there's an ambient way of doing things here such that if you point out some perceived flaw in it, even obliquely, there's essentially a legion of people ready to defend it. i think it goes to normalizing subtype which is theorized to be around 50% of the population, regardless of base type. I guess the other word for that would be the "forum culture" its also the reason we have like 50% "IEIs" etc. under any other circumstances it would probably be reasonable to assume that if %50 of people stand in solidarity towards anything they're probably right, but socionics is so floaty and unsettled and also tied up in identity and values, it really does need to be shaken up and wrested from these types which as far as I can tell have settled into a half baked and stagnant version of socionics. consider their objections useful statements in order to recognize the values that inform the status quo when trying to revise it, rather than say, morons (which is kind of tempting, I admit), because what do you call someone who appears to be driving nails with an iphone?