Quote Originally Posted by rockingdom
You know buddy, if you actually had a point, your pathetic attempts at condescending might work on some people but I may as well tell you, it's wasted on me.
First, you asked for it by the way you acted - "go fuck a goat" etc, and by your arrogant manner. That is why I acted in a condescending manner. You had no right to expect anything else.

Quote Originally Posted by rockingdom
It's very well-agreed upon that Gandhi was INFj and you didn't contradict anything I said with an actual argument,
First, "it's wel-agreed upon" it's just to appeal to authority, "it's true because others say so".

The "actual argument" I made was on this:

And I'm pretty sure he was INFj-- DEFINITELY an NF-- idealistic, passionate about human nature, no doubt about that. I is a consensus and he was very quick on his feet and made excellent judgments-- J.
This shows you have no clue about Socionics or even MBTI, and that is why FDG and Rocky laughed at you. If you had behaved better I might have carefully explained why you were wrong, but since you had not, I decided to make fun of you.

Quote Originally Posted by rockingdom
especially when they are universally known to be true. It might help you to learn some common sense about the man before you start acting like you knew him personally. Next time, maybe try to say something rather than simply be a moron if you expect to be taken seriously.
Again, can you say anything besides things like "everyone knows it"?

But here goes a piece of real argument -- even for MBTI, J is not about "making excellent judgements", and I very much doubt that you will find any serious MBTI source that says that it is.