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Thread: FANXY CHILD seeks a type

  1. #121
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    @Bertrand it's not a meme (not every popular image is) and when used it's played straight lol, you have no clue. In the movie yes, it's ironic.

    In any case you don't have to play dumb and derail as usual, at this point the only person you're fooling it's yourself

    But go ahead and post here to your heart's content I'll just do to your posts what I do with crying children: ignore them.


    Bringing this post here because it's illustrative:

    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    I ultimately judge competency on results, not processes. I'm empiric at my core, theory will never compare to experiences. These have repeatedly showed me people do not suck at their HA function, not consistently enough to warrant a rule. "Looking into myself" is terribly vague and doesn't describe any process specifically. As for equating thinking to or , I assume you can't be serious.

    As for what I "can't" and "should" do, I can't see why would you assume that's not what I'm doing already. Compared to the PoLR and the Suggestive, HA is stronger., every time. "Some" being about 50%, that's enough to cast doubt on any theory to me.

    As for base versus HA, that's obvious and irrelevant information to this discussion, being that I specifically said I knew the HA could never compare. That was never a point so bringing it up now serves no purpose.

    You started your reply with "IMO" and I don't claim to know for sure what is or isn't a consistent trait either. So let's agree to disagree, because none of us will change their minds, and therefore it's useless to go on about it.

  2. #122
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    Im not playing dumb Im legitimately uncertain as to whether you think Im actually obsessed with you or whether you're just making a self aware joke about your own (or anyone's) narcissistic self centeredness in making such a claim

  3. #123
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Bringing this over:

    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post

    You see this is a perfect example of why ExIs piss me off: see her rant about the high-touch event. She's bitching about something that went exactly like it should and acting as if she was robbed or conned. That's misinformation on her part, not the organizer' fault. High-touches events are exactly like she described in Korea too, even for official members of fan clubs. And they invest way more than U$800 a year, but they know what they're getting 'cuz they inform themselves.

    Apparently she doesn't know the difference of a fansigning event and a high-touch one, and hasn't thought of researching about KCON experiences previous to attending hers. She was robbed for the goodies bag though, no doubt about that. But again, why didn't she ask what came in it before purchasing the tickets?

    About the backstage tour email thing: had she been pro active it wouldn't have happened. If she didn't get her email at the very latest one hour prior than she should have taken action. Sure it isn't "right" or "ideal", but one must do what is needed to get their money's worth instead of just complaining.

    Flower Boy Cafe: she likes Kpop, she doesn't like Korean culture. I've already noticed it because she frequently finds the most typical Korean things cringey. That's fine and she's entitled to have her opinion, but mentioning it in the same video where she complains about technical mistakes from the organizer's part makes it sound like the actual cafe was shitty. It wasn't, she just didn't like it.

    The Platinum Area setup: same thing as goodies bag, shady as hell and unacceptable, but that kind of info is available before hand.

    It might sound like I'm siding with the event organizers, but I'm not, they suck at their job ad have poor ethic. But this chick's "I was fooled!" attitude is annoying, she's way too old for this "I had no idea" thing.

    I like Courtney, her KCON videos is a good example of regardless of possible questionable behavior people enjoy watching SEEs:

  4. #124
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    One thing I've obviously always knew but have to really marvel at after this whole exposing my mom to Socionics quadras thing is how different are the type profiles compared to MBTI.

    Because just short of two months ago I made my mom watch really short introdutory videos and read the profiles of all 16 MBTI types.

    Her picks were INTP, INFJ & ENFP. She even gave me percentages lol:

    INTP: 65%, INFJ 75% and ENFP 95%.

    For now she says Gamma, but I've only given her the basics. Knowing how her IEE mind works after she gets all the info she might point me to a type that comes from the left field

  5. #125
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    From the Online and Offline Personalities thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I noticed a lot of people say they are different offline and I wondered how different do you think you are online than in person, and what would surprise people about you in person compared to your online persona?
    Oh yeah, you bet I'm different

    -Much less expressive though as much assertive when I am;
    -Many think I'm stuck up or even antisocial 'cuz I'm comfortable either sticking to my inner circle or being on my own
    -Spend an incredible amount of time off with my headphones on so maybe that helps with that impression
    -Much less tolerant of people so this on/off relations don't exist in RL
    -Also much less tolerant of nonsense, derail and don't voice out my doubts, I only present my final conclusions and always seem sure
    -Switch from serious to playful and vice versa is more brusque and noticeable
    -Have a serious case of crippling chronicle second hand embarrassment
    -Biggest difference is probably the fact that my personality and intentions seem to be much more "mysterious" or opaque, for some reason I let loose online (probably because of anonymity and because no one has seen my face)[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I vary my content & posting style because I'm paranoid about people finding out who I really am. I have consistently used multiple aliases, fake names, fake pictures, etc. on the internet to throw people off my scent. I'm not really very neurotic, but I do have real enemies with real power both online and offline.
    What the fuck, are you me Different reasons, same behavior.
    Last edited by PrettySavage; 11-27-2017 at 08:59 AM.

  6. #126
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    Found this from a while back:

    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Originally Posted by TallmoIve seen a LII learning socionics. I managed to convince him that it was worth his time to at least get an introduction to the theory. I gave him some links and said read this and then we'll discuss. He skimmed through the theory in one evening. We met and i gave him examples of friends and relatives and their types. He got interested and wanted more and more examples.

    His approach seemed to be that he didnt really care a shit about the theory. He could see very fast that there was a real phenomenon behind it. And he quickly came up with his own method of typing people. The next day he could already correct some of my mistypings. He basically did the thinking himself. The theory itself was secondary.

