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Thread: FANXY CHILD seeks a type

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    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Red face FANXY CHILD seeks a type

    Let's do this questionnaire thing:

    Tell me about yourself.

    I have no idea of what this question is supposed to entail, I hate when it comes up on work related interviews or when I'm introduced to someone new. I guess it's because "Show, don't tell" it's one of my mottos, also "an image is worth a thousand words". This is vague and too broad, but let me try: I'm a person who is focused on bettering myself and in order to do that, I need to figure myself out from a psychological standpoint, and after years of research in the area of typology and observation (lurker here) I have decided that Socionics is the best tool available to help me with that. As difficult as it is to face all the things about myself I kept buried and maybe ain't even aware of, I'm 100% willing to "scab the wound" so to speak in order t get the bottom of this. I need to know how I work in a structured way, what makes me tick, where am I soft, what is holding me back? This questions have been keeping me up at night for a long time now, and I need it to stop.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I work in the entertainment field and I study things in this area (singing, dancing, music theory, photography), as well as languages and human sciences like psychology, philosophy and typology. This last batch I do on my own though, I don't have the time for collage or anything like that at the moment. My interests are actually the same I had as a kid or an early teen, I'm very constant and unchanging in this area, this things are a huge part f who I am and define me. I like everything about the things I do really, I only encounter problems in the environment or people I work with, not with my activities in itself.

    What are your values, and why?

    I'm not sure what "values" mean here, if it's related to morals/ethics or just things I find important. I'll go with the later 'cuz it's much easier: First of all, freedom in every form, of action, choice, expression but more importantly, freedom of being. I once heard that there's no freedom like the one of self acceptance and I agree with that, hence me getting into this self knowledge journey. How can I conquer the world if I can't conquer myself?

    I value honesty in the sense of things and people being genuine, the concept of "truth" is central to my existence. Since I was a very young kid I remember wanting to know everything. I started "digging" with the best tool I had, my mind, and soon I realized I could trust it to get me the answers I needed. I've always been very observant and had a sixth sense so to speak, one that I only learned to trust in many years later. I figured people and situations out without even trying and that knowledge has both helped (saved many times, really) and burden me like an invisibility cloak my whole life. I value beauty in all its forms because it's vital to human existence, without it I can't even imagine the world, it's what gives me a sense f wonder, hope and one of the only things that can get to my core easily and make me cry without caring if anyone's watching.

    I value loyalty, friendship and trust, because for all self sufficiency I try to embody and advocate for, I believe we are stronger together than apart, and the biggest gift a person can receive it's the gift of unconditional non-self serving love, and there's a part of me that has always craved for that sense of finding a home in other people, being part of a circle.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I work, study and when I have some free time, I distress using various activities. I enjoy having some time alone to do things like walking my dog around the block, walking by the river when the weather suits my tastes that day, visiting my favorite cafes to read or surf the web, trying out a new restaurant I read good reviews for, riding my bike and then stopping to take pictures or read under a tree, going to the movies, etc. I need this "me" time because I already spend most of my day not only working closely with people but also leading them, I need space and air to breath so I don't blow up at the wrong time.

    When I get to see my friends I love going to noreabangs (sort of like karaokes) and singing my heart out in ridiculous ways, it's good to be silly and not to take myself seriously in an environment in which I feel safe. I also love playing games with them, I'm very competitive so things get heated and chaotic but it has been very therapeutic in terms of making me deal with losing, I can laugh at it now (I use to get so upset at losing at cards that I had to go cry in the bathroom, feeling stupid and humiliated at the same time, true story). Shopping and then getting ice cream...all very common simple things that many take for granted, but are treats for me and keep me sane.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    Again a question that is too broad (because I know many people), but let's see: I'm a very impatient and "demanding" (not verbally) person, so I get easily frustrated with carelessness, repeated mistakes, not doing what you said you'd do, showing up late, not behaving well in public, not pulling their weight, trying to lie or fool me in any way (specially if it's something that I see as unnecessary), trying to emotionally manipulate me or guilt trip me, trying to sweet talk me into doing things instead of asking directly, snooping around on my private business, being less than courteous to many things.

    On the sunny side: I love to feel loved, nothing better in the world so I appreciate it, being understood or at least accepted is also so valuable to me I can't even explain, being able to count on people and trust them if I need to, they get me to let loose and just enjoy myself, see new perspectives and soften up some edges, try new things, laugh at myself and life in general, basically not take things as seriously or literally as I'm prone to doing on my own.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    I think I already answered the friend bit on previous question, so I'll do the romantic one: I've always been attracted and gelled with the same type really: the sensitive, affable, emotionally open and vulnerable, soft, a bit timid type, basically opposite of me. Someone calmer too, who can provide me with the things I can't provide myself, and who takes me as I am.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    Lately I haven't actually because I really have been putting the information I got from Socionics into practice, I typed my teammates, most of my friends and my family, so dealing with them is much easier, I find myself being more strategic and tolerant now, trying to understand their shortcomings and help them mature, it's a life saver.

    I used to get into problems because of my "harshness" and "difficult temperament". Granted anyone (especially a woman) who isn't a dormant is seen as abnormal and in need to be tamed in this country, so I never took it to heart. I know what I want and need and I'll defend my interests and assert myself, you either take or leave it. I have a terrible hard time dealing with people who can't separate feelings from reason and insist in making everything personal and making scenes. Also, people prone to self victimization and whining tick me off.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Common terms include: analytical (depending on who you ask it's either "I know you'll help me figure this out" or "You think too much!!!"), headstrong, talented with words, passionate, surprisingly funny, negativist, too rebellious and contesting, (too) rational, radical in some aspects, too self doubting in others, implacable, skilled at outmaneuvering others, secretive, talkative, sometimes laugh at unfortunate times, good at doing impressions of other people, awkward in displaying affection, protective, generous with time and helpful, at times too uncompromising, do things depending on mood so unpredictable...that enough?

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I said most of it already, but other things include coming for me so I can advice them on people ("who I should trust?", "is he/she into me?", "why are they mad at me?", things like that) or important decisions ("which option should I take?", I help them see the pros and cons and probable consequences) or difficult situations they find themselves in ("how do I get out of this?"). I guess I'm as good at giving advice to others as I am at ignoring the ones they give me. Well to be fair they are almost always unsolicited.

    I like that in a world of people who prefer to e profoundly unhappy to challenge the norm I own who I am and refuse to accept mediocrity and an ordinary and lukewarm life in exchange for security. In that sense, I think I'm quite brave.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Here we go: I tend to doubt myself a lot in areas I have zero reason to and therefore create tension in myself and can't enjoy things, can be a control freak and fear the worse jumping out to the worst case scenario (sometimes I later on can see they were quite ridiculous). I used to neglect my health and then become hypochondriac at any sign of sickness i.e.

    The fact that I'm so dependent on my mood and internal state to do things I have to but dislike it's a big frustration to me, my attention also seems to have a mind of its own and only really works on things I enjoy. Forcing myself to do boring or unpleasant things takes a lot of effort and keeping myself in constant vigilance, I become the opposite of how I am normally.

    I also freaking hate and resent how fucking sensitive I can be, most people wouldn't believe it but I bruise easily, and ridiculously small things can offend me. When people manage to hurt me I can't help but feel pathetic and weak.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    In addition to things I've already touched on I enjoy and I'm good at dealing with technology. I like to figure out how to use gadgets and softwares o my own, I get the basics down really quickly and have fun exploring and tinkering with these things. My IEE mom and my SE friends really depend on me for this (too much I'd say, I get called upon at the most inconvenient times). Though I lack natural motivation to do it on a daily basis I can take care of myself very well by making good grocery shopping and cooking for myself, for example. I'm really good with money and other resources like time and contacts too.

    I need help in dealing with my feelings, period.

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I abhore house chores and have little patience for excessive formalities and bureaucracy. I love anything that makes me feel alive and awakes powerful enjoyable feelings, basically I can't stand pedantry and wasted time and value sense of abandonment and achievement.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I wanna be very successful and mainstream in my field, and with that visibility and influence help take the trash out and kick the door open for the future. I've know what I wanted to be since ever, but I didn't know about the mission that came with it, I weirdly don't have any idea of when I came to realize it.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Same thing I'm doing now, wouldn't change a thing.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    Shyness, it's my kryptonite. Can't stand rudeness and vulgarity, this whole "cash me out outside" Istafamous culture is a hell on earth for me. The fact that these bimbos are stupid enough to think that their vile self degrading ways are something to brag about and sense of dignity left in the new generation. I also can't stand vain, self important people, cockiness it's a crime to me. Also, immature people who refuse to grow up and own up to their actions.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    As I've said beauty is vital to my well being, and I enjoy attending to those matters myself. I can't do handiwork for shit, but I'm good at decorating, customizing and laying things out in an harmonious and eye catching way. Everything I do looks good, and I'm proud of that.

    Daily chores are painful, so I try and arrange things so I get the least taxing ones, I go to lengths to get it even resorting to act cute, which I usually hate.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    Way too vague, it depends on the circumstances and my mood. Generally, I'm more guarded and quiet, trying to figure them out. Kinda "Who's there, friend or foe?" Buzz Lightyear style.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    Was born for it no problem, bring it on. I like to get feelings out in the open, hate to let issues unresolved, things unsaid. I don't back down, I don't back off, I don't put it off. If you slight me I'll slight your throat, I don't forgive disrespect or any sort of fuckery directed at me or my people.

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.

    About me? I've been called "cold" and "tyrannical", which is ludicrous. I wish I was cold and I hate micromanaging people so that also falls flat. One thing that always happens is people having a preconceived image of me being arrogant and too strict/serious, and then after getting to know me saying I'm neither of these things.

    What did you do last Friday?

    Work, work, work, work...

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Recently I had some potentially serious health issues and I'm immensely proud of having handled them in a very calm, reasonable way. I used to fall into despair and become a child during these things, so I take it as a sign of evolving maturity. I'm also succeeding at letting go of my perfectionism and accepting not always getting optimal results without letting it ruin the experience for me. I'm much more comfortable at doing the best with what I have and adapting to setbacks, not sweating the small stuff. I'm happy with myself about these developments. I'm also better at asking for help and not feeling embarrassed when thanking people.

    I guess I'm finally ok with being a work in progress. Personal betterment is the best

    What is something you regret?

