Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
OK, here is the best I can think of.

She's ESI, so she's loaded with Fi and really likes my Te and admires my general situation in life. She and I spent eight very easy hours together one day. So, she likes me. Maybe more than she cares to admit.

She can't see where things are going (low Ni), because the last thing she asked me, that day we went out, was what direction I think the world is going in? (I said it will be fine.) She bases all her decisions on previous experiences, and she can't decide if I'm like a "previous rat BF male" or some guy she should like.

She's e6w7, so she lost faith in authority early on (she said her SLI father is lazy and has a terrible work ethic) and that includes all authority, including men in general, but at the same time, she wants to look up to some authority. But she doesn't trust male authorities. Note that she works for herself, not for a male boss. So she's going to have a push-pull relation to guys she likes. Close the distance and then run away.

Her Imago is an SLI. She met my SLI son and said if he were a lot older, she could go for him. I said, "Go ahead. See how that works out." Her Imago is not an LIE. She doesn't know any LIE's, so she has NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITH THEM. So I might be interesting, but I'm also strange and a big scary unknown.

Add this all up, and you get the fact that she likes me a lot but doesn't trust me and isn't sexually attracted to me so her Fi insisted that any invitation to go out to eat include a disclaimer that she doesn't like me enough to have sex with me. Remember, most women think that a guy just wants one thing from them. They have a hard time understanding that some guys might enjoy their company at an optimum distance that doesn't include the exchange of bodily fluids. Not that I'm against that, but I'm fine if she doesn't want to do that. I have several female friends that I don't want to sleep with.

And that's why I think she said what she said.
Maybe she is an IxE.