View Poll Results: Ghouse's Type

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  • ILE

    2 28.57%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
  • ILI

    1 14.29%
  • IEE

    0 0%
  • EII

    0 0%
  • LSE

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  • SLI

    4 57.14%
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Thread: Ghouse Type Me Video

  1. #121
    Bertrand's Avatar
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    interesting, it shows that you believe in metaphysics at least in principle... the idea being that its possible something is true beyond our ability to comprehend it thus "anything is possible" even as it appears that such a thing may be self defeating, because you think of that in terms, first of all, as a matter of appearance, and not a base fact

    honestly I just find the discussion interesting. I'm not sure what it points to. at this point I think the culture has absorbed that idea so completely (I think it is essentially considered a "Platonism" not in a robust sense, but almost as a pejorative short hand) that any type could believe such a thing. Its technically an Ne thing, but it doesn't necessarily mean you value Ne but I do get the sense we're in that ballpark. my own tendency is to distrust any idea that leaves things open like that, to me that kind of infinite regress is as close as we get to the universe saying something like "this is not it!--look elsewhere!" and I think thats in some ways linked to decisiveness which is the other side of of Ne/Si i.e. Se. like I would find almost any other argument that didn't terminate in that kind of open ended idea to be "more convincing" as long as it did a decent job at everything else, etc

  2. #122

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    @ghouse, since xLI keeps coming back, to compare ILI and SLI maybe this could be helpful:

    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Some quotes of yours that illustrate high-dimensional Ne imo (and Ni):
    For the first part IMO Ne valuing is sufficient.

    The latter isn't fleshed out enough to call it strong Ne but if @ghouse is willing to write about this a bit then that would show more.

    -Lower-dimensional sensing (?) limited to experience
    Curious - mind saying what made you come to this possible conclusion?

  3. #123

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    @squark I couldn't write an instruction manual because I don't have a detailed enough understanding of how to do anything complex enough that would require an instruction manual. I could write instruction manuals on simple matters such as how to make cereal or how to build a snowman, but anything more complex like how to build a car or how to make a computer would be outside of the realm of possibility for me.
    You just imagined something more large scale than the question was asking about, I think. Technically, yes, you can write instruction manuals going by what you said here.

    And the examples you brought up are very ST. Maybe the Si is just too commonplace/everyday cognition for you to see how it characterizes you. Maybe it would help you if you observed Intuitives and their weak Si and compare yourself to them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    honestly I just find the discussion interesting. I'm not sure what it points to. at this point I think the culture has absorbed that idea so completely (I think it is essentially considered a "Platonism" not in a robust sense, but almost as a pejorative short hand) that any type could believe such a thing. Its technically an Ne thing, but it doesn't necessarily mean you value Ne but I do get the sense we're in that ballpark. my own tendency is to distrust any idea that leaves things open like that, to me that kind of infinite regress is as close as we get to the universe saying something like "this is not it!--look elsewhere!" and I think thats in some ways linked to decisiveness which is the other side of of Ne/Si i.e. Se. like I would find almost any other argument that didn't terminate in that kind of open ended idea to be "more convincing" as long as it did a decent job at everything else, etc
    I very much agree on what you see as Se valuing vs Ne valuing here.

  4. #124
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    @Number 9 large I mean that I spend a lot of my time right now focused on identifying my type. I'm not very focused on understanding my surroundings at all. I like and pride myself on having an accurate understanding of my surroundings, but it's not anything I'm pursuing vigorously at the moment.

    @Myst An Si base user's experience of base Si would be an experience of conscious competence when it comes to matters of perceiving processing and producing information about internal physical states. This means someone with Si base can recognize internal physical states in others and improve them by making changes to that other persons informational exchange with their environment.

    I feel like I don't have any values. I can't think of any ideals that I value. I don't focus on embodying ideals, I focus on achieving goals.

    I've definitely used structural logic externally before, whether its been constructing legos, or snowmen or hole on the beach. It just doesn't seem that I'm focused on understanding the structure of the external world at this moment, as I mentioned earlier what I'm pursuing most vigorously is internal knowledge.

    I was focused on trying out different strategies. "Ok let's try this. Anything? No. Let's modify this technique and see if it works. Which objects in my surroundings can I use to open this gate?"

