@Adam Strange I agree, my time reading about socionics and people’s discussion of dating and relationships on this site has been helpful. And it’s been helpful to go on dates, even just casual ones, to help me figure out what my priorities are. When you’ve had some rubbish dates you realise what’s important (similar attractiveness, similar intelligence level, and similar-ish background). I think I’ve also learnt how to be more realistic in tolerating and managing other people’s shortcomings, because I’m much more aware of how my emotions can be toyed with and that’s it’s not always intentional. When I spoke to an older IEI colleague about the SEI who was upsetting me, she told me ‘it can all be resolved! Are you sure you were clear enough with him about how it made you feel?’. Not bad advice, I think the confidence and self-awareness to be really clear about your needs is very important.

I still think internet dating is harder than meeting someone in real life but I suppose it ends up being the same thing. Guess it can just take a while.

I feel like I’ve sort of condensed a lot of things recently in my mind (socionics knowledge, dating knowledge, getting over someone who hurt me knowledge’. I’ve learnt so much. But at the same time I feel like ‘I’m coming back to myself’ in a way and I need to go with my instincts a bit more. I’m not really an intellectual type of person and as much as I like socionics, I think I’ve learnt as much as is healthy for the time-being, ahead of trying to meet someone. Let’s see though lol

I’m worried about the part that comes next, once I do meet someone. But I guess you take it as it comes.