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Thread: INFj uncovered (tun dun dun duuuuun!)

  1. #41
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    While not all EIIs will clash with me, I do notice myself feeling annoyed over and over again by people of this type. However, I don't want this post to come across as a personal attack, so I'll use some general examples. I am sure you'll be familiar through the media with a chorus of anchors, pundits and celebrity guests who love to preach about intolerance, bigotry and bullying. Many of them are EII or the related type IEE, and their behaviour highlights what I found frustrating about this type.

    Essentially, through these people's screeds you hear Fi disconnected from the senses, Fi raving about how everyone except them needs to reform and change their behaviour. I ask in response to that: Well, why don't you lead by example and change first? And that leads me to investigate how these pillars of virtue behave in private. As you'll soon discover by spending time around them, many EIIs have a darkness the lies behind the light. I feel stifled. So many discussions become off-limits as the EII take offense to things that are not intended as personal attacks. I have met EIIs who were also quite willing to react in a punitive manner, sometimes doing real, lasting harm to innocent people who didn't share their values. Sometimes I get the sense that no act, however heinous, would be off the table if it was being committed to punish the wicked and redress "injustice".

    Today I no longer care because I'm not dating an EII, and it's not my job to try and keep everybody happy anyway - but this is why I have a residual dislike of Fi. I know that I could be only one racy comment or shock value joke away from triggering its wrath. Life is much more fun when you're hanging out with girls who enjoy being objectified by a blond-haired, blue eyed, sexually sadistic, primal, lustful and insatiably dominant male. So STFU about feminism and bring me a beer, before I spank your hairy ass.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 08-13-2017 at 09:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    While not all EIIs will clash with me, I do notice myself feeling annoyed over and over again by people of this type. However, I don't want this post to come across as a personal attack, so I'll use some general examples. I am sure you'll be familiar through the media with a chorus of anchors, pundits and celebrity guests who love to preach about intolerance, bigotry and bullying. Many of them are EII or the related type IEE, and their behaviour highlights what I found frustrating about this type.

    Essentially, through these people's screeds you hear Fi disconnected from the senses, Fi raving about how everyone except them needs to reform and change their behaviour. I ask in response to that: Well, why don't you lead by example and change first? And that leads me to investigate how these pillars of virtue behave in private. As you'll soon discover by spending time around them, many EIIs have a darkness the lies behind the light. I feel stifled. So many discussions become off-limits as the EII take offense to things that are not intended as personal attacks. I have met EIIs who were also quite willing to react in a punitive manner, sometimes doing real, lasting harm to innocent people who didn't share their values. Sometimes I get the sense that no act, however heinous, would be off the table if it was being committed to punish the wicked and redress "injustice".

    Today I no longer care because I'm not dating an EII, and it's not my job to try and keep everybody happy anyway - but this is why I have a residual dislike of Fi. I know that I could be only one racy comment or shock value joke away from triggering its wrath. Life is much more fun when you're hanging out with girls who enjoy being objectified by a blond-haired, blue eyed, sexually sadistic, primal, lustful and insatiably dominant male. So STFU about feminism and bring me a beer, before I spank your hairy ass.
    i see this forum has improved its user base with quality members

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by super mbti user View Post
    read spoiler before you proceed

    their guilt complex graces them with the ability to weave eloquent "woe is me" vents where they star as the victim in yet another grim fairy-tale wherein they hurt yet another person with their evasiveness, passive aggression, and general obliviousness to anyone's feelings except their own. they'll never tell you that you've hurt them (not directly, at least) but, mark my words, they'll tell everyone else. it'll go through the grapevine and back again before it ever gets to you, but please don't call them out, not unless you wanna hear them berate themselves for hours on end in a petty attempt to guilt-trip you out of guilt-tripping them. "i'm terrible!" *shakes EII translator* "you're terrible!" that's their cue to bless you with their self-righteous silent treatment, or, if they're feeling frisky, their infamous disappearing act. maybe even a guilt-inducing "adios" to rub salt in the wound. your best bet in keeping them around is to list all your obscure accomplishments with regards to your education, your career, and how well you write, sing, dance, draw, and/or paint.