    Edit: Thoughts on my use of Fi and Fe, given that Fi deals with information regarding interpersonal relations, in the past, it seems I've been more aware of Fi than Fe. I can think of two examples. One, when I was able to explain to a large group of people which parts of a particular Facebook post were insensitive or not and another time when I was very affected by seeing someone attempt to steal someone else's food. Both of these examples involve people treating other people insensitively, as opposed to generating negative emotions in others. I'm trying to use these examples to place Fi in my Model A using function dichotomies, but I'm not sure where to go from here.
    I would say that interpersonal relationships are actually better handled by those with higher dimensional Fe but that goes in hand in hand with higher Fi. Fi would be intrapersonal and focused on self > others. I have thought about this a bit and noticed those with 4D Fi are more focused on self awareness even if they are actually good with "other" awareness. People with 4D Fe are very "other" aware and often have better interpersonal skills compared to someone with 4D Fi and 3D Fe. Emotional intelligence is related to both Fe and Fi and the stronger the emotional intelligence the better someone is at reading others. Someone might have already addressed this since I have not read the whole thread. You have to still develop these skills even if they come natural. It might be harder for those with lower dimensionality but not impossible to strengthen.

    Uses of Interpersonal Communication

    Most of us engage in some form of interpersonal communication on a regular basis, often many times a day, how well we communicate with others is a measure of our interpersonal skills.

    Interpersonal communication is a key life skill and can be used to:

    Give and collect information.
    Influence the attitudes and behaviour of others.
    Form contacts and maintain relationships.
    Make sense of the world and our experiences in it.
    Express personal needs and understand the needs of others.
    Give and receive emotional support.
    Make decisions and solve problems.
    Anticipate and predict behaviour.
    Regulate power.
    Read more at:

    Left hand column is more about Fi and right hand about Fe, imo.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    @ghouse, since xLI keeps coming back, to compare ILI and SLI maybe this could be helpful:

    For the first part IMO Ne valuing is sufficient.

    The latter isn't fleshed out enough to call it strong Ne but if @ghouse is willing to write about this a bit then that would show more.
    Maybe it would be good to compare valued Si to valued Ni. I do not value my own physical comfort. I only value my health as a means to an ends, the ends being longevity. I think it's more valuable to have a sense of where things are going then to have a sense of one's own bodily state.

    As far as reality not being real goes, I'm not saying it is or isn't, I'm saying I don't know. When I say anything is possible I'm saying I don't know what is or isn't. A common trend in my views is my lack of confidence in my ability to determine what is true or false. I don't have as much o say about the nature of my surroundings as I do about my perception of the nature of my surroundings.

  6. #126
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    I actually think a common theme I see among Ne/Si logical, especially ILE but sometimes LSE, types is reluctance to get really enthusiastic about a religious kind of afterlife but instead to be slightly obsessed with the idea of life extension and other scientific forms of persistence through time. obviously its just a dumb behavioral stereotype, but what do you think about that kind of stuff?

  7. #127
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    @ghouse, I watched some of your video, and if your type choices come down to either ILI or SLI, I'd say SLI. My father and son are both SLI, and some of my oldest friends are ILI, and you seem much, much more like an SLI than an ILI.
    First, let me preface this by saying I'm a terrible typer. @Chae and @Myst are much better than I am.
    My reasons for choosing SLI are as follows:
    Your avatar is a dynamic warrior, which is more SLI. ILI's tend to be snipers.
    You continuously move around a lot in your video. The SLI's whom I know do that, but the ILI's do not.
    You are vague on your future plans. ILI's know where they are going, usually. SLI's tend to go with the flow.
    You are always, automatically reluctant to reveal something that could be seen as a weakness. I have seen SLI's do this more than ILI's.
    "I'm kind of apprehensive about being on stage." If that is Fe-PoLR, then you could be either type.
    "I've learned pretty much everything that I can apply". SLI. ILI's want to learn everything forever.
    "How long is this video? That's a lot of questions". Uncertain sense of time, but striving for resource conservation. Si>Ni. SLI.
    Relations with family are solid. IME, this is more SLI than ILI.
    "My strengths are intellect and athleticism." SLI's care about exercising, ILI's not so much.
    "I don't really have a life like most adults do" Weird that you don't see yourself as an adult. SLI's always want to be older than they are, like being old is a good thing. Probably (from what I can sense) because they think that when they are "old", they can do what they want.
    "I hate driving." My SLI ex didn't drive until she was 35. My ILI buddy built a driving computer game when he was in 11th grade and has a Shelby Cobra.
    "That's a good question...If you had enough money to live comfortably..." You got really interested here. SLI's love to conserve resources so they will be able to live comfortably.
    "I want to start a business because that's the best way to make a lot of money". Now, that is more ILI than SLI.
    "talk about the survival of the kid" - Si.
    And that's it.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I actually think a common theme I see among Ne/Si logical, especially ILE but sometimes LSE, types is reluctance to get really enthusiastic about a religious kind of afterlife but instead to be slightly obsessed with the idea of life extension and other scientific forms of persistence through time. obviously its just a dumb behavioral stereotype, but what do you think about that kind of stuff?
    Slightly obsessed? More like completely obsessed. I think about that stuff a lot and have spent time trying to formulate strategies for life extension. Why do you this is a common theme among the types you mentioned?

