Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
Sure, it’s hard to find a good dual. I think it can also be hard to find a good semi-dual. I think a really good semi-dual would be highly tempting if you found one. I keep thinking of a semi-dual I met a couple of years ago. We didn’t exchange numbers but I suddenly remember how fit/ mysterious he was. He was very similar to the SEI I was trying to get over at the time. That brief encounter is enough to convince me a semi-dual could be just as good as a dual. Or at least as tempting haha. When I met him I was tipsy and sad and I remember he annoyed me by something he said, although my annoyance was totally irrational. (Or misguided because I wasn’t used to the SEE way of communicating). I barely registered how cute he was at the time, bizarrely. To think I could have dated him throughout the pandemic, instead of spending the time depressed and learning about typology. I half joke, the learning has been good too.
@Bethany, my approach to dating and learning who my Duals are was to both do research and to date some of them.

Book learning is very good when looking backwards from the perspective of having dated a few people. You can say "Oh, I didn't really understand what they meant when they said "XYZ" and it didn't make a lot of sense when I read it, but now that I've experienced it, I see exactly what they were saying."

For me, the advantage that book learning has over simply experiencing everything is that it gives you some framework, however vague, for dealing with real-time events. Without that, I'm capable of making some really relationship-ending mistakes. Mostly from using advice that I got from people who never heard of Socionics.