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Thread: So, How to date a dual and do I have one or is duality a myth?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    How is it not romantic to feel so much in love with someone for a long time that you're willing to settle down with them and marry?It takes giving up part of one's daily life and freedom for the benefit of the relationship, and I think that through self-sacrifice we show that we care.
    oh yeah sorry sounds like a bit of a contradiction. Finding the 'one' is romantic, planning a life together, or maybe even being young together but it's also a bit..conventional Just saying it's not the only way, you can have more than one relationship before you get to that.

    I guess I'm not really used to an environment where people seem so self-aware and conscious of their own mental health levels and what is the most stable, wholesome way to love/live. It's a good thing, it's what the forum is for, but also I think a bit of adventure can be good for the soul too. Have a wild love affair or two.

    Sure, some people want to settle down young, and maybe they feel it's their safest and surest way to finding someone but sometimes settling down young doesn't work. Most people don't marry their first love, but may look back fondly on the idealism or passion of those first relationships..even if they got their heart broken. I think through having multiple relationships people often learn what type of person is good for them.

    My SEE sister said a similar thing about having to give up your freedom when you're in a relationship. You do have to (although it's not the aspect I would find most difficult)..but you don't necessarily need to do it with the first person you meet.

    The way duality is written seems like it's supposed to be something to aspire to. Relationships of other ITR can be even more romantic than the average dual couple, though some might disagree. So I don't think people should be sad if they don't have a dual. If I can't have a perfect, healthy dual relationship well there are some pretty nice, romantic alternatives...even if they don't last as long as a dual one would..

    Also, I do think there are things you can get from a non-dual that you can't get from a dual..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 01-07-2022 at 05:38 PM.

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