  9. #129
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    i'd get all preachy if I went into the why, its really all subjective bullshit anyway

    but I really do think its an Ne feature most pronounced (unsurprisingly) in Ne doms, but also to a lesser extent in Ne mobilizing, and very much linked to logic. The way you said you're not just a little into it strongly suggests ILE to me (I wouldn't absolutely rule out SLI Te though).. a good way to determine where you stand on that is think in terms of childlike v caregiver (or neither)
    Last edited by Bertrand; 08-06-2017 at 11:07 PM.

  10. #130

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    Maybe it would be good to compare valued Si to valued Ni. I do not value my own physical comfort. I only value my health as a means to an ends, the ends being longevity. I think it's more valuable to have a sense of where things are going then to have a sense of one's own bodily state.
    I've heard SLIs claim that before. Si as a focus on internal needs still works with that though - that's way more than just eat-drink-sleep if that's what you meant by physical comfort. (Please clarify if you meant something else.) SLI stereotypes fail to emphasize that enough... actually overall I find MBTI's ISTP stereotypes are way more spot on than the SLI stereotypes. Even if MBTI sucks otherwise as a system. Idk why that is. Maybe it's related to cultural differences (Socionics being Russian)?

    "Where things are going" - there is this Si life path thing, maybe you are talking about that. Can you flesh out what you meant by this?

    As far as reality not being real goes, I'm not saying it is or isn't, I'm saying I don't know. When I say anything is possible I'm saying I don't know what is or isn't. A common trend in my views is my lack of confidence in my ability to determine what is true or false. I don't have as much o say about the nature of my surroundings as I do about my perception of the nature of my surroundings.
    Yeah I don't see this as ILE or strong Ne, they'd have more of a sense of what the potential of a given thing is.
    Last edited by Myst; 08-06-2017 at 11:22 PM.

  11. #131
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    @Bertrand I'd say caregiver as opposed to childlike. I don't fall into exhibiting unusual behavior when i'm interested in someone. Attraction is definitely stimulated by both aesthetic and mental attributes as opposed to solely aesthetic attributes.

    @Myst By where things are going I meant having a sense of how the future is set to unfold, I see that as more useful information than what I've understood as Si in the past. However, if Si is also related to understanding how the future will look, then I may have been mistaken in my prior conceptualization of Si.

  12. #132

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    By where things are going I meant having a sense of how the future is set to unfold, I see that as more useful information than what I've understood as Si in the past. However, if Si is also related to understanding how the future will look, then I may have been mistaken in my prior conceptualization of Si.
    Can you say more on your sense of how the future is set to unfold?

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Can you say more on your sense of how the future is set to unfold?
    By that I mean which events will transpire and which won't. A sense of what needs to be prepared for and what needs to be taken care of preemptively. I don't really ave this ability, but this is information I see as valuable. My sense of the future is pretty cloudy. I have very low confidence in my ability to predict how things will turn out. It's not necessarily saying that reality is to chaotic to predict, but rather my understanding of reality is too weak to use effectively.

    Edit: If I'm picking up what you're trying to get at correctly, I think I should also mention that in addition to having a more ability to predict the future (Ni?) I am also bad at generating possibilities (Ne?). Whenever my improv troupe back at school starts to brainstorm show titles, it's really difficult for me to come up with suggestions. Usually I don't come up with any at all. Maybe this would suggest weak Ne and Ni and strong Se and Si?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    By that I mean which events will transpire and which won't. A sense of what needs to be prepared for and what needs to be taken care of preemptively. I don't really ave this ability, but this is information I see as valuable. My sense of the future is pretty cloudy. I have very low confidence in my ability to predict how things will turn out. It's not necessarily saying that reality is to chaotic to predict, but rather my understanding of reality is too weak to use effectively.