    On the other hand ive seen ILEs being very sceptical. Coming up with all kinds of arguments why it cant work. Unlike the LII the ILE wants to understand the theory right away. If he has some problems accepting the structure he might loose his interest. The LII seems much more pragmatic.

    That is really interesting, because that's exactly how it was for me with both MBTI and Socionics. I got the gist down, started quickly believing it because observation of reality proved it to be "real", and started applying it right away and yes, correcting other's typings. The actual nomenclature and models were basically "ignored", because the essence of the functions and holistic view of the types was already there. In fact I'd say it was like most of what I read wasn't new at all even though I've never seen it, it was like something I already knew, just didn't have a name for it. That's how I got a big following and good reputation on other forums, but the thing is I was sure of my type back then. Once I realized that wasn't it came my doubts and frustrations with the theories, because I couldn't apply it to myself. Of course that I know it's not just the theory's fault, it has to do with self perception and understanding too, but until I first realized I was mistyped the theory's deficiencies didn't bother me at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Originally Posted by Phil OsiferWhich is interesting being aware one has a "strong uncompromising personality" can apply to practically anyone who is interested in determining their personality type.

    Precisely, this whole "You like apples, therefore ESE" thing is typology's biggest turn off. These knee jerk typings and much worse, the delusion most of people who engage in them, they are the ones who close to never accept the possibility of being wrong. And hell if you point to their flawed reasoning, then you're "in denial" because surely, a stranger who has only interacted with you a couple times know you better than you know yourself.

  7. #127
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    Ok so I just noticed something: I have 8 friends in my profile:

    -4 are Delta, 2 IEEs, 1 EII and 1 SLI
    -2 are Gamma and SEE
    -1 is Alpha and LII
    -1 is Beta and IEI

    -I have so far the closest and more frequent interactions with an IEE though we have very different opinions on some things, we need to take breaks from each other though
    -I have only had conflict with one SEE and the SLI
    -I definitely find myself agreeing most with the IEI (and outside my friends list with people that recently switched from IEI to ILI)
    Last edited by PrettySavage; 11-27-2017 at 12:26 PM.

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    Very strong personality. What types are you considering? Fe valuing and Beta seems pretty straightforward. I thought EIE.

    How are you about contentment, inner peace? Sorry, this might not go anywhere haha, I mean, it can (I imagine) be important to anyone, but finding a balance is something Si related. But... I think from what I can tell Si type has been eliminated, I just thought I'd ask as self descriptions don't always give it all, you might just be running on adrenaline/busy life, which might get mixed up with Se/Beta. So feel free to consider it if you like, or maybe it's Si PoLR. Or you're SLE? Just some thoughts really.

    All the best, you seem like a lot of fun and it's nice to have you around.

  9. #129
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    Big 5 test results:

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire
    Definitely Se valuing and probably Rational. SLE is indeed by far the most popular type appointed to me here. The only two thing that kept me from ever really buying it it's that Ni Suggestive and Static type doesn't seem to fit. I've been waiting for any explanation of why that is, to see if I'm mistaken or if SLE is close but not it, but so far none appeared.
    I remember the first thing I noticed in your OP was EJ, and I haven't seen anything counter to that yet. Anyway, yes Se valuing and rational, and an extrovert imo, so ENxj. I favor LIE>EIE of those especially if you're an E8 (which ime are almost always ExTj or SLE)

  11. #131
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    Ok so this is key:

    To compare Ne to something physical I'd compare it to deep-diving on the internet. Everytime you click on link there are millions of more links to click, so you keep clicking until 4 hours later you're thirsty, hungry and you're on a site for Japanese tickle fetishes when all you wanted to do was look up a recipe for dinner.

    A little aside, Ne-Si can make for some conversations as I can associate current events with past events really quickly and then present the funny association. But most people don't get it because they already forgot the past event or they didn't associate it to the present one as quickly as me. Nothing kills the mood more than explaining a joke.

    Because learning more information helps me to better understand the "context" in which a thing exists, and how it interacts with its surroundings. e.g. I may jump on Wikipedia and look up Communism. And there's a path, if I really want to start digging in deep about the philosophy of it, the philosophical questions that arise and the paradoxes of pure implementation, etc. There's a lot to read about.

    But, it's also useful to start branching off into all the tangentially related links, like "post-World War I Russia" and "Karl Marx" and "Industrial Revolution" and so on. These maybe seem like diversions but they set up a mental stage that sets the boundaries in which "communism" plays out. If I spend all my time pondering the details of Communism itself, I will miss out on learning a bunch of stuff, like what specifically allowed it to take hold in some countries and not others, or what happened when its application bumped into other nations with other government styles, why it collapsed, etc.
    And this:

    Sample 1

    Situation: My uncle brought a new woman into our family and into our house. After several years of living together, he proposed to her and they got married. For now he is unable to afford a separate flat/house, and therefore he and his wife still live in our apartment. Recently she became pregnant and is about to give birth in December/January.

    Problem: My whole family lives in the capital city, has high education, CO military ranks, considers itself to be well-cultured, mannered, intellectual. By default has a soft disposition towards new acquaintances, but follows strict traditions, moral codes, is big on honor and dignity. My uncle's wife however came from the deep outskirts of city life. She has village farm-mentality. Is very harsh and uncompromising, kind of like an elephant in a dish shop, doesn't respect neither her own no others' dignity. My family sees her as a snake that had penetrated the comfort of our paradise.

