Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
The reason that a man in the same company, department and position as a woman gets paid more (on average) is simple - men work longer hours. In particular, men are more likely to do overtime and shifts at night. I can understand why women might not want to do overtime or night shifts, but the truth is that you will get paid more if you put in the hours.

Most people will judge you on your actions, not on what you say. If you have ever been around a group of men like me, you'll realise that from nerds to jocks, sexual humor is how we create a cheerful, playful atmosphere. Flirtatious advances towards a girl are not in any way equivalent to rape. Seeing you want to pursue the Socionics angle, one of the defining characteristics of Delta Quadra is their aversion to emotional gradeur and theatricality. They hate shock value humor and dislike people who boast, exaggerate and self-promote. Alphas and Betas tend to piss off Deltas for this reason.

So you absolutely don't speak for all women any more than I speak for all men, including on this forum. Many women enjoy shock value, sexually vivid humor and some of them have been quite open to me about their desires. In fact, you have let on more than you perhaps realise. I already know that you have a breeding fetish, and that's made me kind of curious

My advice to you is to change your mentality. Instead of reacting angrily to a man's dirty jokes, take them as a sign that he is interested in getting to know you. You might be pleasantly surprised.

You have a right to not be punched, kicked, humiliated and raped. You also have a right to not be personally attacked or defamed.

However you absolutely do not have the right to stop me from telling sex jokes. Are we clear?
The big cock has spoken