Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
@Adam Strange We used to have more social/affordable housing in the UK but there’s not so much of it now. Margaret Thatcher brought in ‘right to buy’ meaning lots of people bought their council homes and the government didn’t build more. Its particularly expensive to rent atm so I’m grateful I don’t have to pay loads but also I wish I’d saved a bit more. We can get help if we’re out of work but I don’t think it’s very much. There’s a lot more homelessness and food banks now in the UK than there was when I was a kid Another big problem is the poor quality of care homes for the elderly..
@Bethany, most financial analysts think that Britain is going to be getting poorer in the near future because of the higher trade costs resulting from Brexit.

It might be time to think about emmigrating. There's a wide world out there.