Finding a dual is not easy at all, especially when ones desires and or libido stand in the way. People have to take an objective look at their actual weaknesses and perhaps make lists of attributes that would be needed or sets of skills to have in order to better survive in the world. Find people who best fit the lists; however, it's extremely important to determine the shortcoming lists of potential partners. Studying people objectively is very unromantic but relationships don't usually work when one partner doesn't have anything the other truly needs - and I don't refer to money. One needs to be mercenary in a non-financial way; only trust what others do, not what they say. Ones best fit may not be a dual. And, don't trust your knowledge of Socionics because too many get their own typing or those of others wrong, and a lot of information surrounding Socionics can be rather misleading......

a.k.a. I/O