Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
I know way too many EIIs . Let me tell you about their true negative nature. Despite their kind self sacrificing exterior these cats in fact have a very manipulative cold self serving core. “Morals” and good deeds would never see the light of day out of them if they weren’t sure or hopeful other people would find out. They always have an agenda and do nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts. They in fact are EXTREMELY proud of their “skill” of manipulation and believe that people who do not manipulate are stupid. Any time they do something “kind” for you, it’s so that you owe them and pay them back tenfold. If they suspect that you won’t fight back they WILL abuse you. No matter how good you were to them and how long they’ve known you if they see you down and out and other people turn against you they will jump on the opportunity to strike you as well. They CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! Even the secrets of their best friends will be let out mostly in the guise of an accident or “casual chit chat” /common knowledge (so the listener won’t realize that the EII just tells peoples secrets). Despite their introversion they are EXTREME ATTENTION WHORES, most of the time they try to use their introverted nature to cultivate an air of mystery and attraction attention that way.. but if that doesn’t work they go to the other extreme, they are believers that even negative publicity is good publicity. They will bad mouth their own partners and spouses. They believe in cutting others down so that they “look taller”, especially with those closest to them. They are kings and queens of backhanded compliments. Their aim is to always make you as self conscious as they are. They have an external locus of control so they can never accept responsibility for their actions. They attempt to be master covert sabotagers. These are the best friends who will set you up. They are low have very low self esteem and truly hate themselves. I have more. I’ll be back
I have known many EII too and most just want a good relationship that grows over time and becomes a spiritual bond. Do people come from many backgrounds? Yes and can people manipulate to their own agenda? Yes and are people immature and lack self awareness? You bet they do