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Thread: INFj uncovered (tun dun dun duuuuun!)

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  1. #10
    Spermatozoa's Avatar
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    While not all EIIs will clash with me, I do notice myself feeling annoyed over and over again by people of this type. However, I don't want this post to come across as a personal attack, so I'll use some general examples. I am sure you'll be familiar through the media with a chorus of anchors, pundits and celebrity guests who love to preach about intolerance, bigotry and bullying. Many of them are EII or the related type IEE, and their behaviour highlights what I found frustrating about this type.

    Essentially, through these people's screeds you hear Fi disconnected from the senses, Fi raving about how everyone except them needs to reform and change their behaviour. I ask in response to that: Well, why don't you lead by example and change first? And that leads me to investigate how these pillars of virtue behave in private. As you'll soon discover by spending time around them, many EIIs have a darkness the lies behind the light. I feel stifled. So many discussions become off-limits as the EII take offense to things that are not intended as personal attacks. I have met EIIs who were also quite willing to react in a punitive manner, sometimes doing real, lasting harm to innocent people who didn't share their values. Sometimes I get the sense that no act, however heinous, would be off the table if it was being committed to punish the wicked and redress "injustice".

    Today I no longer care because I'm not dating an EII, and it's not my job to try and keep everybody happy anyway - but this is why I have a residual dislike of Fi. I know that I could be only one racy comment or shock value joke away from triggering its wrath. Life is much more fun when you're hanging out with girls who enjoy being objectified by a blond-haired, blue eyed, sexually sadistic, primal, lustful and insatiably dominant male. So STFU about feminism and bring me a beer, before I spank your hairy ass.
    Last edited by Spermatozoa; 08-13-2017 at 09:06 AM.

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