    "Dropping" people because I had no idea how to interact with them after I got picked to live our common dream, and they didn't. One of them forgave me because they understood my fear, one resents me to this day and the other I never heard of again.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I want freedom and autonomy, with structure and optimal resources. Excitement, influence, impact.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I take it when I have to because I'm usually the best person for the job, but contrary to what people think, I'm not a fan of the concept. If I already torture myself with my own expectations of myself, imagine the expectation of other people. I have very specific and rigid ways in which I want people to treat me, and when I don't get that I get disappointed and can't overlook it or adapt to it.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    I went back to my home country for a short while recently. I did simple but very meaningful things: had barbecue with my friends and relatives, had a luau with my old choir friends, went swimming with my cousins and baked with my grandma. I loved it, but the intensity of my love for them hit me full force unexpectedly and it kinda broke me for a bit. Thankfully my grandma beat some sense into me and sent me off with a stronger resolve.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was a loud social butterfly, super open and fearless, quite exibicionist and very trusting. Don't know where that kid went, oh wait I do: a decade of cruel emotional hits do that to a person. I think I've already described myself enough to paint an accurate current picture.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    Oh the methods are many and varied, I'll use whatever I have to. It's a delicate art, so you have to be flexible.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I am except for relationships that are not a business or practical nature. Other people approach me and make efforts to get close, I'm utterly out of my depths in this area. I just can't put myself out there in the area of feelings, it's the only way I'm passive. After the relationship has been established I become "the leader" in terms of making the decisions, and wear the pants in romantic ones.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    I'm Choleric/Sanguine so it happens pretty frequently, but it's seldom serious. I have some quotes that exemplify my work and life philosophy, whenever people fail to adhere to its ideas it ticks me off: "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs", "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen", "If you're gonna do something you better make it right", "You made your bed now lay on it".

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    I find these search for the purpose of life (in itself, not individual) to be utterly ridiculous and reductant: the purpose of life itself it to live it, not dissect it. We're here to be happy and help ourselves (and each other) mature as the spiritual entities we are. Nothing more, to have the experience.

    Life itself is meaningful, everything in it

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I love taking care of it, I love studying fashion and how can I present myself better in accordance to my natural design. Which colors look good with my complexion, which hairstyle complements my face shape etc, I'm quite knowledgeable about these things. I don't like to mess with my looks too much, some variation is needed but within tasteful limits. I read fashion magazines and things like that, but I don't follow trends, I have my own style.

    Do you like surprises?

    Hate them with a passion. Of course some of them are positive, like a surprise b-day party or good news at work, but I generally don't like the lack of control and choice they leave me with.

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?

    That I'm grateful for any useful input that comes out of this.

    Thank you!

    Now excuse me while I recharge myself, all this self reflection has been pretty taxing to me

    Last edited by PrettySavage; 11-26-2017 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    justalitnerdxx's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=FANXY CHILD;1209754]So I joined 16types earlier this week and I introduce myself as a SEE. I also posted my self typing on another Socionics forum I've been active in for about two years, and I was immediately flooded with messages from people (both friends and strangers) asking me if I was high, had been struck in the head or was ding a social experiment...>Literally I'm in the horse in this situation. Thankfully my actual friends in the forum provided me with actual good reasoning as to why that just couldn't be right. I couldn't argue with the evidences, they were too compelling and so the self illusion spell was broken. To be completely honest I'm not even mad or surprised, I guess deep down I knew it wasn't so, but I'm so damn tired of searching and so utterly incapable f dropping the issue I (who am generally very distrustrable of online typing tests) took a Socionics test on a limb, got SEE and ran with it, but I was caught

    I love the horse emoji! Omg! Welcome anyways to the group.

    what has initially stuck me is you seem very Se lead? I'm not the best typist at all but I think I'd bet my lunch money on you being one.

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    I agree with your self-typing. I think SEE-Fi, very strong subtype.

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    justalitnerdxx's Avatar
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    What are your values, and why?

    I'm not sure what "values" mean here, if it's related to morals/ethics or just things I find important. I'll go with the later 'cuz it's much easier: First of all, freedom in every form, of action, choice, expression but more importantly, freedom of being. I once heard that there's no freedom like the one of self acceptance and I agree with that, hence me getting into this self knowledge journey. How can I conquer the world if I can't conquer myself?

    I value honesty in the sense of things and people being genuine, the concept of "truth" is central to my existence. Since I was a very young kid I remember wanting to know everything. I started "digging" with the best tool I had, my mind, and soon I realized I could trust it to get me the answers I needed. I've always been very observant and had a sixth sense so to speak, one that I only learned to trust in many years later. I figured people and situations out without even trying and that knowledge has both helped (saved many times, really) and burden me like an invisibility cloak my whole life. I value beauty in all its forms because it's vital to human existence, without it I can't even imagine the world, it's what gives me a sense f wonder, hope and one of the only things that can get to my core easily and make me cry without caring if anyone's watching.

    I value loyalty, friendship and trust, because for all self sufficiency I try to embody and advocate for, I believe we are stronger together than apart, and the biggest gift a person can receive it's the gift of unconditional non-self serving love, and there's a part of me that has always craved for that sense of finding a home in other people, being part of a circle.

    Gosh this isn't quoting now! Sorry. Technology hates me. But I do think your wish for being together and finding 'a circle' to belong to...I think that's more indicative of a merry quadra value? Beta over Gamma? I'm not sure but I know I definitely feel the same way; as if I am always seeking and pining for my own 'group' to belong to, friendship adventure meaningful experience sharing, progress, good times, deep loyalty etc.

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    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    Was born for it no problem, bring it on. I like to get feelings out in the open, hate to let issues unresolved, things unsaid. I don't back down, I don't back off, I don't put it off. If you slight me I'll slight your throat, I don't forgive disrespect or any sort of fuckery directed at me or my people.

    oh and pretty sure this is Se valuing xd

  6. #6
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    So I joined 16types earlier this week and I introduce myself as a SEE. I also posted my self typing on another Socionics forum I've been active in for about two years, and I was immediately flooded with messages from people (both friends and strangers) asking me if I was high, had been struck in the head or was ding a social experiment...>Literally I'm in the horse in this situation. Thankfully my actual friends in the forum provided me with actual good reasoning as to why that just couldn't be right. I couldn't argue with the evidences, they were too compelling and so the self illusion spell was broken. To be completely honest I'm not even mad or surprised, I guess deep down I knew it wasn't so, but I'm so damn tired of searching and so utterly incapable f dropping the issue I (who am generally very distrustrable of online typing tests) took a Socionics test on a limb, got SEE and ran with it, but I was caught

    I love the horse emoji! Omg! Welcome anyways to the group.

    what has initially stuck me is you seem very Se lead? I'm not the best typist at all but I think I'd bet my lunch money on you being one.
    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    I agree with your self-typing. I think SEE-Fi, very strong subtype.
    Oh thanks guys, I'm really exhausted of trying to do this on my own, so your help is dearly appreciated

  7. #7
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Default Need to help my Slytherin sister out

    Very interesting and immensely powerful typing. I suggest: SxE-Se SX/SP cp6 683.

    How can I conquer the world if I can't conquer myself?

    Was born for it no problem, bring it on. I like to get feelings out in the open, hate to let issues unresolved, things unsaid. I don't back down, I don't back off, I don't put it off. If you slight me I'll slight your throat, I don't forgive disrespect or any sort of fuckery directed at me or my people.

    "Show, don't tell" it's one of my mottos, also "an image is worth a thousand words".

    skilled at outmaneuvering others

    too rebellious and contesting

    I'm very competitive so things get heated and chaotic but it has been very therapeutic in terms of making me deal with losing

    I'm a very impatient and "demanding" (not verbally) person

    After the relationship has been established I become "the leader" in terms of making the decisions, and wear the pants in romantic ones.
    I wanna be very successful and mainstream in my field, and with that visibility and influence help take the trash out and kick the door open for the future. I've know what I wanted to be since ever, but I didn't know about the mission that came with it, I weirdly don't have any idea of when I came to realize it. (very weak Ni, very strong Se)
    I have some quotes that exemplify my work and life philosophy, whenever people fail to adhere to its ideas it ticks me off: "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs", "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen"

    I used to get into problems because of my "harshness" and "difficult temperament". Granted anyone (especially a woman) who isn't a dormant is seen as abnormal and in need to be tamed in this country, so I never took it to heart. I know what I want and need and I'll defend my interests and assert myself, you either take or leave it.

    I love anything that makes me feel alive and awakes powerful enjoyable feelings

    Oh the methods are many and varied, I'll use whatever I have to. It's a delicate art, so you have to be flexible.

    I generally don't like the lack of control and choice they leave me with. (also weak Ne)

    where am I soft, what is holding me back?

    I love studying fashion and how can I present myself better in accordance to my natural design.

    Everything I do looks good, and I'm proud of that.

    influence, impact.
    SX first: I love to feel loved, nothing better in the world so I appreciate it, being understood or at least accepted is also so valuable to me I can't even explain

    I'm 100% willing to "scab the wound" so to speak in order t get the bottom of this.

    I believe we are stronger together than apart, and the biggest gift a person can receive it's the gift of unconditional non-self serving love, and there's a part of me that has always craved for that sense of finding a home in other people

    I love anything that makes me feel alive and awakes powerful enjoyable feelings

    how can I present myself better

    The fact that I'm so dependent on my mood and internal state to do things I have to but dislike it's a big frustration to me, my attention also seems to have a mind of its own and only really works on things I enjoy. Forcing myself to do boring or unpleasant things takes a lot of effort and keeping myself in constant vigilance, I become the opposite of how I am normally.

    "Dropping" people

    I love going to noreabangs (sort of like karaokes) and singing my heart out in ridiculous ways, it's good to be silly and not to take myself seriously

    I said most of it already, but other things include coming for me so I can advice them on people ("who I should trust?", "is he/she into me?", "why are they mad at me?", things like that) or important decisions ("which option should I take?", I help them see the pros and cons and probable consequences) or difficult situations they find themselves in ("how do I get out of this?"). I guess I'm as good at giving advice to others as I am at ignoring the ones they give me. Well to be fair they are almost always unsolicited.

    "harshness" and "difficult temperament"

    need help in dealing with my feelings, period.

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs", "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen"

    I like to get feelings out in the open


    SP second: Though I lack natural motivation to do it on a daily basis I can take care of myself very well by making good grocery shopping and cooking for myself, for example. I'm really good with money and other resources like time and contacts too.

    I work, study and when I have some free time, I distress using various activities. I enjoy having some time alone to do things like walking my dog around the block, walking by the river when the weather suits my tastes that day, visiting my favorite cafes to read or surf the web, trying out a new restaurant I read good reviews for, riding my bike and then stopping to take pictures or read under a tree, going to the movies, etc.

    I like to figure out how to use gadgets and softwares o my own, I get the basics down really quickly and have fun exploring and tinkering with these things.

    Shopping and then getting ice cream...all very common simple things that many take for granted, but are treats for me and keep me sane.

    I'm good at decorating, customizing and laying things out in an harmonious and eye catching way.Daily chores are painful, so I try and arrange things so I get the least taxing ones

    Recently I had some potentially serious health issues and I'm immensely proud of having handled them in a very calm, reasonable way. I used to fall into despair and become a child during these things, so I take it as a sign of evolving maturity.

    Work, work, work, work...

    SO last: I like everything about the things I do really, I only encounter problems in the environment or people I work with, not with my activities in itself.

    I hate micromanaging people so that also falls flat.

    Granted anyone (especially a woman) who isn't a dormat is seen as abnormal and in need to be tamed in this country, so I never took it to heart.

