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    Disbelief Jung
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    Articles from Russian Blog, automated translation (in need of better one).


    And in the end of the theme of socionics and clothing - logic-sensorics .
    Let me remind you that what I write about is a general direction, rather averaged. Not necessarily you have to agree with everything, in any case, the information is limited to my personal experience. Therefore, I think it will be very good if those who have decided on TIM will themselves add in the comments what I miss. So far I will have some amorphous advice, because the "project" is experimental. I feel that there is something to say about this topic, but I do not know how to do it better. Therefore while it is a little at level of intuitive reasonings =). It will be a bit sketchy, but I hope it's interesting.

    Logics - sensorics - this Maxim Gorky, Zhukov, Stirlitz, Gaben .

    These TIM have a strong white and black sensorics - that is, they can see well, if desired, how it looks and what is combined.But there are certain problems when selecting clothes.

    As well as ethics-sensorics, it is better to integrate sensor logic into squares.

    Logicians of the beta - Maxim Gorky and Zhukov .In the values ​​of beta power sensory (appearance, status, strength of spirit, will - in different people differently manifested), structural logic, ethics of emotions, white intuition (imagery and time correspondence).Therefore, in clothes there can be a craving for status (or good looking, "expensive looking") things, for fashion trends (although not for everyone).Structural logic will help to help you rank yourself in the right category, which will facilitate the search task.But with the suggestible block BI + CH it's worth to be more careful.BI (imagery) + CHE (mood) helps to create or adapt images, but it can lead to the fact that there is a mixture of everything - lines, style, color in a single composite solianku.And if the ethics of the beta in this area are engaged in creativity, this is their element, then the logic of the beta can take for granted such information due to the fact that the functions are not strong.Here the main thing to remember (according to the structural logic) is that the steps of the style - the color - the lines are determined separately, and only at the last stage they are fused into a single whole.

    Maxim Gorky - Logic - sensorics - introvert.With the selection of clothes for shades and the size of special problems, Maxs usually do not experience.With the convenience of clothes - too.Sensory perception, responsible for harmony, it helps to understand whether the color is coming, and black sensorics allows you to choose the desired cut or shape.Problems can be covered in two things - some perfectionism or in some aspiration not to attract unnecessary attention.Although again it is not at all, rather personal.

    Perfectionism in clothes can be due to the basic structural logic - the desire to do everything perfectly, as correctly.Given the choice in stores, this task is extremely difficult.There will be some kind of digression anyway.For example, deviations from the palette by color.It is very unlikely that you will find the color exactly the same as your color fan.You need to know the general direction, do not necessarily fall into the exact coordinates.Color is a continuum, it is artificially divided into shades.So you can rely on your strong BS - the notion of harmony.With the lines of the figure will help to cope with ES.An ideal classification along the lines is also difficult to find, anyway you will have some small digressions, do not let them knock you down =)

    Unwillingness to stand out is more an introversion, a painful CHI (intuition of possibilities), and even a basic BL and a role BE ("so (it is not) relied").Usually, however, all this is compensated by a fairly powerful strong-willed sensory, so that the Maxs look nice, simple, but tasteful.But in some cases it happens that they dress too fluently, do not allow themselves anything superfluous.This is already some bust.Any clothes should carry a piece of your personality.Elegance - as a rule, not a dry classic.Drop of personality has =)

    Masks can express elegant images, strict, but also calm, feminine, stable-cozy.Maxs usually seem calm at a distance.Women can seem nice, even quiet, but still at times, they can very clearly see the power sensorics, which prevents them from leaving into the cute "girlish" images.It will be difficult for Maxams and with avant-garde and very creative images, they will be too dedicated and attract attention, and they require a lot of work on intuition.Maxam is sometimes credited with military images.In general, you can imagine them in this, but in a softer interpretation.Not a fighter, like Zhukov, but rather an officer.Romance Maxov - figuratively, it is a little strict romance of the aristocrats of the 19th century.

