative face. I still don't do it that often but I know I sometimes can be very harsh and insensitive when I fight with the ones closest to me.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends - I just look for people who share my hobbies and interests so we can discuss things that we have in common. I like private parties at someone's home, when we all just drink, talk and sing our favorite songs. I like when we all meet and just enjoy each others company.
    In Romantic relationship - I like men who are ambitious and want to get somewhere in ther life. I like it when they can motivate me to be active and hard working as well, but I hate it when they force it and don't respect my own need for a lot of rest and comfort.
    I also like it when they are generally open to new information, care about what's going on around them, are open to explore new things. I like to explore everything but sometimes I'm too lazy and too much in my own head to keep track of all the things happening around me so I like someone to keep me in check and sometimes drag me out to explore some new places, something small is sometimes enough like an unusual exotic restaurant or an art gallery I've never been to. I really like traveling and visiting new contries as well.
    I also look for people who are educated and kwnoledgeable. I like it when they can teach me and show me new infromation, things I've never heard of before, facts I've never expected would be true...
    I have to admit that I've noticed that sort of a bad body stereotype works for me too. I like guys who can really be themsevles, who are confident and are not afraid to break some rules when it's necessary. Charisma and leadership abalities are a bonus that I find very attractive.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I sometimes fight with boyfriend because of his need to turn everything to a joke. I hate it when I try to be serious and he just starts to joking about something that is important for me. He also makes fun of me, I mean...He makes fun of everyone, but I'm sensitive to this kind of stuff.

    How would your friends describe you?
    I think they would say that I'm nice, sociable and know how to have fun. They would also probably say that I'm open to new things and adventurous. They also see me as intelligent and idealistic. For some I can also be childish and too impractical. My friends probably aslo say that I sometimes am arrogant, take myself too seriously and can be elitary. They've told me that I look down at people sometimes, I try to change that.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    During my life I've been priced for my ideas, unusual ways of seeing things and creative abilities. I also have good skills when it comes to critical analyzis and learning new things, I'm a fast learner and I can quickly undertand new concepts. I'm also quite expressive and have a good sense of aestehtics. Many people have told me I have a good sense of style and most seem to like the way I decorate things. I'm also quite good when it comes to public speaking and performing in front of others like singing or acting.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I'm very irresponsible and forgetful. I often promise things and later forget about it. I also don't see many things as a trouble. I'm careless, I do things at the last possible moment, I never do something just "to be on a safe side" I do things to be on a dangerous side and hope it will be fine. I'm sometimes just too lazy to care. I never do anything extra because I always get along just fine with a slacker work.
    I'm very messy, like I let glasses to catch a mold and only them wash them and shitty stuff like that...My boyfriend has to do the dishes in the house, otherwise we would probably die on some shitty disease from dirt. I never put anything at its place, never remember where I put it and usually waste a lot of time by searching for things like keys, phone, wallet etc..I tend to be late jut because I can't find anything.
    I'm very disorganized, I can't really force myself to doing things when I'm not in the mood. I'm a slave of my current whim.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Keeping my enviroment clean. I hate tidy places where everything is in order, it freaks me out, but I'm unable to even do my dishes. It's not like I don't want to...I just don't think about stuff like that untill everything is so dirty that I can just throw it out right away.
    I'm terrible at noticing my enviroment, people constantly need to notice me about things that are going on around me. I just don't see it...
    I have a very complicated relationship with rules... I see them as too limiting and lot of them are useless, but then there are rules and regulations that do have some meaning. There's a part of me that feels like fighting against all the limits that are put on people, there is a true anarchist in me, but then...I do realize that we do need certain rules to be effective and to keep our lives on track. I just don't know which rules should I choose for myself, I need others to show me what regulations are meaningful and effective so I could keep myself in order. I'm a mess on the outside and on the inside as well. Sometimes when I try to organize my own self I get so stuck at useless details, like I feel like I need to plan every second of my day and if I do one thing wrong it's all worthless. I know this is not healthy, I need someone to show the middle ground.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    There's actually nothing weird that I would enjoy. Most of the things I see as a chore are really a chore. I don't like to do any sort of stereotypical brainwashing work. Like I know people who like to clean up or do gardening or repearing stuff at their house... I don't like any of these.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Even though I study creative writing, I've always wanted to be a performing artist. I have a band and I want to make an album with them and go on tour. I'm not sure if this will be possible, but I still believe it will happen one day.
    I know that making money with art is difficult and it requires capital from somewhere else. I'd like to work as a journalist (I've already been published in news) and to make money for my art like this, because the work is still very crative and socially important. Bringing information to people is very nobel imo.
    I'd like to publish my own novel.
    I'd like to have my talkshow and to be the host in it. I even have a name (People wouldn't understand because it's about politics in my country) and I want to discuss the influence of politics on young people and their opinions about the current happenings in the country.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I'd definitely pay for a studio and record my own album. Then I'd make a huge marketing campaign to make sure people would know about me.Then I'd probably publish my book on my own expenses.
    I'd actually do everything I want to do now without the money. It's not about money for me at all. They don't really matter. It's the cause that matters to me.
    Oh well...And I'd travel the world and live in a different country every year.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I like people who are selfish, I think being too attached to others limits one's own freedom. I wish I could be more selfish.
    I like peole who are arrogant. Many people truly aren' too good for anything, I sort of believe that the world should belong to the strong ones and the weak ones should feel weak. (I'm weak and hate myself for it.)
    I like people who play based on their own rules and break stereotypes.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I really like to visit stores with small decorations like Tiger, where you can find useless pretty things and make your home a special place with them. I also realyl like original decorations and unusual design of the house. I like to experiment with forniture to make it all look different and special and yet pleasant for the eye.
    Other than that I don't do anything... My mess usually covers all the pretty stuff anyway.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm not good with strangers. I'm shy and often behave in a socially awkward way. I'm fine with one on one meetings, but I suck in a group setting. I hate it when I have to adapt to atmosphere of the group of people I do not know well. It's too forcefull and unnatural.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I'm not good at standing up for myself. I used to be even worse as a child and my peers liked to make fun of me because of that. I can't really say mean stuff to other people, even when I want to, I just can't. I often need someone else to stand up for me and save the situation or I just find my own little shell and feel sorry for myself. I'm not really a fighter.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    God... It's so illogical and weird. Nothing has meaning, nothing exists on purpose, deal with your own meaninglesness.

    What did you do last Friday?
    I went out with my highschool friend, we drank beer and wine and talked about life.

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    IEI seems to fit fine.

    I was looking at the question about weaknesses and your answers for that question seems very Te PoLR to me. Te PoLR often struggle with things like keeping promises etc. Also, you mentioned that you like people who are selfish and arrogant and who likes breaking stereotypes, these traits seemed to describe SLEs. And you mentioned that you view chore as really a chore and you hate things like repairing, cleaning up, gardening, doing the dishes etc, you seemed to devalue Si.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    We're identicals, IEE!