    to this day, scientists are still stumped as to how Fi-leads with the aid Ne-creative & Ni-demonstrative (which translates into god-tier levels of foresight and empathy, didn't ya know?) can't foresee the long-term consequences of poking and prodding around the hearts of the misunderstood and downtrodden, extracting their innermost pains and struggles, fleshing them out, performing autopsies, alleviating only a fraction of the pain before "selflessly" leaving them behind to deal with their tear-stained emotionally defiled corpses, which inevitably results in you and everyone else fiending for the EII's "bottomless pit of empathy". the aftermath of this heartbreak is amplified if the EII in question has taken it upon themselves to tug at your heartstrings a little bit (surprise, surprise - they've formed yet another "crush") before their martyrdom kicks in and they've decided that you deserve better. it's not that they've lost interest, it's not that they've spotted a new "shiny" - of course not, it's that you deserve better. it's for the Greater Good.

    they forget to fulfill one of their promises to you? Greater Good.
    they break a vase in a fit of misdirected anger? Greater Good.
    you see that dead dog in the corner over there? you guessed it. Greater Good.

    it's easy to view them as morally immaculate beings until you realize their brand of "morality" is merely a byproduct of being a doormat with a strong aversion to any form of direct communication. "fuck you" is blatantly offensive, but how do you articulate your hurt when the reason you're hurt is because you were left hanging by a sadomasochistic energy vampire with a lovely penchant for mental gymnastics and "selflessly" administering guilt-trips and silent treatments? that, my friends, is the cowardly man's "fuck you". don't let inaction fool you. they're not opting out of conflict between two loved ones because they love them both "truly, deeply, unconditionally", it's self-preservation at its finest, they just don't want you to hate them, but it's not so easy to point out faults in a spineless wallflower who doesn't do anything with their life except romanticize and decay with indecision.
    lol how the heck do you know me so well? : D

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    So I was looking through the ENFp uncovered thread and I realised there's no EII Uncovered thread, which is basically all the negative or hidden traits and facts about EIIs and their behaviour. Let's gooo! (You can (quite truthfully) trash EIIs here )

    the 'uncovered' were actually a series of 'unflattering portraits'
    they are many years old

    there have definitely been other 'eiis aren't that great' threads if you want to find them
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    I'm 4w3 and am dramatic as hell, but it has a subtle edge to it I guess because I'm EII.
    subtle edge compared to what?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    i think the biggest 'uncovered' thing i can say about eiis and also fits with iees

    is they can be so confidence of their good intentions that they blind themselves to how things can be interpreted by others
    that assuredness can be naivete or it can also be seen as completely missing the plight of other people - which delta NFs essentially never consciously intend to do

    however their self-assuredness about their benevolence -- as a byproduct of feeling like they can't try to hurt or harm people out of ill will or whatever - - can in fact block their ability to see things - even with 'ne creative' or whatever else ; the delta nfs seem particularly unable to understand how their attachment to their feeling about something is inhibiting the flow of new or relevant information even though they consider themselves very empathic or 'aware' of other people's situations

    however i have seen situations like s's sister avoiding stuff too - however i associate that a lot more with 9 bs esp if they are sp first ;/

    they can also be quite pouty - which is sometimes cute when its obvious and somewhat intentional just expressing discontent
    but when it's a sense of really being triggered they can sort of just implicitly want tending to or 'there there yes you're right ' attitude -- but they in the moment of being triggered will never actually see it that way

    it can be equally frustrating when IEEs simply have obliviousness to Ti or EIIs with Se
    I tend to still favor EIIS (in this way) because they are rational and things don't 'change' in perception as rapidly as they do with IEEs
    but i think that is essentially the case for all POLRs and our petty moments where we think that facet of reality or importance doesn't exist mhm
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    subtle edge compared to what?
    To 4w3s of other types, say Fe or Se egos

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

  8. #48
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    A few have their evil side. Many INFj seem to want to project an image of saintliness but some are too detached to truly care about anyone or anything outside of themselves and their own visions of nirvana. They preach rather than interact; they have two rules: 1. listen to what I have to say and 2. if you don't want to listen, I'll preach to you anyway. They believe that they know what good for others better than those others know themselves; and they can create and execute final solutions. They're elitists in a pulpit and all of them lust for Oprah-power......