    Zhukovs are basic black sensorics.Usually, too, do not experience any problems with the definition of the goes-it does not go.But due to the fact that the black sensorics are basic, the concept "goes" may well be replaced by "but I like it, and that's it."Usually Zhukovs know what is going on, but they often believe that if they like, then you can not pay more attention to anything =) Moreover, painful ethics is wedged in.Therefore, "what's the difference that people will think there - the main thing is that I like it" =)) Zhukovs are not afraid to attract attention to themselves, although they do not wear anything extravagant.Although some interesting things are interested, but no more.In clothes rather categorical in judgments (actually as in many other things), can express their negative opinion.As for "I like it, I'll wear it" - in the case when you not only like it, but it goes, it emphasizes both your character and your appearance, and you look much more spectacular.In addition, knowing that you are going to save you time when you need to look at it all.Well, no one still forbids you to wear what you like - of course not, wear, you can just learn to wear it all so that it will decorate.

    With the right approach and attention to themselves Zhukovs do not experience any special problems with the selection of clothing.In addition, their clothes are usually quite practical, perhaps the four-dimensional business logic is affected.

    Zhukov can express strong, active, even slightly aggressive images, you can express fatal and even sensual ones based on sensorics, you can go to sports style, military or even some informal, for example, rock aesthetics.You can say "images of the Amazons."In the Zhukovs, the force sensorics are noticeably even better than those of the Napoleons, in whom it is softened by ethics.Even in the evening dresses, the female Zhukov is a warrior.It will be difficult to
    express cute, gentle and playful images.

    Logics - sensorics of the delta - Stirlitz and Gaben .In the values ​​of the delta - sensorics of sensations, business logic, intuition of possibilities and ethics of relations.

    Sensorics of sensations means that it is very important for the Deltians (including the Delian ethic, by the way) how clothes are sitting on the body, what sensations cause, whether the material is pleasant, whether it crawls, whether it is comfortable in it.Business logic means that clothes should be pretty practical.Do not interfere with the movements.The intuition of possibilities means that in principle, these people do not mind adding something individual to their image, express themselves through clothing.Although the delta's logics do this much less, this is the sphere of creativity of ethics-intuition.And the ethics of relations means that the appearance should have the interlocutor.
    The status of Delian logic is not so important.

    Stirlitz usually dresses neatly and tastefully.Problems with the selection of shades or shapes and their combinations are usually not experienced.Possible problems may be lack of imagery, too "classical" clothing.If Maxim Gorky has this reluctance to stand out for one reason or another, then Stirlitz may be from the inability to catch the desired image and trends (this is the work of intuition of time - BI), and therefore the desire for what is time-tested and relevant always.This is not such a problem, but still more individual images - more disposable.In such cases, it is worth adding some individual touch.This is work on CHI, an expression of its essence.An individual stroke creates your style, with fashion (work on BI), it may not intersect, so in any case, pain one-dimensional BI can be circumvented.

    Stirlitz can express an elegant, active, business image, If feminine - it's a lady-like, if relaxed - there is still a tightness and some classics.You will not get too complicated moody "theatrical" images, as well as pretty girls' images - Stirlitz has a four-dimensional emergency, and it is clearly visible, although it is not valuable.Clothing Stirlitz with all the elegance is usually convenient and practical.

    Gaben is a basic white sensor, so usually it is easy to see what is combined with what.Very much attention is paid to the convenience and sensations of the fabric.Finding the shape or size for them is usually not a problem either.Clothes usually sit well, fit in size.However, complications can arise if you strongly go into the sensory of sensations, especially if there is no experience or support for the black intuition.In this case, you can go into faceless, though comfortable images.As in stereotypes - in gray soft sweaters and black comfortable jackets =), there is a craving for soft colors and close almost monochrome color combinations.No matter whether it goes all or not, "the main thing that is convenient."But in fact, as I already wrote in this post earlier - the ideal is when it is convenient, and expresses you and emphasizes your dignity.Because what goes, allows you and save time on the selection of clothes, and put it to yourself, and express a piece of yourself.If to you there are bright colors, but in themselves they seem screaming - remember that they will not look at you like that, well, in any palette there is something more quiet or you can balance a bright color with something more neutral.As for the style - again, you can add some details that will express you (Black intuition).For example, in accessories.

    Gabens can express calm, disposed images, relaxed.But quite elegant, although not quite strict, or feminine, may well.In any images there is convenience and some practicality.It will be difficult with uncomfortable figurines - it is too isolated and usually not very comfortable, and also with playful "girlish" images, the painful ethics of emotions that are read in the expression of the person will be discordant.