    IEI doesn't fit, is valued while works in the background as the strong demonstrative:

    I can't really say mean stuff to other people, even when I want to, I just can't.
    I sometimes fight with boyfriend because of his need to turn everything to a joke. I hate it when I try to be serious and he just starts to joking about something that is important for me. He also makes fun of me, I mean...He makes fun of everyone, but I'm sensitive to this kind of stuff.
    I think I'm easy to get along with but sort of hard to get to know. I don't find it natural to just go to people and be friends with everyone. Even though I'm usually nice and polite to others, I stay a bit detached from them. It's not like I'd fear something from them, I just value my own space and respect privacy of others as well. I also just don't feel the need to be "out there" for everyone. I live more for myself and my own world than for others even though friends and family do matter to me.
    I'm not good with strangers. I'm shy and often behave in a socially awkward way. I'm fine with one on one meetings, but I suck in a group setting. I hate it when I have to adapt to the atmosphere of the group of people I do not know well. It's too forceful and unnatural.
    And is valued and 4D of course like , look at you go!!

    During my life I've been priced for my ideas, unusual ways of seeing things and creative abilities. I also have good skills when it comes to critical analysis and learning new things, I'm a fast learner and I can quickly understand new concepts.
    I like to come up with new ideas and to express myself in a creative way. I'm good with words, languages and creating a specific setting, atmosphere.
    Ambition - I think that people need to use their potential, they need to build their skills to become better and better and to truly explore the possibilities of their talent and gifts. I try to become the best version of myself possible and to achieve something worthy to fully realize my abilities. It really hurts me when I see people wasting their talent in meaningless jobs or simply doing nothing at all. I think everyone should try to get the best out of their lives.
    Originality - Their is nothing worse than wasting your own self for conformity. I believe that the best way to make everything better is to be open to new and unusual ideas, things and people. Otherwise world would stay the same and we would still live in the wild.
    Innovation - We should still try to make things better, even those that seem to work, experiment and explore new ways.
    Freedom - Everyone should be able to define their own sense of self, the world and their own path and values. None should be limited by society or other obligations when it comes to their own individuality. Everyone should be free to explore all the possibilities.
    Equality - Their should be no differences between people and everyone should be able to prove themselves and their worth in society no matter their background.
    Individualism - None should be forced to submit to the needs, expectations and opinions of others if it's not right for them. Defining your own sense of who you are is crucial imo. Be weird, be expressive, be scary, be whatever you wanna be. The stranger the better.
    I also like it when they are generally open to new information, care about what's going on around them, are open to explore new things. I like to explore everything but sometimes I'm too lazy and too much in my own head to keep track of all the things happening around me so I like someone to keep me in check and sometimes drag me out to explore some new places, something small is sometimes enough like an unusual exotic restaurant or an art gallery I've never been to. I really like traveling and visiting new contries as well.
    They would also probably say that I'm open to new things and adventurous. They also see me as intelligent and idealistic. For some I can also be childish and too impractical.

    PoLR, often compensated with :

    I like people who play based on their own rules and break stereotypes.
    I have a very complicated relationship with rules... I see them as too limiting and lot of them are useless, but then there are rules and regulations that do have some meaning. There's a part of me that feels like fighting against all the limits that are put on people, there is a true anarchist in me, but then...I do realize that we do need certain rules to be effective and to keep our lives on track. I just don't know which rules should I choose for myself, I need others to show me what regulations are meaningful and effective so I could keep myself in order. I'm a mess on the outside and on the inside as well. Sometimes when I try to organize my own self I get so stuck at useless details, like I feel like I need to plan every second of my day and if I do one thing wrong it's all worthless. I know this is not healthy, I need someone to show the middle ground.
    I'm very irresponsible and forgetful. I often promise things and later forget about it. I also don't see many things as a trouble. I'm careless, I do things at the last possible moment, I never do something just "to be on a safe side" I do things to be on a dangerous side and hope it will be fine. I'm sometimes just too lazy to care. I never do anything extra because I always get along just fine with a slacker work.
    SLI is required as a dual, judgments (hate, like, etc) and quest for are used to reach out:

    My boyfriend has to do the dishes in the house, otherwise we would probably die on some shitty disease from dirt. I never put anything at its place, never remember where I put it and usually waste a lot of time by searching for things like keys, phone, wallet etc..I tend to be late jut because I can't find anything.
    I'm very disorganized, I can't really force myself to doing things when I'm not in the mood. I'm a slave of my current whim.
    There's actually nothing weird that I would enjoy. Most of the things I see as a chore are really a chore. I don't like to do any sort of stereotypical brainwashing work. Like I know people who like to clean up or do gardening or repairing stuff at their house... I don't like any of these.
    Keeping my environment clean. I hate tidy places where everything is in order, it freaks me out, but I'm unable to even do my dishes. It's not like I don't want to...I just don't think about stuff like that untill everything is so dirty that I can just throw it out right away.
    I'm terrible at noticing my environment, people constantly need to notice me about things that are going on around me. I just don't see it...
    I also look for people who are educated and knowledgeable. I like it when they can teach me and show me new information, things I've never heard of before, facts I've never expected would be true...
    is weak and unvalued, perceived painfully in the super ego block just like above. is weak but valued in conjunction with :

    (I'm weak and hate myself for it.)
    Romantic relationship - I like men who are ambitious and want to get somewhere in ther life. I like it when they can motivate me to be active and hard working as well, but I hate it when they force it and don't respect my own need for a lot of rest and comfort.
    ^Notice the constant attitudes throughout as well. But EII is not probable since is vulnerable, is very strong unlike which isn't emphasized.

    I have to push myself into doing my writing and I often lack the discipline. Also my attention spam is quite short, I can't do one thing for very long and writing requars a lot of focused time and energy, which I often don't have.
    ... hence, all things LSI is good at are weak here. is more important than :

    I'm a slave of my current whim.
    explicitly valued, it is the mobilizing to help realize it's artistic potential and 's social vision:

    I'd definitely pay for a studio and record my own album. Then I'd make a huge marketing campaign to make sure people would know about me. Then I'd probably publish my book on my own expenses.
    Even though I study creative writing, I've always wanted to be a performing artist. I have a band and I want to make an album with them and go on tour. I'm not sure if this will be possible, but I still believe it will happen one day.
    I know that making money with art is difficult and it requires capital from somewhere else. I'd like to work as a journalist (I've already been published in news) and to make money for my art like this, because the work is still very creative and socially important. Bringing information to people is very nobel imo.
    I'd like to publish my own novel.

  4. #4
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    We're identicals, IEE!

    IEI doesn't fit, is valued while works in the background as the strong demonstrative:

    And is valued and 4D of course like , look at you go!!

    PoLR, often compensated with :

    SLI is required as a dual, judgments (hate, like, etc) and quest for are used to reach out:

    is weak and unvalued, perceived painfully in the super ego block just like above. is weak but valued in conjunction with :

    ^Notice the constant attitudes throughout as well. But EII is not probable since is vulnerable, is very strong unlike which isn't emphasized.

