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Thread: Sx/sp tendency to love and leave?

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  1. #1
    Shytan's Avatar
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    Default Sx/sp tendency to love and leave?

    I have noticed an Sx/sp tendency to immerse and lose themselves completely in a person, and be in that sort of trance but then after some time find someone else and want to merge with this other person and end up leaving the other. It's like a complete transfer of energies. I have experienced that with friends, like I have had many best friends, I do everything with one and experience everything possible and then another comes along and suddenly I see all the faults in the former (faults that I had probably tolerated) and suddenly I immerse myself in my new best friend. It has also happened with lovers, but what controls my leaving them is if the new one is better or not. If they're not, I find myself going back to my former lover. Anyone else experienced this?

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

  2. #2
    Disbelief Jung
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    I've seen this pattern more in childlikes tbh. No matter their enneagram.
    About seeing the faults on the other, it seems much more a way to subconsciously justify yourself more than an sx/sp thing.
    In my case I see the faults of others since the very first beginning of our relationship, so I choose to keep with it or not. The childlikes I know tend to change ppl if they feel insecure or when they see something more sparkling (which seem your case).
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  3. #3
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    I have noticed an Sx/sp tendency to immerse and lose themselves completely in a person, and be in that sort of trance but then after some time find someone else and want to merge with this other person and end up leaving the other. It's like a complete transfer of energies. I have experienced that with friends, like I have had many best friends, I do everything with one and experience everything possible and then another comes along and suddenly I see all the faults in the former (faults that I had probably tolerated) and suddenly I immerse myself in my new best friend. It has also happened with lovers, but what controls my leaving them is if the new one is better or not. If they're not, I find myself going back to my former lover. Anyone else experienced this?
    Sounds so/sx > sx/so > sx/sp to me. Especially having "many best friends".

    I think soc/sx people might be fickle, or at least give off that impression. I think it's more like a type that gets easily bored. For instance, a soc/sx might bounce from one interest or person to another, until finding one interesting enough to engage the sexual aspect. I'd say they're more like vampires than [blocked due to guideline #4 violation]s. Once the victim is bled dry, they move on to the next interest. This can make them appear either deep or shallow, fickle or dedicated, depending on the phase of engagement. Not that this has anything to do with their ability to remain faithful, but I do think it makes them hesitant to actually commit.

    For instance, a soc/sx will be interested in making friends, so they will court individuals of interest using a mirroring sensitivity which reflects a combination of the social and sexual instincts, but is primarily social in nature because completely merging with one person or concept is usually not their main priority. They want a collection of close friends, and tend to measure their self importance by the diversity and quality of their friends, and also by how much they're appreciated by those they like.

    soc/sx - This type has very strong one to one social skills, but is usually uncomfortable in group settings. They enjoy cultivating multiple relationships, and can be intensely involved when in the presence of someone they are interested in, but have difficulty sustaining these bonds when apart. This may give the impression of being flighty and rootless, willing to adapt and mirror others in order to connect, but lacking a defined approach that would give their relationships a more solid standing. They may have political interests, but are generally more pragmatic and less partisan than the other social variant. They are often attuned to pop culture and the latest trends
    This subtype is able to connect with others and with life itself, but always with an undertone of volatility and a tendency to dramatize. They are the most involved and connected of the subtypes of Four. They can go from relationship to relationship, seemingly tortured by each one. They are the most driven of the subtypes of Four to express themselves publicly and type Four celebrities are commonly found with this stacking. This subtype has a real difficulty remaining grounded, partly due to the undeveloped self-pres instinct. Although they can appear almost Eight-like at times with their lust for life and desire for passionate experience, they lack the focus of the Eight and the instinctual energy that would keep them grounded. Sometimes alcohol or substance abuse can be a problem. These Fours become more healthy when they learn to control their impulsiveness and focus their energies.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Sounds so/sx > sx/so > sx/sp to me. Especially having "many best friends".
    I don't have many best friends, just two and they mean the world to me and I am pretty loyal to them. Idk but people in the so/sx thread actually posted that so/sx might seem like that but they actually show whom they are really loyal too, lifelong friendships are valued by so/sx's actually (it has always been a dream for me). My other two friends who are so/sx are pretty loyal too. so/sx usually stays hooked on people and bases their social interactions on these relationships. so/sp for example is more sleek, less personal in their approach but also steadier and calmer.
    I actually see more sx/so or sx-doms to jump from one relationship to another, bcs of 'too much' sx.. while sx-secondary is more steady and healthier usually.. or at least not as intense.

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    young people, or like 7, or could be any kind of reason. its not a sx "thing". I know more sp/so's that NEED to be a relationship and always jump from relationship to relationship, than I know sx firsts actually.

  6. #6
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaebette View Post
    I have experienced that with friends, like I have had many best friends, I do everything with one and experience everything possible and then another comes along and suddenly I see all the faults in the former (faults that I had probably tolerated) and suddenly I immerse myself in my new best friend. It has also happened with lovers, but what controls my leaving them is if the new one is better or not. If they're not, I find myself going back to my former lover. Anyone else experienced this?
    This is typical of how so/sx "darksiders" socialize. It leads them to create these loosely connected networks of people, which is why in enneagram descriptions they get called the "social nexus", but they are rarely keen on and fully aware of this themselves. They also like to type as sx/sp and sx/so, feeling sx as their strongly expressed instinct.

    Generally, I overstay in friendships and relationships and don't switch on-and-off friend to friend or lover to lover. This is something that at some point I realized that I need to work on and keep a clear view of when a friendship or a relationship has run its course, but the primary instinct is fixed and stubborn, so it's almost like I have to put in unwanted conscious effort into this, i.e. it's not a naturally progressing pattern of behavior.

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    this kind of recklessness with sx i associate with sx-first. though i guess, sx-second could do the same. i have a sp/sx friend who is very similar. i've met a few sx-firsts with this sort of ungrounded quality jumping from person to person, and sx/sp don't preserve social bonds, so this is actually super scary to someone like me.

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    It's the trade-up dilemma. It's a gamble of high stakes.

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