    My train of thought:

    - When I first saw her, I instantly disliked her, however I had no justifiable reason to dislike her, since back then she hadn't done anything that would warrant condemnation. I simply looked at her face, into her eyes, at the way she moved, and how she behaved in social situations. I instantly felt a huge amount of discomfort being around her, but I always brushed those feelings aside since they were illogical. I felt wrong about her, but I just couldn't pinpoint why.

    - I sensed danger radiating from her, danger towards me and towards my family. So from the very first day I started coming up with plans to defend our property and the integrity of our family, just in case she would prove to be truly dangerous in the future. I started drawing up plans on how to legally prevent her from grabbing our property, how to prevent her from turning any of my family members against me or against each other, how to ensure that we would be victorious legally and emotionally in case some conflict would crop up in the near/distant future.

    - Having all these plans on an early stage, I wanted to share them with my parents. But since there was absolutely no factual indication of her vile nature back then, I feared I won't be taken seriously, and would even be made a fool of by my parents for being too calculating, materialistic, and too much of a worrywart. So I kept all my plans, worries, predictions for a dangerous future to myself. They were finalized in my mind, but never shared with anyone. And never put into action.

    - They started talking a lot behind my back, discussing my life, my failures, my flaws. This kept getting my blood boiling, but I refrained from interfering, as I primarily thought they were correctly critical of me, even if I disliked it.
    But eventually, on one such occasion when she tried to rant on me to my uncle, I exploded and went to confront both of them in a very verbally aggressive manner.

    - My main arguing point was that they both are behaving unfairly towards me, that they have absolutely no business discussing me or my life, they have no right to demand anything or expect anything from me, and that they are scum for having attacked my dignity and the dignity of my parents on so many occasions.

    - She accused me of bad manners and bad upbringing, and I instantly perceived this as an attack against my parents rather than as an attack against me. If she thinks I have bad upbringing, then she views my parents as incompetent. In which case I am ready to kill her, as nobody has the right to berate my parents.

    - During the argument my uncle became physically violent, and attacked me but in a somewhat reserved manner. My first impulse was to punch him, but then I stopped myself in time, having quickly assessed that he's far stronger than I am, and that a more beneficial position for me would be to play the victim. If there is a one-sided physical assault on me, then I can later use his impulsive blunder against him and against his wife, be it through police or other means.

    - After the loud argument ended, I left their room, and went back to my business. He later followed me and said "if something happens to my wife, I'll kill you". My instant response was a smile, because I instantly understood that he made a second blunder. Physical assault + death threats = 2 powerful cards in my hand, which I can use at any time in the future to fuck up his life and his wife.

    - Both of my parents were unaware of the conflict, and I didn't report it to them. I didn't want to tell them what had taken place, because they would react immediately and in an unfruitful way. So instead of telling them directly, I ensured that they would find out about it "accidentally". And they did several days later.

    - However, I had withheld both of my powerful cards, knowing that if they'd find out about the assault and threats, they'd beat my uncle and his wife to a pulp and throw them out of the house. I wanted the situation to be under my control, so that I could trigger this series of events only when the time was right.

    - My uncle received a verbal beating from my mother, but it was nothing compared to what would have happened if my parents knew all the details. However, later both of my cards slipped to one of my parents, and I had to put great effort into stopping their wrath from taking shape.

    I came across these anecdotes earlier and they describe my thought processes verbatim. The last one I edited to make it an 100% fit. So I can start really understanding it now...

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    I remember the first thing I noticed in your OP was EJ, and I haven't seen anything counter to that yet. Anyway, yes Se valuing and rational, and an extrovert imo, so ENxj. I favor LIE>EIE of those especially if you're an E8 (which ime are almost always ExTj or SLE)
    Thanks for breaking this stream of consciousness this thread has became, I was going insane. It was always my theory even before Socionics that I was most probably xNxj and I did test xNTJ all the three times I had to take the MBTI test these past five years. Different system though, and many (including me) question the accuracy of the tool. So it wasn't all that difficult to shake my resolve when I came in and everyone was chanting "SxE!SxE!".

    I think the real issue is that being an 8 there's no way I can relate to how weak and/or awkward LIE's is described to be. SLE never fit me for several reasons, the biggest being , but lately I was got really torn between LIE and SEE. It sounded illogical to me because again, positioning, but there's a lot in the SEE profiles that describe things no other type profile has touched on, or in that detail and intensity. Also the tension and contradiction between wanting control and thinking of the consequences because of it versus my instability and severe lack of discipline.

    But I've always thought Beta and Gamma Extrotims actually had a lot in commom with each other, so there's that.

  13. #133
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    An experiment.

    First, pick either A or B by assessing what majority of the mentioned traits applies the most:

    a) I must be affecting something. I must be participating in something, actively striving to mold it into what it needs to be. I am the one who will influence how the situation is going. I must be making a direct difference all the time. I am the sum of my deeds and accomplishments.

    I must be influencing people all the time. I am a bad person if I am not affecting people in some way, and I am good at doing so. I must be involved with the people around me, actively taking an interest in the things they do (regardless of whether or not I myself would be personally interested), and tracking their state so that I may help them in the area of emotions if they so need it. I am the sum of the people I help, associate with, and are friends with.

    b) I must be engaging everything around me, allowing things to reach their maximum power or potential. I deal in excesses and strict jumps from one position to the next in a sort of hurried frenzy. I must act on whatever shows the most promise at the time, as not doing so will ruin an opportunity. Opportunities are very important to me, as who knows what interesting, intricate paths they'll lead me to? A wasted opportunity is wasted experience, and without taking chances and risks for those opportunities, society as a whole will simply stagnate and remain motionless, with no activity.