    Edit: If I'm picking up what you're trying to get at correctly, I think I should also mention that in addition to having a more ability to predict the future (Ni?) I am also bad at generating possibilities (Ne?). Whenever my improv troupe back at school starts to brainstorm show titles, it's really difficult for me to come up with suggestions. Usually I don't come up with any at all. Maybe this would suggest weak Ne and Ni and strong Se and Si?
    Ah so, you may have a good ability for taking care of physical comfort but you don't consciously value it as much as this ability to predict things, but this one you don't have much on your own despite valuing (desiring?) it. That makes sense now. Also I assume you meant earlier that you are just open to possibilities even though you are bad at coming up with them on your own?

    Yeah, this is weak Ni and Ne and it's matching pretty well the Ne suggestive of SLI. I can't find the source atm that goes into detail on how Ne suggestive needs help with seeing the future but here's the Ne suggestive description from an actual SLI ( @Park), on how he himself experiences it (copypasted bits from a convo from here - we were comparing his Ne vs my Ni seeking approaches):

    "In my original post I was thinking about people who can provide sensible decision-making advice and assist me with things that are sequential in nature, i.e. help me choose a path when I'm presented with options and lack the foresight, as well as the ability to relate concepts and events to each other, in order to decide which way to go. Often times I don't care about how things are going to play out, in the sense that I don't have the need to concentrate on one single possibility, but I want to stray away from making decisions that lead me to places I don't wanna be. And I want my thoughts regarding the future to be more accurate and focused than they tend to be when I'm left solely to my own devices.

    I do like entertaining ideas on situations, both serious/down-to-earth and crazy/far-out ones, trying to break the wall between them.

    At the end of the day, I only care about ideas that have grounded/realistic potential and I can work towards realizing (making come true). And in times of crisis, I really appreciate someone's ability to draw out all potential scenarios, i.e., ways in which things could develop and their likelihood. Like, there's this type of people who will use the history of events that had led me to a certain place, and considering what they know about me and my situation, can quite accurately tell what's likely and what's unlikely to happen. And they can also say, like, "if you do X right now, chances are A is going to happen." Or "if you want to avoid B from taking place, you should do Y and Z," etc. And when someone is being continually accurate in these predictions and estimations, I develop trust towards them.

    Both for entertainment and a quest for attainable objectives. I like pursuing unusual ideas and setting odd goals (or odd ways of achieving goals) that would not be thought of, or chosen, by most other people. I like taking crazy ideas and turning them into achievable goals with tangible results. This can make me come across as weird, unrealistic, and/or over-ambitious, but I take great deal of satisfaction when something I set out to do turns out successful.

    I filter out information by relevance, as well, and turn a deaf ear to things that are "expanding my horizon" when I've already made a decision I feel certain about, or when I need to deduce carefully considered possibilities into a single choice."

  15. #135
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    Bold = From Wikisocion

    In socionics, "extraversion" is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on the characteristics and behavior of objects (people, things, events) outside the observer. In contrast, "introversion" means a focus on the observer's response to and perception of objects.

    I would say I'm an introvert because when I am trying to type myself, I am focused on how I am perceiving reality. I'm trying to identify how it is I perceive objects in order to identify my type. I'm more focused on how I'm perceiving reality than on reality itself. When I'm trying to self type I'm asking the question, "How am I looking at things right now?"

    Sensing / Intuition is one of the 4 jungian dichotomies, and one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Sensing in socionics is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on the tangible, directly sensible, and visible content of reality. In contrast, intuition means a focus on intangible, indirectly perceivable, and hidden content of reality.

    Definitely focused more on the intangible. I may be looking for concrete evidence for my type, but I'm looking for concrete evidence of something intangible. Concrete evidence of my intangible perception of things/objects.

    Ethics / logic is one of the 4 Jungian dichotomies, and also one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Ethics in socionics is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on the human, social, moral, and emotional content of reality. In contrast, logic entails a focus on the inanimate, measurable, systemic, and procedural content of reality.

    This one's pretty obvious. "Measurable", I even said "evidence" in the last thing I wrote. Where does my perception of objects fit into a system. I am a human, but I'm not focused on the humanistic aspects of myself, but the measurable and systemic aspects of myself.