    Last edited by Faith; 08-04-2017 at 06:02 PM.
    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Oh my god oh my god ohhhh myyyy goood!!!! I needed this in my life. Thank you @Slugabed for presenting this to us mweh Is there more?

  3. #3
    Disbelief Jung
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Oh my god oh my god ohhhh myyyy goood!!!! I needed this in my life. Thank you @Slugabed for presenting this to us mweh Is there more?
    Yes, I'm posting the rest of the types.

  4. #4
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    Very nice post, @Slugabed. I second @Chae: Is there any more? The link you provided is broken.

    My mother is Stirlitz, and this is very much the style she uses. I know several Maxim's, and your post nailed the essence of their styles, too.

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    Ethics - sensorics - this is Dumas, Hugo, Napoleon, Dreiser

    It is believed that sensory ethics do not experience special problems with clothing, but, of course, this is not always the case, they also have their pitfalls.

    In this article it will be easier to divide not by extraversion-introversion, but by squares.

    Dumas and Hugo are sensory ethics of the quadra alpha, which, in the priority of sensory sensations (BS), the ethics of emotions (CHE), intuition of possibilities (CHI) and structural logic (BL).

    Any sensorics in general are well oriented in the ES (appearance and shape, size, correlation of forms) and in the BS (whether it is convenient, whether sitting, not skewed, warm).But the priority is usually one of the sensors.

    Dumas and Hugo need to be comfortable and harmonious.Status status (ES) is usually not considered.Therefore, they can choose quality nice to the touch things, not paying attention to the brand.As one of my acquaintances Hugo said - "why pay more for the title, when the fabric is the same."In general, there is nothing wrong with this, in my opinion a person who also has BS in values ​​=)

    The introvert Dumas , however, it can lead to a too simple and not very expressive clothes.Some representatives of this TIM are not very fond of everyone's attention, despite the fact that they are ethical, and sometimes embarrassed by it (although perhaps this is a creative CHE), although in values ​​also CHI is an intuition of possibilities that says that clothing should be individualized .But the one-dimensionality of this function will not give you something out of the ordinary.

    To not get too boring clothes, I think it's worth paying attention to finding your style, your style of person (this is just CI).Think about who you are, how you differ from others, what your merits you would like to emphasize, what image to create.

    With the understanding of harmony or disharmony, problems should not arise =) But do not count.That a powerful BS protects you from mistakes in general and always - it also fails =) Therefore, you still need to get acquainted with the theory =) as an additional insurance will help and classify yourself as a value BL, whether it's a color type or a lineage type.In combination colors you can use all your potential.This is just BS (harmony) + CHE (mood).

    Dumas can express comfortable, warm, calm, even gentle images.With a good study, they are rather creative, soft and unobtrusive, individual.It is unlikely that you will be able to express the active and brutal images of the Yan and too avant-garde - they will be excessively energetic.

    Hugo is an extrovert, therefore his images may be generally more prominent.In comparison with Dumas, Hugo can choose more unusual (CHI stronger) and even more cheerful clothes (CHE base and usually there is no fear of standing out).

    In general, the recipe for a good image for Hugo is to maintain a balance between all facets =) The BS will help to regulate the harmony of appearance, CHE - create a mood with your images, CHI - add a small amount of uniqueness, and BL - check how it all meets the recommendations for Your type.But if the balance is broken - there will be unnecessary distortions.If the skew in the BS - "the main thing that was convenient, but what it looks like - all the same," you can again go into uninteresting boring images.It is believed that bad-looking Hugo does not happen - in fact, like in any TIM.And you can go to absolute creativity in CHE and CHI (and sometimes not very much in time and situation (painful BI)) - then it will be the other way round, brute force.In general, the power of Hugo - in harmony, in balance =)

    Hugo can express both elegant images, and playful, slightly unusual.Complexities can be with the expression of very complex thought out "theatrical" images - there is usually involved BI.Such images are a field of intuitive activity.

    The sensory ethics of Gamma are Napoleon and Dreiser .In priority, this quadra volitional sensorics, the ethics of relations, business logic and intuition of time.

    Volitional sensorics can mean that people are not afraid to stand out, and also (far from everyone and not always) in the status of clothing.Business logic is more expressed in the desire for the functionality of clothing.The intuition of time is imagery, but in this sphere the intuition of the scale is strong.