    ... hence, all things LSI is good at are weak here. is more important than :

    explicitly valued, it is the mobilizing to help realize it's artistic potential and 's social vision:
    Thank you very much for the analysis chae! I've thought about IEE before but there are some things that still don't fit. I know there are many things that seem very Ne and I realize which ones are those, but then there are some things about me I can't imagine an Ne person would actually do. I discussed the IEE type with my mom once and she told me that I'm definitely not like that, because those people seem to be active, corious and dynamic. While I'm more peacful, requairs a lot of rest and live in my own mind far more than in the outside world. That's the reason why I actually typed myself as Ni rather than Ne, even though both fit to a certain point.

    I also like new things, but because I live in my "own world" so much, I tend to miss what's going on in the actual one and miss on fun things. I need people who are more active and informed to tell me about interesting things happening around me, I don't naturally notice them as much as I imagine an IEE would.

    I'm also quite biased to be honest. I live in the world of my own subjective feelings toward things. Even though I like to try new things, sometimes it happenes to me that I don't try it out because it goes against me somehow. Idk... I tend to be fairly critical towards things I don't like without even trying them and it can be completelly irrational dislike.

    I'm also more like... I know things that I'm good at and things at which I just suck. I rather do the one thing I'm good at zillion times and I love to try different approaches and different points of view at that thing, but I wouldn't try anything totally new and unknown.

    I've also taken a Big 5 test and a professional psychologist told me that I'm a clear cut introvert. I know Big 5 and socionics aren't the same, but I'm truly very introverted and I make friends with lot of difficulities. I never approach anyone, I'm mostly quiet when I don't know people well and I'm very ofen totally spaced out and don't care about others.
    Last edited by huiheiwufhawriuhg; 08-29-2017 at 10:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    I'm also quite biased to be honest. I live in the world of my own subjective feelings toward things. Even though I like to try new things, sometimes it happenes to me that I don't try it out because it goes against me somehow. Idk... I tend to be fairly critical towards things I don't like without even trying them and it can be completelly irrational dislike.
    That's classic Fi lead.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
    Celebs [x] Theory [x] Tumblr [x]

    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    That's classic Fi lead.
    But then rationality doesn't fit me at all..'s a neverending quest

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Thank you very much for the analysis chae! I've thought about IEE before but there are some things that still don't fit. I know there are many things that seem very Ne and I realize which ones are those, but then there are some things about me I can't imagine an Ne person would actually do. I discussed the IEE type with my mom once and she told me that I'm definitely not like that, because those people seem to be active, corious and dynamic. While I'm more peacful, requairs a lot of rest and live in my own mind far more than in the outside world. That's the reason why I actually typed myself as Ni rather than Ne, even though bost fit to a certain point.

    I also like new things, but because I live in my "own world" so much, I tend to miss what's going on in the actual one and miss on fun things. I need people who are more active and informed to tell me about interesting things happening around me, I don't naturally notice them as much as I imagine an IEE would.

    I'm also quite biased to be honest. I live in the world of my own subjective feelings toward things. Even though I like to try new things, sometimes it happenes to me that I don't try it out because it goes against me somehow. Idk... I tend to be fairly critical towards things I don't like without even trying them and it can be completelly irrational dislike.

    I'm also more like... I know things that I'm good at and things at which I just suck. I rather do the one thing I'm good at zillion times and I love to try different approaches and different points of view at that thing, but I wouldn't try anything totally new and unknown.

    I've also taken a Big 5 test and a professional psychologist told me that I'm a clear cut introvert. I know Big 5 and socionics aren't the same, but I'm truly very introverted and I make friends with lot of difficulities. I never approach anyone, I'm mostly quiet when I don't know people well and I'm very ofen totally spaced out and don't care about others.
    No problem! You even deliver more evidence, too. is still intuition - inside, withdrawn from physical energy, and depending on - the peaceful, resting atmosphere. It IS your own world. Guess why IEE is called the Fantast or Dreamer. Extraverted intuition is only intense mental charge - ESE or SEE would be active, curious, dynamic, not IEE. Delta is at rest like that, we are the last quadra, the grandparents

    Your own subjective feelings toward things are pure . And of course you work that way, IEE is a static type! Liking or not liking is also .

    What you imagine a type to be is usually not how it works. versus here.

    Again, this is exactly how static goes about its business. Holographic-panoramic cognition, talent awareness, shifting perspectives, knowing what qualities you have and staying in this comfort zone (). is NEVER "I love to try different approaches and different points of view at that thing". For (dynamic element) there is only one way at a time. Something totally new or unknown does not exist, everything has been tried before in one way or another. It's about picking out what has potential and this is precisely what you do.

    Socionics introversion does not equal psychology introversion. Quiet, spaced out, to yourself: that is intuition with serious quada > merry. You are likely enneagram 4 or 9 so a more reclusive type without initiating energy. The sensing type (SLI dual in this case) still makes the first step, IEE's task is to show interest and establishing a bond when the liking is mutual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    No problem! You even deliver more evidence, too. is still intuition - inside, withdrawn from physical energy, and depending on - the peaceful, resting atmosphere. It IS your own world. Guess why IEE is called the Fantast or Dreamer. Extraverted intuition is only intense mental charge - ESE or SEE would be active, curious, dynamic, not IEE. Delta is at rest like that, we are the last quadra, the grandparents

    Your own subjective feelings toward things are pure . And of course you work that way, IEE is a static type! Liking or not liking is also .

    What you imagine a type to be is usually not how it works. versus here.

    Again, this is exactly how static goes about its business. Holographic-panoramic cognition, talent awareness, shifting perspectives, knowing what qualities you have and staying in this comfort zone (). is NEVER "I love to try different approaches and different points of view at that thing". For (dynamic element) there is only one way at a time. Something totally new or unknown does not exist, everything has been tried before in one way or another. It's about picking out what has potential and this is precisely what you do.

    Socionics introversion does not equal psychology introversion. Quiet, spaced out, to yourself: that is intuition with serious quada > merry. You are likely enneagram 4 or 9 so a more reclusive type without initiating energy. The sensing type (SLI dual in this case) still makes the first step, IEE's task is to show interest and establishing a bond when the liking is mutual.
    You actually do make a lot of sense! I think I need to seriusly consider IEE now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    That's classic Fi lead.

    Beware. If you type her as ESI, I'll call Chris Pratt to collect you. Yes, I have his number.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    You actually do make a lot of sense! I think I need to seriusly consider IEE now.
    Oki and thank you, please don't mention it dear. You could look into the Model A of IEE and then we'll have a second briefing if you like We could use a perspective on to double-check things, @peteronfireee is in charge of that maybe he's got some more input or corrections.

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    I didn't read the questionnaire but seeing as I've already seen a video of you, I still think you are IEI. Everything I've seen on this forum seems consistent with that also.

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    Seriously though. It is time to forget introspection and think what kind of interaction is the most pleasant or helpful for you based on the interactions you have had with people (and seen on the media).
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    You come off pretty introspective/deep/meaningful given your description, so IEI would make more sense.

    Some differences between IEE and IEI:

    -IEEs are warm and welcoming, IEI take time to warm to new people.
    -IEEs enjoy the spotlight, IEIs tend to shy away from it
    -IEEs often use humor to make light of a serious situation, whereas IEIs tend to delve deeper into them
    -IEEs tend to jump into new projects quickly, with feelings about it coming later as they have fluid value systems. IEIs, on the other hand, must determine how they feel before taking the project on. It has to match/be in line with the IEIs value systems first.