    Rationality / Irrationality (also called Shizotyme / Cyclotyme or Rigid / Labile) is one of the 4 Jungian dichotomies, and one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Rationality in socionics is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on actions and emotions. In contrast, Irrationality means a focus on states of mind and body.

    This one's harder. However, I think I'm focused on what it is I'm doing, so actions. What intangible, measurable actions am I taking right now? The actions being my perceptions of objects. Where do they fit into a system? I'm not trying to identify where my state of mind fits into a category, I'm trying to se how my actions fit into a category.


    This is the most confident I've been in my typing for awhile, but we'll see where I am tomorrow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    Sensing / Intuition is one of the 4 jungian dichotomies, and one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Sensing in socionics is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on the tangible, directly sensible, and visible content of reality. In contrast, intuition means a focus on intangible, indirectly perceivable, and hidden content of reality.

    Definitely focused more on the intangible. I may be looking for concrete evidence for my type, but I'm looking for concrete evidence of something intangible. Concrete evidence of my intangible perception of things/objects.
    That means focus on the tangible, IMO. What you are trying to investigate is intangible but your actual focus is on the tangible. Make sense?

    Rationality / Irrationality (also called Shizotyme / Cyclotyme or Rigid / Labile) is one of the 4 Jungian dichotomies, and one of the 15 Reinin dichotomies. Rationality in socionics is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on actions and emotions. In contrast, Irrationality means a focus on states of mind and body.

    This one's harder. However, I think I'm focused on what it is I'm doing, so actions. What intangible, measurable actions am I taking right now? The actions being my perceptions of objects. Where do they fit into a system? I'm not trying to identify where my state of mind fits into a category, I'm trying to se how my actions fit into a category.
    "Actions" is a word that's a bit too general to try and decide this dichotomy based on it. I don't think that word usage there was very fortunate in the description.

    Anyway, I think I again don't have more input. Keep going with it, lol, I hope you'll manage to settle somewhere.

  17. #137
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    Random thoughts. I don't understand why anything exists. Why is there something as opposed to nothing? Because nothing is inherently unstable? Of course it is, that's why there's something. But why is nothing inherently unstable? Why are the laws of physics the way that they are? I have no idea what to do or what's going on. Why am I not a philosophical zombie? Why am I conscious? Why do I ask these questions? Why was this type of behavior evolutionarily selected for? Life seems absurdly cruel. I guess by trying to find meaning you make it easier for other people to find meaning. Why can't I move things with my mind? I don't really know what to do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    Random thoughts. I don't understand why anything exists. Why is there something as opposed to nothing? Because nothing is inherently unstable? Of course it is, that's why there's something. But why is nothing inherently unstable? Why are the laws of physics the way that they are? I have no idea what to do or what's going on. Why am I not a philosophical zombie? Why am I conscious? Why do I ask these questions? Why was this type of behavior evolutionarily selected for? Life seems absurdly cruel. I guess by trying to find meaning you make it easier for other people to find meaning. Why can't I move things with my mind? I don't really know what to do.
    Why would you like to move things with your mind? What things? If you don't mind me asking.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Why would you like to move things with your mind? What things? If you don't mind me asking.
    It's more of an impulse than something thought out. Sometimes you want to move around or walk. Same thing for me, but sometimes the impulse will strike me to try to move stuff with my mind. This may be a rational versus irrational thing. What things? Everyday objects.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    It's more of an impulse than something thought out. Sometimes you want to move around or walk. Same thing for me, but sometimes the impulse will strike me to try to move stuff with my mind. This may be a rational versus irrational thing. What things? Everyday objects.
    Yeah I think I got that, but I was looking at it in context of the next sentence. Did you mean you are stuck with not knowing what to do with life in general or was it something simpler than that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Yeah I think I got that, but I was looking at it in context of the next sentence. Did you mean you are stuck with not knowing what to do with life in general or was it something simpler than that.
    There wasn't any relationship between those two sentences. That was more of a stream of consciousness post. I don't really know what to do with life in general.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    There wasn't any relationship between those two sentences. That was more of a stream of consciousness post. I don't really know what to do with life in general.
    Yeah just that sentence was repeating so I thought it was something to look at as context so to speak.