    I was a loud social butterfly, super open and fearless, quite exihibionist and very trusting. Don't know where that kid went

    I'm not sure what "values" mean here, if it's related to morals/ethics or just things I find important. I'll go with the later 'cuz it's much easier: First of all, freedom in every form, of action, choice, expression but more importantly, freedom of being. I once heard that there's no freedom like the one of self acceptance and I agree with that, hence me getting into this self knowledge journey. How can I conquer the world if I can't conquer myself?

    snooping around on my private business

    I also posted my self typing on another Socionics forum I've been active in for about two years, and I was immediately flooded with messages from people (both friends and strangers) asking me if I was high, had been struck in the head or was doing a social experiment...

    I didn't know about the mission that came with it, I weirdly don't have any idea of when I came to realize it.

    Can't stand rudeness and vulgarity, this whole "cash me out outside" Instafamous culture is a hell on earth for me. The fact that these bimbos are stupid enough to think that their vile self degrading ways are something to brag about and sense of dignity left in the new generation.

    I need this "me" time because I already spend most of my day not only working closely with people but also leading them, I need space and air to breath so I don't blow up at the wrong time.


    I typed my teammates, most of my friends and my family, so dealing with them is much easier, I find myself being more strategic and tolerant now, trying to understand their shortcomings and help them mature, it's a life saver.

    I like that in a world of people who prefer to e profoundly unhappy to challenge the norm I own who I am and refuse to accept mediocrity and an ordinary and lukewarm life in exchange for security. In that sense, I think I'm quite brave. (counterphobia and 8 here as well)

    If I already torture myself with my own expectations of myself, imagine the expectation of other people. I have very specific and rigid ways in which I want people to treat me, and when I don't get that I get disappointed and can't overlook it or adapt to it.
    being able to count on people and trust them if I need to

    analytical (depending on who you ask it's either "I know you'll help me figure this out" or "You think too much!!!"), headstrong

    radical in some aspects, too self-doubting in others

    an environment in which I feel safe

    Lately I haven't actually because I really have been putting the information I got from Socionics into practice, I typed my teammates, most of my friends and my family, so dealing with them is much easier, I find myself being more strategic and tolerant now, trying to understand their shortcomings and help them mature, it's a life saver.

    I went back to my home country for a short while recently. I did simple but very meaningful things: had barbecue with my friends and relatives, had a luau with my old choir friends, went swimming with my cousins and baked with my grandma. I loved it, but the intensity of my love for them hit me full force unexpectedly and it kinda broke me for a bit. Thankfully my grandma beat some sense into me and sent me off with a stronger resolve.

    but I'm so damn tired of searching and so utterly incapable of dropping the issue I (who am generally very distrustrable of online typing tests) took a Socionics test on a limb, got SEE and ran with it, but I was caught

    I need to figure myself out from a psychological standpoint, and after years of research in the area of typology and observation (lurker here) I have decided that Socionics is the best tool available to help me with that. As difficult as it is to face all the things about myself I kept buried and maybe ain't even aware of, I'm 100% willing to "scab the wound" so to speak in order t get the bottom of this. I need to know how I work in a structured way, what makes me tick, where am I soft, what is holding me back? This questions have been keeping me up at night for a long time now, and I need it to stop.

    I tend to doubt myself a lot in areas I have zero reason to and therefore create tension in myself and can't enjoy things, can be a control freak and fear the worse jumping out to the worst case scenario (sometimes I later on can see they were quite ridiculous). I used to neglect my health and then become hypochondriac at any sign of sickness

    "Dropping" people because I had no idea how to interact with them after I got picked to live our common dream, and they didn't. One of them forgave me because they understood my fear, one resents me to this day and the other I never heard of again.
    "who I should trust?"

    (too) rational

    trying to lie or fool me in any way (specially if it's something that I see as unnecessary), trying to emotionally manipulate me or guilt trip me, trying to sweet talk me into doing things instead of asking directly, snooping around on my private business

    Since I was a very young kid I remember wanting to know everything. I started "digging" with the best tool I had, my mind, and soon I realized I could trust it to get me the answers I needed. I've always been very observant and had a sixth sense so to speak, one that I only learned to trust in many years later. I figured people and situations out without even trying and that knowledge has both helped (saved many times, really) and burden me like an invisibility cloak my whole life. (some influence by E5, E7 came up often as well though. more points to head type when the entire center is strong!)

    I also freaking hate and resent how fucking sensitive I can be, most people wouldn't believe it but I bruise easily, and ridiculously small things can offend me. When people manage to hurt me I can't help but feel pathetic and weak.

    Generally, I'm more guarded and quiet, trying to figure them out. Kinda "Who's there, friend or foe?" Buzz Lightyear style.

    being able to count on people and trust them if I need to

    I value loyalty, friendship and trust, because for all self-sufficiency I try to embody and advocate for, I believe we are stronger together than apart, and the biggest gift a person can receive it's the gift of unconditional non-self serving love, and there's a part of me that has always craved for that sense of finding a home in other people, being part of a circle.

    I was a loud social butterfly, super open and fearless, quite exhibitionist and very trusting. Don't know where that kid went, oh wait I do: a decade of cruel emotional hits do that to a person.
    Bonus: your image on your profile is cp6/Justice Fighter Tritype in a nutshell:

    I eschewed 8 and 3 for the tritype, those are clear-cut already. Both and PoLR had some statements I saw, difficult to tell since you're the inert subtype. SEE and SLE are both possible but no other typing, it's hard to argue for anything else but base. So far I'm thinking - is valued but take it with a grain of salt (you probably already do as a 6 ). Maybe @Medusa got a feeling for it, and could also double-check my enneagram notions. Your wing needs some figuring out, but I'd say 5 is likelier so far given your analytical stance, knowledge knowledge knowledge, it's also part of your motivation why you came here as you said. If you want, look into this to see how you identify.

    After question time: We go for the pizza. Now let's go girl @FANXY CHILD

  8. #8
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    WARNING: Wall of text, proceed at your own risk

    Hey you there, thanks for stopping by!

    There's also one that presents the result on a PDF file with graphs, but I forgot to saved it I took the original Russian tests on a forum's member advice but it did no good, I got ILE, SLI, ILI and SLE The worst part it's that I did them over Skype with my mom (who's brutally honest so I trust her opinions) and one of my best friends who's taking psychology and knows me really well. It was fun (and enlightening, geez I didn't knew myself at all!) but so lengthy, it took us almost two hours to finish them, one of the tests had like 80 question and another one around 65. These were the tests if you're interested in taking them, maybe they work for other people:

    The reason I can't agree with 6 as a core type is because they go towards fear in order to defeat it, while I just ran away and hid. For me the way I've always dealt with things that really scare me is by getting as far as I can, or dropping them cold. Many things that scare people don't scare me at all or are manageable, that's probably what projects a very brave and bold image. But I've always knew myself to be a coward when it comes to my fears, unless it's a life threatening situation I need people to push me to do the things I want but am terrified of failing at. Also, unless I got it wrong (in which case please correct me) 6's feel anxious and insecure in general, whereas my fears are quite concentrated in an area (feelings of attachment), and when they show up in other arenas (namely professional) they are all the more exaggerated and usually irrational, because they come out of nowhere in full force and get me unprepared. I have only as recent of two or three months ago started actively dealing with them, and I'm frankly speechless at how stupid I have been until now. Because really, all I had to do was talk myself of of the panic, shut down the hysterical thoughts as they came up gently but firmly using logic and puff!, they were gone. I convinced myself to just trust and wait and see, what will happen will happen and if/when it does I'll deal with it (I stole it from Hagrid) because I'm strong and I can, and miraculously, I got calm and everything works out fine. I'm really happy about this development of course, but at the same time I feel really stupid for not having thought of trying this again and trying to get affirmation from the outside when clearly, that doesn't work out for me.

    A cp6 linked me to this a while ago when we were discussing the differences between 6 and 8, the other 6's on the thread agreed it described them:

    Here are some clues that tell you that you're watching a Counterphobic Six. First, on the high side, there's this wonderful loyalty to her family. In spite of the fact that she has kicked her husband out, she keeps in constant contact, calls him at 5 am to share her fears (of course) and takes care of him even while scolding and ranting at him. Towards the end of the movie she takes a civil service test. She passes but one of the questions is "Who are you?" She can't get past the group: She writes that she is the mother of seven sons and then has nothing more to say. That's how a Six can identify with the group.Her fears are obvious throughout, but with the Counterphobic Six, there is a lively ambivalence. When they are afraid, they must do what they fear. Fear is not only no reason to abstain from an action, it is the very reason they must take action. The fears are not about real things. Real crises Sixes often handle quite well. As one Counterphobic Six friend of mind remarked. "When I was in the hospital with a serious injury, everyone remarked on how well I handled it. But they didn't know I had been preparing for this all my life." Sarandon handles the news that her son may have been killed quite well. She holds the family together, she continues to work; she doesn't collapse or go hysterical.
    But the movie starts with her calling her estranged husband at 5 am about a premonition dream. She gets the person who is going to be harmed wrong three or four times, but that really doesn't bother a Six. There's danger out there, we have to be on the lookout because it is going to strike, we just don't know where. As Colin Powell spoke for our very Sixish military, "Our greatest danger is the unknown enemy." And he put our money where his mouth is. The Pentagon has decided as an official policy that we now must be ready to fight wars on two fronts. When one enemy (USSR) collapses, two spring up to take its place! That's a Counterphobic Six trance.

    The negative expectations are integral to any Six. Murphy's Law is a cosmic pattern. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong, and it's going to be worse than we can possibly imagine. But the Six doesn't stop there. They go looking for what can go wrong. They interpret everything in the light of the danger they know is there. The Counterphobic Six goes into action and attacks that danger that they know is there. The two vivid examples in Safe Passage, of course, are the carrying her son off the field and almost killing the dog to defend her son. And not just killing, but hand to tooth combat! Notice in the Counterphobic Six, when they are reflective, they are afraid, but when real danger comes, they don't think at all. They act and they act impulsively and even foolishly. Sometimes this danger-defying activity can be sustained. I know a young Counterphobic Six who is scared to death of heights. His job? He washes the outside windows of very tall buildings. Likes the rush, I guess.
    Sarandon does the restless, edgy quality of the Counterphobic Six very well. You can feel that her life isn't working. She has that victim look so prized in thriller movies but she is the victim of her own fantasy. Notice the power of her fears: she holds the family together, one woman against eight men. They don't have a chance. She whipsaws them with threats and neediness. They all want to take care of her and she simultaneously takes care of and slightly bullies them - and her type Seven husband won't see the pain of what's going on, but is very good at playing with the kids.

    I can't relate at all, this is not how I experience threats and react to them, as well as I don't relate to people or protect them in the same way. The bolded is also how I differ between the two:

    Sixes and Eights are aggressive, although only the Eight is an entirely aggressive personality. Sixes react both to their fears and to other people and constantly oscillate from one state to another, from Level to Level. They are ambivalent and passive-aggressive, evasive, and contradictory. In contrast, Eights have solid egos and formidable wills; they keep pushing others until they get them what they want. There is little softness in Eights and even less tendency to comply with the wishes of anyone else. They have no desire to be liked or to ingratiate themselves with others. Rather than look to others for protection, Eights offer protection (patronage) in return for hard work and loyalty.