    Napoleons usually look either very beautiful and harmonious, or very catchy.With the beauty of everything due to the good development of both sensorics - in general, the Napoleons see what and what is combined, what is going on, and what does not go.Errors, of course, like the other sensorics can be.But again, like other sensors, these errors are fairly easy to find and correct.If Napoleon pays attention to his appearance in order to create a beautiful image, he usually gets quite interesting individualized images.But strangely enough, there is often such an extreme as excessive extravagance and flamboyance.The reason probably can be covered in one of several factors: the desire to stand out at any cost, to attract attention, to dominate (unrealized and not directed into the necessary channel of ES), while the restrictive BS (which tracks harmony, but is considered in relation to the ES all Is not such a priority in the values ​​of Napoleon).Here, probably, you can only say that you can attract attention in other ways, not only and not so much clothing =) And sometimes role-playing CHI interferes - the desire to seem extremely unusual in public, while the Napoleons are brave in realizing their fantasies, because the emergency is strong , They are not afraid of conflicts.Brute force search is usually very noticeable, so even for me, the basic Chishnik some Napoleon freaks look strange =) (as one example - to ride in a witch's hat in the metro =) was such a case =) is not indicative for all Napoleons of course.But it's me that they are very extravagant).Then I think, it's just that a person needs to find his niche, so that there is recognition in this sphere, so that there is not such a zealous desire to prove to everyone and everyone, "how unique I am".In general, in order to combat excessive casting, who suffers from this - you need to pay attention to the BS more =) As an additional stimulus - interesting, but without oversimplification, the appearance is much more disposable, more disposes people to you than a very catchy and vivid appearance.And about the stand out - do not worry, with the charm of creative ethics you will so notice =)

    Dreiser has four sensory sensations.Although BS and not in the values ​​of quadra, it is still well taken into account when choosing clothes.Since the power sensor system in Dreiser is also not basic, often comfort can exceed the need to look catchy or status.Here again, the main thing is not to go on just about comfort and not forget that not only comfort is important, but a combination of clothes with your appearance.However, Dreisers are usually not afraid to stand out, although they are introverts.In general, they balance the balance of appearance between convenience and unusualness quite well.

    In images, Dreisers often choose something quite comfortable, quite disposable, but often talking about something about them, in the images, the force of the ES is still traced. Gulenko writes that there is often a craving for folk elements in a suit, in principle, I do not have many examples to agree or not, but generally stylization under some folk images May well fit into Dreiser's aesthetics.The desire for roots, the desire to find the origins of culture - the value BI, and ethnic coloring as an expression of a certain cultural position - BE.

    Dreisers can express as possessing, comfortable, and strong and even slightly dramatic images.Sensual images of Dreiser are also not alien.It will be difficult with very unusual creative images that combine several images at once with evocative images, and with cute "girlish" images.

    Last edited by Faith; 08-04-2017 at 06:41 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    Yes, I'm posting the rest of the types.

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    Ethics-intuition - it's Hamlet, Yesenin, Huxley and Dostoevsky .

    It can be said that, for ethics - intuit in clothes, mood and imagery are important.

    Ethics - intuitions - extroverts - Huxley and Hamlet , have the same functions, so I will combine common directions for them.

    - one-dimensional BS means that there may be problems with the choice of fabric, with an assessment of the quality of clothes, with a choice of clothes for the weather, with a feeling of how the clothes are sitting on a figure

    - Strong BI and CHI and "passion" of communication (like the absence of fear of drawing attention) allow you to build interesting and unusual images, to show your uniqueness, to look for your own inside the styles.

    The problems of Hamlet are mostly reduced to his one-dimensional BS, which is painful too - he does not feel his body very well, and does not really feel harmony and can still worry about it.
    Huxley's problems - in the same one-dimensional BS and the fact that it is in the vital block - is not felt.All the same as Hamlet's - clothes are not for the weather, inability to understand the comfort, lack of understanding of the needs of their own body and, moreover, the lack of special attention to these factors.

    With harmony Hamlets usually cope with BI and CHE - you can try to "feel the palette," to catch the associations that cause the colors of this group."I am a soft summer .. foggy rainy August .. glade in a green forest at dusk .. petals of tender ashy roses on an old folio in a gray cover .. and a deep grayish-blue river, in which rain clouds are reflected."For Huxley, too, this method suits.Although the words describe the palette you will be more difficult - the vital block works.CHI can also come in handy, after "compose an image" of the palette, you can "try on" it for a specific person.

