Quote Originally Posted by rat200Turbo View Post
For those who want to know what socionics type (or types, rather) their vedic astrology chart suggests describes them, this thread is for you.


This is a model I've been thinking about for quite a while now. What I have here is I think the best model. There are a couple mildly controversial astrological associations but given a deeper understanding of astrology they're actually very clarifying. Socionics wise this model contains an information flow arrangement which is unconventional but also indisputably natural and obvious and I will probably discuss this part later also,

The model is actually very simple - it's really just the information elements arranged structurally and guiding a circular progression through the functions and the types. Honestly this is the simplest, most straightforward way of thinking about the functions and about socionics that there is. The correspondence to astrology is based on convention - arranging the elements in relation to the beginning of the zodiac, which for our purposes is 0 degrees leo which is the root used for assigning sign lordship; that point is being used so that the system corresponds with the sign lords.

For now, anyone who happens to want to know their astro-sociotype(s), post your birth information (preferably including place and time) in the thread and you will receive an answer; or you can just look up the information yourself and use the chart.

Just looking at the ascendant / moon, some of the well known people who I already have:
Hitta: INFj asc, ENFj moon
mune: ENFj asc, ISTj moon
hkkmr / mu: XSTp asc / moon
niffer: IXTj asc / ESTp moon
dolphin: ESFj asc / ISTj moon
bnd: ENFj asc / ESFj moon
ian: ISTj asc / ENTp moon
abbie: INFj asc / INFj moon
spider: INTp asc / ESTp moon
allie: INTj asc / ISTj moon
ashton: ENFp asc / ESFj moon
lungs: ENTj asc / ISFj moon
cpig: ENTp asc / ESTj moon
Kim: ENFj asc / unknown moon
Discojoe: ENFp asc, ESTj moon
Aylen: ESFj asc / ENTp moon
Persephone: ESFp asc / INFp moon / INTp sun
Esper: ENFj asc / INTj moon
Starfall: ESTp asc / ISTp moon
Zo: INFp asc / ENTj moon
Gilly: INFj asc, ESFj moon
scapegrace: ESFj asc, ISFp moon
Donald Trump: INTp asc / ISTp moon / ENFp sun
Hillary Clinton: ESFj asc / ESTp moon / ESFj sun
Vladimir Putin: ENFj asc / ENTp moon / ENFj sun
John Lennon: ISTj asc / ESTj moon / ENFj sun
Paul McCartney: ESFp asc / ENFp moon
George Harrison: ESFj asc / ENFj moon
Ringo Starr: ESTp asc / INFj moon
Kurt Cobain: INFp asc / INFj moon
Dave Grohl: ESTj asc / ISFp moon
Courtney Love: ESFj asc / INFj moon

Last thing is the model suggests some unusual things such as positive intertype relationships based on trines which do not follow typical quadra lines; for example, some IXTjs / INTps / ISTps can have a good and spontaneous relationship with one another as part of a trine in this system.
This model is terrible right out of the gate. Thanks though