    a.k.a. I/O
    Last edited by Rebelondeck; 08-18-2017 at 12:53 PM.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP View Post
    i think the biggest 'uncovered' thing i can say about eiis and also fits with iees

    is they can be so confidence of their good intentions that they blind themselves to how things can be interpreted by others
    that assuredness can be naivete or it can also be seen as completely missing the plight of other people - which delta NFs essentially never consciously intend to do

    however their self-assuredness about their benevolence -- as a byproduct of feeling like they can't try to hurt or harm people out of ill will or whatever - - can in fact block their ability to see things - even with 'ne creative' or whatever else ; the delta nfs seem particularly unable to understand how their attachment to their feeling about something is inhibiting the flow of new or relevant information even though they consider themselves very empathic or 'aware' of other people's situations

    however i have seen situations like s's sister avoiding stuff too - however i associate that a lot more with 9 bs esp if they are sp first ;/

    they can also be quite pouty - which is sometimes cute when its obvious and somewhat intentional just expressing discontent
    but when it's a sense of really being triggered they can sort of just implicitly want tending to or 'there there yes you're right ' attitude -- but they in the moment of being triggered will never actually see it that way

    it can be equally frustrating when IEEs simply have obliviousness to Ti or EIIs with Se
    I tend to still favor EIIS (in this way) because they are rational and things don't 'change' in perception as rapidly as they do with IEEs
    but i think that is essentially the case for all POLRs and our petty moments where we think that facet of reality or importance doesn't exist mhm
    I would also add that
    their oversure sense of benevolence can also lead or have a sense of entitlement about their efforts

    When, because they are not objectively aware of what is going on, nor have done proper accounting of what is or has taken place, their efforts, although great and from a good place, are misguided, and their ensuing sense of depletion creating a state of ..... essentially, fruitless exhaustion.

    Within those states they tend to either retreat/pout/tune out, often into a moral high ground or 'well I will give the transgressor some space, and maybe they will come around". Ironically, sometimes it is more them that needs the time out to come back with fresh eyes. If they are triggered into seeing the same narrative and principle at play and then assume nothing is at play, or reject the more dynamic or less-clear signs of change, then this awkward process can prolong indefinitely.

    It is is significantly difficult to be reasonable or logically-rational with them in the states of fruitless exhaustion. (I don't say that to berate or say they are overly emotional, as every type has something like this). But for EIIs and delta NFs in general, in my opinion, there's not a lot you can do there, because if you point out how pointless their efforts were in that state, it's offensive or damaging, even if it is true. So there's a sense of "ok, you need to be recognized for your effort independent of its effect or merit", which, is actually kind of hard for me to do given the root cause and origin of things being off. But I think for anyone looking to help balance out an EII or deal with similar people, it's an important thing to realize.

    For someone who is very giving in general, that is part of the tradeoff.
    I think the more EIIs / IEEs are able to avoid that sense of fruitless exhaustion, the healthier and more well adjusted to being a functional NF kind of person they are.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    @UPD pls become my personal assistant ty <3 x0x0

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    Quote Originally Posted by hybris theory View Post
    @UPD pls become my personal assistant ty <3 x0x0
    call for pricing rates
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  12. #52
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    @UPD tell me how your brain works. Do you think on a daily basis or do you follow your schedule without a thought?

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    Hmm, I would say some prominent traits, at least with me, are holding in negative emotions and letting things build up and being avoidant of people. When there are plans made with other people and they get cancled, there are times when I'm secretly happy that I get the day to myself. I want to get tasks done to the best of my ability and am very slow at completing tasks to a fault. This gets to a point where I don't always get them done on time. I also struggle verbalizing my emotions, especially as they are happening.

    I am also not very good with taking criticism, especially when it comes to artwork and other things I'm passionate about. A lot of anger tends to build up with me as well. I am good at focussing on one thing, or one task, but I tend to have trouble letting that task go. When I perceive that a person wrongs me, I have trouble letting go of grudges too. I am also very quiet, very keep to myself, and struggle to open up with people. I struggle with deeper connection with people too.
    xII se PoLR, 9w1-5w4-2w3 sp/so

    Phlegmatic-Melancholic |RCoAI| Fascinator| Newtype-secondary| LEFVl|

    #JusticeforJeb_, Water Sheep did nothing wrong, High Inquisitor Of Council of Water Sheep and Water Sheep's protector

    Make things right? Who are we to decide when things are right and when they need to be fixed?