    The main thing here is not to get carried away and do not throw everything completely on intuition, do not begin to evaluate the character of a person and his personality, and then we will come to "deer eyes - summer".It will be more productive "such a shining, illuminated from the inside of the skin, perhaps a bright color .. we need to check."Do not forget about the emergency for security.ES - "power sensorics" - not exactly the exact name.Extraverted black sensorics assess the appearance of the object.The concept of color, color impurities, dimensions and geometric shapes is an ES.Hamlet and Huxley have a mediocre, two-dimensional.But you can check your conclusions on it and you need it.

    Both Hamlet and Huxley - "negativists" - see better what is not, what is missing.Accordingly, it is better to see what does not go than what goes.Therefore, it is more productive to begin the search by throwing back obviously unsuitable options.

    The fact that Hamlet or Huxley does not feel his body can be manifested in the fact that he is not dressed in the weather, that the clothes are not sitting well and twisting, if he does not follow it (and Huxley usually does not feel, Hamlet does not really feel either Can be embarrassed if suddenly something is wrong - this is his motivation to follow), clothes can be uncomfortable, from tough fabrics.Often it is uncomfortable, but beautiful (beauty is a matter of emergency) or unusual (CHI) or imaginative (BE).

    Here you can advise to ensure that the shoe box was comfortable, with a cloth-before buying a thing you need to touch the fabric, or even rub against the skin, listen to the sensations. If the fabric does not like the touch, do not buy it.With the weather - remember what weather in what clothes you normally feel, accumulate experience, look at people around.

    In Hamlet, an additional problem with BS is the fear of assessing the body and the harmony of the species.There may be tormenting about the fact that he somehow does not look like that, it's not so worth it, his voice is not so, the pose is not so much.It's hard to say anything except that I can remind you that "everything is created beautiful, your beauty is in your uniqueness" and that in fact people do not really follow your kind, they do it themselves, most of it and not at all Will notice that you have something wrong.

    Suggestive BL of Hamlet can also cause one more effect (although not everyone, usually those who are interested in the topic with superficiality) is a belief in recognized people, authorities, generally accepted information.A small black dress should be in a perfect wardrobe?Yeah.understandably!have to search!

    Contrary to popular myths, Hamlets do not always dress up very nicely, very many who prefer ordinary clothes, perhaps even more than those who try to dress unusually.

    In terms of imagery and the transfer of mood Hamlets can achieve very great success.Whether their clothes are harmonious or not, creative or simple, Hamlet is good at expressing the image .. something .. What he decided.With a creative approach, it will be a well thought out image.Well, for example, "lady", "forest sorceress" and so on.At usual clothes all the same there will be any image - "a cutie", "the girl - the neigbour" etd.It's Hamlet's strength that you can use.

    In their images, Hamlets can express, passion, unusualness, creativity, mysticism, sensuality, romance, aristocracy ... and much more.It is difficult even to say from the side that they can not express .. But it is those words that I called that come to mind first.Expression of different images is better done through accessories.

    Huxley has an additional problem with BS in that he simply does not notice that something is twisted, the hair is disheveled or the nails are broken.Only the habit of checking your appearance in the mirror (but without fanaticism) will help you, but it will be more effective not to use too uncomfortable clothes that require constant attention, and very complex hairstyles - most likely not follow.Styles will be easier to express those that do not require a certain rigor of planting clothes.

    Like Hamlet Huxley creates images quite well, although the idea of ​​them is amorphous, is poorly expressed in words.But if Hamlet's images express his mood more and the mood he wants to create in people looking at him (HSE), then Huxley will have to express his essence (CHI), to show the world who he is, to express his personality.Hamlet is also important, but Huxley will talk more about the inner essence, and Hamlet - about imagery.Like Hamlet, Huxley with the help of images can create the style that will express his essence.