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    Fay, you are still in doubt of own type. Seriously? then fascinating
    INFP is evident for you

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    if all else fails you can still consider INFj instead

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    if all else fails you can still consider INFj instead
    "if all else fails you can still consider Unicorn instead"

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    Sorry it took me time to reply, I was traveling a lot, but finally I'm at home and I have time to think about this.

    I've read the IEE profile from Filatova and here are my thoughts:

    : I do relate to the fact that I'm predominantly energized by unusual and unique and ideas, people, ways of living, ways of seeing things etc. I'm also very open to new things and novel ways of doing something. I also relate to being good at predicting how people would react.

    I do not relate to the idea of flashing interests quickly. I've tried things that didn't last, because I wasn't good at them like skateboarding, playing a piano and making my clothes etc... I was too clumsy for all that, but then the interests that have lasted, lasted for many, many years. I've been writing since I was 7, I've been singing since I was 10, I've been acting since I was 8, I've been into psychology for the past 7 years etc... If I change my interest it's more about the fact that I'm simply not good at it, not because I'd be charmed by something new. As long as I am good at something I keep on doing it as long as I can, ussualy most of my life.
    I have trouble with finishing my projects though, because I like to discover new ways of doing one thing. For example I like to try out new methods of singing and before I can really master one I try out something new. Or I like to experiment with my writing so I start a novel, but I usually feel like it's not good enough anyway so I start something that seems to be better at the moment but I usually lost interest in that quite quickly as well.
    Sometimes I have obsession of trying doing one thing zillion different ways. For example socionics... I have trouble with typing myself because I see many ways of how the types can be interpret and I can't chose which one is the best so I try out differen types and different ways of looking at them. But then, it's still socionics it's not something totally new.
    When it comes to ideas, sometimes I can be very stubborn. Once I make up my mind about something, it can be difficult to persuade me I'm wrong. It's hard for me to admit my idea of something isn't right so I get stuck in my own point of view.
    I'm also not good at inspiring people. It's hard for me to inspire my own self as I tend to be more negativistic than positive about things. I see the bad in everything, so I need more positive people to teach me how to be more optimistic about life. I'd be quite a depressive inspirer.

    IEE easily makes contact with others and rapidly becomes the soul of the company. Is able to connect with spectators and students, and is ready to play with their attention.
    As I said before, I'm really shy and I never initiate contact with others. It can be even stressful for me to talk to people I don't know well. I like to be with people, but I feel a lot better with those I know well rather than making new friends as it makes me feel very insecure. I feel socially awkward.

    I relate to the fact that hide negative emotion to avoid judgement and conflict with other people. But I also don't fake anything, when I don't like someone I'm more passive agressive than anything else.
    IEE possesses the gift of inspiring those that surround her towards activities, which can be considered promising and revealing in the long-term.
    I'm very passive, melancholy and slow to act. I can't imagine inspiring people to action, I'm the one who needs someone to push me into doing things.
    I also do not feel the need to manipulate with people's mood. I mean... it just doesn't matter to me. It's very difficult for me to give a compliment as well, usually when I finally decide to give someone a compliment it means that the person is like, unbelievably good at something.
    I also tend to notice what's wrong with people before I notice what's good about them. When I come to a new group I'm usually like "Yeah, I hate you all, you all hate me too, let's get over this as soon as we can." I just don't feel good among people unless they prove themselves somehow. I'm nice and polite because I hate conflict, but that doesn't mean I actually like other people.
    Benevolence and optimism are generally inherent in people of this psycho-type. They are eager to offer aid, but one ought not to rely too heavily on their promises for they are often forgetful, and easily distracted by other people.
    This one actually fits, when I get close to someone I'm ready to be there for them 24/7 and I can offer my help and advice whenever they ask.
    By wonderfully understanding the moods of people IEE knows how to deftly avoid conflict, to extinguish such with a joke. But when the reason for conflict aligns with her inherent interests she may get caught up in the conflict, in such situations she acts actively and decisively.
    This one actually fits as well, I do get surprisingly rational and active whenever I face a trouble. I'm mostly moody and slow, but when I face an issue, I get super activated and can deal with anything quite effictively.

    : Oh wow, okay 100% me

    : This actually fits as well... I do think that strong and daring individuals are valued in society and I try to create this image as well, but then...I'm not very good at it to be honest. Some people who do not know me well fall for it.

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    @peteronfireeeI think this is more about beta vs delta values than about IEE vs IEI
    @Sol I'm most definitely an INFP, if I'm an INFp as well is uncertain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    I'm most definitely an INFP, if I'm an INFp as well is uncertain.
    Your type is IEI / INFP.

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    @Fay Your pics I saw before seem closest to IEI-Ni. Spaced-out, not very feely, and not very present at all.

    This would fit things in this questionnaire indicating N lead for you. Very strong emphasis on N anyway.

    Ti seeking
    "I have a very complicated relationship with rules... I see them as too limiting and lot of them are useless, but then there are rules and regulations that do have some meaning. There's a part of me that feels like fighting against all the limits that are put on people, there is a true anarchist in me, but then...I do realize that we do need certain rules to be effective and to keep our lives on track. I just don't know which rules should I choose for myself, I need others to show me what regulations are meaningful and effective so I could keep myself in order. I'm a mess on the outside and on the inside as well. Sometimes when I try to organize my own self I get so stuck at useless details, like I feel like I need to plan every second of my day and if I do one thing wrong it's all worthless. I know this is not healthy, I need someone to show the middle ground."

    Se seeking
    "I'm not good at standing up for myself. I used to be even worse as a child and my peers liked to make fun of me because of that. I can't really say mean stuff to other people, even when I want to, I just can't. I often need someone else to stand up for me and save the situation or I just find my own little shell and feel sorry for myself. I'm not really a fighter."

    For bonus, Si "seeking" with some more Ti seeking
    "I'm very messy, like I let glasses to catch a mold and only them wash them and shitty stuff like that...My boyfriend has to do the dishes in the house, otherwise we would probably die on some shitty disease from dirt. I never put anything at its place, never remember where I put it and usually waste a lot of time by searching for things like keys, phone, wallet etc..I tend to be late jut because I can't find anything."

    So, whatever

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    @Fay Your pics I saw before seem closest to IEI-Ni. Spaced-out, not very feely, and not very present at all.

    This would fit things in this questionnaire indicating N lead for you. Very strong emphasis on N anyway.

    Ti seeking
    "I have a very complicated relationship with rules... I see them as too limiting and lot of them are useless, but then there are rules and regulations that do have some meaning. There's a part of me that feels like fighting against all the limits that are put on people, there is a true anarchist in me, but then...I do realize that we do need certain rules to be effective and to keep our lives on track. I just don't know which rules should I choose for myself, I need others to show me what regulations are meaningful and effective so I could keep myself in order. I'm a mess on the outside and on the inside as well. Sometimes when I try to organize my own self I get so stuck at useless details, like I feel like I need to plan every second of my day and if I do one thing wrong it's all worthless. I know this is not healthy, I need someone to show the middle ground."