    I must always be engaged in the physical world around me. Alert. Ready. Tense enough to react to whatever information will come at me next. I am quick to pounce on any opportunity in the immediate environment, and can sense weakness and strength well enough to know when to strike. What I want, I take
    , and what I can't have and yet still want, I will fight for. I will not back down from a challenge; I will rise up to the occasion and perform to the best of my abilities, regardless of the sheer physical or psychological pain that attempt to sideline me. Whatever looks best in the moment is the route I take.

    Now these are the results:

    a) Ej. Leading Fe --> EIE. b) Ep. Leading Se. --> SLE.
    Going by my observations I eliminated LIE and SEE from the initial 4 options. is valued, Gamma dislikes classification and commensurability as you prefer it, even shown in this very thread. There needs to be order, sense, above-below. That's Beta. So only EIE and SLE left. Maybe this helps ok sis Don't you struggle with Socionics

  14. #134
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    Ok, I'll do it anyway:

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    An experiment.

    First, pick either A or B by assessing what majority of the mentioned traits applies the most:

    a) I must be affecting something. I must be participating in something, actively striving to mold it into what it needs to be. I am the one who will influence how the situation is going. I must be making a direct difference all the time. I am the sum of my deeds and accomplishments.

    I must be influencing people all the time. I am a bad person if I am not affecting people in some way, and I am good at doing so. I must be involved with the people around me, actively taking an interest in the things they do (regardless of whether or not I myself would be personally interested), and tracking their state so that I may help them in the area of emotions if they so need it. I am the sum of the people I help, associate with, and are friends with.

    b) I must be engaging everything around me, allowing things to reach their maximum power or potential. I deal in excesses and strict jumps from one position to the next in a sort of hurried frenzy. I must act on whatever shows the most promise at the time, as not doing so will ruin an opportunity. Opportunities are very important to me, as who knows what interesting, intricate paths they'll lead me to? A wasted opportunity is wasted experience, and without taking chances and risks for those opportunities, society as a whole will simply stagnate and remain motionless, with no activity.

    I must always be engaged in the physical world around me. Alert. Ready. Tense enough to react to whatever information will come at me next. I am quick to pounce on any opportunity in the immediate environment, and can sense weakness and strength well enough to know when to strike. What I want, I take
    , and what I can't have and yet still want, I will fight for. I will not back down from a challenge; I will rise up to the occasion and perform to the best of my abilities, regardless of the sheer physical or psychological pain that attempt to sideline me. Whatever looks best in the moment is the route I take.

    Now these are the results:

    a) Ej. Leading Fe --> EIE. b) Ep. Leading Se. --> SLE.
    Going by my observations I eliminated LIE and SEE from the initial 4 options. is valued, Gamma dislikes classification and commensurability as you prefer it, even shown in this very thread. There needs to be order, sense, above-below. That's Beta. So only EIE and SLE left. Maybe this helps ok sis Don't you struggle with Socionics
    Ok so thanks a lot for the help, but none of the two sound a lot like me Only the bold hit home. I do get a major high off of affecting/influencing people and I'm quite physical, but my egocentrism manifests differently.

    I like to impact people because it makes me feel good to have power over them that way, much more than actively being their boss, because than it's me not the title. But I don't feel any sort of obligation or responsibility in relation to it, or pressure to care or cater to them when it's not natural to me to do so. It's not really a social influence thing in the ideological way directly, it's more like a by product. The real high is very erotic, though not necessarily sexual.

    And I'm very whimsical and wish to have no obligations or tie holding me down when it comes to experiences, but I'm really not looking for opportunities. Usually they find me, or I come across them naturally. I'm also way too lax to feel like I need to be doing something all the time. As I said earlier if left to my own devices I'm not really productive, I can just spend hours passively having fun.
    Last edited by PrettySavage; 11-27-2017 at 07:28 PM.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Ok, I'll do it anyway:

    Ok so thanks a lot for the help, but none of the two sound a lot like me Only the bold hit home. I do get a major high off of affecting/influencing people and I'm quite physical, but my egocentrism manifests differently.
    No problem. Then it gives us another insight, everything you bolded sounds like overall, did you notice?

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    No problem. Then it gives us another insight, everything you bolded sounds like overall, did you notice?
    Oh yeah, I see it...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Hey thanks for stopping around, it was starting to feel as if I was just talking to myself

    Definitely valuing and probably Rational. SLE is indeed by far the most popular type appointed to me here. The only two thing that kept me from ever really buying it it's that Suggestive and Static type doesn't seem to fit. I've been waiting for any explanation of why that is, to see if I'm mistaken or if SLE is close but not it, but so far none appeared.

    About inner peace: it really depends on what it means here. I do frequently wish I was a more calm and "content" person, more linear and less reactive. But at the same time I abhor apathy, passivity and get annoyed by people that never really seem to be stirred by anything. I also think my fiery nature helps me as much as it hinders me. As for it really does have a great effect on me and I greatly appreciate it in the right doses and form, but it only comes from me incidentally.

    Incidentally I just came across this post and was going to bring it here for insights, because I'm now thinking I'm Ti/Fe again:

    About the popular "skin a cat" typing thing, I believe it's mostly situational. But still there's always the best way to do it giving the circumstances and tools avaiable, in which I include your own abilities and emotional state.
    Hi playing with fire,

    My own opinion of your type is most likely EIE. I could list the reasons, but they're all kinda subjective, hmm.

