I don't like the idea of duality being that great.
I think people have the potential to grow enough as humans that itr are useless.
I see them as a start.
Doesn't mean to endure peeps who treat you wrong.
Doesn't mean to only hang around people who are the way you think is best.
We need a mix of both different and similar to learn compassion, respect, self-respect, boundaries and whatever we deem important, a type can hint in a direction but cannot take us there unless we willingly go.

People who become truly healthy, both stable and flexible, are those who shine for all like the sun, the moon, the stars.
Naming those three different sky residing shines is important, because not everyone is like the sun and that's okay.
I saw recently people talking about what kind of light they thought they were while also having others' opinions.
Someone saw themself as a candle yet got called a camp fire, iirc.
I found this rather intesresting an exercize.

I don't even see dating as that great, so dating a dual doesn't even ring a bell for me.
I think dating is fine for who wishes to date.

Tho, some seem to view dating as an end and then sabotage because seeking whom to date is such a huge part of their life that if they find someone, it will become empty.
This last sentence isn't well forned, can't do better right now. The search is so consuming that finding would mean extinguishment, death; something like that.