    Se seeking
    "I'm not good at standing up for myself. I used to be even worse as a child and my peers liked to make fun of me because of that. I can't really say mean stuff to other people, even when I want to, I just can't. I often need someone else to stand up for me and save the situation or I just find my own little shell and feel sorry for myself. I'm not really a fighter."

    For bonus, Si "seeking" with some more Ti seeking
    "I'm very messy, like I let glasses to catch a mold and only them wash them and shitty stuff like that...My boyfriend has to do the dishes in the house, otherwise we would probably die on some shitty disease from dirt. I never put anything at its place, never remember where I put it and usually waste a lot of time by searching for things like keys, phone, wallet etc..I tend to be late jut because I can't find anything."

    So, whatever
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.
    I think your idea of is quite on-point there. Again, I find this description is a very good insight on the mind of an Fi lead (and SO blindspot).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    I think your idea of is quite on-point there. Again, I find this description is a very good insight on the mind of an Fi lead (and SO blindspot).
    Do you think I might be an EII?

    It's funny you say SO last, because I actually type as so/sx. I decided to type as social first because I value things like social prestige and status and I care about social causes such as politics, human rights, global issues a lot. I think of people based on what group they belong to rather than thinking about their individual qualities. I associate the individual with other people they like to meet and spend time with and often judge them based on that. I also have this thinking that I actually do want to belong to some group of people, more than others do, I'm just overly critical about what enviroment fits me. I care a lot about how other people see me, what sort of impression I make and how I fit or don't fit within a group. I have the classic shame orrientation mixed with fear of humiliation and rejection. I type as 4w3 so/sx. I think sp is my blind spot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Do you think I might be an EII?

    It's funny you say SO last, because I actually type as so/sx. I decided to type as social first because I value things like social prestige and status and I care about social causes such as politics, human rights, global issues a lot. I think of people based on what group they belong to rather than thinking about their individual qualities. I associate the individual with other people they like to meet and spend time with and often judge them based on that. I also have this thinking that I actually do want to belong to some group of people, more than others do, I'm just overly critical about what enviroment fits me. I care a lot about how other people see me, what sort of impression I make and how I fit or don't fit within a group. I have the classic shame orrientation mixed with fear of humiliation and rejection. I type as 4w3 so/sx. I think sp is my blind spot.
    Ah okay, then it is the behavior of a not so healthy SO first person. Unhealthy SO first can act like SO blindspot sometimes.

    Based on what you've said prior, I would say the only options are EII and ESI, aka Fi lead.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.
    What was your problem with EII? (You don't come off as a typical EII for sure, btw. Let alone ESI)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    (You don't come off as a typical EII for sure, btw. Let alone ESI)
    As a Type 4, she wouldn't.

    The stereotypical Enneagram for ESI in the "literature" is 6w5, for EII it is 9w1, for IEI it is Type 4.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What was your problem with EII? (You don't come off as a typical EII for sure, btw. Let alone ESI)
    I know I'm not a typical EII, but I feel like I'm not a typical anything. I'm sorry I'm making this so difficult... I know there's no type that fits 100%, but I always find things that go right against who I am in everytype I guess.

    The very core of EII doesn't feel right. I don't make judgements about what is good or evil, what is moral and what is not. I don't judge people based on their morality, there are things far more imrpotant to me like how capeable, usefull, sucesfull, intelligent, smart etc... the person is than how good or bad they are. The whole concept of good and evil is so vague I don't think it really exists. I don't judge people for their actions, because I feel like they should do whatever they want as long they are happy and are not hurting anyone. People have told me many times before that they feel like they can tell me anything and I stay always open and nonjudgmental to them.
    I can be very critical when people fail to meet my intellectual standards, when they prove themselves to be close-minded, shallow etc... But as a friend you come to me and tell that you've just cheated on your girlfriend with three different women at once and I won't judge you. I's your thing not mine. If you want emotional support I'll be there.

    I also don't feel the need to take care of other people. I value friendship and good relationships with others, but I'm that friend you call to a house party to get drunk with and to sing songs in front of a fire place rather than a friend you call out to ask for an advice.

    I don't know maybe I'm a weird EII with non-ethical standards or very vague moral limits.

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    @Fay, you are unique.

    But basically, that makes you an IEI-Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Fay, you are unique.

    But basically, that makes you an IEI-Ni.

    That sucks

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    There are more than one concept for NiFe based on what would could expect from the interaction between the two functional mindsets.

    Concept 1) Guided primary by inner visions and perceptions of reality. Undifferentiated Ni. (NiX) This overlaps with ILI and IEI.

    Concept 2) Still primarily guided by perception, but gives the impression that their emotions highly influence their decisions. May or may not be outwardly very expressive. Ni-IEI

    Concept 3) Very emotionally expressive with flashes of insight. Prefers to actively manipulate the emotional environment Fe-IEI

    Concept 4) Very emotionally expressive, neurotic, and perceived as more negative. This is very much like the FiNe in MBTI in presentation. The only real difference is the emphasis on perception and not the feelings themselves. There is a building of inner worlds of perception and feeling, but this is MBTI Fi heavy and not Socionics Fi (NiFeFi, with Fi being MBTI Fi, or NiFx). Overlaps with some aspects of ILI. This last concept is the most difficult to articulate.
    Last edited by Skepsis; 09-06-2017 at 03:01 PM.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeptitron View Post
    There are more than one concept for NiFe based on what would could expect from the interaction between the two functional mindsets.

    Concept 1) Guided primary by inner visions and perceptions of reality. Undifferentiated Ni. (NiX) This overlaps with ILI and IEI.

    Concept 2) Still primarily guided by perception, but gives the impression that their emotions highly influence their decisions. May or may not be outwardly very expressive. Ni-IEI

    Concept 3) Very emotionally expressive with flashes of insight. Prefers to actively manipulate the emotional environment Fe-IEI

    Concept 4) Very emotionally expressive, neurotic, and perceived as more negative. This is very much like the FiNe in MBTI in presentation. The only real difference is the emphasis on perception and not the feelings themselves. There is a building of inner worlds of perception and feeling, but this is MBTI Fi heavy and not Socionics Fi (NiFeFi, with Fi being MBTI Fi, or NiFx). Overlaps with some aspects of ILI. This last concept is the most difficult to articulate.
    Do you have this analysis for FeNi too? I'm curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    I know I'm not a typical EII, but I feel like I'm not a typical anything. I'm sorry I'm making this so difficult... I know there's no type that fits 100%, but I always find things that go right against who I am in everytype I guess.

    The very core of EII doesn't feel right. I don't make judgements about what is good or evil, what is moral and what is not. I don't judge people based on their morality, there are things far more imrpotant to me like how capeable, usefull, sucesfull, intelligent, smart etc... the person is than how good or bad they are. The whole concept of good and evil is so vague I don't think it really exists. I don't judge people for their actions, because I feel like they should do whatever they want as long they are happy and are not hurting anyone. People have told me many times before that they feel like they can tell me anything and I stay always open and nonjudgmental to them.
    I can be very critical when people fail to meet my intellectual standards, when they prove themselves to be close-minded, shallow etc... But as a friend you come to me and tell that you've just cheated on your girlfriend with three different women at once and I won't judge you. I's your thing not mine. If you want emotional support I'll be there.