    I'm quite impressed with your energy to be making so many posts on this thread, I wonder if your energy is limitless

    I'll maybe post some reasons for EIE later

  18. #138
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    This just came on shuffle:

    Basically exactly how I feel in my hunter/prey dynamic. Trust music to say everything I'd struggle to properly express in paragraphs under 4 minutes

    That's the "high" I was reffering to.

  19. #139
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post

    This just came on shuffle:

    Basically exactly how I feel in my hunter/prey dynamic. Trust music to say everything I'd struggle to properly express in paragraphs under 4 minutes

    That's the "high" I was reffering to.
    ThAts rIGHt mY tYpE - Yeah, fits perfectly Someone call the doctor for the hunt crisis!!

  20. #140
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    My 2 Cent on this, might be worth more than 2 Cent... please transfer $2 to my bank account...

    Big5 SxOEI and E-Tritype 837 fits Socionics-type LIE very well.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    My 2 Cent on this, might be worth more than 2 Cent... please transfer $2 to my bank account...

    Big5 SxOEI and E-Tritype 837 fits Socionics-type LIE very well.
    And here you show you couldn't be Gamma, you're giving away the goods before getting your paper

    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    And here you show you couldn't be Gamma, you're giving away the goods before getting your paper
    I doubted you'd pay me for that info at all.
    ...and as always... can send me 0.002 Bitcoins anyway.

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    Ok, so looking at the structure of a LIE mind, it doesn't match mine because:

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    This isn't accurate regarding the introverted elements. They aren't the how of the extroverted ones. They're their own thing. Te is a good example bc it's a dynamic element and Te itself is the how of the external world, the processes and procedures and events. There's no way for Ti to be the how or process of Te without itself being Te. They kind of work in opposite ways. Static connections vs dynamic processes is the difference between Te and Ti - the only thing that they share is that they're both looking at real/concrete/explicit choose your word but you get the meaning "not abstract or assumed" kind of information. Another example would be if you try to make Fi the process of Fe, you just turn it into Fe itself, because Fe is the process. Emotional expression is the how and that's more Fe. Fi is instead a what. It's what a person feels, the only how is how they relate to other people, which is a static thing, not an ongoing process. It's not a process of relating, it's just the relation itself. The how to relate or improve the relation could involve Fe (but doesn't have to as they could change their relation through other means as well.)
    Because you see, that's why my Ethical mishaps happen (besides my lack of tact): I assume how someone feels based on how they express themselves, I depend on that, without it I can only conjecture and guess. I believe that's part of why I get so mad at people who are poker faced, because they are not collaborating with my process. And I greatly dislike guesswork in the are of feelings, I want certainty. But more importantly, sentiments with no outward expressions, or insufficient or the "wrong kind" greatly affect me. This is what I mean when I said that while many might assume I don't really care for feelings, I know myself to be actually uptight and picky inside.

    I notice every little single micro expression, eye twitch and mouth twist and hell if I'm not gonna judge you on that. No one's safe from my judgement, let alone myself. I believe there's a right way to express feelings, even though you're free to feel whatever you want, that's where I'm very liberal and sometimes judged as lacking morals. I also have trouble empathizing with people and I never just assume how they feel, I mostly sympathize and always have to see how they feel. And relating to others seems to be my always ongoing quest. And my group policies and the way in which I see the whole hierarchy thing and pleading alliance...dumb dumb dumb dumb.

    So no way is not valued. Boy, was I tripping

    There's a reason why Te is often simplified to "what works" because it's the actual working process, efficiency of action, how do I make this work kind of thing. And the process of thinking about this is also Te, not Ti. You've heard how Te is more focused on having reliable sources to return to for their information, while Ti cares more about the quality of the information itself than the source, yes? Reason for this is that it's far more efficient to grab a book you know is reliable and apply it than verify all the information yourself. Ti will verify all the information because that's the focus of Ti - making sure everything fits together accurately. It's why they're pickier about small points. Because it's a structure and each part supports the others so you can't have any bad parts in there. Where Te is "what works," Ti is "what makes sense" or how does this all fit together?

    And Ti is static, it's a structure, like the frame of a building, once you've got it up replacing a part is going to be a pain. Think - removing a load-bearing wall from an existing building. But, there's a whole lot of moving things around, arranging things, planning the building before it ever goes up into a more permanent structure, and that moving things around in one's mind and seeing how things might fit together is the process of Ti. And they can take as long as they need, years even in the gathering and arranging materials phase before the building ever takes solid form. Te tends to see all this as pointless, because they can take something today, apply it and test it and it works or it doesn't for them. Anyway, different processes, different elements, different goals, and there's no way to say that the introverted element is the process of the extroverted one.
    And here is why theoretically and superficially seem to fit, but once you look at the structure (lol) of my constant and severe evaluation process, it fell apart. Yes I am most concerned with great results and consistency in their deliver, I also can be extremely impatient in getting solutions or a final verdict, as this thread attests to that. But I'm way too picky and petty, way too discriminating to fit the (now I see it) more efficient modus operandi. I can make use of this process quite well actually, but it's costly and not enjoyable, it's also a means to an end. I don't feel an internal sense of satisfaction at victories, even though I might have objectively accomplished a lot. When I'm breaking something down and going over it's parts,when I've finally cracked a code or pieced something together, that's when I feel like I'm on coke.