    As different as these two types are, they are nevertheless similar at Level 6–but only at this Level. At this stage both Sixes (The Authoritarian Rebel) and in Eights (The Confrontational Adversary) show similar aggressive traits–belligerence, defiance, a willingness to intimidate others, a quick and threatening temper, the threat of violence, hatred of others, and so forth. However, Eights arrive at this stage as a result of constantly escalating their pressure on others to get what they want until they have become highly confrontational and combative. Sixes arrive at their state from a very different route–in reaction to their vacillation and dependency. Sixes become aggressive because they do not want to be pushed around anymore; Eights become aggressive to push others even more.
    The essential difference is that Sixes eventually will yield and their defenses will crumble if enough pressure is applied to them, whereas opposition to Eights only encourages them to remain defiant and to meet their adversary with renewed aggression.
    Both types at this Level can be dangerous; ironically, Sixes are probably more dangerous at this stage than Eights since they are anxious and may strike out at someone impulsively or irrationally. On the other hand, average Eights are more rational: they take the odds of success into account at every move. If and when they finally do become violent, however, Eights are more dangerous than Sixes because they are more ruthless, and the momentum of their inflated egos makes them feel that they can and must press onward until their enemies are utterly destroyed. Eights eventually become megalomaniacs (and may be destroyed after they have destroyed others). By contrast, unhealthy Sixes eventually become self-defeating (and may be destroyed by their own fear). Compare G. Gordon Liddy and Mike Tyson (Sixes) with Henry Kissinger and Muhammad Ali (Eights) to understand more about the similarities and differences between these types.

    Ha I can't bring Medusa into this, we had a spat over Jung's typing and some of it was precisely about objectivity, so maybe there's some bad blood and it'd influence her typing I have checked that website before to confirm the typings I got in tests, it's on my top 3. Definitely 7, as analyzing as I am it's all quite unpredictable in its modus operandis, and most definitely not organized like a computer. Sometimes it's more like a pinball machine, sometimes like a diagram where I'm watching the links being drawn in real time from the outside, sometimes is like thought bubbles that keep popping up...I'd say I suck up information like a vortex, from all sides and sometimes the end result just pops into my head without me consciously working towards it.

    In relation to the stackings, I did type Sx/Sp before, the reason why I changed it was because only Sx/So seem to explain my stance on attention, love and sex. I'd never admit it outside of an anonymous forum like this, but just as much as I'm obsessed at being the best in my field, I've always been obsessed with the power that being attractive gives me over people. Nothing gets me turned on as seeing other people turned on by me, but I'm not talking about actual sex here (least not the act in itself). I also know that it's precisely by using this power that I can get their attention and get them to really see/hear what I'm saying and through this get what I want not only for myself, but for my people in general. I use my sex appeal and confidence in discussing the subject to push my ideological agenda, which is since I was a kid to obtain freedom in the only way I can foresee it: by breaking taboos and defeating prejudices. I can't be free if I have to hide or over regulate myself, and neither can other people, so we must push the envelope instead of conforming. It's difficult to put this in words that don't sound ridiculous even to myself, but I'll try. It works like this: I'm hyper aware of people in relation to me on an energy level, let's say I know if someone's attention is on me before I even see them, it's like a seventh sense. I'm quick to gauge how responsive they are (how much I'm affecting them), and what's the nature of the interess. Unless I already know or perceive something unpleasant about them it's a green sign, and they fall into my "influence circle". It's dangerous for both parts to be in it, so naturally I ran my tests before accepting people. I can't think of anything as deeply satisfying as being desired, admired and cherished by a big number of people, and in turn loving them too. It's obviously terribly narcissistic but it isn't selfish, for I give as much as I get, if you love me then an instant and genuine bond is formed. This only applies to real feelings though, upon realizing what I wanted from people early on I became skilled at telling real affection from fakery backed with ulterior motives. I don't fall for ass kissers, people pleasers or emotional manipulation, and those who attempt at any of those things are crossed out for good. It has to be real, otherwise it means nothing to me. Also natural, in the sense that while I may work to intensify and keep it, I want the bond desire to come from them, I fan the flames but don't (intentionally) ignite them. I would actually hurt my ego to have to work for people's attention in direct interactions on a conscious level, which is why I resort to looking good and being skilled. That way the bees come to me if my honey interests them, and I don't have to really put myself out there like people who do the chasing. The exception is obviously when I'm performing in some way, then the whole audience is full of prospective lovers, when I'm up there I consciously want to seduce them, it's a terribly charged and intimate exchange because there's no caution or thought involved, just instinct and response.

    I see Sx/Sps really into this whole "all or nothing, let this consume myself" thing, specially when it comes to relationships and I can't relate to that at all. My love and attraction is more expansive than anything, I was poly many years before I even knew what poly meant. I can't recall any moment in my life where I was or wanted to be in deep consuming love with just one person, that's just not how it works for me. My philosophy in romance is the same one in friendship: the more the merrier! That's actually one of the two main reasons (the other being my pain avoidance coping mechanisms) why I typed myself as a 7 in the Head Triad, my necessity for options, variety. It's as much an ego thing as it's energetic, I just want to receive it from everywhere, and give it on my terms when it comes to how much and when, but very freely in terms of where. If I try and contain my sexual energy only the worst happens, and receiving it on a limited manner never satisfies me either. I'm only focused and definitive when it comes to my career, I say no a lot in that area since I prefer to specialize and become the best at that instead of experimenting and dabbling in different fronts.

    Oh and I picked that image as an inspirational poster, it's a great definition of freedom that speaks to me on two levels: if I don't face my fears I'll allow them to hold me hostage and I then am conquered and submission. And if I don't do my share to change this vile and archaic system that oppresses souls then others can't be happy either, and I can't stand that. I need to be free to free others, but in turn if others aren't happy I can't be wholly happy either. Justice warrior, that's funny, my mom used to call me that when I was little because I fought with her about her prejudices a lot. Thankfully it was worth it, she has changed her mind about many things and I'm proud to say I played a big role in it.

    Granted that could be just a strong Hidden Agenda manifesting, since you're Sx/So maybe you could provide with some info on how it differentiates from Sx/Sp according to your personal experiences with people. I think you're right about PoLR being it, because it's not that I don't trust people can and do love me, it's that I think love in itself it's such a fragile and fickle little thing. Maybe I'm judging others based on myself, I've never thought of that before, what an epiphany I never take love for granted as if I'm entitled to it or it's something permanent, I'm always "ready" for it to end abruptly.

    Thanks for the input and food for thought!

    Last edited by PrettySavage; 11-24-2017 at 03:30 AM.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    @FANXY CHILD need a lil' time to reply in depth so it will be proper! Thanks in advance for so much input gurl you're a real powerhouse

  10. #10
    A fox who wants to play, that's me PrettySavage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    @FANXY CHILD need a lil' time to reply in depth so it will be proper! Thanks in advance for so much input gurl you're a real powerhouse
    Gurl you take yo time, God knows I can talk (and write) a lil' bit too much (understatement of the century). Just grab something strong, there might be a little TMI there

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    WARNING: Wall of text, proceed at your own risk

    Hey you there, thanks for stopping by!

    I usually don't trust test at all because my results are all over the place, but I did get SLE in some of the tests I took these past weeks, like these:

    There's also one that presents the result on a PDF file with graphs, but I forgot to saved it I took the original Russian tests on a forum's member advice but it did no good, I got ILE, SLI, ILI and SLE The worst part it's that I did them over Skype with my mom (who's brutally honest so I trust her opinions) and one of my best friends who's taking psychology and knows me really well. It was fun (and enlightening, geez I didn't knew myself at all!) but so lengthy, it took us almost two hours to finish them, one of the tests had like 80 question and another one around 65. These were the tests if you're interested in taking them, maybe they work for other people:

    The reason I can't agree with 6 as a core type is because they go towards fear in order to defeat it, while I just ran away and hid. For me the way I've always dealt with things that really scare me is by getting as far as I can, or dropping them cold. Many things that scare people don't scare me at all or are manageable, that's probably what projects a very brave and bold image. But I've always knew myself to be a coward when it comes to my fears, unless it's a life threatening situation I need people to push me to do the things I want but am terrified of failing at. Also, unless I got it wrong (in which case please correct me) 6's feel anxious and insecure in general, whereas my fears are quite concentrated in an area (feelings of attachment), and when they show up in other arenas (namely professional) they are all the more exaggerated and usually irrational, because they come out of nowhere in full force and get me unprepared. I have only as recent of two or three months ago started actively dealing with them, and I'm frankly speechless at how stupid I have been until now. Because really, all I had to do was talk myself of of the panic, shut down the hysterical thoughts as they came up gently but firmly using logic and puff!, they were gone. I convinced myself to just trust and wait and see, what will happen will happen and if/when it does I'll deal with it (I stole it from Hagrid) because I'm strong and I can, and miraculously, I got calm and everything works out fine. I'm really happy about this development of course, but at the same time I feel really stupid for not having thought of trying this again and trying to get affirmation from the outside when clearly, that doesn't work out for me.

    A cp6 linked me to this a while ago when we were discussing the differences between 6 and 8, the other 6's on the thread agreed it described them:

    I can't relate at all, this is not how I experience threats and react to them, as well as I don't relate to people or protect them in the same way. The bolded is also how I differ between the two:

    Ha I can't bring Medusa into this, we had a spat over Jung's typing and some of it was precisely about objectivity, so maybe there's some bad blood and it'd influence her typing I have checked that website before to confirm the typings I got in tests, it's on my top 3. Definitely 7, as analyzing as I am it's all quite unpredictable in its modus operandis, and most definitely not organized like a computer. Sometimes it's more like a pinball machine, sometimes like a diagram where I'm watching the links being drawn in real time from the outside, sometimes is like thought bubbles that keep popping up...I'd say I suck up information like a vortex, from all sides and sometimes the end result just pops into my head without me consciously working towards it.