    I also don't feel the need to take care of other people. I value friendship and good relationships with others, but I'm that friend you call to a house party to get drunk with and to sing songs in front of a fire place rather than a friend you call out to ask for an advice.

    I don't know maybe I'm a weird EII with non-ethical standards or very vague moral limits.
    You sound like IEI lol

    You'd totally fit with an SLE based on that description (Sorry, some bad stereotypes, but it does fit here to show what you have a focus on and what you don't, in terms of Socionics IEs)

    Interestingly enough, the way your emotionality is (as described earlier) doesn't fit some of the more nuanced Socionics model, let alone Reinin, but I guess that's no surprise anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    I don't like to influence other's mood
    You need love relations with SLE. They'll make you behave naturally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Do you have this analysis for FeNi too? I'm curious.
    I do not have one articulated.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.
    First I want to say that so much of what you post just vibes 4w5 with 9 fix, to me, plus you seem very NF > SF. It means people have to go way deeper with you, in particular, due to the complexity, and decipher the clues that reveal your lead function because it mostly points to Fi ego due to the strong 4 traits always on display. Some quadra values seem delta, a few seem beta in this thread. Nothing that I think points to ESI since you have very low Se. I have seen your videos. You seem more devaluing of some beta aspects like Fe, and somewhat Se, across all your threads. In past threads it felt like you had more visceral reactions to the suggestions of beta NF than to delta NF. This is kind of noteworthy. At first glance you pass for IEI just fine. There are many things you say that I can really relate to but once I try to go deeper...lines start to blur again.

    Having read several of your typing threads, I think an important element is you do kind of devalue beta quadra more than delta. Not in a way that devalues the individuals though. I think you have mentioned many things that point to you feeling more "at home" with the idea of delta and gamma types, intellectually. I also take into account your friend's description of you and how he too thought delta > beta. I went through one of your threads and mentioned a lot of things that I related to and suggested beta NF but you kind of debated my suggestions of beta NF a bit more strongly than I thought you would so it made want to back off since I felt I was kind of intruding on your personal space/boundaries by mentioning those things. In all your threads there wasn't much you revealed to concretely distinguish one NF from another though, other than low conscientiousness traits. Mostly the E type 4 individuality, creativity, introverted tendencies, etc.. so it might just come down to quadra values and perhaps who you feel most comfortable talking with, other delta or beta NFs. I feel more comfortable talking with beta NFs. I feel more on guard around delta NFs and censor myself more.

    Moving on... I may have thought so/sx for you on first impression (from things you wrote) but that was before seeing your tumblr which skewed things a bit. I thought you vibed more sp/sx after seeing it and listening to you sing. Tumblr is a bad way to type, I know, but I was looking for clues. If you are IEI then I would think you are sp/sx and 4w5 which would explain why you value your individuality more than any quadra values or Fe.

    I suppose if you are EII-Ne then there is more room to play with 4w5 so/sx (or even 4w3) but (this gives me a headache to verbally explain how it all could work if you move a piece here or there. lol) it would make some sense of the social status stuff, associating people with their groups, etc... which can appear more beta-like, on the surface, than delta. Also I feel Ne sub can be less judgmental of people's moral than the Fi subtype and easier to talk to. 9 in tritype might make you less conscientious and more spacey too. My sister is 469 sp/sx and more self absorbed, spacey and a bit less conscientious than the Fi subtype. She is an MBTI INFP too (no sol). She and I are very similar, in many ways, so the biggest difference between us is our perspectives on things (Ni vs Fi) and quadra values.

    Our interests overlap but we interpret the same information differently. She is more judgmental than me but I can admit when I am just being a judgmental bitch and not pretend I am taking the high ground. She will deny judging, and appear to take the moral high ground, sometimes, even though it is evident to me she is still judging someone. I think it is due her core 9 influence desire to be free from conflict and maintain her peace that makes her more silent about it. She will admit to being judgmental in hindsight but in the moment her Fi makes her less objective so she doesn't see it for what it is until later.

    She told me I have helped her be less judgmental of other peoples choices, especially those that don't affect her. Side by side you can tell that we perceive the world through different lenses but "on paper" we look more similar. She appears to be more tolerant and seems to be more emotionally supportive than I am but I don't know how true that is. If you have done something that violates her personal ethics/morals she takes a long time to get over it, if ever. She struggles more with letting things go, forgiving, things of that nature and that is no doubt a product of her strong valued introverted feeling plus 4 and 6 in tritype. She doesn't care about influencing the emotional atmosphere either as long as she is at peace she is fine. If she isn't she won't hide it because you can see it coming off of her, a look on her face...

    We often teased her that she was the old lady in our family. She takes naps after eating which isn't type related but something she does a lot as she gets drained quickly from all her mental and creative activities throughout the day. She places more value on satisfying her introverted sensing, than me, like going to take bubble baths to unwind, at the same time every night, where she can smoke some weed, relax and read a book. Her husband often told her to just go relax in the bath and he would take care of things. She appreciates stuff like that a lot. Someone to give her permission to wind down and take over for her with the kid(s) and give her some peace. She gets lost in her creative work too and forgets to eat all day, not because she sees it as a chore, like me. She loves food and orders a variety of stuff to try when given the opportunity but eats very little of everything. It is family time for her. It is also clear she doesn't value Fe but she has lightened up the past couple years and will indulge us now and then which is fun to see her more expressive. She is also more patient than me when people come to her for emotional support. Her advice is given from an Ne perspective ,which makes sense for an EII but she is not as helpful at providing concrete steps to take or giving someone a single direction when that is what they seek. She is an excellent listener and if all you need is empathy from an Fi lead she is the one to go to.

    I think I may have also suggested IEE later after seeing a picture of you in a thread or maybe I said you reminded me of an IEE. If you are IEE it would have to be the more introverted subtype. The only issue I see with EII is that they are more conscientious than you, even the Ne subtype. My sister is messy but she is too health conscious to ever let mold grow on her dishes. I think she would be horrified but I would just be grossed out by it. lol My ESI roommate was horrified too once and threw all our dishes away because I didn't do them (it was my turn) before leaving for a few days. I came home late on like the third day and went to bed. The next morning I woke to noise, a bit of ranting, and her telling me she threw away every dish and that from then on only paper plates. I thought it was a stupid move on her part and a waste of money but I said fine. I rarely ate at home anyway but I was irritated that she didn't just do them and let me do them the next couple times. That's what I would have done. Guess her anger got the best of her. My sister also makes a deal when people don't clean up after themselves. Makes her pretty upset but she holds back some, unlike the ESI. She pouts more than rants.

    This is probably not very helpful for figuring out your type but it helped me clear up some things I was conflicted about before. I always liked you so doesn't matter to me what quadra you ultimately choose, if any, but I think that Ne might be making it harder to pick a best fit type for yourself but best fit is all you can really do with these systems and you could make yourself nuts if looking for something that concretely proves that you are one type over another. I think you will sort it soon enough though, by looking within. No one can tell you who you are and it is very obvious that you do not want anyone to tell you who you are either.

