Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
I feel the same, just that in my case I need more than one person (that'd be a precarious situation, and suffocating), and those connections are not necessarily based on romantic/sexual interest.
I've had relationships which were primarily sexual, but they didn't last. With LTR's, it has been friendship first.

One weird thing (to keep this thread on-topic) is that, while I like talking and spending time with my duals, I don't find them instantly hot the way I do Mirage partners. This reaction might be specific to me, since I haven't read about it anywhere else. I've met some incredibly, objectively hot female duals, and I kind of do not connect their hotness to a desire for action the way I do with Mirage types. I have a more "I like you. I think we could get along" reaction to duals.

I'd like to hear from other LIE's about this, to see if their reactions are the same. I could explain my approach by saying that I'm subconsciously anticipating that ESI's don't want to be desired for their beauty alone, since that can change, but I might be stretching things here to account for some unfortunate bending of my mental twigs.