Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
common human with base Fi value _own_ emotional comfort the most
also they feel badly if relations have no _personal_ profit for them

meanwhile they look as kind to anyone. it's possibly to overesteemate the degree of their good relation to you. if you are doing something not pleasant or will be thought as not useful anymore - they'll forget about your interests as anyone. but will try to do this indirectly, including by the lie.
- I'm sick today.
- It was hard day, let's do that after m... a month
- There was a recent call, the plans are changed. sorry
- Call me after a hour. [you call and the phone is just not taken]
This seems to be an experience i've had as well. I can often feel that the EII i know lacks directness of will, so that it is harder for me to really decipher and work with what she wants. There is no approaching conflict if they're hurt (which is what i most appreciate), they tend to withdraw and disconnect, confusing approach.

I prefer the direct engagement, where wants are stated so that working with them become smooth, rational and without concerns for hidden wants. I hate when people lie instead of stating their true wishes.