    In relation to the stackings, I did type Sx/Sp before, the reason why I changed it was because only Sx/So seem to explain my stance on attention, love and sex. I'd never admit it outside of an anonymous forum like this, but just as much as I'm obsessed at being the best in my field, I've always been obsessed with the power that being attractive gives me over people. Nothing gets me turned on as seeing other people turned on by me, but I'm not talking about actual sex here (least not the act in itself). I also know that it's precisely by using this power that I can get their attention and get them to really see/hear what I'm saying and through this get what I want not only for myself, but for my people in general. I use my sex appeal and confidence in discussing the subject to push my ideological agenda, which is since I was a kid to obtain freedom in the only way I can foresee it: by breaking taboos and defeating prejudices. I can't be free if I have to hide or over regulate myself, and neither can other people, so we must push the envelope instead of conforming. It's difficult to put this in words that don't sound ridiculous even to myself, but I'll try. It works like this: I'm hyper aware of people in relation to me on an energy level, let's say I know if someone's attention is on me before I even see them, it's like a seventh sense. I'm quick to gauge how responsive they are (how much I'm affecting them), and what's the nature of the interess. Unless I already know or perceive something unpleasant about them it's a green sign, and they fall into my "influence circle". It's dangerous for both parts to be in it, so naturally I ran my tests before accepting people. I can't think of anything as deeply satisfying as being desired, admired and cherished by a big number of people, and in turn loving them too. It's obviously terribly narcissistic but it isn't selfish, for I give as much as I get, if you love me then an instant and genuine bond is formed. This only applies to real feelings though, upon realizing what I wanted from people early on I became skilled at telling real affection from fakery backed with ulterior motives. I don't fall for ass kissers, people pleasers or emotional manipulation, and those who attempt at any of those things are crossed out for good. It has to be real, otherwise it means nothing to me. Also natural, in the sense that while I may work to intensify and keep it, I want the bond desire to come from them, I fan the flames but don't (intentionally) ignite them. I would actually hurt my ego to have to work for people's attention in direct interactions on a conscious level, which is why I resort to looking good and being skilled. That way the bees come to me if my honey interests them, and I don't have to really put myself out there like people who do the chasing. The exception is obviously when I'm performing in some way, then the whole audience is full of prospective lovers, when I'm up there I consciously want to seduce them, it's a terribly charged and intimate exchange because there's no caution or thought involved, just instinct and response.

    I see Sx/Sps really into this whole "all or nothing, let this consume myself" thing, specially when it comes to relationships and I can't relate to that at all. My love and attraction is more expansive than anything, I was poly many years before I even knew what poly meant. I can't recall any moment in my life where I was or wanted to be in deep consuming love with just one person, that's just not how it works for me. My philosophy in romance is the same one in friendship: the more the merrier! That's actually one of the two main reasons (the other being my pain avoidance coping mechanisms) why I typed myself as a 7 in the Head Triad, my necessity for options, variety. It's as much an ego thing as it's energetic, I just want to receive it from everywhere, and give it on my terms when it comes to how much and when, but very freely in terms of where. If I try and contain my sexual energy only the worst happens, and receiving it on a limited manner never satisfies me either. I'm only focused and definitive when it comes to my career, I say no a lot in that area since I prefer to specialize and become the best at that instead of experimenting and dabbling in different fronts.

    Oh and I picked that image as an inspirational poster, it's a great definition of freedom that speaks to me on two levels: if I don't face my fears I'll allow them to hold me hostage and I then am conquered and submission. And if I don't do my share to change this vile and archaic system that oppresses souls then others can't be happy either, and I can't stand that. I need to be free to free others, but in turn if others aren't happy I can't be wholly happy either. Justice warrior, that's funny, my mom used to call me that when I was little because I fought with her about her prejudices a lot. Thankfully it was worth it, she has changed her mind about many things and I'm proud to say I played a big role in it.

    Granted that could be just a strong Hidden Agenda manifesting, since you're Sx/So maybe you could provide with some info on how it differentiates from Sx/Sp according to your personal experiences with people. I think you're right about PoLR being it, because it's not that I don't trust people can and do love me, it's that I think love in itself it's such a fragile and fickle little thing. Maybe I'm judging others based on myself, I've never thought of that before, what an epiphany I never take love for granted as if I'm entitled to it or it's something permanent, I'm always "ready" for it to end abruptly.

    Thanks for the input and food for thought!

    I'll manage, SP last and 3 keep me going. Hearts? My you're cute! Right back at ya

    SLE times two, also on Subteigh's revised test? I rec this one a lot, it's a bit more subliminal and less "self-fulfilling prophecy" as too many tests out there, I critique them equally. The Aimtoknow one was probably the other, the pdf. Weird contradictory results there. LIE, ILI, IEI as alternatives

    The links in the translator don't work, what's wrong there?

    Ok, so phobic attitude, not counterphobic. The area of attachment is SX 6. But you didn't exclude p6 saying there's this state of panic that you must talk yourself out of, I'd at least keep it in the tritpye. The descriptions are good, nothing to say there, and if you go with 8 > 6 via that, and 7>5 for that matter, all right just make sure the wings and center types don't mix up which is super tricky, I know that myself. The test/site to go is Dave's Enneagram. Super smart 5, you might like the content since it reflects quite a lot in a similar way to you, but go into the instructions he has.

    Results look like this, each center made separately but also the order is rectified:

    About @Medusa: She'll join if she wants, and bad blood is normal on 16types, doesn't determine our entire fate though - we can still step in to make a difference, second chance, and we wanna have some fun in here.

    Your SP is too strong and healthy to be the last instinct. And you repeated the social blind spot once more, not adapting to people, but instead exercising this seductive power breaking norms which is SX/SP 8. The people concept, hm... that's and more than anything.

    If I had to narrow it down it would have to be lack of focus. The second instinct isn't really thought about too much, it's a safe bank. It kicks in when it's needed. Just options and more lovers don't make a social second, it's way broader than that. SX/SO doesn't necessarily have a poly mentality, although it is likely. It's talking about humanity, society, countries, politics that are beyond your own. Sacrifice for a lover and cause. Like you said with the oppressive system but that goes against the questionnaire which is all SP. Good news at least, you're juggling all three instincts already, it doesn't polarize completely. More points to synflow imo, contraflow blind spots are going hard SX/SP is still synflow and expansive as you say, since SX is in charge wanting to have all the intensities as you say. At least there's no doubt you're SX first! If you're SX/SO, then the blind spot is probably some hate/love deal going on, self-preservation as an area of helplessness but still craving. As seen above you are proficient in it so I'd still go with SX/SP here, especially as you considered the typing. Your forum posts might give it away sooner or later either way, typing is an ongoing progress here.

    Yet again more points to six, and she even called you that way? Work to do for 6 versus 7 there. But what viewpoints of hers did you manage to change there? This could be good typing material, esp. if you know your mom's stacking.

    Hm, since you gave soooo much ethics with this post, and there are inconsistencies everywhere (all too familiar to my own PoLR, I didn't even notice), SEE is back in the game You are aware of your feelings, SLE isn't in the first place. That :Fe is too good for SLE as well. Your partner description is ethical but you are just as warm, probably because your demonstrative function isn't conscious yet. Compare @Viktor (SLE-Ti), completely different feel, he is systematic through and through, and less temperamental. More @Jailbait-like, interpersonal focus, even with gifs, no coincidence? He's SX/SO par excellence so maybe good exchange potential.

    Another observation made in the meantime: ILI > IEI in your people preferences. You probably even need a logical type to solve your problem right now especially with 4D (which I can't provide meh, apologies I know an ILI person who could be of support for the decision, you'd get along. Ma boy @Attis where you at?)

    I like your attitude about love, experience is speaking!
    It's good, then I'm happy <3 I hope it helps!

  12. #12
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    I'll be honest and say I have a very hard time sitting down and reading this - bad parts of being SEE. And I even started this post a few hours ago. But the first impression you gave me was that of 7 fix and sx/so, but that could just be the overwhelming amount of extraversion shown; and it goes both ways in that someone who is an extravert and is calmer could be sx/so but typed as so last. So after reading some parts of what Chae has said, I can agree with synflow - I get more of a peppy cheerleader vibe from you than myself. Not that I'm some grump, but I see more fixation on that here. As for 6 vs. 7, general expression looks more 7 but there were some good pointers for 6 it seems like and that can be explained away by other things.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    I'll manage, SP last and 3 keep me going. Hearts? My you're cute! Right back at ya

    SLE times two, also on Subteigh's revised test? I rec this one a lot, it's a bit more subliminal and less "self-fulfilling prophecy" as too many tests out there, I critique them equally. The Aimtoknow one was probably the other, the pdf. Weird contradictory results there. LIE, ILI, IEI as alternatives

    The links in the translator don't work, what's wrong there?

    Ok, so phobic attitude, not counterphobic. The area of attachment is SX 6. But you didn't exclude p6 saying there's this state of panic that you must talk yourself out of, I'd at least keep it in the tritpye. The descriptions are good, nothing to say there, and if you go with 8 > 6 via that, and 7>5 for that matter, all right just make sure the wings and center types don't mix up which is super tricky, I know that myself. The test/site to go is Dave's Enneagram. Super smart 5, you might like the content since it reflects quite a lot in a similar way to you, but go into the instructions he has.

    Results look like this, each center made separately but also the order is rectified:

    I hadn't seen that test, I really like dit. Most typology tests are frankly ridiculous, some seem to believe that even your taste in curtains is dictated by type, others have really obvious and stereotypical options and make me question if the test maker ever knew real people of those types. Not this one, very clear, concise and real examples, I could easily see myself and others in it, it was easy to choose the answers, which is a first. My result:

    Interestingly enough I got ILI on that iPsyght test earlier today:

    Interesting that you think I'm Ethical with bad , I never get Ethical typings, but I've been Logical all across the board.

    Are you opening the tests on new tabs and then hitting the translate option on the address bar? How is it not working? Please describe the problem.

    Took the test:

    I've actually been suspecting that my wings were wrong, and indeed they were. You weren't wrong, there is 6 in my tritype, this fits like a glove:

    7w6 and 7w8 differences

    - generally, the 7w6 is more grandiose and fantasy prone; the 7w8 is more grounded and earthy. 7w6s tend to have wild, fantastic imaginations while the 7w8s desires and thoughts tend to be more realistic and material in nature. the 7w6 dreams of traveling to far off magical lands while the 7w8's desires run more towards the "sex drugs and rock n roll" side of life. as such, the 7w6 is likely to be criticized as unrealistic or childish while the 7w8 is more likely to be criticized as base or shallow. compare Peter Pan to Quentin Tarantino
    - 7w6 struggles more with the avoidant and over thinking aspects of type 7; 7w8 struggles more with the impulsive side of 7. 7w6s don't generally think or care much about how people feel about them, but their 6 side will have a tendency to look back, think "oh no! did they have a point? did I miss something?" and they are more apt to trap themselves in a "mental hamster wheel" of sorts. the 7w8 on the other hand has a default strategy of "screw it, let's roll bitches!" and are more likely to jump into less than ideal situations and suffer consequences because they didn't think things through long enough.
    - 7w8s thrive on conflict and playful aggression. 7w6s can generally hold their own in conflict and even enjoy it sometimes, but the 7w8 thrives on intense conflict whereas, after a point, the 7w6 will say "this isn't fun anymore" and attempt to leave. (conflict for a 7w6 is generally more of a means to an end, whereas it sometimes is the end for a 7w8 looking for "amusement")
    - the 7w8s interaction style tends to be edgier and have more of a "rile people up" style to it than the 7w6, who has a more delicate touch. 7w8s by nature are very intense people, and this can be rattling to those with more delicate sensibilities
    - 7w8s are intensity junkies by nature. they tend to be attracted to things like extreme sports, rough housing/sparring and generally don't mind a little pain. the 7w6 on the other hand has a much lower pain tolerance, and it is something they tend to avoid whenever possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    About @Medusa: She'll join if she wants, and bad blood is normal on 16types, doesn't determine our entire fate though - we can still step in to make a difference, second chance, and we wanna have some fun in here.