    In their images Huxley can express unusualness, creativity, freedom, activity, sensuality, mischief, romance.This, of course, is not limited.It will be difficult to express strict "dry" images.With uniform and dress code, there may be problems due to painful BL (and while studying at school, and even working in the field of education, I did everything possible to uphold the disregard for the form of children, considering it an unnecessary equalization and an attempt to drive the person into unnecessary frames. An example of the work of pain BL and basic CI).If you still have to wear a dress code, try to make it a bit of your own .. use jewelry that expresses you, accessories .. If this is not possible ... well, at least in your underwear "break away" =) If there is a desire to dress very simply and conveniently - all the same do not forget about accessories, they will bring a little of your soul into the image =)

    And ethics-intuition - introverts - Dostoevsky and Yesenin.

    They are united by a one-dimensional ES (possible problems with the sizes of clothes, sometimes impossibility to decompose the intuitive picture of color and lines into components), strong BI, which allows to think in images, and powerful BE (which often allows them to seem "soulful").Strongly stand out, they do not like their appearance, rather they want to make a favorable impression.

    With a one-dimensional emergency is associated as an unwillingness to pretentiously dress, but this is not a drawback, and problems with assessing the qualities of the subject.However, here the same intuition (perception in the image) and BS will come to the aid - the concept of harmony, about the pleasantness to the eye.

    Theoretically, both Yesenin and Dostoevsky are positivists, that is, they see better when exactly it goes than when it does not exactly go.Apparently in clothes this may be due to the fact that harmony, "fit" (BS) is perceived better than individual qualities (ES).In any case, in appearance, it is important for you to keep track of the overall picture-how much it is pleasing to the eye, what it expresses.

    The problem with the sizes is solved even easier - not to buy anything without fitting.The problem with the decomposition of coloring into the components decides BS-harmonic - your color, no - not yours.If your color is "complicated", you will have to try on colors.The problem with the decomposition of lines into geometric shapes is solved by BI - Kibbi's theory with its descriptions (Diva, Naughty girl, Lady) to help you."Try on" images.However, do not forget to check the BS-harmony.And then again there is a chance to go into the definition of characters.

    Yesenin usually creates a rather nice impression, and usually does not experience any special problems in creating images and selecting clothes.If he wants, he understands what goes to him and what does not.Yesenin creates images well, although in contrast to Hamlet and Huxley, they are softer.But still usually very creative, pleasant.

    Yesenin can express romanticism, lightness, carelessness, tenderness, creativity, thoughtfulness, refinement, the image of a good girl and much more.It will be difficult to express "brutal" and aggressive images.They will not be mated with facial expressions and general mood.However, as an option, you can play on the contrast - use a mixture of feminine gentle and masculine aggressive.In this case, "masculine" will emphasize your tenderness, although it hints that you are not so defenseless =).

    Dostoevsky may have another problem that Yesenin does not have.It is associated with the fact that the emergency situation is painful.In an unfavorable environment, he may be afraid of attracting attention, so there is a risk of slipping into the simplest and most boring images.From the motivation "do not stand out once again."This problem can be solved with the help of your strong functions - BI (find yourself a suitable image), CHI (the image that you would express), BE (pleasant to others).And to help you BS (harmonious looking, nice looking, not screaming).In the expression of your images, use not the most dramatic, but calm, disposable.

    One of the problems - if the colors and lines that match you, attract a lot of attention, are very dramatic.Here I can say that your colors, even if they are bright, do not seem to be screaming at you.In case you have a bright color, use basic colors with bright accents-this will help you and match the color and do not attract unnecessary attention when you do not want it.With lines, too, problems should not arise - remember that lines and style are not connected, and inside your type on the lines you can quite find the images that suit you.

    Dostoevsky can express tenderness, gentleness, dreaminess, thoughtfulness, modesty, femininity, having quiet images with a note of creativity.It will be difficult with brutal images and with very creative, pretentious, unusual, shocking.

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    Logic - intuition - it's Don Quixote, Robespierre, Balzac, Jack

    With logos - intuits myths are connected, that they do not think about clothes at all, but this, of course, is not so.In fact, the logic - intuition is not inferior to ethics -intuits in figurative thinking, and, as a consequence, in the imagery of clothing.

    In extroverts and introverts, again, the functions are the same in measure.

    Logicians - inutites - extroverts - Don and Jack.

