Quote Originally Posted by FANXY CHILD View Post
I'll never understand why people are so obsessed with their romantic lives. With all the power that typology can give a person if well understood and applied, and yet somehow finding an ideal girlfriend/boyfriend seems to be the focal point of this forum. If as much time and energy was spent trying to use the theory to better themselves as discussing romantic and sexual prospects of the types, the level would of intellectual discussion on this forum would be impressive. As Ron Weasley says (the Socionics community being Hermione here):
Part of that imo is because it's easier for people to believe that the solution to everything is out there somewhere, and if just the right person comes along, then everything will be okay and they'll be happy. It's much harder to take a look at yourself, to take an honest look at your own strengths and weaknesses, and find the solutions to your problems through yourself. So instead of a person's polr being something they learn to recognize and deal with - it becomes an excuse (or a target to attack in others) and instead of their ego fxns being used to help themselves and others, they become nothing but a label, an identity to talk about. It's making everyone else deal with your problems while being unwilling to deal with them yourself. But it can be very hard to face some things about yourself, and even harder (at least for me ha) to accept any kind of help, or even admit when it's needed.