    Your SP is too strong and healthy to be the last instinct. And you repeated the social blind spot once more, not adapting to people, but instead exercising this seductive power breaking norms which is SX/SP 8. The people concept, hm... that's and more than anything.

    If I had to narrow it down it would have to be lack of focus. The second instinct isn't really thought about too much, it's a safe bank. It kicks in when it's needed. Just options and more lovers don't make a social second, it's way broader than that. SX/SO doesn't necessarily have a poly mentality, although it is likely. It's talking about humanity, society, countries, politics that are beyond your own. Sacrifice for a lover and cause. Like you said with the oppressive system but that goes against the questionnaire which is all SP. Good news at least, you're juggling all three instincts already, it doesn't polarize completely. More points to synflow imo, contraflow blind spots are going hard SX/SP is still synflow and expansive as you say, since SX is in charge wanting to have all the intensities as you say. At least there's no doubt you're SX first! If you're SX/SO, then the blind spot is probably some hate/love deal going on, self-preservation as an area of helplessness but still craving. As seen above you are proficient in it so I'd still go with SX/SP here, especially as you considered the typing. Your forum posts might give it away sooner or later either way, typing is an ongoing progress here.
    Your whole stance on this Medusa thing shows that whatever type I am, it's one very different from yours. I can't imagine how it is to think like that. In one hand "our entire fate" and "step to make a difference" sounds dramatic, but then you say bad blood is "normal" and that she can "join if she wants" and "have some fun in here". It sounds like this forum experience has a deeper meaning to you than to me (for now it's utilitarian and light/fun), but also as if you're ok with turbulent "relationships" or exchanges (I'm not), no notion of territory or ownership either (inviting people to come here and chip in, including someone I spat with). When you take two steps back you can definitely see how the Quadra Values play out it's quite fascinating.

    But that's the thing: there is no sacrifice involved. I didn't take this "mission" on like a martyr with a cause, or a messiah. I don't even see myself as an actual justice fighter, this intent is just something that has always been with me since I realized what I wanted to be, felt very natural so I never questioned it. I don't talk about this with anyone, my best policy is secrecy. If anyone knew my intent then they'd stop me, so I gotta get to a high position first, high enough so I can use my visibility to actually do something. Then I'll put this how on the road full force. I refrained from touching on the subject because none of the questions propelled me to disclose it, but telling you about it directly somehow felt ok so I went ahead and did it. Felt good, it's hard to not lose my shit over the bigotry I hear every day in this society. I can't just go and wave my rainbow and Black Panther flags around to express myself, so I resort to make my stance very clear: if you have anything but support to say on the subject, then keep your mouth shut around me. It works.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Yet again more points to six, and she even called you that way? Work to do for 6 versus 7 there. But what viewpoints of hers did you manage to change there? This could be good typing material, esp. if you know your mom's stacking.

    Hm, since you gave soooo much ethics with this post, and there are inconsistencies everywhere (all too familiar to my own PoLR, I didn't even notice), SEE is back in the game You are aware of your feelings, SLE isn't in the first place. That :Fe is too good for SLE as well. Your partner description is ethical but you are just as warm, probably because your demonstrative function isn't conscious yet. Compare @Viktor (SLE-Ti), completely different feel, he is systematic through and through, and less temperamental. More @Jailbait-like, interpersonal focus, even with gifs, no coincidence? He's SX/SO par excellence so maybe good exchange potential.

    Another observation made in the meantime: ILI > IEI in your people preferences. You probably even need a logical type to solve your problem right now especially with 4D (which I can't provide meh, apologies I know an ILI person who could be of support for the decision, you'd get along. Ma boy @Attis where you at?)

    I like your attitude about love, experience is speaking!
    It's good, then I'm happy <3 I hope it helps!

    I think the most important one was definitely homosexuality, and then feminism. She's a 7w6-2w3-9w8 So/Sx, we confirmed it through that test. She's IEE-Ne.

    I don't understand how can you could possibly be able to gauge my "people preferences" at this point? I've only cited K-pop idols as "people I like" so far when it comes to specifying sociotypes, two of which were ILI. I don't know any ILIs in real life. Is this about my Suga gif spam? Because I have daily spams for every Bangtan member prepared, and ironically I'm starting with rap line, and Namjoon is next
    Last edited by PrettySavage; 08-05-2017 at 03:48 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jailbait View Post
    I'll be honest and say I have a very hard time sitting down and reading this - bad parts of being SEE. And I even started this post a few hours ago. But the first impression you gave me was that of 7 fix and sx/so, but that could just be the overwhelming amount of extraversion shown; and it goes both ways in that someone who is an extravert and is calmer could be sx/so but typed as so last. So after reading some parts of what Chae has said, I can agree with synflow - I get more of a peppy cheerleader vibe from you than myself. Not that I'm some grump, but I see more fixation on that here. As for 6 vs. 7, general expression looks more 7 but there were some good pointers for 6 it seems like and that can be explained away by other things.
    Thanks for your input

    I'm the opposite in that sense, I get giddy whenever I come across a huge and detailed post like this, and I become too easily fixated and can't focus on anything else when I see a new post that mentions me, or just about a topic I'm digging at the moment. I was actually watching a show when I got the notification, had to stop and reply to it

    Yeah I'm sure 7 is the head type, it explains so many things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jailbait View Post
    I'll be honest and say I have a very hard time sitting down and reading this - bad parts of being SEE. And I even started this post a few hours ago. But the first impression you gave me was that of 7 fix and sx/so, but that could just be the overwhelming amount of extraversion shown; and it goes both ways in that someone who is an extravert and is calmer could be sx/so but typed as so last. So after reading some parts of what Chae has said, I can agree with synflow - I get more of a peppy cheerleader vibe from you than myself. Not that I'm some grump, but I see more fixation on that here. As for 6 vs. 7, general expression looks more 7 but there were some good pointers for 6 it seems like and that can be explained away by other things.
    Good point actually, you can see how she requires the patience and non-initiative of an lead. That extroversion is no coincidence, her dual is likely the introverts of all introverts with low energy, points to 1D and 1D perhaps, not sure. Cheerleader is not a bad analogy I think, very light vibe, charismatic, still piercing like SX first but not too deep so it's fun. SX/SO is too... well I can only speak for us.

    Contraflow conversation boils down to the really heavy global topics, and a big sense of rejection concerning the status quo of the earth. I catch myself in talks about war, the military, drugs, LGBT, the black community & police brutality, women's reproductive rights and feminism in general with strong focus on masculinity/femininity, gender roles & patriarchy/matriarchy, pornography, child abuse, pedophilia, rape culture, transgender & drag, niche arts, plastic surgery, basically all sorts of subcultures, alternative lifestyles, mental illnesses, new ways of having a career, education, history, critique of capitalism in conjunction with modern dating, prisons, politicians (Trump in particular), animal cruelty, the law, biopolitics/healthcare, the concept of social power (my favorite), resource exploitation, human trafficking, weapon trade, economy, the whole spiritual community, ways of running a government from democracy to aristocracy to dictatorships, queer studies, sex sex sex sex sex and more sex since I'm totally obsessed, the fashion industry, social stigma, poverty, vintage movements... Your tumblr has many of those topics as well. We don't talk about daily life practicalities by default as she did, because of SP last.

    Meanwhile, @FANXY CHILD:

    I wanna be very successful and mainstream in my field

    6 and 7 likely wing then, when both influences stood out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    Found the saved results from the Russian tests:

    Three different Quadras...Only common points were Introtim + Logical
    Thanks! Ok, more chaos, but that already is a sign. I always say that the way someone types themselves is the best indicator of their TIM already. No in sight so far Compare @User Name on his blog, he has typed himself logically using every category available. Simply, to craft his own theoretical understanding of all options (TiNe). You went the opposite way via tests which are more , and coherency was flipped upside down.

    IxTx "Cold-blooded" is the temperament that fits you the least, your appearance here already is hyper-extroverted, maximalism all the way! And passionate ExFx speaking style. The only other types who could come close to that are ESE and EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    I hadn't seen that test, I really like dit. Most typology tests are frankly ridiculous, some seem to believe that even your taste in curtains is dictated by type, others have really obvious and stereotypical options and make me question if the test maker ever knew real people of those types. Not this one, very clear, concise and real examples, I could easily see myself and others in it, it was easy to choose the answers, which is a first. My result:

    Interestingly enough I got ILI on that iPsyght test earlier today:

    Interesting that you think I'm Ethical with bad , I never get Ethical typings, but I've been Logical all across the board.

    Are you opening the tests on new tabs and then hitting the translate option on the address bar? How is it not working? Please describe the problem.

    Took the test:

    I've actually been suspecting that my wings were wrong, and indeed they were. You weren't wrong, there is 6 in my tritype, this fits like a glove:

    Your whole stance on this Medusa thing shows that whatever type I am, it's one very different from yours. I can't imagine how it is to think like that. In one hand "our entire fate" and "step to make a difference" sounds dramatic, but then you say bad blood is "normal" and that she can "join if she wants" and "have some fun in here". It sounds like this forum experience has a deeper meaning to you than to me (for now it's utilitarian and light/fun), but also as if you're ok with turbulent "relationships" or exchanges (I'm not), no notion of territory or ownership either (inviting people to come here and chip in, including someone I spat with). When you take two steps back you can definitely see how the Quadra Values play out it's quite fascinating.

    But that's the thing: there is no sacrifice involved. I didn't take this "mission" on like a martyr with a cause, or a messiah. I don't even see myself as an actual justice fighter, this intent is just something that has always been with me since I realized what I wanted to be, felt very natural so I never questioned it. I don't talk about this with anyone, my best policy is secrecy. If anyone knew my intent then they'd stop me, so I gotta get to a high position first, high enough so I can use my visibility to actually do something. Then I'll put this how on the road full force. I refrained from touching on the subject because none of the questions propelled me to disclose it, but telling you about it directly somehow felt ok so I went ahead and did it. Felt good, it's hard to not lose my shit over the bigotry I hear every day in this society. I can't just go and wave my rainbow and Black Panther flags around to express myself, so I resort to make my stance very clear: if you have anything but support to say on the subject, then keep your mouth shut around me. It works.

    I think the most important one was definitely homosexuality, and then feminism. She's a 7w6-2w3-9w8 So/Sx, we confirmed it through that test. She's IEE-Ne.

    I don't understand how can you could possibly be able to gauge my "people preferences" at this point? I've only cited K-pop idols as "people I like" so far when it comes to specifying sociotypes, two of which were ILI. I don't know any ILIs in real life. Is this about my Suga gif spam? Because I have daily spams for every Bangtan member prepared, and ironically I'm starting with rap line, and Namjoon is next
    Reminds me precisely of myself, I falsely typed (and got typed) as logical and many many other things when I first came here, ILI and LIE included, was on my HA grind

    Ahh, ok problem solved itself by chance, need to switch from Safari to Chrome.

