Quote Originally Posted by layala View Post
I can't believe I'm asking this, but how does one find a dual in their age group?
Study VI, as it helps to suppose types of not well known people.
What people think about own types is doubtful, but better than nothing. Check people who tried tests and other identification methods.

The main problem is to find good pair. Just to notice a dual is far not enough. A human should fit other your wishes, are needed your efforts and external conditions.

The best chance on a pair is when you notice interesting enough and without stable pair dual near you, with who you may communicate to influence on relations. In younger age this situation has not bad chance. To ~25 yo most people have stable pairs, what is among significant obstacles.

Besides duals, the attention deserve semiduals and activators.
If to reduce good and long friendship possibility requirement - types are lesser important, worse IR mb chosen. There should be not rare identity/mirror long pairs, though worse IR mean higher chance to be dissatisfied and to break when a life gets more complications. Even with superego IR you may get long "respectable marriage", - to cooperate on surface levels to be close friends is not obligate, the "good" can be taken outside of a pair too. Generally, for short and surface relations Jung types are not so important.
Most pairs in the world are doubtful to be with good IR. Types are more important if you need additional resources and support in the life, - when you are feeling not good enough in common life, when your life situation has more problems than average. Good pair may give a lot of inspiration and help, Jung types are significant factor for this.

> Does it really matter?

For friendship matters a lot. Lesser - for other. Common application - marriage pairs.

> What does one do if one loves someone who isn't their dual

Gets more complications from worse IR.

> or doesn't believe in socionics

Friendship supposes to understand and to care about each other. Types knowledge may help, but is not obligate.

> Maybe believing in Socionics isn't that important?

Jung type is significant (hypothetical, still) factor for good long pair. Knowledge about types helps to choose people for this. When is used correctly, at least.
In today practice of types, common not high typing accuracy is the main problem which reduces importance of this knowledge.

Without types theory usage is possibly to significantly arise the chance on good pair if to apply good IR principle - to choose among people which ones you perceive as good friends. When you like someone - evaluate the abbility to be good friends with him. It's the main with what good IR help and it's possibly to decide without types knowledge. Types knowledge would help with this, in case you'd identified or knew types correctly. The direct perception of someone as good friend is more important than opinion about IR as different factors influence on this, and because general low typing accuracies.
To be friends or to love (in ideal state) is when you alike become other human, when you introject his personality in yourself and become one being with him to share one life, one mind. If come into this state and then feeling good inspired and optimistically, when you cooperate with that human according to this state to care about each other and feeling good - this seems good pair for you. If mind joining and close cooperation leads you to significant negative state - the human can be too hard for close friendship, not so good pair - will need more efforts, higher chance to have worse relations. Love and friendship is not when you just like someone - it's only a sympathy. Love is joining with other human alike in one being. To get this state Jung types are important. As with worse IR it's harder to be in this state.