    So obviously, I value

    This pot lays out neatly and simply, just how I like:

    Quote Originally Posted by hatchback176 View Post
    1) Someone does not understand. You don't replace the word 'time' with the word 'process' then declare victory.
    2) Each of the Introverted elements generalizes the Extraverted element:
    sees objects
    sees the piece-by-piece spatial structure that constructs objects

    sees actions
    sees the step-by-step body-part localization of each muscle group that constructs actions

    sees emotions
    sees the piece-by-piece characterization of each individual experience that constructs emotions

    sees processes
    sees the slice-by-slice representation of each individual moment that constructs processes
    So the jokes on me and my bizarre self blindness, that someone made me capable of recognizing this functions on anyone else but me.

    I therefore submit to my destiny.

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    Hey there we go Where is the second quote from?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    So the jokes on me and my bizarre self blindness, that someone made me capable of recognizing this functions on anyone else but me.

    I therefore submit to my destiny.
    lol, good work!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    lol, good work!

    Wait, so Betas are a homosexual warrior cult now? Sparta is overrated.

    @Playing With Fire is definitely a Fe-seeking type, there's no question of that. She looks for a sweet, kind, warm, non-challenging partner and has a strong, natural use of Ti. I would have been tempted to suggest that she leads with Ti, actually, but she does also appear to be extroverted so that wouldn't fit with the theory. However I would definitely go for xLE Rational subtype. This matches test results which she's linked in the past (ILE-3Ti if I recall correctly?). You can see her formality and tendency to analyze/dissect an issue in depth on display here. Both of these are typical of a confident Ti user.

    For this reason among many others, I cannot see EIE as a type for her, not at all. A lot of the conflict PWF has mentioned probably arose as a result of her weak 2D Fe use, so the only Beta type I'd consider for her is SLE. However, that would be inconsistent with her test results and what she's already said to me, which is that she doesn't relate to Static Sensing types at all and tends to be the "ideas generator" in a group. SLE acts first and figures shit out as a result of having done so. They don't speculate or brainstorm a lot, as this seems childish and silly, and will quickly come to hate anyone who does.

    I don't think it's clear that PWF is a Se-lead as opposed to a Ne-lead. Bear in mind that she's an SX 8 and they will try hard to come across as assertive, regardless of their Sociotype.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Hey there we go Where is the second quote from?
    "A Simple Explantion of Ni that Works"

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Wait, so Betas are a homosexual warrior cult now? Sparta is overrated.

    @Playing With Fire is definitely a Fe-seeking type, there's no question of that. She looks for a sweet, kind, warm, non-challenging partner and has a strong, natural use of Ti. I would have been tempted to suggest that she leads with Ti, actually, but she does also appear to be extroverted so that wouldn't fit with the theory. However I would definitely go for xLE Rational subtype. This matches test results which she's linked in the past (ILE-3Ti if I recall correctly?). You can see her formality and tendency to analyze/dissect an issue in depth on display here. Both of these are typical of a confident Ti user.

    For this reason among many others, I cannot see EIE as a type for her, not at all. A lot of the conflict PWF has mentioned probably arose as a result of her weak 2D Fe use, so the only Beta type I'd consider for her is SLE. However, that would be inconsistent with her test results and what she's already said to me, which is that she doesn't relate to Static Sensing types at all and tends to be the "ideas generator" in a group. SLE acts first and figures shit out as a result of having done so. They don't speculate or brainstorm a lot, as this seems childish and silly, and will quickly come to hate anyone who does.

    I don't think it's clear that PWF is a Se-lead as opposed to a Ne-lead. Bear in mind that she's an SX 8 and they will try hard to come across as assertive, regardless of their Sociotype.
    Whatever problems you might have with homosexual warriors or cults, Sparta is the epitome of Beta. To question that is to not understand the quadra values. You don't have to like everything related to your quadra, but if you're uncomfortable with what it is made of, then you're in the wrong place.

    I did say I'm usually the idea (singular) person, but I'm nowhere near a brainstormer. I come up wit one singular vision and built it from there. My strength is finding one idea that can hit all the spots necessary and if allowed I can take it very far, but alternatives can be a weakness even in daily routine. You could say I have a love/hate relationship with , and consequently with people that lead with it. I find the lack of focus and certainty to be irritating to the point of madness, but admire and even envy those who use it well.

    I do think that if SLE then subtype for sure. But LSI is not impossible even if thinking in E/I terms because as I said in another thread I'm nowhere as Extroverted in real life. I'm not in a hurry anymore now that I'm so close, I'll let the final answer come naturally.

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    @Chae do you have the rest of that experiment? If you do please post it, but just the options not the keys.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    @Chae do you have the rest of that experiment? If you do please post it, but just the options not the keys.

    Apologies, I came up with the quiz myself by combining edited texts from several other texts while also using my own critical reasoning, so voilá - there is no experiment like that out there. That's precisely to you, it's a mere mind cloud. I doubt it would help anyways, with every new input you still change and contradict your previous typing 180° with no end in sight. That itself says a million words about your type and who your dual is to support you but you gotta find that out yourself. So this needs the emergency solution since we're not quitting here and I leave you hanging with the experiment What helped me settle personally and what I always rec was seriously analyzing the test of WSS which you already took, right? Deciding on the questions alone was indicative which elements I prefer, there was no way of fooling or confusing myself, no room for indecision. It was either or yet not restrictive, so beautifully clear-cut. I caught myself using since I answered questions based on how much I would hate to be this type of person, too "No, no, no. That's not happening. *click*"
    The Cronbach's alpha/internal consistency was extremely high just by looking at it, really the reliability and validity are decent for this tool. If you want we can go through it together, no problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Apologies, I came up with the quiz myself by combining edited texts from several other texts while also using my own critical reasoning, so voilá - there is no experiment like that out there. That's precisely to you, it's a mere mind cloud. I doubt it would help anyways, with every new input you still change and contradict your previous typing 180° with no end in sight. That itself says a million words about your type and who your dual is to support you but you gotta find that out yourself. So this needs the emergency solution since we're not quitting here and I leave you hanging with the experiment What helped me settle personally and what I always rec was seriously analyzing the test of WSS which you already took, right? Deciding on the questions alone was indicative which elements I prefer, there was no way of fooling or confusing myself, no room for indecision. It was either or yet not restrictive, so beautifully clear-cut. I caught myself using since I answered questions based on how much I would hate to be this type of person, too "No, no, no. That's not happening. *click*"