  23. #143
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    Video of me describing my experience of Ne:

  24. #144
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    Apologies for the delay, I wasn't aware of this video (everyone please @ mention me if you do a video questionnaire). Didn't read the whole thread but I would go with ILI. Perhaps SLI could work. The most persistent quality in your video is a bored or stolid kind of cynicism. You say that people criticize you for not "doing more" - this is classical weak and cautious Se. You're good at theoretical Ne/Ti things but you also find the concept of values/ideals to be foreign, you take a pragmatic approach. You want to be independent and make money for yourself.

    Finding small talk to be a chore, no attention to beautifying one's environment or appearance - suggests low Fe and Se. You don't understand the need for social alliances / maneuvering as with political parties.

    You also made a lot of comments about the precise meaning of / distinctions present in the questions and how they overlapped or differed, this shows strength in Ti. Same with the misconceptions question. Although you mention certain hobbies that have a physical aspect, your interests are primarily mental (personality types).

    There are some contradictions in how you describe yourself though. You say you like people who push boundaries (and dislike complacent "normies"), yet you dislike conflict. How do you expect to push boundaries without creating conflict?

    Assuming ILI, taking initiative in a (hypothetical) business would engage your valued but cautious functions, this isn't too far-fetched. But again you say that you don't like taking responsibility - but isn't being the boss of your own company a pretty big responsibility?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    The most persistent quality in your video is a bored or stolid kind of cynicism.
    I'd agree with that.

    You say that people criticize you for not "doing more" - this is classical weak and cautious Se.
    Or simply devalued Se of an introvert.

    Finding small talk to be a chore, no attention to beautifying one's environment or appearance - suggests low Fe and Se.
    Same comment on Se.

    You also made a lot of comments about the precise meaning of / distinctions present in the questions and how they overlapped or differed, this shows strength in Ti. Same with the misconceptions question. Although you mention certain hobbies that have a physical aspect, your interests are primarily mental (personality types).
    Err, only one mental interest (types), vs several mentions (in his type threads) about the physical stuff.

    There are some contradictions in how you describe yourself though. You say you like people who push boundaries (and dislike complacent "normies"), yet you dislike conflict. How do you expect to push boundaries without creating conflict?
    That's maybe the Ne dual seeking. Pushing (certain) boundaries without being territorial in the Se way: Ne.

    It's still really hard for me to see OP as any kind of Se>Ne valuer.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    There are some contradictions in how you describe yourself though. You say you like people who push boundaries (and dislike complacent "normies"), yet you dislike conflict. How do you expect to push boundaries without creating conflict?

    Assuming ILI, taking initiative in a (hypothetical) business would engage your valued but cautious functions, this isn't too far-fetched. But again you say that you don't like taking responsibility - but isn't being the boss of your own company a pretty big responsibility?
    I think you can not subscribe to social norms in a non confrontational way. I guess I meant I like people who push societal boundaries simply by being themselves as opposed to people who push others boundaries aggressively.

    When it comes to taking responsibility, I would love to run a business where I have no responsibilities, but that's not exactly possible. So in the case of running a business, the responsibilities that come with it are a necessary evil.

    Thanks for the analysis!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    I like people who push societal boundaries simply by being themselves as opposed to people who push others boundaries aggressively.
    Most people are "themselves" in the most degree when "societal boundaries" are not passed by others. "Societal boundaries" are "others boundaries". Those societal boundaries are a compromise between interests of most people. There is sense to sway those boundaries sometimes, as people and sutuations differ while norms are for "average". But if a man finds that his actions are against interests of most people - he becomes an enemy of people, as life of minority means always lesser.

    > When it comes to taking responsibility, I would love to run a business where I have no responsibilities

    Business without responsibility is criminal. The closest mainstream analogue of it is monopolies and giant firms, which bribe politicians and act in own interests instead of national or planetary. The only thing they think - their own power and money, while billions of people suffer below of what today technology may give them (and resources allow) - those practically are a social variant of cancer. Similarly is with "rich" countries and people in same society which have money in hundreds-tens more times than others without reasons acceptable for interests of the whole society. It's just social fascism, which is described in terms of freedom and liberalism - which set individual and of minority interests above interests of the whole society and humanity. This situation impedes developent of the mankind to happier and better life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghouse View Post
    I think you can not subscribe to social norms in a non confrontational way. I guess I meant I like people who push societal boundaries simply by being themselves as opposed to people who push others boundaries aggressively.
    Yeah, this is Ne and not Se, that you are looking for. IEE sounds like what you want.

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