    Wow, I can't believe I wrote so much but I think it is because I have followed several of you typing threads over the years.
    Last edited by Aylen; 09-06-2017 at 07:55 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    @Aylen Thank you very much for your post!

    I admit that there some prejudices that I carry for beta quadra and those might make this typing process difficult. I think that I might have overly idealized delta for myself instead of really critically looking at the quadra traits. I've read your posts too and I think that I actually relate to you very much even though our conversation has never been really personal.
    Seeing how enneagram can influence the type in so many ways doesn't help either. I mean, I think the same way you do about my type. I create different possible connections of the types and explore how they could work for me and they all do work to a certain point. That's why it's so hard to choose.

    I have to admit that I'm judgmental, but I'm not sure if I'm judgemental in Fi way. In many cases when you say that you have certain standards for people, everyone goes "oh that's Fi". While I don't think that standards automatically mean introverted ethics. Everyone has "standards" and they can be anything from beauty, success to how many people you killed tonight.
    I for example judge people based on how they look a lot. How original their style is, what sort of style they wear and how much I personally like it, how easthetically pleasing and eccentric they look. (It seems to be shallow, but I think that this impression can tell you about 90% about someone's personality if you know how to read the signs well enough.) Then I judge people based on how intelligent they seem to be, how much they've read throughout their life, how much they know about politics, history etc. Then I judge them based on how much into depth I can go with them in different topics and how much they can process difficult information. It doesn't have to be intellectual, it can be emotional as well, I just like to test people's depth when I decide if they're good friends or not. Then I judge them based on their interests, what things they enjoy doing and how much I can relate to their hobbies or how useful they can be for me to develop my own skills. And that's about it... This is how judgemental I am. Sometimes it enough that the person meets just one of these standards and I can be friends with them.

    What you wrote about you sister's Si is about the right opposite of me. I have one thing that really complicated a lot of stuff for me and that is... a never ending nervous energy. Even when I'm physically inactive I still feel like there is something that I should do, there's something that's going to happen or something that I should make happen and I can never really get into a state of full relaxation. This inner nervous feeling also makes me scattered and seemigly spaced out. I'm very impatient and I don't really have the nerve for taking long bubble baths or smoking weed. Like I said, I'm lazy and often inactive, but on the inside I always feel like I'm on the go or like I should be on the go. Slow things that require a lot of my attention and patience literally anger me. Same thing about music, art, movies etc... I want things to happen, I want them to happen fast and I hate to wait.
    When people tell me they like to take bubble baths, I usually feel like it's very nice that they do it and I probably should do it too. I envy people who can relax like that and I sometimes force myself to do it as well, but it's just so unnatural for me I can't do it for very long. When I really relax and enjoy my time I usually do two things:

    1. Stare into an empty space and listen to music in one weird stooped position until my back hurts so much I can't move anymore, but I never notice until it's too late because I usually get so drawn in my own fantasies that I totally lost track of anything else.
    2. I hang out with my friends, drink beer, wine, talk, listen to the music and sing our favorite songs until late at night. It used to be more wild when I was single, well I can't get as wild as I wish anymore.
    And I notice a funny thing about my energy... I'm very lazy, but once I actually start to do something I can go on for much longer time than other people, I rarely feel tired if I do something that really excites me.

    There's also a part of me that believes that a person should be able to experience everything once. I hate to feel like I'm running out of time to experience life to the fullest and waste time with activities that are not exciting and stimulating enough. I don't know...there's a part of me that likes it when things get wild and intense and I hate to feel like I miss on opportunities to experience adventures. But I also feel like there's never enough excitement in real life so I create fake stories full of intensity to fulfill my need to experience them in real life. I get bored so easily when things get stable, harmonious and stereotypical. Even when everything is really fine I just need to feel like I do something out of lines, something that should not be done, or something that is at least a little dangerous. But creating such situations with real spark is so difficult, my imagination is just better at it than the real world.
    Last edited by huiheiwufhawriuhg; 09-06-2017 at 08:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    What you wrote about you sister's Si is about the right opposite of me. I have one thing that really complicated a lot of stuff for me and that is... a never ending nervous energy. Even when I'm physically inactive I still feel like there is something that I should do, there's something that's going to happen or something that I should make happen and I can never really get into a state of full relaxation. This inner nervous feeling also makes me scattered and seemigly spaced out. I'm very impatient and I don't really have the nerve for taking long bubble baths or smoking weed. Like I said, I'm lazy and often inactive, but on the inside I always feel like I'm on the go or like I should be on the go. Slow things that require a lot of my attention and patience literally anger me. Same thing about music, art, movies etc... I want things to happen, I want them to happen fast and I hate to wait.
    When people tell me they like to take bubble baths, I usually feel like it's very nice that they do it and I probably should do it too. I envy people who can relax like that and I sometimes force myself to do it as well, but it's just so unnatural for me I can't do it for very long. When I really relax and enjoy my time I usually do two things:

    1. Stare into an empty space and listen to music in one weird stooped position until my back hurts so much I can't move anymore, but I never notice until it's too late because I usually get so drawn in my own fantasies that I totally lost track of anything else.
    2. I hang out with my friends, drink beer, wine, talk, listen to the music and sing our favorite songs until late at night. It used to be more wild when I was single, well I can't get as wild as I wish anymore.
    And I notice a funny thing about my energy... I'm very lazy, but once I actually start to do something I can go on for much longer time than other people, I rarely feel tired if I do something that really excites me.
    This type of consciousness that you are describing sounds like the opposite to Si, that is, Ne. Ni is more passive compared to Ne. So idk, maybe that's why the emotionality was off for IEI, if you are actually really IEE like @Chae noted earlier. I also used to consider IEE for you because of some stuff in your older type threads.

    Well anyway, if you think this is your dominant consciousness, this should be more relevant to type than anything else so far. Does this help?

    There's also a part of me that believes that a person should be able to experience everything once. I hate to feel like I'm running out of time to experience life to the fullest and waste time with activities that are not exciting and stimulating enough. I don't know...there's a part of me that likes it when things get wild and intense and I hate to feel like I miss on opportunities to experience adventures. But I also feel like there's never enough excitement in real life so I create fake stories full of intensity to fulfill my need to experience them in real life. I get bored so easily when things get stable, harmonious and stereotypical. Even when everything is really fine I just need to feel like I do something out of lines, something that should not be done, or something that is at least a little dangerous. But creating such situations with real spark is so difficult, my imagination is just better at it than the real world.
    This bit is weird to me, you said earlier that you are focused on one thing rather than many which sounded like Ni... until you described your mental state above. And now this also doesn't sound like you just focus on one thing.

    Look at this too:

    Dreamer - It's very curious, inwardly rebellious people. Warmly defending their intellectual convictions, but compliant and bear grudges for practical or material matters. It has a strong associative and imaginative perception. Full of ideas and proposals are not very practical. Smart and resourceful. Quickly noticed the relationship between seemingly different phenomena. Always see a lot of ways to solve problems and can solve them quite unexpected ways to others. Rather impulsive, despite the obsession with any new idea, it is not always enough patience to bring the follow through, and it often interferes in the achievement of life goals. Aversion to monotony, routine, templates and regulations. Constantly it is in opposition to the existing order, reluctant to compromise on that principle, but may lose interest in the situation, if it is not resolved quickly for him and switch to another.

