Is any of this applicable to socionics SEEs?

Note: this description mostly fits unhealthy functions and is not in any way how a healthy ESFP handles anger.

When they get angry: when they’ve reached their limit or necessary force is needed.
How they get angry: a sudden loss of control, unpredictable, and individual to the situation.
As seen in nature: Fire.

ESFPs are a unique variety when it comes to anger and their outbursts. First of all, ESFPs are anything but standard. Se (Extroverted Sensing) ranges from being a reckless adrenaline junkie to quietly observing the world around them. Fi (Introverted Feeling) is Fi, so being unique or individual is seemingly second nature. That alone makes this a hard subject to discuss in depth on a broad scale. This much is steadfast, more than anything ESFP anger is a sudden and noticeable loss of control. Whatever they’ve been bottling up inside, it’s going to come out in full force and it’s going to be ugly. Secondly, realize that this type is eternally conscious of their external world and their inner selves, so having little to no control over what they say or do, no matter how brief, can actually be more terrifying for them than the person they’re lashing out at.

ESFP anger is unpredictable. The weird thing is, ESFP anger is not always the “I’ll tear you limb from limb” kind of rage. Sometimes, it’s incredibly sweet. They’ve lost control, but their anger is used to smile almost sadistically and smooth over each of their words ending with a distinct bite at the end of each sentence. ESFP anger can literally be a knee-jerk instinct to punch whatever made them angry. ESFP anger is weird, and what’s frightening is that there’s no way to know for sure how they’re going to react. Something that may have (for a lack of a better word) ‘triggered’ them once may not ‘trigger’ them a second time or a third time, but will a fourth time. Which is why it is imperative that the ESFP needs to have a handle on their emotions and know their limits of what they can or cannot put up with, otherwise they become erratic and nonsensical time-bombs of negative emotion.

ESFP anger is individual to the situation. Part of the unpredictability of the ESFP’s anger is that depending on where they are or who they are around may directly change how they react. If they are in a place where many of their friends are, they may just stuff their outburst into aggressively passive-aggressive remarks. If they are alone or in a place where they don’t care about anyone or have reached their limit of bs, it’s going to be ugly.

ESFP anger will not always be justified (in fact most of the time it’s not just ONE thing) as many of their judgements are decided on Fi which in essence is their own moral compass. We’re emotional beings, and sometimes emotions get the best of us. If an ESFP knows their limits, they may just shut up, wait for the flash of anger to pass, walk out to cool off, or let people know that if something doesn’t change they’re going to lose it. OR they may straight up lose it. Some ESFPs may strangely enjoy ‘losing it’ as it may be a new or dangerous sensation for Se to experience and Fi gets to manifest in the real world.

Real talk: Seriously, ESFPs don’t get angry or lose it all that often. They take most things in good humor, so it’s weird when it feels like when you have to walk on broken glass around them. Hope this was helpful or at least insightful.