    The Cronbach's alpha/internal consistency was extremely high just by looking at it, really the reliability and validity are decent for this tool. If you want we can go through it together, no problem.
    Thanks for clarifying the experiment source and on which premises it was made, that in itself explains a lot

    What is the test of WWS? I take it you mean focusing on why you picked each option is what you mean when you say "Deciding on the questions alone"? But since I don't know what you're talking about it could be totally different.

    As for leaving me hanging that wouldn't be anything new, you're always doing that in some capacity though I doubt that's how you see it

    I also appreciate the irony of you coming full circle with the giving typing input thing, you're now doing to me what that Harley girl did to you on your typing thread, which in turn is the exact thing I did to others numerous times. How the tables have turned, good for you, sucks for me, but in any case it's been a very illuminating past few days in that area

    And since I already touched on the subject of our different visual interpretations, what did you think the last gif I posted meant?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Thanks for clarifying the experiment source and on which premises it was made, that in itself explains a lot

    What is the test of WWS? I take it you mean focusing on why you picked each option is what you mean when you say "Deciding on the questions alone"? But since I don't know what you're talking about it could be totally different.

    As for leaving me hanging that wouldn't be anything new, you're always doing that in some capacity though I doubt that's how you see it

    I also appreciate the irony of you coming full circle with the giving typing input thing, you're now doing to me what that Harley girl did to you on your typing thread, which in turn is the exact thing I did to others numerous times. How the tables have turned, good for you, sucks for me, but in any case it's been a very illuminating past few days in that area

    And since I already touched on the subject of our different visual interpretations, what did you think the last gif I posted meant?
    Mysterious nature of SLI makes IEEs more interested, apparently. What's to be done? Be aloof and you might never hear again

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    iPsyght is the one^ Yes, that's why I said analyzing and not taking the test, that takes the pressure to social desirability and so on. Sort the questions and see how lateral they are, look up internal consistency as well since they deliberately included this item, even if it's covert. Reliability, validity, objectivity as well. Just tell me what to improve, am no 6. The only person who challenged me to catch up was Wyrd I remember, she was perfectly right, I'll give it to the 5s. Her approach was using the clubs which turned out to be useful compared to the other methods. First thought: Mind blown/on fire or literal "menboong", second I determined the colors present and then the movements, after that looked at the corporate guy below, then the size, then the signature. Where is it from?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    Mysterious nature of SLI makes IEEs more interested, apparently. What's to be done? Be aloof and you might never hear again

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    Mysterious nature of SLI makes IEEs more interested, apparently. What's to be done? Be aloof and you might never hear again
    I find it hard to believe she'd mistake me for a SLI Nah, it's just the IEE MO, my mom's the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    iPsyght is the one^ Yes, that's why I said analyzing and not taking the test, that takes the pressure to social desirability and so on. Sort the questions and see how lateral they are, look up internal consistency as well since they deliberately included this item, even if it's covert. Reliability, validity, objectivity as well. Just tell me what to improve, am no 6. The only person who challenged me to catch up was Wyrd I remember, she was perfectly right, I'll give it to the 5s. Her approach was using the clubs which turned out to be useful compared to the other methods. First thought: Mind blown/on fire or literal "menboong", second I determined the colors present and then the movements, after that looked at the corporate guy below, then the size, then the signature. Where is it from?
    Yes I took it right when I opened my thread, check the first page and you'll see how well it went

    Your HA is laying it on so thick here that it's endearing, really You're describing an analysis of the test itself, though this method opposes your claimed one in the last post, so I don't know what to make of it.

    I have absolutely no idea of what the bold means except Wyrd is E5. Is this about your HA and Enneagram?

    I knew it, "mental fog" lol. Menboong was definitely not what it was supposed to illustrate But misunderstanding what I meant is constant coming from your side, just as I'm clueless as to what you're even referring to a lot as well. Obscure places

    Fascinating how you analyzed it so technically and by parts, when I look at an image I take it as a whole. I only go into analyzing mode if it doesn't appear to mean anything at first.

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    Oops, ILI - sounds very fitting!

    Took you a long time to see I'm serving the logics You like it, also says something.

    Sigh, misunderstanding is mutual as always. I just wanna know what your idea of the gif was. I took it as a whole (=first thought) then went to parts though. If you look at meaning first that's intuition.

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    Did you decide on static dynamic?

    Static information is discrete and about things that change abruptly

    Dynamic information is continuous and about things that are in constant fluctuation

    I'm not so keen on reinin, but static/dynamic forms part of classical socionics and is observable. You may have observed in me, a 'dynamic' style of communication style, in that I can change what I am saying or a 'continuous fluctuation' of thoughts, it's not a big switch as such that you can see in other types, like I have seen often in SLEs, IEEs too.