    There we goooo! 6 and 7 combined. Cool, grazie for taking the time.

    It's obvious quadra values are at play, how could they not be What's one person's blessing is another one's hell. And everything we say can be held against us and our TIM. I ain't taking a break from IEE And you not from SEE, ownership/conflict/anti-meaning/anti-options () combined with 's relational distance. Sensing dislikes sudden change, and also ethics come in, that's why you desire stability between people. Did you notice, I made a small test here. Now it's also clear (fun, involving everybody, abandoning resentment) is devalued, and white ethics are pronounced. Intuition is as good as eliminated, too, especially since you get into force far better than potential. purpose/fate in particular is onedimensional.

    SX/SP again, your own agenda comes first. Social blind spot is clear No way you're SX/SO.

    What exact beliefs of homosexuality and feminism? This is too vague. Hm okay social first for her, makes sense.

    I ask my own , this is the result. It's in opposition to the IEI type you go for somehow, but maybe you can elaborate how you like the two types (ILI, IEI) as a whole? IRL experience not available but you're into typology for so long etc maybe you have an opinion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Good point actually, you can see how she requires the patience and non-initiative of an lead. That extroversion is no coincidence, her dual is likely the introverts of all introverts with low energy, points to 1D and 1D perhaps, not sure. Cheerleader is not a bad analogy I think, very light vibe, charismatic, still piercing like SX first but not too deep so it's fun. SX/SO is too... well I can only speak for us.

    Contraflow conversation boils down to the really heavy global topics, and a big sense of rejection concerning the status quo of the earth. I catch myself in talks about war, the military, drugs, LGBT, the black community & police brutality, women's reproductive rights and feminism in general with strong focus on masculinity/femininity, gender roles & patriarchy/matriarchy, pornography, child abuse, pedophilia, rape culture, transgender & drag, niche arts, plastic surgery, basically all sorts of subcultures, alternative lifestyles, mental illnesses, new ways of having a career, education, history, critique of capitalism in conjunction with modern dating, prisons, politicians (Trump in particular), animal cruelty, the law, biopolitics/healthcare, the concept of social power (my favorite), resource exploitation, human trafficking, weapon trade, economy, the whole spiritual community, ways of running a government from democracy to aristocracy to dictatorships, queer studies, sex sex sex sex sex and more sex since I'm totally obsessed, the fashion industry, social stigma, poverty, vintage movements... Your tumblr has many of those topics as well. We don't talk about daily life practicalities by default as she did, because of SP last.

    Meanwhile, @FANXY CHILD:


    6 and 7 likely wing then, when both influences stood out.

    I have to say that I think I already win at life for being called "cheerleader", "bubbly" and "light". My whole school life that was exactly what I wanted to be like (I had mad envy whenever I watched American teen movies) but no, only compliments I got were about my brain and politeness I was the smart and mature one, while all I wanted was to be pretty and exuberant like other girls. As the "quiet nerd" and then the "broody and stuck up know-it-all", it seems I've come a long way in somewhat regaining the energy I originally had as a kid. Back then I did embody the "head cheerleader" trope really well. Bossy and demanding but yes, very bright and engaging

    "Low energy" though eh, I don't know if I can deal with that. It already irritates me through the screen or in person when it's not directed at me. But yeah I can't deal with high energy people on a daily basis, most people I get along with and seek the company of have what I'd call a "healing energy", which is mild, warm, pleasant and calm, very different from mine. Most indeed seem to be Introtims. Some sociotypes just come across as "dead" to me energetically, they are the ones I avoid because I find their presence disturbing. There's a "take them out of the shell" trope that comes up when I read on SEE/ILIs duality for example that didn't sit well with me.

    Yeah I don't really discuss those subjects with most people, at least not extensively. I find it very irritating when people go on long SJW rants but never actually do anything about matters they supposedly care so much. If you talk the talk then you better walk the walk, it's what I think so less talking, more doing. This is a long time pet peeve I had with my mom, she easily gets indignant when it comes to things she disagree with in the Ethical arena. I used to snap at her sometimes because she wasn't actually active in anything that could change the world directly on those camps. I have learned on this last couple of years to turn a deaf ear and just agree with her, and then change the subject. Oh my Tumblr most definitely has little reblogs of those subjects, I've learnt to stay clear of that site of the website, lest I turn insane.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    I have to say that I think I already win at life for being called "cheerleader", "bubbly" and "light". My whole school life that was exactly what I wanted to be like (I had mad envy whenever I watched American teen movies) but no, only compliments I got were about my brain and politeness I was the smart and mature one, while all I wanted was to be pretty and exuberant like other girls. As the "quiet nerd" and then the "broody and stuck up know-it-all", it seems I've come a long way in somewhat regaining the energy I originally had as a kid. Back then I did embody the "head cheerleader" trope really well. Bossy and demanding but yes, very bright and engaging

    "Low energy" though eh, I don't know if I can deal with that. It already irritates me through the screen or in person when it's not directed at me. But yeah I can't deal with high energy people on a daily basis, most people I get along with and seek the company of have what I'd call a "healing energy", which is mild, warm, pleasant and calm, very different from mine. Most indeed seem to be Introtims. Some sociotypes just come across as "dead" to me energetically, they are the ones I avoid because I find their presence disturbing. There's a "take them out of the shell" trope that comes up when I read on SEE/ILIs duality for example that didn't sit well with me.

    Yeah I don't really discuss those subjects with most people, at least not extensively. I find it very irritating when people go on long SJW rants but never actually do anything about matters they supposedly care so much. If you talk the talk then you better walk the walk, it's what I think so less talking, more doing. This is a long time pet peeve I had with my mom, she easily gets indignant when it comes to things she disagree with in the Ethical arena. I used to snap at her sometimes because she wasn't actually active in anything that could change the world directly on those camps. I have learned on this last couple of years to turn a deaf ear and just agree with her, and then change the subject. Oh my Tumblr most definitely has little reblogs of those subjects, I've learnt to stay clear of that site of the website, lest I turn insane.
    Then @Jailbait hit the bull's eye! SX/SP again, and Ip dual^

    Hm I see! Since you don't know an ILI IRL the practical part's missing, duality often addresses not what we want but what we need, and unites unexpected opposites. Maybe another angle/approach gets us closer, what enneagram type would you prefer in a significant other?

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    I'd be really interested in @darya's viewpoint, maybe she has time to go through the questionnaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post

    I ask my own , this is the result. It's in opposition to the IEI type you go for somehow, but maybe you can elaborate how you like the two types (ILI, IEI) as a whole? IRL experience not available but you're into typology for so long etc maybe you have an opinion.
    I somehow skipped this post before.

    Yeah by now I'm used to disparate results. in MBTI I get ENTP and xSTP in online tests, but the official assessment (took it twice for my job) says I'm xNTJ

    You judge people based on yourself, yeah I don't do that, at least not consciously. I think it's because I've always been aware (had no choice either) that I was different from people around me, it was difficult to relate to my age peers in any way that wasn't surface level. All that rejection I suffered for many years later on reinforced that notion of me =/= others. I can count on my ability to predict the emotional reactions of people I've observed for some time, but I don't assume anything about people I don't know. Maybe it's because I have been on the other side of projection myself, like my mom knows me for 20 years and yet she's always trying to guess what I'm thinking and gets it wrong all the time. Go tell her that though, she's convinced she knows what's going on (but has been fooled by her image of others her whole life, builds them up then gets let down) it's that +that drives me up the wall. I've learnt not to argue with certain types, just change the subject or walk away, specially in cases like this, because even though she's raised me we have a very different set of morals, and while she's way too judgy in certain subjects, she also gives a pass to things I can't overlook. Our definitions of "good people" is pretty different, too.

    I find ILIs to be, how should I put it, normal? There's nothing about them that variants the internet obsession with them IMO, but that's not a bad thing. I just don't see anything to obsess about, people either love or hate them but are nonetheless fixated. I guess it's the whole "mystery" thing, which I'm not interested in at all, maybe because for all my extroversion I'm still considered a mystery myself. I'm not really active in the area of contacts, so I don't know how would that turn out. People I have reached out first had been picked either for necessity in the moment (I knew I'd need a partner for assignments, so it was easier to make a permanent friend to fill in that role) or ones with whom I had a clear common interest and even then, it was more of a meet me halfway thing. I have some ILI friends on another forum, I really enjoy talking to them because they're so focused on the subject and not inclined to start drama or derail the convo. Only complain is they're too dry, they have little sense of humour IMO which I know it's not the actual true, I guess we just don't connect in that area. I love their explanations of concepts, no frills just the core essence in a concise concrete way, really good at providing me with examples and applications of concepts too. Level headed and respectful.

    The IEIs I know (there's three of them, all guys) are just too cute, specially when they get mad, it's difficult to keep a straight face. I notice a big difference between the subtypes in this case, they also don't seem to click that well with each other. With the IEI-Fes the exchanges are easy and sleek, but definitely more surface level. You get the sense they're always trying to tie you down by involving you in their causes (not always social in the "justice" sense), they try and get things resolved between people too. The EIE-Ni is one of my best friends, the one I mentioned helped me take that test. I miss him dearly, thankfully he's into writing ridiculously long emails like me, so at least there's that. I like that he gives me the space I need, but makes himself available and receptive if I want to talk. Ironically for a Ego he lacks timing, too little confidence and too much thinking sometimes, but oh dear, does he have the gift for understanding. Very intellectually curious, it's good because you don't have to regulate yourself in front of him in that sense. Into the same shit I am like the Illuminati, quantum physics and philosophy. He's MUCH more erudite than I am though (and sometimes more techincal), a very intricate vocabulary and can be nit picky. Really sweet all of them are though, like Winnie The Pooh in human form. Great huggers.

    About my mom's prejudices: she was born and raised in South Korea so you get the gist. Thought homosexuality was a choice, that people were making life difficult for themselves, that they could try and change. Then accepted it but thought bisexuals were perverts, that they should pick a "side". Then accepted that but was against gay marriage and adoption. These days she's a LGBT supporter who actually defends them against people who make distasteful or ignorant comments on them. Has gay and transvestite friends. Doesn't bet an eyelash at gay sex scenes. Crazy right but she came a long way. It wasn't easy at all, sometimes got ugly and tiring but I don't regret it, it was worth it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    I'd be really interested in @darya's viewpoint, maybe she has time to go through the questionnaire.
    Huh, this thread is a clusterfuck : D No idea really. There is so much contradictory information here that I'd rather hold back. Not necesarilly getting SEE vibe though, something more convoluted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    Huh, this thread is a clusterfuck : D No idea really. There is so much contradictory information here that I'd rather hold back. Not necesarilly getting SEE vibe though, something more convoluted.
    Mind pointing out what's contradictory?

    @Chae so there was another post of yours I didn't catch, sucks to be on my phone I always scroll too fast. I don't know if you saw my convo with @Bertrand on the Jung's typing thread, but SLE and EIE are the types I mentioned being torn between. Now ESE, I wish!
    Last edited by PrettySavage; 08-05-2017 at 08:42 PM.