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    i feel u froofroo

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    common human with base Fi value _own_ emotional comfort the most
    also they feel badly if relations have no _personal_ profit for them

    meanwhile they look as kind to anyone. it's possibly to overesteemate the degree of their good relation to you. if you are doing something not pleasant or will be thought as not useful anymore - they'll forget about your interests as anyone. but will try to do this indirectly, including by the lie.
    - I'm sick today.
    - It was hard day, let's do that after m... a month
    - There was a recent call, the plans are changed. sorry
    - Call me after a hour. [you call and the phone is just not taken]

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    common human with base Fi value _own_ emotional comfort the most
    also they feel badly if relations have no _personal_ profit for them

    meanwhile they look as kind to anyone. it's possibly to overesteemate the degree of their good relation to you. if you are doing something not pleasant or will be thought as not useful anymore - they'll forget about your interests as anyone. but will try to do this indirectly, including by the lie.
    - I'm sick today.
    - It was hard day, let's do that after m... a month
    - There was a recent call, the plans are changed. sorry
    - Call me after a hour. [you call and the phone is just not taken]
    This seems to be an experience i've had as well. I can often feel that the EII i know lacks directness of will, so that it is harder for me to really decipher and work with what she wants. There is no approaching conflict if they're hurt (which is what i most appreciate), they tend to withdraw and disconnect, confusing approach.

    I prefer the direct engagement, where wants are stated so that working with them become smooth, rational and without concerns for hidden wants. I hate when people lie instead of stating their true wishes.

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    The sadness experiences by the wanting of a potential of a relationship to work out when it does not.

    “We can be amazing friends. I can see our future. We’ll live together and provide assistance to one another, work and grow towards our future, but you want to blow all your money on having fun. What I see , that vision can now never become a reality. And now, now I’m left to do it alone again to find another potential relationship.”

    “Come, come over my friend, let’s spend some time together speaking about our art.” He arrives and we speak about our art and it went just as I had imagined it would and now I feel good about our interaction, our time spent with one another. I love my friend
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  18. #58
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    At business they can be hell, they dislike saying what they really think about projects and the good and bad perspectives, for instead, go along with ppl until the most decisive moment when they just run away and literally hide like cowards and never pick up the phone again or invent excuses to not assist to appointments and etc. All of this because they don't know how or feel unable to express how they truly feel and think about something. This is highly annoying and very hoaxing, also is selfish because in hopes of not hurting ppls feelings they actually end up hurting them with real stuff such like making them waste resources like time, money etc. So, if you are going to make some business with EII, just make sure that you are their family member or someone from who they are not going to run away or play hide and seek to avoid taking responsibility about their words/ actions. Also they should learn that others do not expect that them to agree with you or others all the time, especially not in business.
    Last edited by Faith; 11-12-2020 at 06:39 PM. Reason: wording

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackberry View Post
    At business they can be hell, they dislike saying what they really think about projects and their potential good and bad points, and instead decide to go along with ppl until the decisive moment when they chose to run away and literally hide like cowards and never pick up the phone again or not assist to appointments etc, just because they don't know or feel unable to express how they truly feel or what they think about smth. This is highly annoying and very hoaxing, not to mention that its very selfish because when for apparently "caring" to no hurt ppl, they actually are hurting them with real stuff such like making them waste resources like time, money etc. So, if you are going to make some business with EII, just make sure that you are their family member or someone from who they are not going to run away or play hide and seek to avoid taking responsibility over their words/ acts. Also they should learn that, unless that, unless they only goal is to get a long with difficult ppl, its not positive at all and others do not expect that you agree with them all the time, especially in business.
    This is very interesting. I'm not sure this behavior is generally true for EII's, but I can say that I have experienced ghosting from two ESI's.

    The first was a woman who suggested we get an apartment together, and when I told her I was older than her father, she insisted that she was only joking and then cut off all contact with me.

    The second was an ESI who suggested that we go out "For burgers and beer but no sex". Lol. She's the one who brought up sex. Before we actually went out (and had a great time, I thought), she warned me that she could vanish in a heartbeat, which I thought was a pretty strange thing to say. And sure enough, after the date, she only texted me a few times and then refused to meet again. Now, this might be her method of avoiding telling me that she had a horrible time*, but in either case, there exists the refusal to simply state what she really thinks.


    There is another possible explanation for her vanishing act.