    Static Ne Ti Se Fi Static "snapshots", unconnected episodes
    Dynamic Si Fe Ni Te Objects and fields in constant continuous motion

    You may have shared these, but often people like to see a video of you and maybe some photos, gives information for people to discuss, better insights into you too.

    So for that I don't mind too much the reinin description here

    As it makes more sense than others, albeit can be described through the nature of the functions themselves, given static/dynamic nature of the 'information elements' as it's called.

    Related: Sometimes I see people who confuse with themselves being SLI or LSI - which isn't you of course. Sometimes a somberness type of LSI can seem as Fe PoLR, but really the type can be seen a bit better based on static related communications, physically too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post

    Took you a long time to see I'm serving the logics You like it, also says something.
    Lol, I like your jokes now that I get them better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Sigh, misunderstanding is mutual as always. I just wanna know what your idea of the gif was. I took it as a whole (=first thought) then went to parts though. If you look at meaning first that's intuition.
    Well of course I looked at the meaning first, what else was there to see? It's pure symbology, a metaphor for how it felt inside my mind at the moment: an electrifying explosion of insights. I Googled very specific words to get it. I didn't even look at the man like you did, I mean obviously I knew there was a man underneath the "cloud", but I was surprised when you mentioned his clothing in specifics.

    Ok ok I see it, but here is where we diverge: doing the whole break down thing is totally unnecessary (for me), the meaning is explicit and clear (I honestly didn't think anyone would look at it differently). Now that I think of it thi sis a constant in my life: I think things are "obvious" and "unmistakable" just to have people either not see it at all, or take it very differently. I like it though, usually it's things I wouldn't have thought of.

    The test:

    Ok so I read the whole thing without caring about which answers I picked (just picked whatever to move to the next page). I made a big realization this time: I'm a hypocrite. I'm always pointing out how people like the idea of something versus the thing itself and can't differentiate it. Well, that's what I did while taking tests all these years.

    I never thought I had the whole" answering as you think you should be and behave" problem, but this time I had to severely policy myself because I realized I was NOT comparing the options to actual recollections, asking what these patterns of behavior were coming from and what they could tell me about my worldview.

    What I thought I was doing: "I usually feel/act this way, then logically this is the correct option"

    What I was actually doing: "This sounds much better/fun of course, I would prefer that, It's what makes sense"

    Obviously, the results would never be accurate or consistent. Depending on what was more attractive to me that day I'd change. And a lot (if not all) of this would not be whimsical, they'd come form something I saw/heard/read somewhere, usually about other people though. I'd see someone say/do something that would immediately spark me an uncontrollable impulse to either A) Check if I wasn't that too (when it sounded familiar) or B) Be that (even though I low key knew I wasn't). Like a "Choose your fighter" scenario, over and over again.

    I also went to my favorite source of clean cut no bullshit cognitive advice for unbiased input. They'd actually already answered a long ask I sent them like a year ago describing my inability to type myself. They both (one of them is Identical, the other Kindred) agreed on my type being...exactly the same these last (I even promised they'd be so lol) Sociotype and iPsych resultss showed. They prefer MBTI though the mod knows Socionics and frequently refers to its concepts, so subtype is not the term used, but very strong auxiliary was pointed out so yeah,

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    You may have shared these, but often people like to see a video of you and maybe some photos, gives information for people to discuss, better insights into you too.
    Here you confirm I was right in saying you had flimsy reasons to type me EIE: you didn't read the whole thread. In fact, didn't even read the page before the one you posted in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Playing With Fire View Post
    Here you confirm I was right in saying you had flimsy reasons to type me EIE: you didn't read the whole thread. In fact, didn't even read the page before the one you posted in.
    It's a long thread and I think that might shoo-ing some people away.

    My thoughts on EIE were the huge amounts of data, seemingly a dynamic style of communication, beta values, seemingly Fe over Ti, personally I thought low understanding of Si (not just undervalued) due to the aesthetics of the thread (but I get it's a nightmare going through all this, so I bite my tongue for criticism there) and personal experience database - but you're right, it could be wrong.

    It's cool, I read from your thread what I could. There's some ~160 posts and that's a lot for anyone to work through.

    Does the EIE typing bother you? I notice someone else suggested LIE. I thought yesterday you'd decided on LSI, but then seemed unsure again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarper View Post
    It's a long thread and I think that might shoo-ing some people away.

    My thoughts on EIE were the huge amounts of data, seemingly a dynamic style of communication, beta values, seemingly Fe over Ti, personally I thought low understanding of Si (not just undervalued) due to the aesthetics of the thread (but I get it's a nightmare going through all this, so I bite my tongue for criticism there) and personal experience database - but you're right, it could be wrong.

    It's cool, I read from your thread what I could. There's some ~160 posts and that's a lot for anyone to work through.

    Does the EIE typing bother you? I notice someone else suggested LIE. I thought yesterday you'd decided on LSI, but then seemed unsure again.
    It's in character so not a criticism from as much as a clear statement of what I believe to be valid vs invalid "analysis". Of course that now that you're detailing your decision process it becomes even more glaring how we judge using complete different scales (or better yet, measuring sticks): I'd never type someone based on how much they write/talk or personal aesthetics which are 100% subjective anyway. Communication styles are not accurate in the ways they are systematized imo based on Olimpia's thread, so the only thing we have in common is using personal experience. Of course in that we depend on actually typing people right to build a good data based, but it's the best method.

    No typing bothers me, what can tick me off is the either really flawed or non existent reasoning behind them.

    And yes, I change types like I change clothes and one never resembles the other, that should tell you enough

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