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Thread: So, How to date a dual and do I have one or is duality a myth?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett View Post

    Everyone is different. It's not always a dual who would fill those missing parts.
    Some people value similarity so they go with their mirror.
    People who look for their duals maybe need a dual to cover their weakness.

    In my case, I think I'm balanced enough, so I don't really need anyone to cover my weakness.
    And I'm a really independent person. Some people need a partner to make their life easier, I can't relate to that, I don't need help in anything, really.
    Yep you do seem balanced. Hm yes maybe mirrors are most likely to work as couples when both people are naturally balanced/ successful people. Perhaps the quality of the relationship becomes more similar to activity/ identical when this is the case. With better ITR (lookalike, semi-dual, illusionary, dual and possibly super-ego/ kindred) it seems like they all offer something different and unique from each other. And we may be drawn to some of these over the others because of our own individual needs based on past experiences/ personality traits outside of our type.

    Lookalikes do appeal to me. An SEI (who I used to like) really hurt me but we are ok now, and I'm just so glad he finally learnt how to be a good friend/buddy because I knew he was capable of it. I keep expecting him to upset me again but he hasn't and we seem to finally be in tune with each other, which even just as work friends is something really valuable to me. I enjoy that shared feeling of 'I have your back, I intuitively know how to make your day better'. It's a sort of unspoken understanding. I'm talking to a new SEI who may be interested. I can't tell if we have enough of a click (maybe) but we have spoken about our mental health problems together which is nice. SEIs seem quite family oriented too and I come from quite a big family, so it appeals to me to be with someone who wants to have a family/ spend time with family.

    I think I had some more thoughts but too tired to write them atm lol

    oh..I think duals/ lookalike and mirrors seem like the most common marriages/life partners. The mirrors seem to mostly be SEI-ESE though. Duals do seem like the most common type.

    I think it’s also interesting to think about what type of dual/partner you could have, outside of type. Some couples seem like best friends, some seem very similar, some seem more like a partnership. A bit like mirror/ identical/ duals. ITR within ITR.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-13-2021 at 05:15 PM.

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