    Forecaster - People with a developed intuition, which enables it to penetrate the thoughts of the past or future and to anticipate the outcome of certain events. He is peculiar dissatisfaction reality and the desire to change it. Therefore, it tends to self-improvement and is never satisfied with the achieved. Hence - increased requirements for self and others. In search of the elusive harmony is self-contradictory, and prone to constant doubt, because of what often turns his attention is distracted by new ideas or things. Interested phenomena of the world, trying to understand its patterns and predict future developments. Has a tendency to brooding about the laws of the universe, is interested in the moral and philosophical or religious issues, the search for truth and harmony in the world. It's quite an original person, but because of the amorphous temperament, unpredictability and uncertainty in the performance of their obligations often causes polar assessment of his personality.

    Can you compare these two for yourself and describe that comparison?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This type of consciousness that you are describing sounds like the opposite to Si, that is, Ne. Ni is more passive compared to Ne. So idk, maybe that's why the emotionality was off for IEI, if you are actually really IEE like @Chae noted earlier. I also used to consider IEE for you because of some stuff in your older type threads.

    Well anyway, if you think this is your dominant consciousness, this should be more relevant to type than anything else so far. Does this help?

    This bit is weird to me, you said earlier that you are focused on one thing rather than many which sounded like Ni... until you described your mental state above. And now this also doesn't sound like you just focus on one thing.

    Look at this too:

    Dreamer - It's very curious, inwardly rebellious people. Warmly defending their intellectual convictions, but compliant and bear grudges for practical or material matters. It has a strong associative and imaginative perception. Full of ideas and proposals are not very practical. Smart and resourceful. Quickly noticed the relationship between seemingly different phenomena. Always see a lot of ways to solve problems and can solve them quite unexpected ways to others. Rather impulsive, despite the obsession with any new idea, it is not always enough patience to bring the follow through, and it often interferes in the achievement of life goals. Aversion to monotony, routine, templates and regulations. Constantly it is in opposition to the existing order, reluctant to compromise on that principle, but may lose interest in the situation, if it is not resolved quickly for him and switch to another.

    Forecaster - People with a developed intuition, which enables it to penetrate the thoughts of the past or future and to anticipate the outcome of certain events. He is peculiar dissatisfaction reality and the desire to change it. Therefore, it tends to self-improvement and is never satisfied with the achieved. Hence - increased requirements for self and others. In search of the elusive harmony is self-contradictory, and prone to constant doubt, because of what often turns his attention is distracted by new ideas or things. Interested phenomena of the world, trying to understand its patterns and predict future developments. Has a tendency to brooding about the laws of the universe, is interested in the moral and philosophical or religious issues, the search for truth and harmony in the world. It's quite an original person, but because of the amorphous temperament, unpredictability and uncertainty in the performance of their obligations often causes polar assessment of his personality.

    Can you compare these two for yourself and describe that comparison?
    Thanks for the descriptions, I've read them and my thoughts are:

    Dreamer - I do see myself as a rebellious person. When I see gaps in the system that don't seem to work I try to think about how things could be done differently and how the society could be improved. This shows as general tendency to go against rules I see as useless or disfunctional, to stubbornly stand behind my own opinions and to feel the need to go against the generalizations and stereotypes.
    I also like to read and learn about new things and I like to get into intellectual discussions and even arguments to exercise my wit. I don't see intellectual arguments as something personal, rather take them quite rationally and I can appear quite skilled in logic when I argue with other people (which is not really the case in anything else). I also like to notice relationships and connections between concepts, ideas, theories, thoughts etc...
    I like to think about novel ways of how to solve issues, how to make things better for everyone.
    I'm not sure about novel ideas though... I'm more obessed with my own thing and I don't like when others try to push their ideas on me. I like tot things my own way and I'm critical towards novelity that doesn't come from myself. I know it sounds egocentric, but I tend to be critical towards many things and ideas. I see gaps in everything and I can crticize right away. I also often miss the motivation and will power to strat the new project. Even though I do often feel the need to strat something new, I get discouraged very easily.
    As I said many times before I don't have the patience for monotony work and details. I don't like to do the small follow through choruses, I like to get right to the big issues at hand and dislike it when I have to deal with something that seems to be meaningless or requairs a lot of hard work on something small that doesn't promise result right away.

    Forecaster - I'm more concerned with meaning and personal significance of events than their outcome. But I very much relate to the fact that I feel dissatisfied with the reality and I want to change it. I've thought many times about how the world could work better, what could be done to change it for a better future for all the people and I've made a lot of political, economic and philosophical plans about how things could be done differently.
    I'm obsessed with how good and how close to my ideal I'm. I constantly beat myself up if I fail to meet my standards, if I feel like I'm not good enough for my own self. I feel like there's always something about me I need to improve, something that could be done better and differently.
    I have very high requirements of self and others and I often have issues with opening up to people or making new friends if I fee like they don't meet my standards. I have even been called arrogant for my approach to others, but I'm just as harsh on my own self.
    I feel like I'm constantly torn between something, perfection, imperfection, ideal, reality, dreams, real life etc... I feel like I'm always in doubt because it's very hard for me to feel consistant and whole about my decissions. I always see zillion different ways of how one thing could be and I can never make up my mind about which way is the final one so I constantly feel torn between many decisions at once. You can see that in socionics and my inability to decide on type, because I just see too many ways of how I could be and it's so hard to chose the final version of "me."
    I have existential anxiety to the point of panic attacks and physical sickness. I'm obsessed with existentialism, nihilism and searching for meaning and the ultimate point of everything and everyone. At my worst I analyze everything to the smallest details to the point it all loses any sense and I feel like I drawn in eternal meaninglesness of everything. I wish I could believe in something spiritual, but I've analyzed it so much nothing religious make any sense to me. I constantly think about evulution, the way we strive to survive, the way we work as a community because it's the only way of survival of our spieces. How our emotions are just there because they are evolutionary beneficial, how people who seem not be beneficial for the humanity survive, what's the point of survival and a point of human value...etc. It's crazy...
    I've been told in the past that I'm not like other people, that I'm different, that I see world differently than most etc... I see it as a gift and as a curse at the same time.
    I'm usually very inactive and lazy, but once I get really inspired by something I tend to be obsessed with my idea and perform more work than anyone else. I'm usually very inactive, but I have days of sudden sparks of activity and childlike temper.

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    @Fay yeahh a lot of Intuition leaning towards Ne. I looked quick at your 80q btw. Goes with IEE alright.
    @Chae just out of curiosity, how are you with getting or not getting into a state of full relaxation that Fay talked about earlier?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.
    This seems consistent with IEI. Fe is not always about influencing others' emotions, it's also about your own personal expression, like how you were talking about your artistic pursuits in your questionnaire. "defining your sense of who you are" is 100% NiFe.

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