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Thread: What does people don't like about SEE and IEE?

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    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    Not really. Logics =/= being good at math and logic.
    I didn't even mention or refer to math, so don't put words into my mouth I didn't say...

    Having said that, to answer your implicit question, it's simply like this: Those people who are the best at math are generally Logical. Those who are the worst at it are generally Ethical. But that doesn't mean that every Logical is going to be great at math, and that every Ethical is going to suck at it. There are exceptions etc. So there is not a direct causation, but a clear correlation, imo.

    The same principle would apply to Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Those with the highest EQ will generally be Ethical etc., but not every Ethical will have a great EQ, and not every Logical person will have a bad one. Etc.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    I didn't even mention or refer to math, so don't put words into my mouth I didn't say...

    Having said that, to answer your implicit question, it's simply like this: Those people who are the best at math are generally Logical. Those who are the worst at it are generally Ethical. But that doesn't mean that every Logical is going to be great at math, and that every Ethical is going to suck at it. There are exceptions etc. So there is not a direct causation, but a clear correlation, imo.

    The same principle would apply to Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Those with the highest EQ will generally be Ethical etc., but not every Ethical will have a great EQ, and not every Logical person will have a bad one. Etc.
    Fun facts: I met lots of ExEs who rocked maths more than the logical types back in school. They probably tried to master their inferior function/ induldged in it.
    I am also fairly certain that most of the best types at school were ethical and not necessarily logical. Many IEIs and SEIs I know were extremely good at it.

    But yeah logical types have more of a knack for logical and technical stuff obviously.

    Even though I am highly aware of others' feelings and how and why they feel that way (and their feeelings definitely influence me and my mood), I wouldn't say I am always emotionally intelligent. Might be my cruel/ selfish Beta streak. I find Alpha Sfs often more emotionally intelligent than me and I met many logical types who were by far better at handling people than me.
    Last edited by dot; 08-30-2017 at 03:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    I didn't even mention or refer to math, so don't put words into my mouth I didn't say...

    Having said that, to answer your implicit question, it's simply like this: Those people who are the best at math are generally Logical. Those who are the worst at it are generally Ethical. But that doesn't mean that every Logical is going to be great at math, and that every Ethical is going to suck at it. There are exceptions etc. So there is not a direct causation, but a clear correlation, imo.

    The same principle would apply to Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Those with the highest EQ will generally be Ethical etc., but not every Ethical will have a great EQ, and not every Logical person will have a bad one. Etc.
    That wasn't an implicit question at all though. I was saying that logical goes way beyond those kinds of things. Pretty much anyone can go off and learn calculus if they want, because that's like a skill. Logics is more like a way of being that you can't compensate for just by learning math and programming or whatever, and you definitely can't compensate for by using calculators.

    Here's an example: I posted Bertolt Brecht's Insufficiency Song a while back. It's just like "you're not clever enough or unpretentious enough, you're not bad or good enough to amount to anything." That's completely contradictory from a Ti-perspective, but from an Fe-perspective you're just evaluating things as good or bad without as much attention to the actual qualities. I thought he really believed what he was saying in the song and just trying to make an actual point about the insufficiency of human striving that I thought felt wrong until I learned what the context was and was like "oooooh..." Then after that I really liked the song because it reminded me it's impossible to be "just bad" (or "just good"), while before then I tended to think of things as being just bad and good a lot. That's a lot more significant than just being good at science or whatever. The fact that you don't see that makes me think you're probably a Logical type.

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