Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by Baby
Strangely enough, Ghandi isn't deified in India itself as much as he is in the West.
I talked about it with an Indian guy in South Africa once -- he said that Ghandi is seen by many as "full of shit"; further, that he was responsible for the split of old India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. That may be unfair but apparently it's a common perception.

As for his type -- Beta or Gamma; ENFj or INFp as most likely.
As UDP said, it depends who you ask, but that is a surprisingly common scenario. India today is a nation of intense disparity - mind-bogglingly industrialized on one hand, and miserably impoverished in others. Furthermore, Pakistan and especially Bangladesh have been far less fortunate in their efforts to modernize. There's a great number of people on the Indian subcontinent who are disillusioned and bitter with the cards they ahve been dealt. It's very easy to lay the blame at the feet of those who came before, and Ghandi makes the perfect scapegoat for this. I agree it's unfair - he had no way of truly gauging the impact of his actions, and that in trying to unify India he would tear it further apart.

But then again, India has never been unified in reality. To say you are Indian is the equivalent of saying you are European or Asian. The cultures bear some superficial similarities and the people all look kind of all the same, but the languages, religion, traditions, music, art are incredibly varied.

I think he had rather too strong to be INFp, and he actually was not as charismatic as his legacy suggests. As Rocky said, his relations with his wife and sons was far from warm. (But then again, it was an arranged marriage... it was not uncommon then and still is not uncommon now for there to be substantial distance between husband and wife in Indian marriages. More distance than most Westerners would be comfortable with, at least.) INTp makes sense to me.