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Thread: So, How to date a dual and do I have one or is duality a myth?

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    Baqer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    How can you be sure that when you step onto a plane that you're also going to be walking off of it? The truth is, you can't. All you can do is reduce the risk by trying to make as many things as possible lean towards a good outcome, as you understand them at the moment.

    It also helps to be willing to work on a marriage, because they are all inherently imperfect to some degree.
    Well the thing I want to say that socionics if you throw it out suddenly you have no where to look to tell what people you'll get along with. If it weren't for socionics, I'd have a very slim idea of how I'd interact with different people, hell I'd have probably ended up marrying a mirage before I ever thought of finding a dual. I just don't like dismissing duality as something which doesn't really matter, because it's a better idea to just go for a healthy relationship in general. But, at least in my experience, duality seems to fit my experience and can let me actually aim for someone who I can know I will be able to form a healthy bond with, as opposed to someone who I'll ultimately be unsatisfied with. I'm 99% sure this is just the Fi polr, but dismissing duality just because it isn't perfect on it's own is infuriating to me.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Well the thing I want to say that socionics if you throw it out suddenly you have no where to look to tell what people you'll get along with. If it weren't for socionics, I'd have a very slim idea of how I'd interact with different people, hell I'd have probably ended up marrying a mirage before I ever thought of finding a dual. I just don't like dismissing duality as something which doesn't really matter, because it's a better idea to just go for a healthy relationship in general. But, at least in my experience, duality seems to fit my experience and can let me actually aim for someone who I can know I will be able to form a healthy bond with, as opposed to someone who I'll ultimately be unsatisfied with. I'm 99% sure this is just the Fi polr, but dismissing duality just because it isn't perfect on its own is infuriating to me.
    Ahh…so I guess it wasn't just a joke. In my opinion it isn't that hard. Live your life doing your thing, and as you meet people and form relationships with others, sometimes things gradually develop into something more. I mean…I don't know, that was terrible, sorry. This is so automatic to me that describing it is difficult, honestly…in my case it's like I just automatically discern things. My dual and I went through a horrible phase in which I didn't expect us to be compatible whatsoever, which almost ended our friendship completely. If not for us taking some time away from each other and working on our flaws, we never would've lasted. Self-improvement is always #1 priority, in my opinion. As long as that is there, the rest is able to be worked on. Then, there are other foundational components involved in relationships, such as communication, trust, and so forth. Those kinds of things are what truly determine health and compatibility in the grand scheme of things, although those do not make someone love the other. Instead, love is usually what inclines people to work on said things. I won't even befriend a person who is stagnant and isn't willing to improve themselves, take responsibility, admit when wrong, and they shift blame onto others, etc. Without self-improvement, it's impossible to form healthy relationships. Relationships take work, but if that's there, they won't work on anything. You're essentially signing up for beating a dead horse at that point.

    "Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum."
    To err is human, but to persist (in the mistake) is diabolical.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 10-15-2021 at 06:10 AM.

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