    And the Don and Jack have a one-dimensional BS, which means that they both do not understand the sensations of their body - they can miss with the warmth of their clothes, their clothes can warp, sit unevenly, etc.Moreover, if Jack can concentrate on this and experience (painful), then Don may not notice (suggestive).With the problem of tug of clothing, you can advise you to choose clothes from such fabrics, which in any case fit well in the figure, avoid clothes and images that require complex preparation and constant tracking of the details.It will be difficult with tissues, which strongly rumble.When buying shoes, pay attention to the shoe.With temperature, also remember when and what clothes you need to wear to not freeze =)

    As for the color solution and lines - the response is for the perception of the ES, for harmony - BS.If you can not understand whether you are going to color or cut, try to decompose it into components, and see if there are the same components in your appearance.(Rounded cut - roundness in the figure, a bluish subtle in color - a bluish subtle in the skin, etc.).

    As intuitive, Jack and Don can easily work on figurative thinking.Dressing your truth is a good example.For imagery in clothing, the BI responds.In Jack, she is more aware, but it is difficult for Don to express it in words, but he also sees it well.With the creation of images in clothes, problems should not arise.Lines and color can also be comprehended through images-remember - "relief skin - a relief Grand Canyon."But it is better to check the information with ES, objective external qualities of the object, so that it also does not turn out to be a person's identity as a whole, instead of appearance.Jack has more chances to try and "merge" the personality and appearance into one picture, this is the property of the value BI.Here it needs to be done carefully.Colors, lines and personality can be combined in different ways, the overall picture will certainly be at the end, but it can not be predicted from a single indicator.(That is, lines do not define color and character)

    CHI, very powerful in both TIMs, helps to understand what exactly is right for you, makes an installation for uniqueness, as a manifestation of your own individuality.

    In Jack, the value of ES can still affect the love of fashionable (status or expensive) clothing (although this is not at all, just like not all Hamlets).And rather reinforce the basic BC - clothing in the first place should be comfortable, practical.

    The images of jacks are usually energetic, comfortable, practical, rather unusual, distinguishing them from the crowd.It will be difficult to create gentle passive romantic images, refined excessively strict images.

    In the Don , the fact that the ES is not a value, but a BS one-dimensional, can lead to an extreme "if only it was convenient (BS), well, let it remain for the expression of who I am (CHI)". There is no need to forget that even the best image is lost if something is not harmonious. As a basic ChI Don it is important that clothes somehow express it, that he does not associate with himself - it is unlikely to be worn. Therefore, it is important to balance the comfort, the external picture and self-expression. Look for who you are, go from your inner world, but with the correction for your appearance. =) The images of the Don are usually comfortable, but rather creative and individual. It is difficult to express calm modest images, strict status.

    Logicians - intuitions - introverts - it's Balzac and Robespierre

    They have a one-dimensional emergency, that is, there may be problems with assessing the external qualities of objects - shapes, sizes and color characteristics.But here comes to the aid of two-dimensional BS - the harmony.See if the thing merges with you into a single picture, it's nice to look at it, or something stands out, destroying harmony.With the size of the problem is solved simply - always try on things =)
    In addition, with the problem of whether or not it is suitable, strong structural logic may help to cope - assigning oneself to one of the categories of good classification and targeting it.("Ah, I'm warm autumn, that's my palette, that's the color I'll wear").

    Balzac and Robespierre are "negativists" - that is, they see better what does not fit.Therefore, the search for the right one can be carried out by casting clearly unsuitable options.

    Both Rob and Balzac have a strong BI, which is responsible for the imagery of thinking.Therefore, they can both think in images and express them.

    Balzacs, contrary to myths, in my modest experience, are often interested in fashion and style issues, often working on their leading function - BI.They love figurative theories, express their essence in images, look for the right one.Can perfectly and effectively show the image of the picture.Here the main thing, as well as with other white intuits, is to be able to separate one from the other - the lines are not associated with color =) The role BS, in principle, allows Balzac to normally perceive the harmony and disharmony of the picture, so that it should help to separate the common image perception from harmony.Since the ES, although weak, but not painful, many Balzacs are not afraid to wear something unusual and even a little shock.Although there is another approach - when they do not think about clothes at all, do not consider it important, they wear what they like and do not distinguish.But here you can say that of course, the inner content is more important, but when it is stressed outward, it only gets better =)

    Balzacs can express mysterious, calm, elegant, and unusual, even slightly informal images.Balzacs can express and gentle images, by the way.Balzacs can be both informal, and wear a calm everyday and even quite feminine style.It will not be possible to express very funny playful images - there will be a discrepancy with the expression of the person that gives out the painful CHE.