    I happen to believe that nearly everyone has a need to make other people understand how they, themselves, feel. On the date, she told me that her father (an SLI, from the picture she showed me) worked for the University in Maintenance and was impossible to find on the job. She said he would disappear (perhaps go to the bar during working hours, perhaps just take a nap, whatever) and could only be contacted by leaving a voice mail message on his phone, which he would return whenever it was convenient for him.

    Interestingly enough, my SLI ex-wife and my SLI son both have their phones set up to not accept voicemail messages and only answer calls in real time about 5% of the time. This pissed me off because there could be times when I need to get in touch with them, but they just didn't care.

    Having an Artful Dodger father who would vanish at the drop of a hat must have left an impression on that ESI, because that was the way that she, in turn, was treating her dates. Treating me, anyway. But she also told me she ghosted on other people, too.

    Find a guy, get him emotionally involved, and then vanish. "So now you know how I feel all the time, and my therapy is to do to others what offended me."

    C'est la vie.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-04-2019 at 01:27 AM.

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    They’re stuck up their own asses; convinced of their moral awesomeness. Inconsiderate of others whenever it’s convenient to be. Shameless about taking advantage of people.

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    I'm guilty of all of this and on top of that, the motivation is hardly "not to hurt anyone", but more about not hurting me myself and I with undesired things. pathetic egomaniac, yea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    my therapy is to do to others what offended me."

    This is the truth. Its a hope that passively people will see that this hurts and should never be done to someone.

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    Personally what i don't like about me is my lack of confrontation nature. If someone hurts me, i'd rather cut them out than work things with them (but that also depends on my relationship level with someone aka if i don't feel safe enough to express my concerns or if i know we aren't close enough, because then i'll probably think you wont care about my sensitivity, which is why i don't share. I also tested this out before, it only brought drama and conflict so i just learned to disappear because i don't like to make conflicts). Also i was fired at my first job because of my non-confrontation nature. I didn't call to take an absent leave so i felt immense shame and guilt for bringing my face again at work because i felt my job performance was disappointing for that reason so i just skipped until they fired me.
    Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.

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    Mum married someone she hates. Uh. Go figure. One divorce later, and she has less of a reason to hate life.

    Don't do that. Be at least aware enough not to do that. Hot damn.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    I know way too many EIIs . Let me tell you about their true negative nature. Despite their kind self sacrificing exterior these cats in fact have a very manipulative cold self serving core. “Morals” and good deeds would never see the light of day out of them if they weren’t sure or hopeful other people would find out. They always have an agenda and do nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts. They in fact are EXTREMELY proud of their “skill” of manipulation and believe that people who do not manipulate are stupid. Any time they do something “kind” for you, it’s so that you owe them and pay them back tenfold. If they suspect that you won’t fight back they WILL abuse you. No matter how good you were to them and how long they’ve known you if they see you down and out and other people turn against you they will jump on the opportunity to strike you as well. They CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! Even the secrets of their best friends will be let out mostly in the guise of an accident or “casual chit chat” /common knowledge (so the listener won’t realize that the EII just tells peoples secrets). Despite their introversion they are EXTREME ATTENTION WHORES, most of the time they try to use their introverted nature to cultivate an air of mystery and attraction attention that way.. but if that doesn’t work they go to the other extreme, they are believers that even negative publicity is good publicity. They will bad mouth their own partners and spouses. They believe in cutting others down so that they “look taller”, especially with those closest to them. They are kings and queens of backhanded compliments. Their aim is to always make you as self conscious as they are. They have an external locus of control so they can never accept responsibility for their actions. They attempt to be master covert sabotagers. These are the best friends who will set you up. They are low have very low self esteem and truly hate themselves. I have more. I’ll be back
    Last edited by Foxy; 01-14-2022 at 01:48 PM. Reason: The type I was describing was the SLI .. my bad ��

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
    I know way too many EIIs . Let me tell you about their true negative nature. Despite their kind self sacrificing exterior these cats in fact have a very manipulative cold self serving core. “Morals” and good deeds would never see the light of day out of them if they weren’t sure or hopeful other people would find out. They always have an agenda and do nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts. They in fact are EXTREMELY proud of their “skill” of manipulation and believe that people who do not manipulate are stupid. Any time they do something “kind” for you, it’s so that you owe them and pay them back tenfold. If they suspect that you won’t fight back they WILL abuse you. No matter how good you were to them and how long they’ve known you if they see you down and out and other people turn against you they will jump on the opportunity to strike you as well. They CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! Even the secrets of their best friends will be let out mostly in the guise of an accident or “casual chit chat” /common knowledge (so the listener won’t realize that the EII just tells peoples secrets). Despite their introversion they are EXTREME ATTENTION WHORES, most of the time they try to use their introverted nature to cultivate an air of mystery and attraction attention that way.. but if that doesn’t work they go to the other extreme, they are believers that even negative publicity is good publicity. They will bad mouth their own partners and spouses. They believe in cutting others down so that they “look taller”, especially with those closest to them. They are kings and queens of backhanded compliments. Their aim is to always make you as self conscious as they are. They have an external locus of control so they can never accept responsibility for their actions. They attempt to be master covert sabotagers. These are the best friends who will set you up. They are low have very low self esteem and truly hate themselves. I have more. I’ll be back
    mate that's not an EII that's just someone who's bad at being a person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
    I know way too many EIIs . Let me tell you about their true negative nature. Despite their kind self sacrificing exterior these cats in fact have a very manipulative cold self serving core. “Morals” and good deeds would never see the light of day out of them if they weren’t sure or hopeful other people would find out. They always have an agenda and do nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts. They in fact are EXTREMELY proud of their “skill” of manipulation and believe that people who do not manipulate are stupid. Any time they do something “kind” for you, it’s so that you owe them and pay them back tenfold. If they suspect that you won’t fight back they WILL abuse you. No matter how good you were to them and how long they’ve known you if they see you down and out and other people turn against you they will jump on the opportunity to strike you as well. They CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! Even the secrets of their best friends will be let out mostly in the guise of an accident or “casual chit chat” /common knowledge (so the listener won’t realize that the EII just tells peoples secrets). Despite their introversion they are EXTREME ATTENTION WHORES, most of the time they try to use their introverted nature to cultivate an air of mystery and attraction attention that way.. but if that doesn’t work they go to the other extreme, they are believers that even negative publicity is good publicity. They will bad mouth their own partners and spouses. They believe in cutting others down so that they “look taller”, especially with those closest to them. They are kings and queens of backhanded compliments. Their aim is to always make you as self conscious as they are. They have an external locus of control so they can never accept responsibility for their actions. They attempt to be master covert sabotagers. These are the best friends who will set you up. They are low have very low self esteem and truly hate themselves. I have more. I’ll be back
    I have known many EII too and most just want a good relationship that grows over time and becomes a spiritual bond. Do people come from many backgrounds? Yes and can people manipulate to their own agenda? Yes and are people immature and lack self awareness? You bet they do
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    have to walk on eggshells around u u dont care how anyone feels. why should they treat u any different. u are not self aware when u should be. ur actions and words cut other ppl down but u dont care and u dont see it somehow. why should they expose themselves? so you figure out they are the kind of person u hate? with ur disgusting comments and petty abuse bc u are the one who thinks he is so tall above others to enact such things. how can u be so so so self absorbed WITHOUT being self aware. u dont hate urself bc u think u are perfect. bc u think there's nothing wrong with u. if u dont want ppl to say bad things about u, stop being a bad bitch. i had to become ur best friend bc u would treat me as expendable otherwise. its ur fault that u are not self aware and considerate. its nothing different than an abuser malding about their victim retaliating.
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    the only negative thing about EIIs is they can get convinced of the wrong idea. boo imagine making mistakes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    the only negative thing about EIIs is they can get convinced of the wrong idea. boo imagine making mistakes.
    Ya the fuckin' idiots won't even believe everything I thing I try to explain to them. Complete imbeciles really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    the only negative thing about EIIs is they can get convinced of the wrong idea. boo imagine making mistakes.
    Oh yeah that’s the only negative thing about them ��… please everyone just believe this one, be unsuspecting, let’s make sure nobody catches on to the play ����

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    have to walk on eggshells around u u dont care how anyone feels. why should they treat u any different. u are not self aware when u should be. ur actions and words cut other ppl down but u dont care and u dont see it somehow. why should they expose themselves? so you figure out they are the kind of person u hate? with ur disgusting comments and petty abuse bc u are the one who thinks he is so tall above others to enact such things. how can u be so so so self absorbed WITHOUT being self aware. u dont hate urself bc u think u are perfect. bc u think there's nothing wrong with u. if u dont want ppl to say bad things about u, stop being a bad bitch. i had to become ur best friend bc u would treat me as expendable otherwise. its ur fault that u are not self aware and considerate. its nothing different than an abuser malding about their victim retaliating.
    another thing I forgot to mention is they project a wholeeee lot in fact I call one of them “Sir ProjectsALot”. Thanks for the reminder

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    I have known many EII too and most just want a good relationship that grows over time and becomes a spiritual bond. Do people come from many backgrounds? Yes and can people manipulate to their own agenda? Yes and are people immature and lack self awareness? You bet they do
    No lie I want to believe this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Ya the fuckin' idiots won't even believe everything I thing I try to explain to them. Complete imbeciles really.
    lol that too, but I have sympathy for them about that aspect lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
    lol that too, but I have sympathy for them about that aspect lol
    I'm sorry will you not believe everything I say with no hesitation?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    I'm sorry will you not believe everything I say with no hesitation?
    Oh scratch that I fully misunderstood what you were saying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Akira View Post
    At business they can be hell, they dislike saying what they really think about projects and the good and bad perspectives, for instead, go along with ppl until the most decisive moment when they just run away and literally hide like cowards and never pick up the phone again or invent excuses to not assist to appointments and etc. All of this because they don't know how or feel unable to express how they truly feel and think about something. This is highly annoying and very hoaxing, also is selfish because in hopes of not hurting ppls feelings they actually end up hurting them with real stuff such like making them waste resources like time, money etc. So, if you are going to make some business with EII, just make sure that you are their family member or someone from who they are not going to run away or play hide and seek to avoid taking responsibility about their words/ actions. Also they should learn that others do not expect that them to agree with you or others all the time, especially not in business.
    I love how you implicitly say feelings aren't real stuff
    No, but really, I know a few EIIs that are horrible at this stuff. One is consistently getting jobs within a field he absolutely hates and end up avoiding tasks to the point of getting fired. Then he goes and gets another one a month later, rinse and repeat cycle.

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    Yes yes yes my bad !! That was the SLI! My badddd! I thought all the SLI’s I’ve encountered were EII’s

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    My bad everyone. I discovered that I have been mistyping the SLI’s in my life for EII’s! However I can’t delete that comment at this point!

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxy View Post
    I know way too many EIIs . Let me tell you about their true negative nature. Despite their kind self sacrificing exterior these cats in fact have a very manipulative cold self serving core. “Morals” and good deeds would never see the light of day out of them if they weren’t sure or hopeful other people would find out. They always have an agenda and do nothing out of the goodness of their own hearts. They in fact are EXTREMELY proud of their “skill” of manipulation and believe that people who do not manipulate are stupid. Any time they do something “kind” for you, it’s so that you owe them and pay them back tenfold. If they suspect that you won’t fight back they WILL abuse you. No matter how good you were to them and how long they’ve known you if they see you down and out and other people turn against you they will jump on the opportunity to strike you as well. They CAN NOT BE TRUSTED! Even the secrets of their best friends will be let out mostly in the guise of an accident or “casual chit chat” /common knowledge (so the listener won’t realize that the EII just tells peoples secrets). Despite their introversion they are EXTREME ATTENTION WHORES, most of the time they try to use their introverted nature to cultivate an air of mystery and attraction attention that way.. but if that doesn’t work they go to the other extreme, they are believers that even negative publicity is good publicity. They will bad mouth their own partners and spouses. They believe in cutting others down so that they “look taller”, especially with those closest to them. They are kings and queens of backhanded compliments. Their aim is to always make you as self conscious as they are. They have an external locus of control so they can never accept responsibility for their actions. They attempt to be master covert sabotagers. These are the best friends who will set you up. They are low have very low self esteem and truly hate themselves. I have more. I’ll be back

  40. #80
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    its like they arent as closed minded as ppl here claim them to be but like instead of responding to the EIIs with understanding ppl just get triggered
    EIIs are ethical type still. the morals are not just that selfishness where they think themselves to be always right, a lot of them seem to hate and devalue themselves due to not living up to their moral standards or due to disliking their own biases, conflicts in their own views and emotions
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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