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    I think Fi v Si polr would be a good place to start

    Ni polr seems absurd

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I think Fi v Si polr would be a good place to start

    Ni polr seems absurd
    No I tried doing that, to no avail. I definitely would say I have more issues with people than with my own body or physical environment, but they don't match the examples I've seen.

    PoLR is described as either not knowing limits when it comes to saying/doing things to others or having permanent insecurity due to not knowing how others relate to you personally. That's not my issue, my problem comes from being incapable of putting myself out there emotionally (the idea of being vulnerable makes me shiver in fear), naturally not very accommodating and tolerant, it's a picky and short fuse thing, but I never had issues with being politically incorrect in real life or behaving in any "unacceptable" ways. Not that paranoid or worried about relationships either, I'm quite aware of what people feel for me and I match my feelings and actions according to it.

    PoLR is described as sucking at taking care of oneself physically, or your environment. Or alternatively not caring for comfort and being bad at fashion an decorating. No such qualms in this area either.

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    i bet you're Si polr and don't know it because you're good at keeping up appearances

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    sorry it wasnt meant to be a jab

    maybe Ni polr is back on the table


    anyway explaining Si polr to a Si polr I feel like is basically impossible, you just have to keep it in your back pocket and itll become obvious once you tie enough together, if you're indeed Si polr, which means Ni ego

    well anyway, here goes... one of the best ways to determine Si polr via thinking is to recognize it flows from Se mobilizing, which is the function you want positive feedback on. which means you want to see your efforts manifest in "real results" i.e. changes in the environment. so that could be either in light of Fe or Te style judgements, i.e. palpable increases in emotion or concrete results in action, etc etc. a part of Se mobilizing is knowing you look good. the desire to look good is actually what protects Si polr. like you wont do much for sheer comfort's sake, but you'll do it for self esteem in light of Se mobilizing and that keeps you within certain safe boundaries of self care (another example of this would be maintaining health in order to "accomplish the mission" not out of being a health nut for its own sake, but for its return on investment in light of your goals, which could be as simple as being perceived as attractive so you can find a higher quality mate, etc) Se mobilizing is Si as a means to an end not an end unto itself, which sometimes creates painful blindspots, which you don't see coming until its upon you. a lot of this happens as you get older. an "appearance based" society is actually a good thing for a Se mobilizing type because it promotes exactly what they need for reasons they can understand, whereas a straight Si society would be less comfortable for them, ironically. going too hard on the Se at the expense of Si would be like using drugs and surgery overexercising or dieting sleeping too little working too hard getting too invested in things in general, its a high level of natural intensity, etc

    the other thing is, if you have a dual in your life they might naturally be covering for a lot of this and it will be hard to detect until you spend significant time away from them

    if I dont give you a lot to work with its because I assume you'll figure it out. I hate when people come in here and give someone an entire wrong headed theory that could set them back God knows how long were they to adopt it. I only give out as little as possible I think people need to connect the dots themselves, because that's the true test of whether it holds up. you can ask someone to adopt an illusion wholesale, but its much "truer" to me if you give them just some bits and peices and if they recognize for themselves how it fits then it means there's something to it. its how Jung did dream interpretation, he wouldn't try to impose his own view so much as offer suggestions and then when the patient was satisfied he knew he hit on something at least partially true because its an internal recognition of a common picture of truth that needs to take place, not just a violent displacing of someone's cherished notions via coercive thinking or feeling force

    some people need a lot more than others, and what I've found with Ni polr types they actually need full blown complete and accurate rational replacements, which is why they're dual to LII and EII, but they're the exception not the rule

    you cant just give Ni polr perceptual nuggets, you gotta spell it out in detail for them, which is why theyre so exhausting except for the extreme introverted systems builders. Ni polr is if anything can go wrong it will go wrong, but most people can connect the dots without falling into every imaginable pitfall along the way. it sounds like im blasting Ni polr, but I'm not. they make up for it with other extreme countervailing strengths, as is every type likewise balanced between strengths and weaknesses
    Last edited by Bertrand; 08-05-2017 at 11:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    sorry it wasnt meant to be a jab

    maybe Ni polr is back on the table
    Because of that? Bertrand that was just your , don't start sounding like Maritsa

    Anyways still skipping the I see...

    For a Ego you're comfortable with only giving "maybes". Disapointing, it only serves to confirm ILI can't be my dual.

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    ILIs are stoopid you don't want one as a dual anyway

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    Found the passages I had bookmarked that perfectly describe my long lasting issues:
    Quote Originally Posted by lucky View Post
    Not telling people how I feel about them, even people closest to me. I assume they know, but some types of people need affirmation.

    Appearing as if I don't care about anything.

    Wanting to love and be open with others, but feeling an overpowering need to protect myself.

    But I'm not that great with words, especially on the spot, and my ultimate fear is that if I share my true feelings towards people I make myself vulnerable.

    My most effective way of expressing feelings are by actions and my dedication to those closest to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Villain View Post
    I enjoy people who are upfront with me emotionally, and judge the character of a person by a rigid moral discipline.
    Here I'm not sure I'd use "morals", it'd make me such an hypocrite. Well actually, that's what I am when it comes to it I actually constantly judge people, it's just that I don't verbalize it and my criteria is pretty subjective.

    Too high standards + scared of expressing feelings: many relationships, but close to none I'd called intimate. I also have this thing where if someone starts liking me (either way) I immediately start "corresponding". I mean not really, but I accept the affection and there' s a sense of not even being capable of regecting it. Unless the person is unworthy, of course. Then they'll have to really work for it.

    I believe that the reason I'm so aware of my deficiency is somehow linked to an episode that happen to me about 5 years ago. Back then I was in a really dark place psychologycally, and I was extremely reserved. A guy who at that point was still not close to me (but that seemed very interested) one day just said as we were preparing to leave class "She has no facial expression". Now I have no idea why that hit me like a slap in the face, I don't even know if I said anything. I was just so embarassed, normally I'd snap something right back, but I was schoked and I felt like he had just humiliated me in the worst way. I tried to play it cool until we said our goodbyes, butvented when I got home. The most baffling is that I still haven' t got over it, there are many situations where that comments come to mind, so I watch myself. I don't know why I care, maybe that's why I can't forget it.

    I see this thread became like a personal diary, anonymity really is a powerful thing
    @Bertrand I never did, but you're their Mirror so not so different in the end. Is that a self dig?

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    there's definitely something going on in life where the more you have in common with someone the more you acutely feel what little difference remains. that pretty much sums up my attitude towards ILI

    I don't particularly like ILI but I concede objectively it could be way worse

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    @Bertrand "It could be worse" lol, I wonder what happened.

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    you can count on ILI to never do anything insane, which while boring, is dependable I guess

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    @Chae Thank you for mentioning me, however I am uncertain of this person's type, and I would rather not put forth my own careless conjecture. It took me years to type even myself, and I was only able to do so once I realized that I had to choose which interpretation of socionics I prefer, that there is little which is verifiably "correct" or "incorrect". I dislike the lack of empiricism in socionics.

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    @Attis makes a great point, only when I went with Reinin's book did it really click for me. I look at Gulenko as offering very interesting dongles and interpretations and I love Strat's narratives; but when it comes down to it, I use Reinin to determine type, to the exclusion of others. I don't feel like either of the latter two are any less insightful, they just don't have as clear cut a typing system as Reinin. I think Gulenko may eventually change things with his new model, but we'll see. Reading Strat into socionics is like a completely different mode of thinking about the subject. Ermak and Roslankina do vey nice type descriptions based on Reinin's system with +/- signs which I really like as well

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    Ok, quickly, my opinions:

    - the fact that you get so many different results on tests shows inconsistency and contradiction in your self-image in itself
    - you seem like 351 or maaaaybe 358 tritype, strong 3 and 5. Your core type is in competency triad.
    - you seem extremely proud, blocked behind the wall and quickly offended when someone doesn't see you the way you see yourself, scared of being humiliated and disrespected.

    - you're very rigid and specific, but you also want all this freedom?

    -I have to say that I think I already win at life for being called "cheerleader", "bubbly" and "light". My whole school life that was exactly what I wanted to be like (I had mad envy whenever I watched American teen movies) but no, only compliments I got were about my brain and politeness I was the smart and mature one, while all I wanted was to be pretty and exuberant like other girls. As the "quiet nerd" and then the "broody and stuck up know-it-all", it seems I've come a long way in somewhat regaining the energy I originally had as a kid.
    And then:
    maybe because for all my extroversion I'm still considered a mystery myself.

    Which one is it, are you quiet or very extroverted? Maybe ambiverted? Have you changed a lot since teens?

    - you're judgmental but you're also very open minded
    - you wanna be specialised, but also mainstream (if I remember correctly)?

    -I think you're rational and I don't get ExFx typings at all:

    A guy who at that point was still not close to me (but that seemed very interested) one day just said as we were preparing to leave class "She has no facial expression". Now I have no idea why that hit me like a slap in the face, I don't even know if I said anything. I was just so embarassed, normally I'd snap something right back, but I was schoked and I felt like he had just humiliated me in the worst way. - humiliated in the worst way because you're offended if someone points out you're more off a cold-blooded sort, stand-offish and bad with showing emotions?

    -How you talk about yourself (you take yourself very seriously) and use of your alpha korean girls gifs is an odd combination

    My impression of you is xNTJ or maybe ILI, but that's just that - an impression. I've a strong feeling you're an NT.

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    i've said this in the past but when you're on the wrong side of gender stereotypes you tend to manifest as your dual, a strong 3 would really double down on this

    on the other hand, a SEE on a theoretical discussion board may just manifest gamma NT reasoning because that's just how they reason when reasoning theoretically

    one good way to check is if you pass the Oscar Wilde test, do you ever give offense unintentionally?

    I really like this tool too
    Last edited by Bertrand; 08-06-2017 at 04:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Attis View Post
    @Chae Thank you for mentioning me, however I am uncertain of this person's type, and I would rather not put forth my own careless conjecture. It took me years to type even myself, and I was only able to do so once I realized that I had to choose which interpretation of socionics I prefer, that there is little which is verifiably "correct" or "incorrect". I dislike the lack of empiricism in socionics.
    This is precisely the mindset that we need here Thanks for showing up! Now, if you are careful that's good, let us know when you get some idea either way, it's still valuable.

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    @darya Oh! New viewpoint, grazie! If 3 core, ENTj > other NTs. And 4-wing > 2-wing, what do you think?

    Maybe @squark can specify the sociotype notion if she wants and gets through all the information here? We need more clarity to detangle things. Would be great if she joined! #DualsAssemble

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    Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
    Mind pointing out what's contradictory?

    @Chae so there was another post of yours I didn't catch, sucks to be on my phone I always scroll too fast. I don't know if you saw my convo with @Bertrand on the Jung's typing thread, but SLE and EIE are the types I mentioned being torn between. Now ESE, I wish!
    Ok, ESE eliminated from your perspective. What part of EIE's base function did you identify with in contrast to SLE?

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