    Robespierres from painful emergencies can try not to attract unnecessary attention, and can also go to extremes "the main thing is comfortable, and in general clothing does not matter."Here you can advise to adhere to calm, disposed images.Like Dostoevsky, there may be problems in the combination of bright color and dramatic lines with a somewhat shy character.There will help the combination of colors, choose from the palette more complex colors and combinations of similar colors-they look more calm.With lines - remember that the style of the lines does not depend.Well, do not forget that even the brightest colors and dramatic lines look at you harmoniously, not defiantly.

    The images of Robespierres can be calm, elegant, everyday-comfortable, quite collected, but not devoid of anything interesting and individual.It is difficult to express sensual sexual images and aggressive ones.

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    I like the Stirlitz clothes the best. A lot of these outfits are well put together but way too detailed for me. I like really simple classic clothes in colors like beige, gray, blush/light pink and brown. Earrings and rings but other than those I don't wear jewelry. Nice jewelry is too expensive and so if I wore anything - I'd be wearing obvious cheap jewelry. which now that I'm not a teenager I refuse to do much.

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    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Interesting idea. Depending on my mood/circumstance I dress either SLE/SEE or EIE according to this list. Most of the people I know fit the criteria, so I say it works!

  11. #11
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Thinking about realistic male version of Don.

    Not clothed by Dumas.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    justalitnerdxx's Avatar
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    Of the styles mine is a mix of IEI EII and SEI; I tend to like Gamine sort of looks but due to my soft body shape and size of my chest and hips, I do favour fluid silleoutes that don't make me look look stuffed in sausage wrap lol

  13. #13
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Balzac and Robespierre are "negativists" - that is, they see better what does not fit.Therefore, the search for the right one can be carried out by casting clearly unsuitable options.

    I much prefer to shop online.

    Shopping IRL is like searching for a needle in a haystack to me. Anathema.

    The idea of the Balzac clothing isn't wrong, but each person will get their own style out of it. I just don't need to present outside much and wear jeans and sneakers or cowboy boots for years, with a shirt, often a T-shirt, plain, but for the last decade I've tried to mostly just wear band t-shirts and either a jean jacket or a hoody. That's comfort and I don't mind being seen like that.

    Balzac wearing something shocking? Yes, yes, yes. When I was younger I'd wear all kinds of dresses and it was shocking at times, and more than that in hindsight. No pictures exist, as far as I know, thankfully.

    In college one guy called me "The Costume Lady" but I never was wearing anything but eccentric styled things from the past. New or thrift store finds, I had a different look than anyone else around me.

    I'm too lazy to want to make a big clothing effort now. I like the comfort of my falling apart old jeans, and my t-shirts.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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    Which type likes to wear birthday suits?

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    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    Awesome thread, I'd have to say the styles that I resonate with the most are Napoleon, Zhukov, and Maxim Gorky

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    I know alpha NTs dress horribly, which I do not at all relate to. I dress like a sensation type, not a gaudy intuitive.

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    I was pretty surprised to see I liked the Dreiser (ESI) fashions best! Accurate for the most part. Also liked SEI fashions though, too. EII and IEI were 3rd and 4th place for me. :->

    The Dreiser fashions seem to have a Grecian theme or similar which I am drawn to. Kind of traditional/romantic too. Also the color theme is even right up my alley. Case in point, my wedding dress - images attached. Grecian, lacy trimmed veil, peach and orange accessorizing, turquoise earrings. LOL


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    I wear mostly long skirts and boots.

    Favourite boots:

    Other boots and the occasional shoe:
    photo hosting sites

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Thinking about realistic male version of Don.

    Not clothed by Dumas.
    Throw the nearest shit you can find on (most of which was probably bought for you by other people) and then invent some way to order the various colours and patterns, which you can then use for all of your clothes.

    Get Dumas to wash your dirty underwear.

  20. #20
    Little Timmy's Avatar
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    Most male clothing is generic as fuck, if we had to make a similar post for men's clothing, we'd have to classify them based on T-shirt designs or something.
    shirt dude.jpg

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